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Donald trump is on fighting for. The throw but now they say im here like good for you i feel so powerful that i. Just never. As he hits the battleground state of florida doctors say trump has no testing negative folk over 90 and democratic challenger joe biden also on the attack with just 3 weeks until polling day. Welcome to the Program European governments trying to tighten coronavirus restrictions in response to an overall spike in infections are facing growing resistance many people across the continent say the changing rules are inconsistent and confusing until now germany had to seem to be. Weathering the pandemic better than many of its neighbors but the number of new hotspots in the country is increasing especially in the big cities some good news though Germanys Health minister. Says he expects a vaccine to be ready in the next few months. Germany is backing several efforts to develop one sponsors there should be more than enough to go around. Nearly just about me you we have contracts with several manufacturers if all the horses reach the finish line we will have far too many vaccines but i cant just rely on one minute factor. If we have too much im sure well be able to use it globally i assure well be able to begin in the 1st quarter of next year. Healthiness against france peaking of and im now joined by peter groff of crimes now hes the director at the institute for tropical medicine at the University Hospital tubing and hes been working on a vaccine for a long time do you share the ministers optimism about a safe vaccine being available in the next few months. Good afternoon oh yes indeed i do share this. Very much im pretty sure that even now and also in the european union. Youre going to be in period youre going to 1st things licenses in china only other one in russia already negatively are sheer the next will really get a license in the United States but its just a short action but i trust to get a good one in new york you know into where where will this come from the european vaccines. Well it may be a european european boxing made also in europe maybe another war horse or american producer or often it had of course licensed axeman in europe so theyre quite a fuel from tieless but the usual. Is retired already and they already talking to the regulatory agencies such as our move in that sense agency and they are and. Are usually test procedures take much longer so how safe are these vaccines. Their vaccines look safe as it stands at the moment unfortunately only a little data is presented as we speak so we have to see much more data and certainly the regulatory agencies have to look at many more theyd better care for it and then make their decisions until at least 5000 if not better 10 or 20 or 30000. People who have been vaccinated have not enough they are rude to Security Issues or such as solar realty. And safety if you cant even license it x. E. And in addition to the safety and tolerability questions we have to address all of us would be if it is a christian and to the best of my knowledge not listen one of the facts in so far has reached levels of good if you can see but the data lacking or maybe they are hidden thinks on the in if the data is lacking its you know another 23 months will that be enough to have more data. Yes this is the noel facie trials ill go in not only want but if you and me in the boxing. Ring here with your. Face the entire. And then you can embark. On a an interaction this regulators saying ok you have already max and 500 new facts in a 2008 rolling. Yup interaction you quoted and then presented one with data as they come in and said just last place because these employers even control targets so why dont group or faction its when you see a symbol and the other were passing and if there is a lot of kuwait around most. People in indy. Group get it in france or you have there and it. Less you have and it lacks in Group Cricket you can also governments credit sufficient if you can see date but how does this i mean mr spawn probably knew about this he didnt learn about this yesterday im sure that he knew about this for for quite some time how does this news tie in with a fresh corona restrictions that have just been imposed in several of the german areas. Well i think it goes along very nicely because it was situations you have to face reality an easily increasing number of us interactions in. 19 and therefore i did we do have anything a new drug that is very far and good roxanne better facts in the only you have to rely on the controller measures the data using since march around this low and in some only time so the same numbers that are you know in Central Europe including germany. Not reaching any have those unfortunate its so but you are just to sum this up and very briefly pretty please you are confident that we will have a vaccine against covert 19 in germany by march. Yes and possibly a. Bit of off the transom thank you very much now to some of the other developments in the Global Health emergency us drugs john johnson and johnson is temporarily halting its Coronavirus Vaccine trial after a participant fell ill companies investigating whether the illness which is caught which it calls unexplained is related to the shot u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson has unveiled a new 3 tier system to combat rising infections and england regions will be listed in one of 3 covert alert levels and the World Health Organization says it is quote scientifically and ethically problematic to claim herd immunity could to end the pandemic. Its china is testing more than 1000000. 00 residents in the city of qingdao for corona virus after a small cluster of infections was detected that Authorities Say more than 3000000. 00 samples have already been collected out of 1000000 results of only 12 have come back positive china says it has been largely coronavirus free since mid august the reported cases coming from outside the country this latest outbreak has been linked to a hospital that have been treating imported covert cases. Now for more on that story lets bring in our correspondent when he has billing in beijing and here is the National Health Commission Says that quote the whole city will be tested within 5 days were talking 9000000 people here how is that supposed to happen. But china has shown that it can test a lot of people in a very short time. Earlier this year there was tests. The whole population of one which is 11000000. 00 inhabitants was tested they were not tested in 5 days but a few more but basically chinas impressive testing capacities for these mass tests they pool their samples of groups of people and test them together that allows them to proceed very quickly with tests and if theyre negative then all of them are negative if they turn up positive they have to retest all the people who were in that pool this is this is how they do this and this is really the key to china strategy to control the outbreaks new outbreaks when there are a few cases mass testing is meant to control this. New cases come just days after chinas golden week holiday when people travel across the country are chinese authorities keeping track of all those people. Well there are a lot of measures in place to keep track you have to install an app on your phone for each place where you go and you have to register with this app because when you enter for example shops shopping malls at cetera this is not always enforced i am not sure whether this data really is enough to track all people who have been at a certain location at a certain moment but theres also other data the Public Security bureau the Police Authority they have data on traveling on hotel stays for everybody who buys a ticket a plane or a train ticket in china all books are a hotel and its not always clear to everybody how these data is used and how much data is released by one or 3 g. To the other but basically a lack of data is not the problem here in china and corona virus infections are now very low in china overall if the official reports and be trusted but the pandemic is still raging elsewhere how concerned are chinese authorities about the possibility of another way. Well to throw as much in our as they have now to control a place where we seem to have. A dozen maybe a few dozen infections shows that theyre very concerned their strategy is to eliminate outbreaks immediately here in china and that means that they have to keep the borders closed with these quarantine rules where people have to stay for 2 weeks at a designated hotel and undergo quarantine there so i think the biggest worry of the Chinese Government related to this disease are now the imported cases anyway that the virus could come into the country and could maybe spread and maybe not be detected early enough to prevent a big outbreak i think this is something im very worried about did our viewers much has been reporting from beijing the. Tunnels have a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today facebook is banning posts thats deny or distorts the holocaust company boss Mark Zuckerberg says he believes the new policy strikes the right balance between what is and isnt settable speech the platform has repeatedly come under fire for failing to act on hades which issues. One man is dead and 2 others injured after a glass roof collapsed at a university in Western Australia the men all construction workers burnt on an under the roof when it gave way Authorities Say no students were injured the cause of the accident is not yet known. The only 40 people have now died in vietnam and cambodia as a Tropical Storm exacerbates seasonal rains across Southeast Asia the floods are expected to worsen over the coming days with the storm and nunca forecast to dump more rain as it makes landfall in vietnam on wednesday. U. S. President all trump has held his 1st election rally since contracts in covert 19 trump flew to florida the 1st of full battleground states hes planning to visit over the next 4 days with just 3 weeks to go until the election his democrat democratic rival joe biden is ahead in several National Polls both contenders of help very different events in key swing states. And theyre back on the campaign trail after his own brush with a Willis Donald trump is no trying to revive his reelection fortunes. Trump tossed masks from the stage at the 1st of several events this week. Following attendee separation from his hardcore fans it appears absence makes the heart grow fonder. I went through it now they say im a mutant i can feel i feel so powerful ill walk in. Our walk in iraq to see everyone. While the thought lingered sought to alleviate any concerns the tightly packed crowd to me have about catching the virus. So i said to my people we are going to take whatever theyre oh they gave me and were going to distribute it around our spittle to everyone that i have. Seemingly reinvigorated trump wrapped up the rally dancing with the crowd even as the tone jarred with a country in crisis. The contrast of democratic nominee joe biden couldnt have been starker visited another battleground state one of several essentially distance events across ohio he attacked trumps handling of the pandemic last downturns presidency 250000 dead because of group. Experts say were likely to lose another 200000 people in the next few months unless we take some serious action and he doesnt know what hes doing all because this president s only worried about one thing the stock market he refused to follow the science its estimated we just warnings mass nationally we save over 100000. 00 lives between now and the end of the year. Biden himself is now heading to florida with the election day just 3 weeks away both campaigns are in overdrive. Joined by william blue cross from a us election. He seems trump seems in 500 form again this apparent recovery what role does it play in the in the complaint fighting form and back to making unsubstantiated claims that cant be said enough that theres no conclusive science on whether someone has had corona and has the antibodies in their blood is amusing and if so for how long so we should definitely cant we definitely cant say that anough. Has been promising Something Better or an alternative to obamacare the Affordable Care act since he ran in 2016 he and republicans have not yet actually presented any concrete plan to what that Better Health insurance reform might be that they want to replace obamacare with and theyve been trying to strike down obamacare through the courts. For 4 years since it was 1st passed and we should be very very clear that the kind of health care that donald trump got for most americans is just excessive all america has phenomenal health care but Terrible Health care access great doctors great medicines great hospitals but for most americans just out of reach even with obamacare for Many Americans Health Insurance is still just way too expensive medicines are just way too expensive theyre still not the kind of access that you need and even if everyone could somehow get that kind of care that donald trump got. Its just impossible for a for a Hospital System for a medical system to be able to give that kind of attention and treatment to every Single Person so not so realistic what donald trump is offering come back to the complaint theyre going to florida and iowa trump is going to florida and a whole important is that state for the election florida is always that sticky widget in the in the campaign of course is infamous forever from 2000 being the decisive or indecisive state coming down just a few 100 votes and the bush Gore Campaign is going to the Supreme Court how that presidency was decided florida is always an important state by no means decisive it has 29. 00 electoral votes its also an extremely diverse state which is why theres often such razor thin margins between the winner and the loser in president ial campaigns you have large Jewish Population Large Population you have rule conservatives you have a large cuban immigrant community and they are descendants which they tend to be among the more conservative latino voters so its a real its a real mixed bag of voters in florida which is what makes it such an interesting and weird state in a very difficult state for candidates to crack biden has a strong lead over trump in the polls and hes also outspending trump on the campaign as how important is money in this i mean as we say money talks and i think its impressive how much money gets spent on u. S. Elections i dont think many people realize that as much as a 1000000000. 00 in total if not more can be spent on t. V. Ads and other kinds of spending to try to explain you know convince voters one way or the other even though studies show that voters are mainly have their minds made up and theres only so much that another t. V. Ad another internet spot web spot can really do in convincing voters but to that end democrats that includes joe biden the campaign itself the Democratic Party and their affiliated nonprofit groups and super pacs they are out spending the Trump Campaign and theyre out raising the Campaign Just to give you a few numbers theyve spent 85000000. 00. More on t. V. Ads than republicans and they brought in way more money just in august alone democrats brought in 365000000. 00 in donations to the republicans 210000000. 00 which gives them much more money to spend with which is exactly what theyre doing in these last weeks for the election and the crazy amounts. From elections in thank you very much your seat of your news still to come a new play about Mikhail Gorbachev what russians think about the man who effectively buried the soviet union. But 1st International Football and germany coach. Hoping for more improvement when his side needs switzerland in the Nations League tonight victory over ukraine on saturday and a run of 3 straight draws despite thats germanys recent form has led to some criticism of the man in charge. Hes been in the hot seat for 14 years during that time you can love has had his share of ups and downs hes known for his stubbornness in sticking to his decisions and that left him open to criticism from a germany captain Bastian Schweinsteiger the latest to raise questions about his former boss well in the who calls and extent because the results arent 100 percent there the team has lost some of its appeal theyve given away their lead in recent games you cant 100 percent identify with the National Team and thats a shame that. Been here before not least after germany crashed out of the 2018 world cup in russia after that bitter disappointment there were calls in some quarters for him to go and speak keep your frequent the sheets there are always lots of different opinions in football my relationship with basti in doubt this is intact its very very good they also have to express their opinions thats a clear people always have different views. Is determined to keep giving Young Players a chance despite the criticisms levelled at him. By the results against ukraine and switzerland reports since but so is our development. Yes i think i would describe myself as thin skinned or arrogance for now learn is in control hoping the only way is up. A new play is opened in moscow about the last leader of the soviet union because gorbachev while russias current president Vladimir Putin fights to keep the soviet sphere of influence alive the plague of fortress a very different leader a man who gave up power and let the communist block dissolve of himself was at the preview for. Without it if i remember everything. Memories of the life of one of historys greats gorbachev from a balcony seat the 89 year old watched his own life play out on stage at the moscow theater of nations the play that was supposed to be a love story between michel you gorbachev and his wife raisa became much more its the story of an entire country and the era during which gorbachev was in charge. To put it to the show hes a visionary politicians none of us can come close to that one day his name will be written in gold lettering. To actors he wigs and dozens of anecdotes from an eventful life together if gaining near enough interest on come a play a couple who from early on dream of a better for your future everything seems to go according to plan the young Party Official hopeful from the countryside is given a post in moscow he rises to the ranks to become head of the communist party and then president of the soviet union. He dares to do what no one has done before reform the soviet union is there still for you in 1906 cover tough began his restructuring his perestroika risking what Many Russians still cant forgive him for today the collapse of the soviet union acclaimed in the west got a tough remains a polarizing figure in his own country. So it was as a politician he did a lot of bad things for russia who are still in the shadows seeing it on their own. Its not good if a country isnt moving ahead or something if youre our country the soviet union was stagnant. The old times they were not good. Thanks to him we were able to free ourselves from the big prison that we were all in back then with the help russia will one day become a gorbachev was striving for. In the play about the statesman who brought freedom to his people there is no reference to todays russia no reference to the terrible disappointment that has still not been forgotten almost 30 years after corporate charts resignation. I was a young woman when perestroika came and back then i was promised a whole new world a world with a functioning freedom of the press freedom of assembly and rights to sexual and gender selfdetermination that the world that was promised to me then has nothing to do with the world today with 3 years of we see chess the climax of the play is the death of me gorbachevs wife from cancer and the turning point of his career the last chapter is called gorbachev and solitude the theater may be filled with enthusiastic applause but in real life things quickly became quite lonely around michel you cover charge. And history of a better freer russia to. Much of pitch piru is one of the wonders of the world and one has managed to secure a private tour but after a very long way Jesse Tucker Yama arrived in piru in march this year and planned to spend just a few days there to see the famous ruins but hes been stuck in the country for 7 months and the side has been closed due to the pandemic of aids government now agreed to let him see the park before he returns to his native japan yama said it was an amazing experience. Youre watching the news heres a reminder of our top story at this hour Germanys Health minister against says he expects a Coronavirus Vaccine to be ready within the next few months germany is backing several efforts to develop a vaccine it comes as europe sees a surge in your infections. And thats it for me for now ill have an update for you now stay tuned though for close up which this week looks at chinas relationship with taiwan also you can always stay up to date with the latest news and information on our web site thats of course d w dot com and follow us on twitter and on instagram. And god help us for me and the news team thats. Good. Confrontation between china and taiwan the superpower is threatening to invade its neighbor. How serious is it how is china justifying its claims. Richard walker analyzes the causes and dangers of the conflict in taiwan chinas next target to close up. Next on d w. 2 is for me. Beethoven is for you. Beethoven is for have a. Great open is for her. Is for the. Beethoven destroyed cars. 80 for his 4th album on. Beethoven 202250th anniversary here on deal here. How does a virus spread. And when will. You just through the tech. And weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the crawl of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get your podcast you can also find us at. The. Last time on taiwan chinas next target taiwans a military forces training for a scenario they hope will never have a chinese invasion from across the sea. China sees the selfgoverning democratic island off its southeastern coast as a province of its own place that must be brought under its control and heres the thing china says that it reserves the right to take taiwan by force under president Xi Jinping China has become more open than ever about that threat and as well see its far from certain that taiwan would get any help if china or. Even 5 years ago. The United States to come to taiwans defense was greater than it is today so what my china actually do lets turn now to 2 or 3 scenarios each one more dangerous than the last were going to start by projecting whats happening right now into the future with china trying to chip away at taiwans defenses and were going to ask how far could it go. February 20th 20 taiwans air force releases this image to the media he chose a time going east jet fighter intercepting a chinese boma flying near its aspace rank glimpse of the dangerous tension in the skies the photograph might be read but what it shows happens a lot especially this year taiwanese military expert joining the chatting explains a common flight path that chinese planes follow made and. Crying out. The. One writing down their return back to china. They will need to read then the. Whole. So we are spending our skies defending our water supply at every moment in the last few decades is constant pressuring from the chinese side its like a stress test on multiple levels its hardly going to demoralizing the taiwanese public but its also simply wearing down time planes. I want to scramble. That not only. Has a limited number of hours. And so by having to. Whip their wings for we boated with. That weakens the wings well. And it also takes away all their activity that would prove theyre ready. And perhaps most importantly all of these probing generates hugely valuable in. Signs for the Chinese Military James Fennell who led u. S. Naval intelligence in the pacific explains you have to know your adversaries defense a structure and its network its air defense radar system where the weaknesses were the strengths how long does it take a fighter of 16 fighter taiwan to get off the ground to respond to a dream 7 coming from this air base or the jail of and coming from that base or. The cage a 5000 or 2000 coming from this patient Early Warning and crap so theyre testing all of these rules you want things that we cant see we dont know about were not getting the raw intelligence but i guarantee you china is looking at every possible down to minute detail of minutes seconds how long things take to respond who doesnt respond which base comes 1st telephone calls Text Messages between different government leaders and defense officials there mapping all of that out in the cyber realm to china continues to probably chip away. Chunks explained just by read that the high one had. That pen the Government Agency that had been hacked by the chinese hackers that. Has. Happened very frequently in taiwan unassuming building in shanghai reportedly houses the military hacking unit 61398 the taiwan suspects of launching many attacks all this belongs to whats called the crazy hostile activities that stop short of outright military action theyre constantly hitting taiwan with Cyber Attacks with disapprobation misinformation attacks. And of course espionage if theyre constantly working. Through propaganda channels and other channels to weaken to demoralize the taiwanese military and isolate. These government. And with its open Society Taiwan is highly vulnerable to disinform ation campaigns so says expert channing sue these efforts i think they are more and more sophisticated the enemy to interfere with taiwans internal social and political lives as in the ultimate purpose most of the time is to create confusion in a society to create distrust in the government to create division among peoples and when there is confusion when there is distrust in democracy then there is an opportunity for the idea of authoritarianism being a step dad and i think thats the purpose of this information it adds up to a multifaceted information war and china has long pursued a united front policy and tactics against taiwan and so try to build support with in taiwan for unification and that includes buying media in taiwan and buying off some people in taiwan or maybe even trying to buy votes and inserting people in taiwan and trying to shape the narrative so could this scenario of chipping away its happening right now eventually succeed. Will eventually just crumble but the society can crumble and that ultimately over the next 5 years we can subvert ones government to. Crumble what democracy from within. But if taiwan doesnt crumble it could push back becoming more determined to stand alone and that could ultimately trigger a crisis perhaps one like our next an aria. Cost your mind back to early 2014 you might remember scenes like this. Seemingly out of nowhere have troops began showing up at key installations in the ukrainian peninsula of crimea. Adding to the sense of confusion the troops bore no insignia they wouldnt say who they were or who had sent them people started calling them little green men but it soon became clear what was going on the little green men belong to russia and their mission was. Nothing less than crimea in hindsight russias motivations for taking control of the Crimean Peninsula seem quite obvious it housed important Russian Naval base which moscow leased from ukraine. After weeks of unrest in the capital kiev that culminated in the fall of the central Ukrainian Government russia made its move leaders here in the west were aghast at what putin had done but they were helpless they impose sanctions but 6 years later nothing has changed so could this is a blueprint for a similar chinese move against part of taiwan lets take a look at the map and taiwan has a large number of outlying islands that could be vulnerable to being plucked away like crimea from the tiny reefs of process down in the South China Sea through the pingu islands just off the taiwanese coast right up to maps and well to the north. But were going to focus in here on the gin man islands there just 2 kilometers from the chinese mainland puerto shopmen you could swim it. These islands have history back in 1950 s. They were the focus of 2 major postschool crises between taiwan and china neither side has forgotten but despite that History Today jim martin has close ties to chalmette just across the harbor and now pipes in much of its Drinking Water from the mainland and beyond that it has important intelligence and Strategic Value according to experts in east and human control. The largest port facility by far. In southeastern. Fortress it is honeycomb. There are tanks there. Are heavy artillery mortar systems and of course a major. Focal point for intelligence collection so how might it crimea style scenario play out as. Well a possible trigger it could be political a taiwanese statement for example china might interpret it as breaking it and he says session in eastern explains how things might begin well the most likely course of action i think for that would be could to conduct a massive sabotage operation against him and so everything from cyberattacks electronic jamming to having commandos and intelligence agents and assets on the ground and start potentially assassinating military commanders blowing things off knocking the power of chinas Maritime Militia could be brought into play here if you could compare them to russias little green men think being involved in International Confrontations over fishing rights in the South China Sea something that taiwan has been watching closely russian news into green then people could go in the room. Because they. See its a very likely that china mobilized those murray time or one mission to iraq though they should go. Around the country and certainly youre going to see jim and then surrounded by and flooded with Maritime Militias these are sensibly members of the p l a but they look like civilian fisherman oftentimes and so it creates a very serious dilemma. For the marines and the army troops that are on cimon but the garrison there do they shoot or not and when do they shoot and at what point are they for truth is that when theyre close you know when theyve already landed and now theyre swarming the island and taking over the facilities and of course they would be mixed in with Undercover Special forces. From the p. L. O. As well the aim would likely be to move to establish facts on the ground quickly like pretended to crimea and it would pose a huge dilemma for the Government Back in taipei taipei is not necessarily going to know how to react and theres not necessarily going to be a consensus in taipei on the value of g. M. And the value of escalating to a potentially an all out war with the p. R. C. Over gene there are going to be some in taiwan that would say well gee been historically was part of fujian province. Its not actually part of a high wall and its not worth. Over in washington it would also present a tie lemma but it seems likely there would be Little American appetite to intervene militarily its very difficult to judge how the United States would react to a limited use of force against taiwan it would likely come with very little warning and it might be over very quickly and there might be an effort to Court Sanctions on china but i doubt that there would be a use of force by the United States to punish china for one it has done so could this be a relatively painless scenario for china one with diplomatic costs that it could accept like lie to me or putins experience with crimea well its not necessarily so clear cut. It would most likely trigger anti china protests in taiwan much more intense than some Flower Movement that we heard about earlier rallying Public Opinion against closer ties with china. And even if the u. S. Decided not to intervene in the takeover could prompt washington to increase its commitment to defending taiwan. For china even this relatively limited pushback might not be worth it but i think its the risk there is that upsets the overall strategic. You know the great rejuvenation the great restoration might my opinion is once china pulls the way says were going to war theyre going to go after taiwan if theyre going to go with the military theyre going to go all the way theyre not going to go half way so now lets turn to our final and most dangerous scenario china going all the way and invading taiwan. For. Its a decade or so in the future but beneath the surface in the Chinese Communist party there are growing signs of dissent. Chinas economy has been underperforming figures held back by a shops role in global trade that lingered after the coronavirus pandemic. Tensions with the u. S. Have turned into a chronic cold war. Beijing has kept pouring money into its military but debt is soaring and chinas population is beginning to shrink. The Party Chairman is under growing pressure to break out of this sense of national decline or face being forced out of office by party rivals. This makes taiwan look like an increasingly tempting target its economy is strong but its military disadvantage is deeper than ever and its people are appalled by what happened to hong kong because even less likely to join china voluntarily. Meanwhile in the United States recounts are underway in key swing states after a bitter election ended with razor tight results both sides are claiming a victory and accusing the other of having help from the foreign powers who. Has the legal challenges fly back and forth the u. S. Faces months of political uncertainty. So a power vacuum in the United States a push for National Pride in a stagnating china and taiwan as exposed as its ever been these are the sorts of circumstances that could encourage china to make a move so if it came to that how might an invasion play out do you have 1st initially a joint strike. Missiles it would just be one missile or one installation they would use or. Want to make sure that every defensive position. Taiwan has been attacked every airfield or been cratered every naval port stable and then they would then come in and help put their air force over the top stablished air superiority so that any time war an aircraft tried to get off the ground it would be decimated and wall thats going on inside of the payments the the previous forces would be coming across and those heroes would come up 1st then launch and land forces into key points that they wanted to clear through the apparently and then you come in with a much larger craft that would bring you there within their civilian fleet that would have literally scores and scores thousands and thousands of your way soldiers and guard that could just walk right off the pier and of course taiwan would be trying to defend itself chang explains how it would have to be smoked in how it uses its much smaller military. All of this asset is routine the land forces the peg the ships the post the sub over the aircraft has to be used by effectively that could be divided into the valley facing the 1st base and is used to the protests the force itself you can use all the sac deception have not brought on building those kinds of tactical matches well need to be on topic so that we will have we will still keep our capability. To respond then the 2nd place and seeing the 5 how ways off the coast of taiwan helps so that that means the behind of the country and the people will be our way. Or the cash of the m. P. s minimum then the 3rd way to. Annihilate what you thought a lot of the reporting and complete that means i could have had a top and. That they. May dial. A Chinese Navy Ship but ultimately the best that taiwan could do is buy time hoping that the United States would intervene james final talks about the assets that the americans could mobilize in the pacific or u. S. Navy in the u. S. 7th fleet has resources that could disrupt the invasion so. Our submarine forces. They would be used to try to disrupt the chinese invasion ships that would come across that naval and that u. S. Air forces that are operating these bases and are aircraft carriers for deployed that region would be. Destroyed and then basically said the u. S. Would have options but intervention would still be a member mentalists decision American Forces would immediately become chinese targets with a specific bases like konami in japan and the tiny island of guam open to attack and so even if the United States managed to defend taiwan its intervention could set off a terrifying chain of escalation between the 2 superpowers that may just be the 1st battle in what becomes a series of battles that. Go on over a number of years in a protracted great power war. And of course all of that is that nucular deterrence hold that neither the government either washington or miscalculate and panicked and nor does anything with Nuclear Weapons if they do then were talking about a potential nuclear war and. Then that would be truly horrific and so theres also you know everything that happened in this scenario happened under the shadow. Of a potential nuclear war because thats what this could do to its nukes remaining dangerous and extremely serious and weve been talking about all this happening perhaps a decade in the future but some of the circumstances that could trigger this scenario could emerge much sooner than that and if you look at the internal situation in china at this moment their economy says being affected by cold at night and go under this kind of so going to the chinese leaders the authoritarian leaders may find taiwan as a convenient scapegoat and therefore taiwan needs to be concerned about the chinese possible use of force against us so the world might not have 10 years to think about these risks so what can it do to minimize them. As weve just seen a conflict over taiwan has the potential to spark a war between superpowers even the most benign scenario weve just examined is fraught with risk so what should the world be doing about this well lets start with the United States some of the experts that weve been hearing from in the us say washington has to make a much clearer commitment to taiwans defense our policy towards taiwan. Doesnt make a lot of. That we dont there so what. Is right for miscalculate. By providing credible guarantee news. To taiwan security and messaging to beijing. That the United States is serious about taiwan security. That there increases risk we would never do this with south korea with japan you teach it cant be used and doesnt work we know its destabilizing. And yet. Were doing that with our one. The new bill in congress aims to make big changes committing future president s to defending taiwan in the event of an attack its also congressman ted yoho republican on the House Foreign Affairs committee explained time want to beijing prevention act does several things one it delineates if there were an attack on taiwan by china that it would authorize and there you are mad the United States congress to allow the president to go in and defend taiwan militarily and a u. M. S. Thats an authorization for use of military force and i think the biggest thing it does is it gets rid of the strategic or political or diplomatic ambiguity thats lasted since the seventys its been a just. A lot of ambiguity or taiwan stance but critics say this could backfire either by provoking china or by encouraging risky behavior by taiwans leaders so if the United States has a position that says it will come to taiwans defense if attacked are trying to under all circumstances then that could the argument goes into blank check to write the taiwan president to engage in more dangerous and destabilizing behaviors so u. S. Policy currently is to oppose any changes in the status quo in the taiwan straits made by either side that are american experts do agree on one thing the u. S. Needs at least to be able to defend taiwan and right now that is not certain but i think the United States has been better complacent in recent years and my hope is that the u. S. Will follow through. I want some of the plans that it currently has to modernize and update us forces with an eye in being able to intervene on taiwans behalf chinas message to the us is Pretty Simple though back off i think you have. A country. They dont know. Chinas affairs a publisher maybe you know people who do this dont mean that china saw the problem itself so what about attitudes here in europe. As the Czech Republic has found out when europeans express solidarity with taiwan china responds with threats but that may make europeans more determined to take a stand at least that was hinted at by germanys foreign minister at a meeting with his chinese counterpart. That also meant. Were you when i. Only wish to. Be this is on the wall. Here. But experts say europe still hasnt figured out how to back up that commitment. What we lack is a european conversation about what kind of player europe in the future would like to be in these kinds of scenarios and whether we would like to stay at the sidelines of or whether the Mission Important for europe to not only defend the economic interest but also with Interest Income safeguarding vital democracies in a region that is of crucial importance for the future of our Economic Prosperity and finally lets turn to taiwan itself from minister joseph says theres one thing hed like to marcos east to do now to support taiwan back its bid to become more integrated in the International Community that taiwanese people should not be excluded from the International Organizations its not fair to that one his people and its also stopping taiwan from making contributions to the International Community so i would ask the International Community i would ask the members of the International Organizations to look at taiwans role as a positive 1. 00 and 2. 00 in cool taiwan even that would provoke a furious pushback from beijing and democracies no it. Insists that the whole world has a stake in taiwans future if you look at china us expansionism in the last several years. I think its not only about chinas expansion they are trying to export the opioid tarion International Order while all that democracy you saw following the rule based International Order and of china succeeded in taking taiwan over i think the rest of the walt especially for democracies is going to feel the heat china is expanding award taiwan happens to be on the front line. For those of us watching from the outside we owe it to the people of the region to sit up and pay attention. To a flash point that could blow up into it devastates conference. Every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their home. The consequences and to say stress our documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises from world. Fucking thing i dont think i meant i didnt go to university to kill people you know i think the impact of that hani hanjour people feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become a farce to stay behind. Displaced starts october 16th on g. W. This is the news live from berlin as governments step up the fight against a 2nd wave of corona virus infections a hopeful signal from germany Health Minister yen spanners expecting a vaccine against the virus to be ready within the next few months and he says there should be more than enough to go wrong. And china tests an entire city of more than 9000000. 00 people after detecting a corona virus cluster Authorities Say only a handful of cases in qingdao have tested positive so far

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