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The waste. We can make a difference by choosing reforestation 3 g. Force to recycling over disposable Smart New Solutions oberstein said you know what you soon heard is truly unique and we know that their uniqueness is what allows us to live and survive the ideas the Environmental Issues to global 3000 on t. W. And on the. Mob of this world and the stuff that cost reminiscent of hollywood movies no wonder people around the globe yes think about Computer Games but how influential are they really and how does the gaming see an Impact Society a topic today on ship. More than 3000000000 people around the. Regularly play games on a p. C. Consul or in my case on a smartphone games are an everyday part of life for about 40 percent of the people worldwide so its not surprising that marketing strategist count on the wide reach like with the popular real time simulation Game Crossing your horizons earlier this year it was sold out even democratic president ial candidate joe biden was nearly 80 years old is using the game to reach new voters. Over 22000000 people play animal crossing the horizon. Designed you. Know you can also use Campaign Posters the team behind joe bidens campaign has added to the game all of which can be put at. Joe Biden Campaign team are trying to reach specific target audiences. And animal crossing is an effective way to reach a relatively young mostly female target audience. Its difficult to assess the advocacy of animal crossing or other online games in campaigning but in this case they definitely managed to grab the medias attention if theyre just the 1st politician to try using again steering an Election Campaign in 2006. Favors the democratic president ial primaries made a Campaign Appearance in the Virtual World of 2nd life he was defeated by barack obama who then went on to set up a Virtual Campaign headquarters in 2nd life. To the 2008 election his campaign. Because of the lack of transparency theres a potential danger with political campaigning in online games. With animal crossing and joe biden theres a lot of Media Attention and they specifically to. Marketed that game but generally speaking anyone could do that. The animal crossing president. Had content available to be used to circulate political messages like. Play is a bound to be confronted with political issues an animal crossing for the foreseeable future. To be completely honest im not sure that game complaining is a good idea sometimes i just want to switch off radical political groups are using animal crossing to spread more extreme views as well users can flag content but nintendo doesnt have a real strategy to stop hate speech unfortunately the same is true for many other platforms Multiplayer Games have a huge problem with racism and sexism even if they think its just fun men and boys are creating a toxic atmosphere online they are still crossing a line as a recent example from germany shows the new streaming star montana black normally has over 3000000 followers on the video platform twitch due to his massage honest and sexist videos all right the 32 year olds account was blocked for a month afterwards montana black apologized for his heavily criticized holiday videos. The outcome from this case is unusual because perpetrators dont normally face any consequences usually its the gamers who speak out against sexism miss arjun e and racism who become targets for coordinated hate campaigns this past summer thousands of women spoke out about experiences of Sexual Violence on twitch and since then they have been numerous accounts of women being harassed or abused online. As a gamer who likes to play a lot especially online she encounters massage. And games on a daily basis. I would call some of them very slight insults so there are the classics youd better go to the kitchen and fix me a sandwich. And it just gets worse from there of course there are no boundaries ive been threatened with rape multiple times on the internet in these situations support from other players is rare. Oh my. Normal and nobody is really bothered anymore everyone just accepts it ok its just another insult. Not all gamers are racist for massage but the gaming scene in particular has a real problem one reason for that is a lack of moderators to oversee communication on the different platforms. Images its a big problem and we see that gaming platforms and communities create spaces where this hatred and toxic communication are expressed openly unlike social media perpetrators dont really fear any consequences for their actions. Whether its games or facebook i believe more action is needed to stop online hate speech the game is seen as a problem but that doesnt mean that every shooter fan is prone to violence studies have refuted the killer game misconception still the aesthetics of 1st person shooter games have played a role in terrorist attacks theres even a term for it the game if occasion of tarot. These on live streams which facebook seen from the 1st person shooter perspective the terrorist attacks in Christchurch New Zealand and hunted germany are recent examples of what experts call the game ether cation of terror the terrorist and holly even posted an achievement list online containing objectives he wanted to collect just like in a video game on. The terrorist posted that racist achievement list online to create a degree of comparability. To make a sport out of it to say hey look at my high score can you beat it. Its a form of game of location that tries to portray these horrific terrorist attacks as playful and game like how have the boundaries between gaming and reality become so blurred for some people and how do others watch on fascination. Serious games is a term used by some expose to describe games used for educational purposes like teaching politics or history through the dockers of times is a game set in nazi germany and aims at raising historical awareness even one germanys most prestigious computer game award. Was made chancellor in 1933 the masses were celebrating. We knew that this was the beginning and worse times were to come we knew that the nazis didnt make empty threats we had to do something this is the starting point in the strategy game through the darkest of times here players take on the role of resistance fighters some of the tasks include organizing the secret resistance against hitler recruiting new members raising money for protesting this game doesnt need a 1st person shooter perspective to end the fatal pain back at the berlin based Company Behind the game uses gaming to make history more accessible in a playful way and thats just the beginning. Of computer i believe that were only just Getting Started with using Computer Games and the possibilities that they represent especially with education. Im talking about exciting intelligent games that are fun to play that are educational but not in an obvious way. I believe that usage for these kinds of games will increase because we simply need them. Whether its historical facts. Learning about right wing extremism like with leons character or learn. Mathematical formulas whilst gaming. Education and Computer Games are a good match. But leaving Serious Games aside for a moment Computer Games are increasingly taking big social issues and even the future page just picked up on this in fact many games can compete with hollywood movies when it comes to the Concept Design and music its amazing to see what game designers create nowadays have a look at this was. Epic soundtracks played by an orchestra. Voice service by famous musicians like. Elaborate animations created with the latest Hollywood Technology gangs are no longer considered cultural art form as director of the German Cultural Council all of the money is a prominent figure in germanys Cultural Landscape and his handbook on gaming culture he argues that games can be more than entertainment. Games tell a story differently and the person dealing with the story feels like theyre part of the story and have greater control over how the story unfolds. This real one example is c. Of solitude a game created by german design economy. This game turns negative emotions like anxiety loneliness or depression into experiences. My game is very metaphorical and full of symbolism its my personal story its the story of my life but i dont want it to be told like this happened that happened so i hide it and more abstract things you roam through this world and bit by bit you discover different parts of the story. Kentucky roots 0 is a surreal game set in a mystical version. If kentucky full of strange encounter has the homeless that it is based on the t. V. Cult series twin peaks. Character development is becoming increasingly important in action games as well like in god of war for the newest game in the series the glory a craze tells has to deal with bullies look for. The Blockbuster Video game the last of us to only has female protagonists and tells a story about love. Games with the future games will not be able to get around the broader societal demand that shifting towards more diversity and representation. Thats why i feel the gaming scene is still lacking were arguing among each other and it is a contentious debate we should also be debating it on panels and at podiums we should ask how could you create this character in this way what were you thinking have you ever thought about how this can Impact Society. A broader discussion on games and their content would be helpful i think that in the near future games will be as important as movies or t. V. Series which is why they deserve an equally as serious conversation for that same reason game designers and gaming platforms should be held accountable for tackling and removing hate speech what do you think i games a cultural out form or are they just something with which to pass the time tell us on facebook or d w dot com and check out our you tube channel for more on gaming kaja thats it for me for today thank you and. Classic and technological power. It was celebrated his groundbreaking but was overtaken by the competition but today its cool engine represents the new generation of the most faithful fans have always known the truth their driving into the future of the vehicle from the past read. Doubling. Every 2 seconds the person is forced to flee their home. The consequences and disastrous of our documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises from around the world to. Phuket i didnt go to university to kill people. People feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of her stay behind. Placed. Over 60 on g. W. The row 80 was supposed to

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