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Across europe growing infection rates fresh lockdown measures and the inevitable health and Economic Hardship to follow as they head for which there are no easy fixes. From prague in the Czech Republic im now joined by viral of. Me he is from the Czech University of Alive Sciences that the Czech Republic was one of the countries managing actually quite well to keep the pandemic on the controls so whats gone wrong now ok the rest of her all starts to quickly and people i think that in march of 0 the virus during the summer they. Slow the virus came back and now we are under the 2nd wave we chase much stronger than the 1st one but tell us more about the new restrictions and how much public support is there for them. Ok so were going to the new restrictions old school so and pops and james should be close to them today including the school saw from small gates to primary schools and they can do gotten and also the pops and so long people are according to my opinion very tired about this because they hope that the situation will be good to during this on a as it was during the summer so the Cell Research since doesnt have such a big star or as they had during the spring what do you as a viral ijaz say about these new restrictions that have just been brought to ok i think that the nearest frictions are necessary now because we made our great chance which we had during the summer to employ some less restrictive measures to control the on that makes and knowledge situation very much out of control and d. C. Restrictions has to be down at least for a couple of weeks to get to situation again under to control and to stop the exponential growth of it in the car which we can see now and your problem. You said earlier that people in the Czech Republic a getting tired of these restrictions do you reckon that the exceptions now is big enough so that they can actually work. I hope so it surely if when im going out into the streets of iraq and some burning like a Public Places and i can see the people wearing face masks and radar and people are trying to do that about some of the people who are not wearing defacements spro burly covering. And small so they are sometimes called think only mollified and that they are bending down so slow about what they can see during the last few days the situation is Getting Better there is a sub for. All the politicians across the political spectrum so i hope that the situation will change soon and the measures which are being taken right now will work do you think there are any additional measures that should be taken. There could be additional a hearse if there are smoke going to be any improvement in the next lets say like of then days 2 weeks for example shopping malls are still open so the skin be close there can be some restrictions for to people about leaving their houses and so on but i hope that the women in society are in a jury czerny from prague thank you very much for joining us and. Thank you goodbye. Now lets have another look at the curbs already in place in several European Countries space spain rather has a state of emergency in the madrid region to enforce a partial lockdown affecting 4 and a half 1000000 people are now mandatory in all Public Places that france has placed paris musee and 7 other large cities under maximum virus alert closing bars gyms and swimming pools and banning public parties cases also rising rapidly here in germany since friday night lights restrictions are in effect in the capital berlin bars must now close at 11 pm further hitting berlins famously liberal night live economy chancellor Angela Merkel will meet leaders of germanys federal states shortly to try and solve the confusion around 16 different sets of rules. The incidence of new coronavirus cases in germany keeps rising every day new cities join the list of risk areas some areas in germany have surpassed the key threshold of 50 infections per 100000 inhabitants over the last 7 days including major cities such as frankfurt berlin munich and cologne as infections climb germany is trying to figure out how to deal with the new upsurge one problem the solutions differ all over the country in berlin for example there are no limitations for travellers from inner german risk areas staying in hotels there is also no obligation to wear masks on the streets. Another city another set of rules in munich travelers from designated risk areas can only stay at a hotel if they show a recent negative covert test and masks are mandatory in some outdoor areas of the city. The different rules are making it hard for germans to understand what they can and cannot do in essence no one can really remembers awards they seem to be pointless and i dont think so for a long period of time because more and more cities are going beyond which is. So short sell arms for short ridges and use here so the policy becomes redundant in a couple of weeks anyway. But the end of that chaos might be near the leaders of germanys 16 federal states arrived in berlin and are set to meet with chancellor Angela Merkel for the 1st non Virtual Meeting in months. Some state premiers have already announced they will cling to the accommodation ban while others want to see it dropped the question is will the chancellors personal and in person off the already be enough to unify the positions. I want to put that question to our chief Political Correspondent linda crane and the chancellor wrangle unified measures from all those 16 regional leaders. I think its quite likely that she can shes known as an adept negotiator and it will definitely make a difference that the state premiers are meeting personally with her for the 1st time in a number of months and there is a precedent for broken in brokering such an agreement if we look back to the 1st wave of karada here in germany in mid march april there was quite a bit of discrepancy and differences of opinion among the different federal states but under the watchful eye of the chancellor at that time they did manage to agree on a unified approach and the fact is theres increasing recognition that the lack of consistency this patchwork of different rules does confuse citizens and therefore discourage compliance so today were hearing from 2 of the most powerful state premiers the heads of north rhinewestphalia on the one hand and the very on the other whose approaches often differ that they do now think it is time for a unified set of rules. Infection rates are rising rapidly really across the country are we going to see a unified approach with tighter restrictions. Yes i think that we will see tighter restrictions for example in regard to the wearing of masks perhaps extending the number of locations where masks must be worn perhaps also some tighter limits on public gatherings and and social events but that might be paired with at least a partial rollback on controversial measures whose efficacy has been questioned by authorities and that would certainly include this travel ban that has been imposed by some rural parts of germany on people coming from hot spots from bigger cities 4 requiring them to show with negative corona test before being allowed to stay in local hotels Authorities Say that that doesnt make sense especially with Testing Capacity increasingly limited. In the germany came out of phase one of this pandemic looking brother good hows it looking. Well people here are definitely in agreement that this is a decisive moment for the country both the government spokesman saying earlier this week that germany is at the beginning of a 2nd wave and that that this now is a crucial moment in time and the head of germanys leading corona Virus Institute the Public Health authority of robert costa institute says as well that this moment is decisive and what really counts is individual responsibility across the board so well see if that responsibility starts now with this meeting of the state premiers. Political correspondent linda craig thank you melissa. Time now for a look at some of the other stories making news around the world 2 russians and one american have successfully reached the International Space station the fastrack flight took just 3 hours after the usual time its not as a last mission on a russian spacecraft the u. S. Now has its own access with space x. In thailand major antigovernment rally has been met with counterdemonstrations from supporters of the monarchy scuffles briefly broke out but the 2 sides were mostly kept apart by heavy Police Presence prodemocracy protesters are calling for reforms to the constitution and the monitors. Scientists warning that australias Great Barrier reef is declining alarming rates a new study has confirmed that at least half the corals at the World Heritage site have died over the past 25 years researchers say Climate Change is irreversibly destroying the famous underwater ecosystem armenia and azerbaijan he forces have engaged in fresh fighting over the disputed nagornokarabakh region a cease fire brokered by russias buckling despite mounting calls from world powers to end the long running conflict the region as seen the fiercest battles in 3 decades. The cathedral of stepan ocket a place of worship no longer true for ripped open and its interior in ruins the church has fallen victim to a conflict that has cost hundreds of lives interrupted last month the congregation and i praise in a makeshift shelter. But they cannot escape the war. Oh or ceasefire was supposed to come into effect last sunday but the shelling continues destruction and death a constant companions. Empty streets after thousands fled stepanek at the capital of a selfproclaimed republic within azerbaijan formal borders. 30 day after its very elderly in wheelchairs who have stayed. Its scary and you can even imagine whenever the shelf lives we dont know who its going to hit but we tremble in a basement what if it hits here again every day we live with this fear but far far from it it was you. On the other side of the front lines are telling fire is also raining down in the town of terror to residents have sought safety in their cellars. Oh then what can you do we have no choice the armenian guns in cannons meters come here we run we fall down we stand up again we get injured and now were here hiding we fall down again and then we hail again what can we do i got injured here here here. Armenia as prime minister. Blames azerbaijans ally turkey for the field cease fire he says ankara is looking to expand its influence in the region home was of that. Im convinced that for as long as talkies position remains unchanged as a by john will not stop fighting. Brother mark long before. Chucky for its part has called on our media to withdraw from us by shiny territory it currently hold so far the International Community has been unable to broker peace talks. With the 2 shades refusing to come to the table peace remains a distant prospect for the people here. In. Israel and lebanon have wrapped up a 1st round of talks aimed at resolving a dispute over their maritime border following a natural gas time more talks are scheduled for later in the months the negotiations are said to be purely technical as the 2 countries are still officially at war. The Mediterranean Sea off the coast between israel and lebanon these are contested waters both countries have long been locked in dispute over where the maritime border lies behind the scenes negotiations have gone on for several years now israel and lebanon have agreed on a framework to hold indirect talks backed by the us to settle the issue. Here in. The United States intend to put all of its effort with the 2 concerned parties to have greater positive and constructive atmosphere between them to preserve the talks and end them successfully as soon as possible. Without. More. In the past decade israel has been exploring its own offshore gas fears south of the disputed area. The dispute is about a relatively small triangle shaped area with each side claiming their part as exclusive economic zone. The last full scale conflict between israel and lebanon war same 2006 but there have been many incidents since. Between israel and the new guineas shiite militant group has. Parts of the countrys land border the blue line is also disputed im standing here crossing which is most of the time closed its along the blue line a line that was democratic by the un in the year 2000 after the israeli withdrawal technically both countries lebanon and israel are still at war and they have no diplomatic relations the talks are highly sensitive neither country sees resolving the maritime border as a step towards a wider peace agreement. Israel realistically doesnt look at it as a peace talk although there is potential for discussing security arrangements and the lebanese are very busy denying anything anything to do with normalization or peacemaking its all business so they see an agreement on the maritime border could pave the way to more Gas Exploration a potential economic benefit for both countries. And france an activist from congo has been fined 2000 euros for trying to steal an african artifacts from a museum in paris. Lifestream his attempt to take a 19th century relic if uses france and other european nations of plundering the countries they colonized he says they should return the objects they talk. Many would call this that ft but this activists hes only getting back what was taken away from his people i came to reclaim goods that were stolen from africa during colonization he saw this video of us live streamed on facebook back in soon. And 4 other activists were trying to steal a funerary post from carroll lima see him in paris he failed but managed to draw attention to a topic that has recently triggered a heated debate should african art looted during colonialism be returned and if so how and where the congolese baron activists action is needed now. You never ask a thief for permission to get back what is still from you and thats what we did we have the right to defend ourselves because we were robbed the fact that our works are on display here means to theft continues to be spoiled us who. Also caused a stir when he tried to steal a piece of art from a dutch museum as well as in the french city of must say some say these acts have to be considered as performances not just that. Its a different way of saying things that have already been said to many farmers for a long time since african countries gained independence on a diplomatic level in a dialogue between museums and International Corporation something no one would do in a report commissioned by french president emanuel and that kroll the art historian sell voice looted art has to be given back and that up to 90 percent of african artworks are located outside of the continent the care berlin was c. M. Alone has more than 60000 objects taken from africa but according to this lawyer an art lover not all of them are looted he recently published a book on the topic. Some. Objects have obviously been taken away european states have to give back what was taken in wars but there are also other aspects of africans themselves all are too european. And his fellow activists its not only about bringing heritage spec home as he calls it he also wants european societies to face the realities of their colonial past a desire a goal to reach the biggest possible audience on the one hand. People in africa but also people in europe adore says says he does not fear possible fines not even prison sentences in his eyes this is about a lot more than just his own destiny. On. Board and joins us now from brussels we just heard mr johnson has now been convicted by a court in paris and fined 2000 euros start rather mild sentence there is definitely a very mild sentence 2000 years in comparison to like the fine you would normally have to pay if you just walk in into this very famous caverly im assuming paris usually would have to pay out up to 1100000. 00 euros or even more and you could also face at up to 10 years in prison so its clear that the court also didnt see this activism as we might call it is as a record of theft i mean a french president has pledged to look into the restitution of african Cultural Treasures but has anything been done with. France actually asked a very special relationship with this former colonies their very very close political and economic ties that are still in place and french president travelled to were going to go and look in a fossil trying to 17 how this very important speech in front of students and our relationship has to change and one way of showing this is giving back allude to it art but since 3 years have passed and not much has changed up till now its at least what activists and critics say defense is probably the most vocal one at the moment but we see some movement at least some 30 artifacts have been given back to the need for example just recently so thats france but whats the situation like in countries in europe with the colonial past francis definitely taking a leading role there even if its a bit relaxed and but we also see some change of attitude in other countries for example in the lands a special Committee Just a few days ago recommended to the dutch government that looted art has to be given back as soon as possible if you look at germany some artifacts have been given back so many are still in germany and in museums and are cards etc but there are recent discussion has caused a big stir because soon it museum the humble farm and berlin is going to open up and this art weve just been talking about will be on display there and this obviously draws a lot of criticism. Marina strops thank you. So sports news now in the Nations League germany had to fight back twice too droll 3 ole with switzerland in a rollercoaster match in cologne this was led to nil and later 32 as germanys defense struggled. Scored the final equalise of all your him live side on 60 minutes germany have now drawn full of the last 5 games with one of us almost 200 pairs of the last game we improved our level but of course when you concede 3 goals you can always say we werent good in defense. Team has potential real potential if we correct a few things then well have a lot to look forward to when star 04 and youre watching the news heres a reminder of our top story at this out governments across europe have imposed tough new restrictions in an attempt to stem a 2nd wave. That comes out of the highest number of new infections since the start of the. Thats it from me at the newseum coming up on the business germanys economy will shrink more than expected in 2020 game its strength until the end of next year. Business in just a moment. In berlin thank you very much. Germanys business in the middle kingdom is going well obviously how much longer. China as a trading partner is becoming involved in radio 5 a free Market Access is becoming more difficult intellectual property by. Humans Rights Violations and how she is mr clinton. Made in germany. Now i know being is going green. Can use capital city as transforming illegal dump sites into public parks alameen what you wish was i mean make it a place where people want convenience and custom they are still a true the kind to becoming an environmentally friendly metropolis. Call nairobi is bringing nature back to the city africa. In 60 minutes p. W. And you know what its time no voice is part. The 77 percent he told. You this is where. The 77 percent this weekend on d w. Stepaside usa soon to take over as the worlds biggest economy china is no longer just an emerging giant its already clearly stealing the top spot on the podium staking out its claims on every continent with its sprawling belt and Road Initiative impacting how most every country does business officials in beijing

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