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A take a step toward equality for the 1st time iran will officially have a female Powerlifting Team and take part in International Competition for women already competing in the sport its a welcome and over g. O. Initiative. Im Claire Richards and welcome to the show we began here in berlin where belarus is exiled Opposition Leader svetlana to cannot escape has been holding talks with the german political leaders including chancellor Angela Merkel took an all scale is calling for european help to force new elections in belarus following august a disputed poll since then the country has been gripped by mass opposition protests and of violence a government crackdown and taken out and taken off scale once a germany to help. Play a leading role in ending the unrest. This meeting at the german chancellor and berlin is crucial for. She has High Expectations of angle americal as she told d. W. Ahead of the talks germany is. Most powerful countries in the world extremely important because we need. Help in mediation negotiations with authorities and we think that. Its really helpful in this situation. America has deep sympathy for the protest movement as a former citizen of east germany shes lived through a peaceful revolution which gives her a special understanding of belarus. The money mood to go and see what i see the courage of these women who take to the streets to call for freedom and an end to corruption i can only say that im amazed i find it truly impressive. Thank you. Women have persisted turning out despite the ongoing violence of the regime to have nor is continuing her own fight from exile did we see her comrade Maria Kolesnikov was put in prison for her own convictions. The protesters want Alexander Lukashenko who has been in power for 26 years to step down they claim the recent elections that saw him. Were rigged. Germany and the e. U. Agree theyve imposed sanctions on look at those inner circle but not against the dictator himself to know scale has called for the sanctions to be extended to look at others many german lawmakers agree including in the green party. We need to make it clear that we stand in solidarity with protesters we must offer individual humanitarian aid to people who are under threat and of those who seek help from us because they are tortured or beaten by the regime. Who on monday. Thank the community in berlin she likens her country to east germany in 1909 saying hers is a nation that wants to tear down its walls where at long last people want to make their own decisions about their lives. And Political Correspondent simon young has been following those talks we asked him what sort of supports that line into knaan scale hopes to get from the German Government i think that the opposition are all strong as well for practical support support for Civil Society organizations for independent media groups which have both been suffering and finding it difficult to operate during this crisis so thats one thing more widely of course those that call for europe and other friendly nations to become involved supporting dialogue between the location go regime and the opposition thats a cold thats been repeated again and that was our correspondent simon well theres another political crisis in another former soviet republic kurdistans Prime Minister has resigned following days of protests in the capital bishkek there are reports that the parliament immediately elected back bar and i was replacement from the opposition only for him to be forced to flee as angry protesters stormed the hotel where the emergency session was being helps as far as a comes amid increasing chaos and unrest following a sundays parliamentary elections here you can see protesters forcing their way into government buildings and destroying images of pro russia president so ruined by jean backoff official results are from the vote handed big gains to the president and 2 establishment parties those results have since been an olds. Earlier we spoke with a journalist in joanna lewis whos covering events in kurdistan from neighboring kazakhstan and asked for her assessment of the situation the situation is very fluid things are moving very very shocked i mean the latest developments surrounding the reported resignation of the Prime Minister and attempts by one faction to appoint a new Prime Minister that wasnt accepted by evidence. Aye all those involved in the protest simply tell us how confused the situation is no one is really in charge although the president himself so dont buy john beccles that hes still in control however his whereabouts are unknown and we havent seen anything often beyond a video address when hes from an unknown location earlier today so what we can see is that some kind of public fight for power going on as a vacuum seems to have much theres no sign yet that president john back up or is preparing to resign but thats one of the protest as key demands and some of them are out on the streets again tonight in the capital bishkek robet not as in. As great numbers as they were last night when they stormed the president ial palace in the parliament in protest at these tainted Election Results which have now been and all was journalist as you analyst there lets turn it back to germany now and its efforts to curb the spread of the corona virus infections are on the rise especially here in berlin authorities have pointed to illegal parties helping drive up the rates and on tuesday the city an ounce to new curfews for bars and cafes as well as stricter rules for meeting in groups. And went out on the streets of berlin to find out how people are reacting. Welcome to germanys new flashpoint berlin after months of staving off the worst of the pandemic the german capital has become the frontline in the countrys fight against the virus half of all of germanys high risk areas are located here in this city including the district of. Gatherings with little sign of social distancing are a common sight here most of the new infections are among young people under the age of 30 theyre more likely to be infection but the disease is spread is also picking up pace among the old forcing berlin City Government to take action there introducing new restrictions from saturday compelling bars and stores to close at 11 and limiting alcohol sales as well as the size of private gatherings not everyone supports the changes. Yes you can just say much its a hard question i think its actually open so long but you have to maintain social distancing and i think as long as people do that it shouldnt be a problem to sit in a bar until late at night. I think the same i think everyone can keep themselves in check regardless of how much alcohol they drink at least i can keep a grip on myself so i dont understand why others cant do that. And. Many support the new measures. Of a man up big. You need to balance your own sensibilities against a virus that puts others lives at risk you can feel the. Case i think the measures are justified the. Warning system is flashing red and thats forced the government to take action and while most people weve spoken to say they support the restrictions that still hasnt stopped the spread of the virus here in the german capital. Nobel prize season again and the latest announcement was for the winners of the physics award its being shared by 3 scientists who all carried out Pioneering Research into. Black holes half of the 1100000. 00 prize will go to britains Roger Penrose who provided mathematical proof that black holes exist back in the 1960 s. The other half of the prize is shared by the 2 other winners american astronomer and drag does and a german astrophysicist against. Their work approved of the existence of a super massive black hole at the center of our galaxy the milky way. What is a black hole. Black holes are among the weirdest objects in the universe there traps in space time where gigantic amounts of matter are compressed to a point so massive that it curved space almost infinitely and brings time to a standstill the border of this bizarre world is known as the Event Horizon. The german astronomer. Did seminal calculations of the defining parameter describing the Event Horizon. Black holes are formed when massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle or when the compact remains of death stars merge thats how the light weights among these gravitational traps are born theyre called stellar black holes those gravity ranges from between a few times to some 10 times that of our sun media massive black holes can have up to 100000 times the solar mass and the really giant super massive ones lurk at the center of many galaxies millions even billions of times as massive as the sun. Black holes grow by sucking up everything in their vicinity even might cant escape the gravitational traps and they merge with one another to grow. Albert einstein predicted them in his general theory of relativity. But they were 1st detected around 90 years later in the center of our galaxy the milky way is one such invisible mass that accelerates nearby stars to incredible speeds. Telescopes around the world were synchronized to capture the 1st ever image of a black hole. The relatively. Unspectacular looking picture shows the place where time comes to a standstill the dark Event Horizon surrounded by a ring of light from the hot matter that orbits the black hole it was a milestone in astronomy. Well the w. Caught up with one of the winners a german astrophysicist are trying hard again so how did he and his team go about proving the existence of a black hole at the center of the milky way. And so what weve done in the Galactic Center is by using the gravitational pull by the central object but she soon might be a black hole of 4000000. 00 solar masses on to the gas and the stars so ron reagan more precisely measuring their motions we could show number one that newtons theory was not adequate and that you indeed need neat eyes science theory that the only plausible solution of the object is a massive black hole. But iran and sports have taken a step toward equality for the 1st time iran will officially have a female Powerlifting Team take part in International Competition for women already competing in the sport its a welcome and overdue initiative. Iranian honey prepares meals for her family. And shes also preparing to officially compete as a power lifter for a run for the 1st time the 29 year old has been active in the sport for several years and saw some success but the competitions werent recognised now they will be the hours of pumping iron are finally paying off. In my opinion this is some of the best news ive received since ive been active in powerlifting. Im sure the support of the federation while inspire a lot of unknown talents around the country to blossom and step forward. I dont believe in has a tent to do so. But it will be a lot better for powerlifting women to have the support of the federation. Still. Some iranians have a negative view of women in Power Lifting her and he believes that could change if she succeeds in International Competition the idea of female Power Lifting has already generated some enthusiasm time will tell if iran has the potential to become world champions one day. Well legendary guitarist and songwriter Eddie Van Halen has died after a long battle with cancer. Together with his brother alex he formed the band that later became a van halen in 198210 years after their family had emigrated to the u. S. From the netherlands van halen it became one of the worlds top selling bands with songs like. Eddie van halen is considered one of the greatest rock guitarists of all time he was 65 years old. Thats your news update at this hour im Claire Richardson in berlin thanks so much for watching. W. s crime fighters are back with the africas most successful radio drama series continues all of this odes are Available Online course you can share and disco song w africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms to earn fighters tune in you know weve been told it is for me. Is for. Beethoven it is for. You sir. They told him is for. Beethoven is for every one. Being told in 2020 vision in 50th anniversary year on d w. This is due to be news africa coming up on the Program Living in chains thousands of people with Mental Health conditions are being shackled and logged in confined spaces against their will Rights Groups all falling for the practice to be bad. And will go to nigerias biggest rise producing state where families have lost a quarter of the countrys harvest to floods. Then the other off broken cars will meet the women collapsing and restoring vintage vehicles in south africa. Hello im christine would rates get half your Company Every poor child today by Human Rights Watch says hundreds of thousands of people suffering from Mental Illness are being kept shackled in chains many of these cases have been reported in countries across africa researchers found evidence of this happening in look enough. Kenya liberia mozambique south sudan sierra Leone Somaliland and nigeria according to this 9 year long study social stigma attached to Mental Health often plays a big pot but also a lack of support or awareness about Mental Illness now here are a few testimonies from some victims that Human Rights Watch have split into. Regard the unregulated current. Through your record about the big race to push mom to the. But if youre in london me what needs to. Be my niece after 2 and for more on this weve invited smiles on to the program elsie is africa director for Human Rights Watch welcome to africa. Tell us more about the victims of chaining who do they tend to be i mean its all demographics saying man and women as auld as it is 6 years old id grab his children some as young as 10 years old have been chained. Up and complain species for weeks i didnt hear. And why are people doing this tell us more about the perpetrators and why theyre doing this. So how did we come to you know people change for years in steps wrong institutions in private institutions i thought i was in shock to shut out already just couldnt stand you know christian and islamic i guess i think several of the countries we basically had including nigeria in my own country. And in kenya. When deprived of sleep good night food for all of 2 week quest to fast in the name will you know spiritual healing be a force to take medications. Showrooms to face physical and Sexual Violence and you know often cant and wed give you an example of bad but once and know the nature where weve found a dozen people in one room be sure to respect we said has caused us the act test the box that be said welcome floggings right to stop you know so its this is this is your course if you want you to it is tyra ranch and reached that and now see this is obviously a widespread problem but i wonder what informed Human Rights Watch shit to commission this report. So i mean you know openly we nor from you know the World Health Organization and the world bank estimation that were that 7 or 700. 00 and native to media and people running 10 including children have a Mental Health condition yet governments paint less than 2 percent of the Health Budget on Mental Health thats just Mental Health generality when he comes to a shop killing people for Mental Health conditions that is almost completely on to the reader that there is no data no Quality Mission quality need had response or efforts to eradicate it and we got on x. You know just for one example and realize even robert theyre looking at other issues that the rest so many people shop shop called chintu trees rocked up in that remember him in a cage and theyre shaped in or about crowded out of institutions i mean we couldnt look away from it it was impossible to turn away from show lets settle for what what needs to be done so i mean clearly what needs to be drunk shopping should be battened and the by ensuring curative Enforcement Mechanisms that would ensure regular make money tureen of tips right and private institutions and facilities and all of these im hearing sense has really just sent have government needs to invest in quality assessable that are for the community Mental Health services i mean thats just not an option it needs to be courting the internet in needs to be and when you stick approach to dealing with this problem then you know youre not just needs to be done to reduce teen mom and that is associated with gentle Health Threat thats also shaken Human Rights Watch africa director thank you marty. Then i joined governments plans to make the country less dependent on food imports have been dealt a severe blow floods have washed away 2000000 tons of rice leaving fears or other farmers in desperation now this years and president of rainfall also impacted other crops including militant corn now there are fears of a Food Security correspondent funny for char travel to kill the state thats nigerias biggest rice producing state where about 90 percent of all crops have been destroyed. At least 2000000. 00 tons of fries gone his source of income now buried under water now while he is a local farmer he owns 2 and a half factories a farm and here and hes desperate to save any of his crops to provide for his family. Every day i feel my body is weak because i can only think about what i will eat how will i pay for medicine for school fees for my children how should i even get back to farming theyre not going to me and its rainy season but the quantity of water was unusually high this time dams and rivers were able to hold back the water flooding a number of states across nigeria can be has been especially hit hard these farmers are trying to transport their cattle to dry land improvising and it lack of infrastructure. Not much is left of this bridge its been washed away like many roads and hundreds of homes the people of care be were actually expecting a really good harvest season but most of the crops especially rise have been destroyed during the past 2 weeks of flooding. About one quarter of nigerias rise grows in kabi the state has become an important player in recent years boosting domestic Food Production and while he is one of 200000 registered pharmacy here who have benefited from government loans to increase production since 2015 he takes us to his home most of them here are made off much easily destroyed by the flood. Now while he must provide for a family of 11. I want to rebuild my house but i dont have the means to do so i want to buy food but i have no work ive been hoping the government will help but so far nothing will come of it. The newspaper reports the government has sent a delegation to candy they came they saw and they left given the lack of resources it remains unclear just how much really with poor in. Wisconsin personal fries farmers and cabbie says that with Climate Change floods will keep a cure and hes calling on the governments to invest in farming in sustainable seeds to be prepared theyre counted. The countering the local. Food we have myriad we have we have our people if were here were going to be there in trouble because its already nigeria is struggling on many fronts to provide Food Security one flood exposes this will nobility which could not have come at a worse time. Now collecting classic cars is often considered a hobby for wealthy old men but for south africa mostly for coal its one thats just simply not true the 38 year old and her family restored vintage cars in their remote hometown in the eastern Cape Province our correspondent. Visit. This 947 pontiac is no sequel salutes one as bright and joy she bought the vehicle for less than 200 euros so far she spent about 2 years and around 2000 euros renovating it. Thank you abbi thank. The 38 year old renovates vintage cars which she later than either runs out or sells for a nice price a property in the middle of nowhere on south africas eastern cape looks like a cross between a scrap yard and to our museum. I dont have so much equipment im using crime to remove the last you know. 7 years ago and saw a documentary on classic cars that sparked your interest. Her husband works for the municipality but is also a gifted car mechanic together they founded a company now they have 3 employees. I used to pray god to give me. A lady like that like that now of course it from. That even if when im sitting here i dont much. You know i mean im getting hit being. Used to call me the mother of the broken. Sometimes they do they tell me the negative way thats just listing time with these cows. Claes when i finish the point that they do come so i go on to say no no no no just continue. Today theyre off to look at another potential project and i was right from their village they travel as you might expect and the classic car. Theyre looking at in 1963 japanese stetson pickup truck the quality is ok. Everything the its. Not hard on the people because. They think the dots on those walls around 300 euros this guy has more than 50 years old and you can see its a lot of work needs to be done but most people under house spend hope that if they do a good job theyd be able to resell it for up to 7 hours. 500 euros. But 1st the couple have to get the vehicle ready to be transported. I believe because i love this. Just inside my heart im going to play with the old cars im going to throw in days im not going to im im going to speak. But that is precisely the issue no wonder has been to have taken the old pick up to heart which means it wont be easy to say goodbye to it when they come to sell it on. And thats why i will leave its a day to day wilson even with pictures of the o. P. s almost they are basing their thanksgiving festival season its time. Theres a lot of energy. Theres enough of it available. Theres a way to come good. On food after its beaten up. Is really. What green energy is the future and its already. Made in germany. 60 minutes on d w. Passion the drama competition rivalry marketing numbers atmosphere by at time intuition love hate money millionaire fans friends 5 spam and fans. On youtube. Wall street tumbles at the prospect of no new coronavirus a u. S. President donald trump declaring the u. S. Economy can wait until after the election its bad news for the unemployed and the airlines. Also on the show londons Financial Hub risks becoming a ghost town as more workers stay home to avoid infection. And you can sell anything online chinese farmers are now taking their produce directly to social media. Globe welcome to the show im Stephen Beers in berlin good to have you with us wall street shuttered on monday after u. S. President donald trump announced he was ending negotiations for a new congressional pandemic relief package which was likely to include aid for unemployed workers the airlines and Small Businesses the dow closing 1. 3 percent down following trumps tweet that he would only entertain the idea of a new aid package after winning the election democrats and republicans in congress were already struggling to Reach Agreement divided on price tag and exact priorities u. S. Unemployment remains stubbornly High Industries like the Airlines Taking an especially hard hit. And trumps extraordinary tweet came hours after u. S. Federal reserve chairman Jerome Powell urgently appealed for just such aid from congress and powell warn that without further help the us risks a recessionary downward spiral with quote unquote tragic outcomes for the most vulnerable is part of what he had to say the burdens of the downturn have not been evenly shared the initial job losses fell heavily on lower wage workers in Service Industries facing the public job categories in which minorities and women are overrepresented combined with the disproportionate effects of coated on communities of color. And the overwhelming burden of child care during quarantine and Distance Learning which has fallen mostly out of. The pandemic is further widening divides in wealth and economic mobility are a Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell there and now with us our financial correspondent yens korda in new york. Powell speaking there of inequality exasperated through the pandemic here in the u. S. Is that visible on a day to day basis. It definitely is just a look at the statistics if you look at africanamerican women for example the Unemployment Rate is almost twice the almond oil and rate of white men and then specially in a low paying service jobs and those shops got the hardest when the pandemic hits and also i see it was a friend of mine was white and when i talked to people also that a lot of schools are still only offering almost you offering a Remote Learning so what are you going to do if you do have money you can easily hire in any lets if you dont have the means this is not possible so thats why we saw quite a spike in people actually quitting their jobs because they have to take care of their children if you work on Silicon Valley for example this is probably not necessary. So how theyre also really urging for a relief package that trump said isnt necessary because the economy is doing great how would such a package have benefited or how is it designed to benefit the american economy. Well again i know so many people actually who are not able to pay their rent anymore theyre cutting down with Grocery Shopping for instance and that started by the end of july so when the last 8 picket ended and when a lot of people who were unemployed for instance got 600. 00 extra per month and since that expired a lot of people who actually also left the city because they couldnt afford living in new york anymore so it is very crucial to get there and you would h. Package and its a its a big surprise to me at least that donald trump made this announcement via twitter not even 24 hours after being released from all spittle because hardly any president has it in to fight himself so much was wall street as donald trump has done and it was to be expected that stocks would drop like a rock after he did make this announcement so maybe but thats a big maybe he just wanted this announcement to got some more negotiation power but for now would really looks like this deal is off for quite some time. With the latest from new york thank you. And we go over to the u. K. Now where the government has warned of tough months ahead due to the pandemic and call for more people to work remotely and that has consequences for londons Financial Hub the city as its known has been left asserted as people work from home. As more. This is the latest fashion trend for bank us in london city accessorizing suits with a match to mask this one the shop has been around for over 100 years business had always been great until the pandemic hit and for 6 months he didnt make a single suit and had people come back into the city. So he could get back to some normality now though Boris Johnson has said everyone who can should keep working from home over the winter. Policy is a disaster. So easy. For the high street. Independent shops you couldnt the big big. Stores all over it where. One shop. Its. 9 am usually rush hour in the city not so in corona times its hard to believe how empty the streets which are normally bustling with people cars and buses up to half a 1000000 workers come into londons financial district usually every day to work here now Norman Foster world famous is virtually deserted as are the other skyscrapers here in the city most workers are still working from home at this point at least over the winter or until a covert 19 vaccine is found. Experts tell me that social distancing is difficult in skyscrapers plus making offices compliant with because twitter has already announced that their employees will be allowed to work from home into. Definitely and British Petroleum is smiling over the most dramatic downsizing of property in their history we are seeing a lot of tenants completely rethinking how they are going to occupy the space so without a shadow we are looking to me where rents are going to go up and up and up in this or begin to become more and more valuable where rents will stabilize or even drop the clock believes london city will survive this crisis as it did august for now though this iconic part of london really is on life support and local businesses dont know how to make it through the winter especially in restaurants and pass we havent got one book at the christians not one not one taylor dayne hook tells me from now on its survival of the fittest and he desperately hopes that he will be among them that a wife must take a look now at some of the other business stories making global headlines. In a long awaited report a us house antitrust panel has taken aim at the tech giants that said facebook had maintained dominance by copying buying up or destroying competitors and it accuses amazon of an inherent conflict of interest by being both market place operator and seller but the report does not recommend breaking up the companies or preventing further mergers. German luxury carmaker dialers boosting its move towards electric mobility or saying it wants to lead the world in electric cars and software overtaking americas tesla on the way or booked a 2nd quarter loss of 1900000000 euros due to the pandemic and has warned of up to 10000 job losses. The International Air transport Association Says Global Airlines expect losses of 77000000000. 00 in the 2nd half of this year the organization is calling on governments to institute preflight rapid coated 1000. 00 tests as a means of controlling the Pandemic Group says otherwise millions of jobs are at risk. Well as we all know a bit of web savvy never hurts a business farmers in china are now figuring that out more are turning to social media to sell their produce for those who are good at it theres money to be made. Leaving his old life behind 2 months salary were enough to see this once pull fama son rolling up into work in a brand new tesla. With the help of this army of feathered friends produces duck eggs but the key to his extraordinary success is online streaming. Through the chinese up tick tock he gives a behind the scenes glimpse of the everyday workings of the factory at the same time potential customers can ask questions or even place an order. How much you dont without how selling through the channel is great so much better than the traditional way with all the middleman who will want to share of the money so now that they have you know what. Chinese speciality preserved insult and steamed their popular snack between meals here production of them has increased fourfold. Around 250 kilometers away other forward looking climbers are getting a lesson in Live Streaming its not all about tic toc though theyre also learning to use chinese online Sales Platform sally barber and j. D. And how to master direct marketing. To get to practice their new skills in fully equipped studios sang defang is pitching his Sweet Potatoes trained lifestream as are on hand to help him seeing as talking into the camera doesnt exactly come naturally to him to go through wrong home life will go on i talk a lot to the influencers in the end they help create a better atmosphere shes a woman i was so nervous to begin with going to me but little by little with what im Getting Better for the the thing as a mom and a home online sang defang feels the love for his Sweet Potatoes viewers can buy them for under 3 euros a kilo without even putting down their phone. Or and thats it for me and the Business Team here in berlin as always if you want more from us you can check us out online dot com slash business also facebook and twitter im sick thanks for joining us. Every journey begins with the 1st step and every language the 1st word which can include nico is in germany. Why not born with telling. Us its simple mind on your mobile and for e. W z e learning course speak german made easy. Many push. Ups right now in the world right now Climate Change if a cop a story. Faces much less they went on just one week. How much worse can really get it. We still have time to and im going to. Get the success. That subscribe is like this. Every day counts for us and for our planet. The idea is on its way to bring you more conservation. How do we make cities screener how can we protect animals and their habitats what to do with all our waste. We can make a difference by choosing reforestation over the floor station recycling over disposable Smart New Solutions oberstein said you know what the earth is truly unique and we know that uniqueness is what allows us to live and survive gloom why do you oppose the Environmental Issues to global 3000 long t w and almost. Exactly 10 years ago the Smartphone App instagram was born since then everything has changed as the world has strive to become more instagram where does it leave us thats coming up on arts and culture and a space ship on hard times blog areas once grand monument to communism finally gets a facelift. And later on be instinctive a theory a work a finnish artist rita pipe. Line. Welcome to arts and culture since instagram launched its app 10 years ago its not just peoples photos that have improved the real world has actually changed in order to look better in pictures now businesses and even cultural institutions are built around looking good in photos well back when the very 1st instagram was downloaded the app on october 6th 2010 the idea was just to post pictures of whatever was happening that instant looking back it almost seems naive. The 1st Instagram Post was blurry and not much to look at its instagram cofounder kevin spy strums dog kevin doesnt have to work anymore instagram is the Worlds Largest photo sharing website but 1st instagram with its filters was mostly seen as just a good way to improve pics taken on your phone now there are professionals at work. Restaurants know the power of the app. Travel snapshots that are just too good to be true thousands of instagram is flocked to the same destinations. And museums now staged the kind of exhibitions that work well on the platform bespoke art museum has only one purpose as a backdrop for selfies. Today instagram has a 1000000000 active users and the app has helped give rise to a new job profile influencer models could be more perfect than ever before Instagram Queen kylie jenner is the platforms front runner with 197000000 subscribers some have made fortunes using the app even cats and dogs can be superstars this little fellow for instance has some 10000000 followers instagram is the perfect environment for advertising and companies are happy to take advantage of that to search for the Perfect Pitch dark surprise surprise the most successful of them all and. Why and i am hoping my colleague Michael Krueger can explain that one mike whats going on here that was a campaign and the aim of that was just to be better than kylie genest last post and they achieve this goal with more than 53000000 likes absolutely because there is this prime excel. Bull for the superficial instagram world is too much of everything looks like the perfect version of a woman bots in a comic if you know what i mean and ok i think she does of the Campaign Just wanted to print out the precious social media trick is to normal people with normal life normally shapes with an aunt in every week or so we know that there is this very superficial side of instagram with models and unattainable body is i am on there actually because a lot of my favorite artists are on their art institutions comedians so its not all superficial absolutely not there really some very interesting and very Extraordinary People on instagram of making fun of this superficial Instagram Wolf for example the comedian Celeste Barbara and she has millions of follow us with her parodies. Yet you see here i think of those kind of taking a lot of photos but this is the artist Cindy Sherman and Cindy Sherman is doing her best to look as best bet as possible with with photos and photo editing and i know that shes one of the major artists who have become even more famous in the last 10 years the instagram have been out i do get the impression actually the artists who do well on instagram there are to sort of made in a way that suited to a small screen or to the instagram world absolutely some artists develop their art for instagram and some people go to exhibitions just to do a selfie and wouldnt go usually to museum we have the artist. One of the most successful artist in the world right now and she is doing those dream waltz rooms where the people can go in and do their selfies and you wonder if that experience is still about the art or is it more about the benefit of the spectator well you know kusama i have to say i liked her work before there were so few thank you so. Which mike of google will have to do this again in 10 years and see if Instagram Still around this will be very very interesting thanks so much now speaking of things instagram mobile if you go on instagram and you type in hash tag bush live job youll find about 14000 pictures of what looks like a concrete flying saucer perched on a mountain actually its a ball garion monument that was meant to show the power of the countrys former communist leader it took 6000. 00 workers 10 years to build but just a few years after it was completed with the fall of communism the blues luge a monument fell into ruin. A futuristic flying salsa a cold war relic in bulgaria balcon now turns completed almost 40 years ago as a monument to socialism of the past 30 years it has fallen into total disrepair now its being sank many bulgarians are still proud of the monument. To me personally its the highest achievement of buggering architecture in general i dont want to see this at 1st sight thats why so many people can a 1000 people or we come here figure if i took. The former communist Party Meeting place was adorned with 50 meter long frescoes depicting idealized scenes of socialist life what remains is in a desperate condition for the past 5 years a foundation has been collecting money to stop the decay work has now begun restoration experts in several countries are involved in the painstaking work. Petition its workers led by or they have learned because you have so many things that you so many things but in conservation there is no want to do it and then we are blocking time we are trying to save as much as possible in the present day where nothing degrading its about the belief that. The work should preserve a part of the countrys history is controversial the monument opened in long serving communist leader title should cause totalitarian state is clearly a glorification of communist ideology this has to be weighed against the immense International Interest in the stunning architecture and the monuments history. Thats a kind of story of tradition not only all over. Other countries. Monuments have been destroyed or to make forget the past but you cant forget the. Obvious question. Of monument good. Many for a new feature. From a monument that was supposed to last forever now into ephemeral sculptures out of fabric built just for a photo or off to europes far north where artist rita creates works that have been called the Emotional Archaeology of the ordinary. This forest in finland is a place of mystery solitude and inspiration for photographer rita pipeline and she turns memories interesting images which evoke all the emotions. When i am to the far as i recall my childhood and the feeling what it felt to be a child in the forest somehow the forest to me and she trying to bring that feeling into these photographs fabrics serve as her paintbrush. She looks for materials that will easily interact or blend in with the natural landscape. It is just my thing i need to follow. And i have been to many places and i know which. 2 different landscapes that her studio in helsinki she begins work on her next project but the basis for each photograph is the same there has to be another level not only that i have placed close to the landscape the image has to give me some kind of emotion and this emotion can be sadness fear or happiness but there has to be a deeper level in that. Region part of a line and images that often include secondhand clothing they awaken her curiosity about the former owner. I have always been interested in the 2nd hand clothes and every day history of people i find it fascinating to try to figure out what the history behind the clothes. This photo represents a door to a secret world. And this photo taken in japan reminds her of an ancient samurais in the forest. Reserve have aligned and received both private and public grants from finland to fund her work its taken her all over europe and as far as japan and the u. S. Back in the 4 shes planning to reenact a scene from her new series called parallel. The. The ficus repressed and whatever the fear wishes so once so for me they might be a. Who would you meet i like the idea in my cherry meetings. Reach a private line and photographs unveil her undying curiosity about other worlds and the imaginary people who visit down. And now heres some very real news from the art scene here and europe the Royal Opera House in london is hawking a hockney to pay the bills the portrait of the operas former director by artist David Hockney is expected to bring in between 11. 18 pounds at auction this month thats cash the opera says it needs to survive the pandemic. The Czech Republic has a new record art sale this painting called the peak or queen of spades went for 3000000 euros making it the most expensive painting ever auctioned in the country it was painted in 1926 by the gender fluid check surrealist known as 20 no. One and tate modern is launching its 1st new exhibition since locked down the show features bruce nauman the american artist whose use of neon sound and video as the spired other artists now for half a century the show took a staggering 7 weeks to set up due to coronavirus regulations. And the prado museum in madrid has opened its 1st new show since locked down the paintings in it are spectacular but this is not a show just about beauty its about how art and the museum itself helped enforce gender inequality in 1900 centuries spain the pictures contain women but none of them is in charge ill leave you now with a look at that show called uninvited guests thanks for watching arts and culture. Theres a lot of energy. Theres enough of it available. Theres a way. Conflict after its not sealed is released. But the green energy is the future and its already here. Made in germany. 13 its on d w. A country where children often learn to shoot before they can. Break loose a. Country where people worship guns. A country with a victims fund no longer willing to stay silent and arm society americas love affair with guns. In 75 minutes on t. W. One continent. 700000000 people. With their own personal stories. We explore every day life for. What europeans fear and what they hope for. Her. Own g. W. Him know. This some dope story stubborn rice farmer from thailand. His problem pests. His credo no chemicals. And hes kind of. Stepped. Out. From. The students on the tests dont stand a chance. To train him successful. To me. Starts october 16th w. This is news and these are our top stories the u. S. Is urging a peaceful solution and restraint in kurdistan its faced violence since sundays parliamentary election handed a big gains to allies of pro russian president a store and buy back off protesters say the vote was manipulated they stormed government buildings after at least one person had died in clashes with a secure

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