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Vying to become the Vice President have sparred in their only debate ahead of next months election republican Vice President mike pence and his democratic challenger senator kamel harris clashed over the white houses response to the Pandemic Health care as a calls at the greatest failure of any president ial administration in history and its responded it calling bidens plan for prone to virus so similar to the president s in those plagiarism other points of contention with the opening on the Supreme Court bench after Ruth Bader Ginsburgs death abortion and the environment. Well joining me now in the studio for more coverage is stacy bivins from our u. S. Election team thanks so much for joining us so so much of the lead up to this debate was actually about the health of President Donald Trump after he spent 3 days in hospital with a coronavirus diagnosis. Do you think Vice President mike pence was able to get away from that topic during the debate no no. No the coronavirus was center stage where literally it was laid out the format with the content and. 12 feet apart or almost 4 metres apart because of the coronavirus with the plexiglass and that was because of what happened with President Donald Trump and what happened in the rose garden 2 weekends ago where all of these people from the republican camp were gathered inside and outside hugging each other kissing each other and mike pence with at the center of this there had to be this distance and thats right it does seem like coronavirus has been sweeping through the white house and among trumps inner circle and in fact it was contentious even whether this debate should take place with pence being there having been in such close proximity to some of these people yeah there are doctors that arent necessarily associated with the treatment of the President Donald Trump that said because pence was in such close proximity to him and all of these people that are part of the trump and his circle that it would be best if he did not take part but he did this and the Debate Commission set this up where they said that it was safe so fairytales of course that he had a negative test they eventually did agree to those plexiglas dividers that we saw in the debate it was controversial for some reason for the for the pens campaign thats right there seems like eventually they did agree to have 12 feet apart which is 4 meters and twice the distance of what you say you need to help slow the spread of the coronavirus you think impacted the debate in any way having it there i think that it just reminded people of the time they were and not that they need to to i mean theres millions of americans without jobs millions of Americans Without Health Care in the middle of a pandemic because theyve lost their jobs and so no you cant get away from it and it was come up come out the harriss main. Job to keep the debate focused on the coronavirus so no matter how tense pivoted and hes a great debater and he has that midwestern oh shucks charm she kept his feet to the fire when he came to the coronavirus and he certainly is an experienced debater she of course is a former prosecutor in california so she also brought that experience of to the table and coronavirus it was the 1st question right out of the gates from the moderator susan page shes the Washington Bureau chief of usa today and lets say a seasoned washington journalist. Do you think the Vice President was able to defend the administrations handling of the pandemic in the United States. Had we just landed to earth and not known what had happened with the president knowing january early february about the corona virus and how it spread and how dangerous and deadly it could be heat Vice President pence would have seemed very convincing it would so knowing what we have know now we would have to suspend our reality in order to take all of this and now we were up what 211000 people in the United States have died from the corona virus more than 7000000 are impacted by this so no i think that if you are a penn supporter or and a trump supporter you you probably feel like they did everything that they could do but if youre somebody who is having a problem feeding your kids you dont have a job you dont know how youre going to pay your rent then this debate isnt enough and that was couple of harriss direct appeal lets look now at clips from both candidates and just get a taste of what they had to say on the coronavirus. American people have witnessed what is the greatest failure of any president ial administration in history of our country and here are the facts 210000 dead people in our country in just the last several months. Over 7000000 people who have contracted this disease one in 5 businesses closed were looking at front line workers who have been treated like factor official workers from the very 1st day President Donald Trump has put the health of america 1st before there were more than 5 cases in the United States all people who had returned from china. Donald trump do what no other american president has ever done that was who suspended all trouble from china the 2nd largest economy in the world that was a couple of harris a clip of her referring to what i said earlier speaking about the coronavirus well i think its fair to say that there was no more attention than usual on this Vice President ial debate normally a kind of play 2nd fiddle to the president ial debates you might not even necessarily watch it but because both candidates are selling their fitness their ability to lead in the event that something could happen to the president with whom theyre serving do you think that they made their cases as potential leaders of the United States well i believe that this debate was easier to watch right and to listen to they didnt seem like children playing ground running around on a sugar rush we could understand what they were trying to say they were civil the discourse was much better than in the president ial campaign so yes they both came across as president ial and capable of doing the job i mean its not necessarily well lets not say it is but its not necessarily just or torkel exercise right because trump is 74 years old has coronavirus at the moment biden is 77 years old when he if he were not great at yasnaya imagine a 4 year terms of people are really looking at these 2 for a taste of what a future president might look like as well or their future ambitions to run for president himself yeah i think thats why pence costly tried to frame senator harris as this left extremists you know just imagine what a presidency would be like if she were charged with the Green New Deal and you know socialized medicine and and all of this so yeah its matters and matters more than it has been a long time all right well lets turn to some of the policy points that they discussed a jury in this debate. Pens and her. Were asked how their own states would handle abortion if the landmark ruling roe v wade were to be overturned by the Supreme Court and abortion is of course a flashpoint in the United States always but lets take a listen to how it played out in this Vice President ial debates let the American People fill that seat in the white house and then well fill that seat on the United States Supreme Court and to your point susan that the issues before us couldnt be more serious there is the issue of choice and i will always fight for a womans right to make a decision about her own body it should be her decision and not that of donald trump and and the Vice President michel im prolife i dont apologize for it and this is another one of those cases where theres such a dramatic contrast Joe Biden Kamel her support taxpayer funding of abortion all the way up to the moment of birth late term abortion they want to increase funding to planned parenthood of america and for our part i would never presume a judge in the county bearer would rule on the Supreme Court of the United States but will continue to stand strong for the right to life. All right so do you think that it is the Supreme Court seat that is vacant the reason that abortion has become such a touchstone in this election do you think sure but its more than that trump has is trying to keep his base intact and he has a strong evangelical following and they are prolife and so the types of culture. Wars matter and a lot of these people not all but theres a good percentage of these women joe evangelicals that are one. Topic voters so they might not like trumps tone about race or his the dismissiveness towards women but they really really care about abortion and so theyre focusing on this and with the Supreme Court pick if she if she makes it to the to the bench any kone barrett. She hasnt said directly that she is would try to overturn roe v wade but she has said that she would support legislation that would hollow it out and would make it more difficult for a woman to have an abortion so yes this is why its so important because if shes if shes a point to the court would shift in balance 6 to 3 being heavily conservative and this is what people have wanted and this is one of the things that trump believes that hes been really good at he cant really stand on the economy anymore but he feels like he can stand on these judge appointments right so what do you think of those voters are likely to get out of this debate listening to pence as you say theyre single issue voters theyre most interested in abortion above all in and in filling the Supreme Court seat left vacant by Ruth Bader Ginsburg with somebody who they think will help change those policies right even if they dont like the policies of donald trump as you suggested do you think theyd be satisfied by pences response in this debate well i think that both sides would be satisfied from what they heard if you were a supporter of the harris biden ticket you are you were. So you were happy with the way that she showed grace and stuck up for herself when he was over talking her and if you are a supporter of trump hence you are glad that he mentioned all of these things about these the single voting issue i think that he really benefited from the fact that there wasnt a fat check because to go on to say that. Biden and harris support taxpayer abortion whereas that come from or late term abortion these are just weird things that who knows where he conquered that up all right so one of the other issues that did come up of course was the issue of our time arguably which was a Climate Change we hopped around from the economy to the looming jobs crisis to abortion of course coronavirus but this one i thought was quite interesting because pence refused to say whether Climate Change was in fact an existential threat but it didnt really go into great details on the topic the moderator the moderator was pushing saying you know the United States is having hurricanes and bearing down at the moment were seeing wildfires that are coming out of season it better really intense that have just scorched a huge tracts of land in california and of course was referencing Donald Trumps earlier comments on Climate Change do you think that their response is to this issue based on what the moderator asked or something that voters are actually listening to and paying attention to in this election well i think that some voters are paying attention especially if you live and the areas that are hit like california with the well fires more prevalent as you say and out of season right now the the theme of the day is the coronavirus and all the follow up the comes from it whether its unemployments or a lack of insurance or Food Insecurity and one of the richest countries in the world. That was the main point of tonights debate. It was certainly an interesting one to watch thank you for your analysis tonight. For all right well we would be missed if we didnt talk about the fly it stole the show and there was a lot of buzz on the social media when a fly it landed on a Vice President mike pence in fact a very visibly took up residence in the Vice President s white hair of more than 2 minutes and while he may have answered the questions on the fly he didnt seem to notice that the flight was on him. But that is your news update that is our dont forget you can always get you double your news on the go just download our app from the google play or from the app store ill give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news and if you happen to be part of a news story yourself you can also use the new app to send us Photos Videos of whats been happening. You are watching news from berlin coming up next is our film documentary about new therapies maintain the site. Can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our website its time to talk about im sorry richardson in berlin for me in the entire team and bringing you our Vice President ial Election Night coverage thanks so much for watching. And you hear me known here as were going to do and how the last 2 years General Software will bring you im going to call and see you know how to have a surprise to sew up with what it is possible who is from out who really want to move i dont want to hold up towards a problem full time on the way maurice and critics who want to join us from eccles law stops. By conditions our own the rights from cataracts to new science should most and Macular Degeneration millions of people worldwide suffer from pool vision. Climate reading fine print is almost impossible you have to hold the book up to your brain. Young people are increasingly affected around 270000000 people are visually impaired and 36000000 a blindfold wide. Sense of sight lines are vital role in our lives things are very difficult for rioters for the but often. Modern surgical techniques a less invasive and can help restore eyesight. And its a quantum leap of mine a revolution. From Stem Cell Therapy to laser surgery new treatments like giving patients hope. This Residential Development in the city of minds germany is home to. Her brother max and their parents. 13 year old lily is an ordinary teenager she goes to dance class twice a week and she likes to chat with her friends. And. Lily has been nearsighted since the 4th grade she has minus 4 diopters in her right eye minus 0. 5 in her left one when lily takes off her glasses the world looks like this even nearby objects appear blurred until eyesight is continuing to deteriorate mclellan. I see things best when theyre very close but it keeps getting worse. When i take off my glasses even my hands look splurge anything further away is even blurrier. Nearsightedness all myopia is the result of the shake of the art. Normally rays of light entering the eye of a refracted so they focus on the red at the back of the on when the eyeball is too long while the. On your 2 curved the light focuses at a point in front of the retina objects that are further away appear blue and. Thats always i saw with our eyes are designed for distance vision spending a lot of time looking at nearby objects put strain on our eyes when our eyes then gradually deform so that we can see nearby objects more easily but then we end up not being able to see objects at a distance as well. Thats whats called being near sighted. Myopia is partly hereditary least parents are also nice side should. He has an appointment at the eye clinic in mines for a thorough examination. Of the kind for heads the eye clinic and is the specialist in the sightedness in what. First comes the exam with the sleep plan or just too much so that your chin on the chin rest you knew. He 1st examines the oculus and optic nerve in both eyes. People should get a vision exam at least once a year. My opiate can promote the development of a serious od disorders it increases the risk of retinal detachment and cataracts. At. Least lily is nearsighted at minus 4 to 5 diopters thats fairly near sighted not as much as some but its quite a lot she started out with a quarter of a diopter when she was about 10 that tends to increase with age until maybe 18 or 20 seems to know what fica really is an example of how nearsightedness is on the rise. Hes investigating the cause of this increase in a large scale german study involving 15000 patients. The study has been underway for 12. Yes. Lego man in the longer you go to school the more nearsighted you become of us when the for every year you go to school you get a bit more nearsighted and that goes for University Degrees the longer you study the more nearsighted you become with this because so near sightedness has a behavioral component have present on something higher than supply. So myopia isnt just a registry our lifestyle plays a role. As sightedness is linked to educational levels and song across worldwide. And biases in oz and in asia even more young people are nearsighted month to lend some countries up to 80 or 90 percent. We think one factor might be the age at which children start school tie in some Asian Countries they start school when theyre just 3 or 4 years old and you fool again in taiwan for example myopia has reached epidemic proportions up to 90 percent of School Children in major cities and nearsighted schools and universities are fresher cauldrons the workload is heavy even move than in europe long hours to study lead to mourn the sightedness but many dont realize is that if my appeal remains untreated he can lead to blindness. Cross can shrug off his vision problems for years a Software Engineer he was working on a new program when he suffered a written all detachment young to win 12 surgeries but nothing helped ross cameron is now blind at one point he contemplated suicide i came here i can move i dont always going to be there for me just a lot. Because of the family bonding and then me realise that perhaps from settle down here myself when i get to something i can still do something for myself and others i. Can now goes to schools to tell his story and raise awareness about nearsightedness. In the classroom hed. Tries to connect with the children on a personal level. Every half hour we let our eyes have a brain how long joe 10 minutes that reply and last word how long should you play outside every day. How is. The children are supposed to get their eyes upright from schoolwork but not now as hes in the books is ingrained in asian culture its an uphill battle the w. H. O. Estimates that past the worlds population will be short sighted within 30 here its that simple measures could make a difference. Thats. The most important thing is to send children outside into the sunlight for 2 hours every day in song at least a month we know this is the best way to prevent nearsightedness eyelash docs and for you not an instrument called a look at me test is used to measure light intensity so in december war you think probably say theres plenty of light in this office enough to work by its about the meter is showing 102. 5 looks thats not much like the light as much brighter outsized as if you. Even bright lamps a no substitute for daylight the eyes need sunlight the chance to view objects at a distance outside light intensity is a 100 times higher. Than the world by took the meter outside us but even though its cloudy were seeing 13600. 00 lights in tolls thats much higher looks if it were sunny hour it would be even higher than the door to the other. Bright sunlight can be a 100000 looks on whom it may seem trivial but daylight works wonders against new sightedness. Back at the clinic lee is undergoing another vision test shes supposed to read the numbers off the chart. Shes asked if she can read the largest number there. Is even the largest number is blurred. Notifiable continue monitoring lose vision and making sure she gets enough sunlight. Its the only way to treat her new sightedness and preserve her vision. And i clinic in cologne germany specializes in other vision problems. Alfred ramit is 60 years old he lives an hour away and comes here for treatment free market runs a company with over 2000 employees and often travels abroad his vision has been deteriorating for some time now this is what it looks like out the window this is what alfred remet sees and its getting worse. As this its all kind of foggy blurry and foggy right now im still coping but ordinary activities are getting more difficult. After a grimace has come here for a consultation with pass to soften. His chief position at the treme and a leading expert in cornel disorders. His exam shows that our federal budget is a good candidate for surgery. But i thought the lantern cornea are clouded so 2 layers of the eye are clouded in one surgical procedure will try to eliminate both sources of his clouded vision will replace the lens and transplant the in a layer of the corner until you have. The transparent cornea is part of the outer casing of the on and serves as a kind of wind shield. Behind it the iris opens and closes to control the amount of light entering the i. The lens focuses the incoming light to create a shop in each on the retina. The optic nerve then transmits that information to the brain. 2 hours later the surgery is underway flounce cosi fan is preparing the corneal transplant the clinic has its own i pad with corneas from organ donations the cornea does not have a direct blood supply for that reason it can be removed up to 72 hours after death. Cast conceiving carefully removes the edges of the cornea. The blue contrast agent helps him guide the delicate incisions. The cornea is only a few 1000 of a millimeter thick. Using a precision instrument he removes the intellect of the cornea. The delicate tissue is rolled up and then placed on an injector. The instrument will later help him position the cornea in the patients i. The patient is wheeled into the operating room after the remedy is already under general anesthesia. The eyelids are held open with retract as. With 3 tiny incisions the diseased in elia of the cornea is removed. You know what. I mean this is the inner clouded lab of the cornea which is selectively removed or if it is about 10000th of a millimeter think. We only remove the disease plaque here. And can leave the rest of the cornea in place enough. That speeds up the healing process just a few years ago the entire cornea would have been transplanted. And. Then the injecting is inserted into the eye and the thin cornea layer is unravelled. The ball broke on a structure on the front of the eye is the transplant. Goes on now we have to put it in the proper position. One. As it was. It was over for the moment now we will film v. I. I. With the gas the gas bubble pressures the transplant firmly onto the back of the cornea able to we dont sew it on its held in place by this gas pump theres. The gas bubble pushes the transplant onto the cornea in order to attach probably the patient wanted to lie on his back quietly for several days everything goes smoothly and the surgery is a success. Secure grosss helps manage the i bank at the clinic today she retrieved a dont arrive from the Pathology Department the clinic in cologne open that i bank in 2000. Secret voters carefully examines the eye for any sign. Of disease she then detaches the cornea bit by bit. Human corneas a still used in transplants but artificial ones and now under development. The doctor places the cornea in a nutrient medium and maintains the incubator at the perfect temperature ready for the next transplant surgery to med is high. As 6000. 00 corneal transplant take place each year in germany and there are another 6000. 00 recipients on the waiting list of course we would like to have more donors to meet this demand to get us to the. 5 weeks after the procedure after a dramatic is back at the cologne finnick for a checkup. Since corneas dont have their own blood vessels theyre really rejected by the recipients immune system unlike we dont know hots for example but he did have some difficulties at 1st he was moguls his own. Perfect body gets music im doing well now the 1st 14 days were hard infinitely he can do specially for my i was very sensitive i could hardly open him to feel i was watering and my vision was blurred down off to turn my other i started watering 2 and felt the strain on them but about 10 days ago things got a lot better obvious perfect in growth of course onus falls on the surgery was a complete success and the healing process is going well since before the surgery missed out im not special it was down to about 40 percent now its at 90 percent and i will continue to have more as the sounds of. Health program its vision in his right arm is almost normal again. The University Hospital in bonn jim. He focuses on one of the most common i conditions in the western world age related Macular Degeneration a. M. D. Pattern. Suffers from whats called wet a. M. D. This is how healthy our eyes see the world. This is what currency shes almost blind in her left eye. When a. M. D. Is less common than the dr form and it progresses more quickly. At 1st cut in cause its barely noticed the symptoms that have a 1st question does it but shrink it when i was doing my make up and would close one eye to do the other one i thought somethings not right theres a dark spot that shouldnt be there. Dont love to go hurt doesnt hinge on done then i saw my ophthalmologist he did several tests and i got a diagnosis want as open. The macular is a small area in the retina at the back of the eye its where our vision is the sharpest and it contains most of the light sensing cells in a emptied blood vessels leak fluid or blood into the macula that leads to swelling and damages the photoreceptors. Fan cold specializes in the treatment of michael a generation although empty cannot be cured its progression can be slowed. Severely to their account is that the dangerous thing about this condition is that it irreversibly destroys the photoreceptors located in the center of the retina in the macula field where our vision is the sharpest often seen smooth losing thats what allows us to read recognize faces and drive so many everyday activities rely on all these and its all shell are paying when we want the macular is destroyed able find themselves with a serious disability buy in place to go. Out in closets comes in for a checkup every 4 weeks left untreated the disease progresses very quickly. As green lines indicate where a crosssection of the retina is being displayed this allows us to examine the structure of the retinal lands and see where there might be fluency coppa feel good. Today the news isnt course the scans show a small grey sickle on the retina pattern that still it will need another injection of the drug thats used to treat the condition. The preparations are complex our eyes a delicate all guns everything needs to be sterile to ensure that bacteria want into the retina. The drugs injected directly into the on the drugs inhibit a growth factor that promotes the formation of new blood vessels. The procedure itself takes just a few seconds. This is for me its like a little prick on your finger and its over in a moment and thats it im grateful this treatment exists now would it be done but as. For example priests shes responding to the treatment quite well but i have to keep repeating it this is a chronic condition that wont go away or get better. Its. Not all patients many just well its current. Many patients discontinue treatment and the drugs dont work for everyone. But i clinically is are broken doctors are investigating the therapies. Burra stansell is a leader in the field. He specializes in retinal surgery in Stem Cell Research and is currently running a major Clinical Study on i am jane. Is one of 150 patients who are taking part in the pilot phase of a new Stem Cell Therapy she was also receiving the injections but they stopped working using this scanner for a start so checks to see how quickly the disease is progressing. You mark a mark you know was in the middle and heres the optic nerve. This black area around what was the macular is where the sounds of dives and its getting bigger and healthy mccoy so that. The disease is very advanced. In good moses vision is only 5 percent of normal in her right eye and 10 percent in the left one. New therapy and to reprogram stem cells extracted from the participants blood. Then the dead retinal cells will be replaced with the reprogrammed ones. That were hoping to replace sounds and this lab here right here its still healthy and you can see right here theyre missing. Well itself if we can get new cells to take root in this area then we might be able to revive the outer portion of the retina which is still in relatively good chance to meet. Another benefit of this kind of Stem Cell Therapy is that it doesnt involve any potential ethical concerns. We dont have to use embryonic stem cells we extract the stem cells from the patients own blood in much the same way that you do in a bone marrow donation. That image then we convert them into the proper cells in the laboratory and then plant them back into the patient again implanted at. The i b m t for our hoffa institutions located just a short distance from the clinic and this collaboration in the development of the new therapy. Stansell is meeting with pardon from breeze and director of the stem cell a bar tree the 2 scientists will check on how the reprogramming of the eyes cells is coming along. The researchers here work with cell cultures 1st they reprogram the blood cells turning back the clock to return them to an undifferentiated state. Next they multiply the cells and then reprogram them. Those will become new tissue cells including breton ourselves. The new retinal cells can be seen under a microscope reprogramming them is complex. Does muncie indiana see these its a we have to treat these cells with specific biological factors that allows you to return the cells to their original state looks as i read it and its quite an amazing accomplishment sort of that something we never dreamed we could do with but 20 years ago it would have been unthinkable fantasy island from garmisch just as killing. The researchers then preserved the new retina cells to store them long term theyll be frozen in a container filled with liquid nitrogen at a temperature of minus 140 degrees celsius. Each sample is scanned and labeled for each patient the container is in placed in this to. Cell bank. With 20000 samples so far and 15 different partners in industry in medicine this Stem Cell Bank is unique in europe its a promising project and researchers hope that it might one day provide new therapies for ai conditions that today are untreatable. Pivots this there are but you wont be available anytime soon. But we have been able to show that the therapy would work in principle calls now well have to get through the approval process which is time consuming and involves a lot of regulatory steps lets us does this its a process that takes several years here in germany. The researchers have laid the groundwork for a revolutionary new therapy using reprogrammed stem cells to restore vision in a few years this might be a major advance in preventing a. M. T. Related blindness. At the medical university of vienna scientists are also staking out new territory. Therefore it is director of the department of the military and optometry which is investigating new diagnostic procedures for eye conditions. Thats algor just im friends our eyes are our window to the world and so phone but we can also look into the eyes into whats happening inside them. We can look into the clear cornea of the clear lens which we also call the clear media. Ophthalmologists can look inside the eye and laser scanners can also make the surface of the retina visible roughly 3100. Large scanners can also peer into the retinas deeper layers and create a highly detailed image with 40000 separate. Scans the device can examine the retina in 3 d. Once the laser scanner creates an image of the patients i the High Resolution images are analyzed with the help of artificial intelligence. In all of the system the system or the computer basically works just like the human brain it learns and gathers experience and get smarter. And you can feed the computer an infinite quantity of data from an infinite number of patients and an infinite number of medical conditions and the system learns how to draw the correct conclusions everything schools for a government since in. Singapore nowak suffers from age related Macular Degeneration this radio scan of her left eye was compared to the images of thousands of other patients in the database to detect cell changes. In flight we called off to the heart of the new diagnostic procedure identified tiny defects developing on her retina in time for them to be treated then doesnt take gait. And if that exam and the follow up treatment had been delayed rassmann like i probably would have lost the vision in my left eye often link now being blamed divide. In the jungle of our tree i t experts a fine chain in the algorithms will be used to generate an accurate diagnosis and devise personalized treatment regimens. That i cant really use the algorithm can analyze millions of pixels very quickly then it tells us whether their disease is progressing whether the Current Treatment is working week or whether a new therapy might be more effective porter comes into play he just. The algorithms are so effective that the system will soon be used to diagnose other health conditions. Damage with we think that in the near future this system will allow us to reliably identify signs of cardiovascular disease at an early stage and help prevent heart attacks and high risk patients and heart and. Now written a is like a window to our blood vessels tiny changes in our vascular system can be identified in our eyes fun earlier than elsewhere in the body one day i scan is might be used as a kind of Early Warning system. Current is about to undergo surgery she suffers from cataracts the lenses of her eyes have grown and paid cash rights gradually grow worse and can lead to blindness. This is normal vision and this is how Car Insurance sees the world the condition has a major impact on her daily life for example she can no longer drive. It did that to the stars at night look like little flowers for example they have a halo of little dots surrounding the house day. Cataracts grow more common as we age 90 percent of people over the age of 65 who develop cataracts other symptoms include difficulty with bright light and difficulty seeing at night. Care and schultzs vision has deteriorated to the point where shes decided to have surgery at the book i clinic. A preliminary exam will show how far the patch racks are progressed and whether shes suffering from any other ideas or does. 3 different tests carried out the optician records the results. Im here before that this is the front surface of the cornea the back surface and its like miss heres the cornea the Anterior Chamber depth and the clouded lens and here we have key data about the cornea. Critics mumbled explains the procedure doctors still dont know exactly what causes cataracts they believe its part of the natural aging process which

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