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Particularly fond of. The oysters are sold out before noon. Like so often he says he could have sold a lot more if it werent for the oyster thieves in his view their crimes are an forgivable. Move imo urias weve also had to go to jail over what we never ever think of robbing neighbors. You know thats not who he was no its not nice. And then they now hopes that the police can finally catch the thieves but the odds are against him. Despite intensive investigations very few oyster thieves have been caught. For decades thousands of people were disenfranchised or abused by the state even Young Children were torn from their parents well the spirit allegation that they didnt come for him to social norms. Is one of the many victims now fighting for compensation the atrocities he suffered as a child still haunts him to this day. The swiss authorities took him away from his mother put him in a home and locked him away. At age 6 voter in a spare who was placed in foster care with a parish couple who abused him. Pulled my ears and by hair a lot and beat me he would lock me in the basement or in the broom closet. And despair is still traumatized by his experiences to this day he struggles to set foot in a church. The 64 year old set up a small. Around 60000 people in switzerland were submitted to socalled administrative care by the can tunnel authorities because they were judged to be socially different the practice continued until 981 people including his mother were put in prisons like this one emma sparrow was born here in 1957. I suspect that my mother was administratively cared for because she was expecting illegitimate child. And thats what they did at the time. They put such mothers away they didnt fit into swiss society. Well thats right. People deemed as being work shy drinkers or of having loose morals were taken to prison without trial to foster families or to a psychiatric ward there they were to be reeducated. By a system that had stripped them of their rights and excluded them from society. Historians like or scare mine confirmed that these people were not criminals conducted research for the swiss government as part of an independent commission of inquiry. By even for in the case of those receiving administrative care it was usually not a matter of criminal offenses but simply a way of life that did not conform to social norms and. Stories like voter m asparagus have cast a shadow over swiss history there are around 650. 00 prisons and other institutions in switzerland in which children and young adults were imprisoned exploited and in many cases severely mistreated. Or was locked up for hours on end at his foster parents house he was forced to clean and work in the garden and fields he didnt accompany us to the house as he suffered a panic attack when he tried to visit a few years ago. For of a coroners the hut was so strange i hid in the bush like an animal i really felt that this was the end. When he was 11 the parish couple took him to the psychiatric clinic in minsk jelling and there the boys plight worsened near the it illegally constance the hospital director tested psychiatric medication on him in the 1960 s. And seventys. Prices for all i know is that i felt a lot of north korea through from just generally bad and lousy. And every now and again id also have Something Like a seizure fall because. The boy does not seem to tolerate tough until well and we believe that the unpleasant symptoms he is showing are side effects of this medication. It makes my skin crawl child and i ask myself why they did that. In his spare is fighting to have what happened to him and others forced into administrate of care publicly recognized. My hope is that Something Like this never happens again though and also that this whole dark chapter of switzerlands cost goes into the history books as rights. And other victims have already received a small sum from the swiss government but he insists that his fight is not just about the money we now take you to a roma settlements in eastern bull garia the roma are a Minority Group that has been marginalized for decades many roma grow up in poverty with no formal education the Poor Health Care services and this small future prospects its particularly tough on children they often cant make it out without outside help. The roma settlement in sleep than is called. Which means hope. But there is little sign of hope here. The people are poor. 25000 roma live in this ghetto its one of the largest area here the law of the street prevails demeter have never lets his 12 year old daughter mariana out of the house alone its too dangerous girls live in constant danger of being kidnapped Child Marriage is common you know last according to our tradition girls get married when theyre 12 or 13 and then they have children but i dont want to live like that. Since her mother left them mariana lives alone with her blind father hes constantly worried that he wont be able to protect his daughter. I have a dream to get out of this ghetto theres no future here in the dish to. Marry on his cello helps distractor she practices for hours every day shes able to leave the ghetto with her instrument 3 times a week into another world. Into key argued world. The famous bulgarian violinist has performed on the big stages in europe today he lives in germany but he grew up in a desert. That this is i was just like these kids mr issues and do it today here in this host my father gave me my 1st violin and it was here that i started playing because a persons. Is familiar with poverty he also knows that for most roma children especially girls its difficult to escape. 10 years ago he got the chance to do something about it and took it. More through my partners father died and the phones and of the look with money its not much oh nothing either its the folks who were children. So we decided to do some scenes with the money in the room a quarter instead of the business the my wife said you are a musician the children with your violin is. Decided to open a music school in his sisters garage with the help of donations 300 roma children have since been given the chance to learn an instrument here for mariana it was a long and hard way. The other kids teased me when i went to music class some of the so when they heard me play in concert they apologized to me and hes been proud of me for them my dream is to play the cello and to teach. That to. Mary on a School Principal insists she has to study hard and to speak bulgarian well only then will she have a good chance for a musical career. They have to have at least to see a great average gotten otherwise they cant develop musically. Shows his scholars the countrys most important stage the concert hall book area and sophia. Mariano and her fellow students play together with the virtual sos of the National Symphony orchestra. Her father couldnt afford the trip to sofia but he knows that mary on his concert is a good chance for her. With Music Lessons our children dont only learn music they also experience a whole new culture which helps them to break the roman mentality of the roman traditional all that the. Nicolo demeanor of wants to accompany as daughter on her journey leaving the streets and that as best as he can. In the meantime what more people have decided to support mariana and her fellow musicians so we will definitely catch up with her to find out how she has been faring well thats all we have time for on todays focus on europe to say well and see you next week you. Know you yes you yonks. Theres a lot of energy. Theres enough of it above and theres a great hunger for it. On food after its keep enough sealant is released. But green energy is the future. And its already. Made in germany. Its on g. W. To the point of strong opinions clear positions international perspectives. After days of uncertainty dont just say donald trump no longer has any coated 19 symptoms so whats behind the president s mysterious recovery and will the corona hyundai make the side the us election find out on to the point shortly about 2. Point is. The 10 minutes on d w. What keeps us in shape what makes us see. My name is dr carson he can touch i talk to medical experts. Watch them at work. And then discuss what you can do to improve go ahead. Stay choose and lets all try to stay in good shape. There im david and this is climate change. Happiness increase book. This is the book for you to. Build a smarter birth free to be a good. Place why did this person loses her place there are many. There are many reasons. Plain. Blocks to be done play. Make up your own mind play w. May. Play. Play play play. This is the w. News a live shot from Burlington Europe or reels from a surge in corona virus cases as germanys capital is declared a hot spot tougher restrictions are introduced in berlin and across germany to stem the tide of infections but experts say if people dont follow the rules Health Systems a could it be overrun also coming up. With hundreds killed already in a reignited conflict azerbaijan and armenia see fresh clashes in their long running dispute over an egg or no car bombs. And at a time when walls have become a Campaign Slogan and a punch line a new exhibition here in germany explores how we answer the question what is a wall. Im Claire Richardson not welcome to the show europe is now reporting more coronavirus cases than the United States india or brazil daily infections have reached a record levels in the United Kingdom and the same is true in france and germany berlin has been declared a coronavirus hotspot amid a nationwide surge new restrictions are going into effect here in berlin the head of germanys main Public Health institutions warning about widespread infections are likely if people fail to keep hygiene and a distance in roles regional officials though are trying to calm things insisting the best care awaits those who do become sick. Coronavirus hotspots are cropping up all over germany but local and regional Officials Say the country is ready intensive care beds are available at most hospitals nationwide with around one in 3 beds an occupied the increasing number of infections is worrying medical workers but unlike in march they feel theyre well prepared. We are now able to recognise symptoms and patients we have more tests and more protective measures than before for example there is no shortage of mosques which was a big issue in march. Night life is only one contributing factor to the rising infections in another part of germany its a nursing home elsewhere its a slaughterhouse hence the urgent warning this nucleus this is real its just possible that we see more than 10000. 00 new cases per day it is possible that the virus spreads uncontrolled and i hope this wont be the case. The whole city of berlin is now a risk area with the number of new infections having risen to 50 per 100000 people well over government threshold. Restrictions are imminent. Testament point meeting with friends are becoming smaller shorter and less frequent like at the start of the year but i think we all expected it theyre going to become the 1st new i cant understand why people are being so unreasonable about the new restrictions theyre jeopardizing everything that weve worked on in the months up to now so this is our. Touch you cant really plan anything anymore because you dont know if you can do it or not and its. The island of aruba and was thought to be a safe bet for holiday makers from berlin now its only possible with testing ahead of time and quarantining everyone watches in all as the pandemic evolves whether in vacation resorts or hospitals across the country. Earlier we spoke to epidemiologist stefan vanish from the sheraton a hospital here in berlin we asked him about Hospital Capacity in germany and concerns that the resurgence of corona virus could overwhelm the countrys intensive care units in germany there has never been a shortage due to give you a clear idea of 03 percent of intensive care unit capacity is used for. Nations in blue and that is probably. Going to do it 3 percent. There is huge capacity. To see in the cebu future of the d system. From over here as epidemiologist as stefan vision of berlin to share its a hospital lets take a look now at some of the latest developments in the pandemic nearly half of all intensive care unit beds in paris are now occupied by 1000 patients hospitals there have cancelled staff holidays and postponed nonessential operations china meanwhile has a formally join to the global covert 1000 Vaccine Initiative known as kovacs the biggest economy to date pledging support to help finance doses for low Income Countries and Spains Health ministry reported more than 12400 new coronavirus cases on thursday the day a court struck down a partial lockdown in hard hit madrid the country has the highest caseload in a year up. Well fresh clashes have erupted between azerbaijan and armenia in and around the disputed region of nagornokarabakh hundreds of people have been killed since the long running conflict between the 2 countries reignited last month the International Community recognizes the territory as part of azerbaijan but it has a long and controlled by armenian militia as. The holy see your cathedral in nagornokarabakh heavily damaged in shelling locals say people were seeking shelter there when the church came under fire. In recent days fighting has raged on despite International Calls for a cease fire each side blaming the other for the hostilities but managed to liberate part of the look at what there is a. Main objective is the restoration of to total him to get over the job i mean you must give us the time always draw a live troops but there are 3 main come on both made any solution cannot be achieved through violence but azerbaijans policy has been a plan to solve the karabakh issue violently housman but armenia has always been ready for compromise you know is a big job is the one which does not in any way lot compromise. The heart so hard feelings also on the ground in nagornokarabakh people here still remember the last major outbreak of violence decades ago no one to interfere in 19022 of my sons died and now my grandchildren are fighting the grandchildren of my brothers and sisters who are in a war and if it is necessary i am also ready to fight with a weapon in my hands because it is our land the land of our ancestors to a land where the talks are planned between the u. S. France and russia and securing a ceasefire between the 2 former soviet republics. But i by the assassination we have proposed to organize a meeting in moscow between the Foreign Ministers of russia armenia and azerbaijan with the participation of the minsk group of the organization for security and cooperation in europe we are holding consultations with the parties regarding the possible time for them to start. There are worries that the conflict could increasingly draw in bigger powers leading to even more casualties among soldiers and civilians on the ground. Lets turn now to some of the other stories making news around the world 3 european hostages and one a kidnapped molly and politician were freed on thursday after lengthy periods in the hands of islamist insurgents this after reports that mali and authorities had freed scores of suspected militants it was unclear whether or not ransoms were paid. Israelis opposed to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his handling of the coronavirus pandemic have protested around the country despite new restrictions on Public Assembly israel currently has of the worlds highest weekly infection rate per capita. Cattle and separates those protesters have burned pictures of spains King Philippe ahead of a scheduled visit to barcelona chanting slogans against spanish royals Pro Independence supporters a protested against the upcoming visit of philippe and Prime Minister Petro Sanchez to the cattle and capital on friday. Argentina has approved a drought resistant g. M. O. Wheat by Biotechnology Firm a b o said s making it the 1st country in the world to approve a strain of g. M. O. Wheat other crops such as corn and soybeans have been widely genetically modified to improve yields or withstand threats by g m a week has not been approved anywhere for commercial production because of consumers concerns. To engineers and now where a 3rd day of protests against a controversial new labor law have turned violent with police making hundreds of arrests the sweeping new legislation is aimed at strengthening indonesias ailing economy by cutting red tape and attracting Foreign Investment but thousands of protesters across the country say it threatens Worker Rights and the environment. Protests again morphed into clashes on the 3rd day of demonstrations and jakarta. Police formed a protective shield around the president ial palace facing a barrage of rocks and bottles. The protesters are enraged by a new labor reform. They say will undermine their rights and harm the environment. We are here today to ask for the law approved by the parliament to be repealed immediately. I dont know when you know it makes people miserable especially in the lower income communities. Going to get to know the law is expected to radically change indonesias labor system. The government hopes it will boost the countrys economy by cutting red tape and attracting Foreign Investment. But the demonstrators say that set their expense. They claim the reform will reduce severance pay and lead to more job outsourcing. Police had banned the protests saying they risk spreading the coronavirus but protesters flooded the streets anyway hundreds were rounded up and taken into custody. The initial plan was a 3 day strike. Now they vow to keep on demonstrating until the law is repealed. But sometimes artists help us see what is really right in front of our noses take walls for instance theres one behind me theres probably one near you they can keep us safe serve as a place to hang up a piece of art or lock us in limiting peoples freedom of Movement Like at borders or in prisons now a new exhibition in the german city of stress art is exploring all these possibilities and more. Banging your head against a wall here maurits your cattle and takes the saying a step further. 30 artists says she works of art all try to answer the question what is a wall the walls presented at the Museum Stuttgart reveal artist answers from the past 50 years this will be used when you feel it sram built it all rather destroyed it is specially for the exhibition. Of the stuff its also i made a hole and the idea is that the spatial elements can then permeate each other and create openings new perspectives. Its 50 votes or. Another perspective is introduced by berlin artist g. B. Leave. The best necessarily in the west people imagine walls as something stable something that cant be moved to something made of stone or brick im originally from korea and wanted to get the subject an asian perspective. In Asian Countries were also more perceived as something flexible more permeable. Walls in. Much more than the bare surfaces of a white cube style gallery. Here there are even kind of cosy. At least at 1st sight. Read from past before who gets this work by the rest of who is about the viewer has seen the wallpaper as beautiful but on closer inspection you discover that the mental pattern is a collection of violent scenes. The exhibition addresses the topic of ones own 4 walls which we generally make beautiful with paint or wallpaper but often its these private spaces with violence takes place on the ride for a road to shouldnt. The this work is architectural criticism in action for 41 days emily could trench her way through the walls of a gallery in the 1970s. And this work by bruce nominee is about the very real concrete interaction between you and an artist wolves through the eyes of artists versatile surprising and sometimes tongue in cheek. Well a World Championship a surfer is counting his lucky stars after an extra Close Encounter with a shark on australias east coast the moment was captured by an Early Warning drone former pro surfer matt well consent is seen a paddling on his surfboard when a shark briefly surfaces within striking distance then abruptly swims away. And later said he heard a splash but didnt realize until he was back on shore just how narrowly he described becoming australias 20 a shark attack a victim this year. And as your news update at this hour im Claire Richardson in berlin for me and the whole team here thanks so much for watching. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and there are some. Our carona update. Covert 19 special next on d w. In the. Climate change. Summit there soon

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