Dominate you dont be afraid of what youre going to be to the u. S. President donald trump is back at the white house after hospital treatment but he is still infected with coated 19 as are a growing number of his staff and paris supporters of bars and its cafes to close hasbro confronts an increasing number of new corona virus infections plus the European Court of justice strikes down controversial hong garion laws at his university funded by philanthropist george soros it rules them incompatible with you lot. Im sorry kelly welcome to the program the 20 twentieths nobel prize week continues today with the naming of the winners in the field of physics about to be announced in the coming minutes youre seeing live pictures here from stockholm we are following that live when it happens. But for now were going to turn to growing instability in central asia because the Election Commission encourages stan has an old the results of last weekends parliamentary poll the countrys president is insisting that he is still in control even though protesters earlier broke into government buildings and freed his jailed predecessor now at least one person was killed in violent clashes that erupted overnight in the capital bishkek anger has been growing over the results of the election that handed victory to 2 establishment parties an opposition politician has now declared himself acting interior minister all of this chaos despite all of it the president and beak off maintained that he was still in charge he also says that he was not ruling out another election. Peace in the country instability in society is more important than any politicians mandate i suggest that the Central Election Committee thoroughly investigate any violations during the election process and to know the results if necessary political leaders to come the voters and also the not to take part in gathering. A following the story for us in moscow is bureau chief in your ear shadow europe why are these protests happening right now. Well sara these parliamentary elections took place 10 years after the country to a partially parliamentary system of government and its not the 1st time that there has been a violent political overthrow this time 16 parties participated in parliamentary elections only 4 managed to get seats in the parliament the current president is known for his the reserved political style but his popularity and plenty of his government has declined most recently due to the pandemic of a stun the country has one of the highest death rates a kostabi cobbett 19 in the world and current teen has lost congress down a 5th of its budget the president was accused of inaction some even called for him to be impeached yury what does this mean for the region. Or the entire region could become involved in this conflict and this is very dangerous in bishkek may have a domino effect to do too under a solved problem so that the country has with its neighbors recently in may of this year for example on the border of kyrgyzstan in tajikistan there was a shoot out as a result of war injury injuries on both sides of the conflict a curate of a disputed territory on the border lost again in the fall of the war also armed clashes with that done in bishkek they even called for help from the Russian Military the country is poor and for the socalled Islamic State kurdistan like that jake is done is a breeding ground for fight us here in russia however the kremlin how is watching closely what is going on in kurdistan as christiane is an important ally and partner for russia not only the fight against International Terrorism but also economically and what is happening on the ground right now and whats expected in the coming hours. Well as you said the very last to use is that the central Election Commission in bishkek has an alt with the results of the vote so now the opposition wants to see their candidate can do that as Prime Minister they demanded a 2nd vote president of caracas dungeon beck of call to what is happening now and coup attempt today the demonstrators occupied through the building of the carriages government and refused to let employees into. Your ear shadow joining us with the very latest on kurdistan thank you. In other news u. S. President donald trump is back at the white house after being hospitalized with covert 19 in an elaborately staged return he addressed the American Public in a video with defiant comments that have stoked criticism from medical experts meanwhile trumps position says that he will receive further care over the coming days it was a determined donald trump wearing a mask who emerged onto the stickers of the hospital. 4 days after he shocked the world by announcing he and 1st lady millennia had tested positive for covert 19 trump was back after the short helicopter flight to washington crossed the white house lawn and strode up the stick case he made a point of removing his mask over in a salute to the departing a crew. And that was encourage meant for the other 7 and a half 1000000 americans who have been infected by the virus dont let it dominate you dont be afraid of it youre going to beat it we have the best medical equipment we have the best medicines all developed recently and you going to beat it i went i didnt feel so good and 2 days ago i could have left 2 days ago 2 days ago felt great like better than i have in a long time i said just recently better than 20 years ago dont let it dominate dont let it take over your lives but doctors are not convinced i think that the president may be in a honeymoon phase as i call it of course in 1000 the cs in the 1st its may mean the viral phase before the inflammatory phase sets and we look for warning sign around the 70810 when people can actually do a lot worse require a lot more oxygen and he may get better or at that point may get a lot worse and that will be around the weekend those words will not be enough to deter the president in one of his many tweets on a day of high drama chum pledge to be back on the campaign trail sued. And we have more on the president s return to the white house with correspondent stuff on signs this is a president on steroids not figuratively literally steroids and maybe that explains why he feels so strong and so good after just 2 days while most 3 days in care of a top Team Physicians and doctors who has given him any possible treatment the best treatment possible medic medicines is that which are not at this point all the early in the disease available to all the americans who are infected by covert 19 who were not available which were not available to all the americans who died 210000. 00 plus now we will see how this will all develop in the next few days and meantime in the race for the white house some u. S. States are allowing early voting one of them is ohio the latest polls suggest a tight race between President Trump and his democratic challenger joe biden in what is certainly one of the most hotly contested states in this election went to find out whats on voters minds i try not to trust projections too much being that 4 years ago. Projections were so high. The actual outcome while. While im hopeful for by i just going to have to wait for the day off. Im going to be voting for president truman but i i do hope that this makes him more aware of the seriousness of the. Cove it higher than me health care each people who wear masks more out there well. You know donald trump says hes created more jobs than any other president. Barack obama produced more jobs in his last 3 years then wont try what donald trump has in his 1st 3 years so again is a look at the facts dont believe the rhetoric that donald trump put sound i mean lets deal with reality yeah already registered to vote and everything i think people are really passionate this year about their picks and its been a crazy crazy here and you know every size has been trying to convince my brother whos right hopefully when it is all over we can all come together. So some views from ohio there how is donald trump faring in the state t. V. Is in as paul sent us this assessment ohio is one of the battleground states in this election 4 years ago President Trump managed to convince voters here that she could bring back jobs and reopen shot to take freeze like this less than a month away from election day the race is neck to neck between him and system oppressing opponent joe biden many who wont get republican last time has the feeling he didnt deliver and is not really on the side of working class americans on the other hand his personal struggle with covert 19 doesnt seem to have changed peoples opinions. It was in as poll in the us lets turn to some other stories making news calls for our mania and azerbaijan to agree on a cease fire are growing as the conflict between the 2 former soviet states continues to escalate scores of people have been killed after the decades old conflict over the disputed territory of nagornokarabakh erupted 9 days ago the region lies inside of azerbaijan but is under the control of Ethnic Armenian forces. Russian Opposition Leader alexina vali has made his 1st video appearance since his poisoning with a band nerve agent the kremlin critic told a russian blogger that he believed he was attacked because russian authorities viewed him as a threat ahead of parliamentary elections he said his recovery in germany could take 2 more months. Now authorities in paris have shut down bars and cafes for 2 weeks to slow the spread of cull the 19 the french capital is on maximum alert with tighter rules enforcing social distancing new infections and hospitalizations have hit high is not seen since the lockdown was a. Tough times call for tougher measures with the french capital were experiencing a sharp spike in coronavirus cases Authorities Say they had no choice but to introduce stricter rules for businesses in the paris region and. The end they dont think is going too far we must cope with now before our Health System is overwhelmed the numbers make this clear and we must do this in particular to avoid it shattering our country. The new measures put a ban on gatherings of more than 1000 people and main bars only serving alcohol will be forced to close. Restaurants which abide by the regulations and put in place new hygiene protocols will be allowed to remain open Officials Say theyre trying to strike a delicate balance there all too aware of the economic hardships of many business owners. And. The Health Crisis has had extremely harsh consequences its dramatic for many families and for Economic Activity in our country and in our capital it in a. Bar and Restaurant Owners say they will have to live with the new restrictions but many complain that closing their doors even for a short period of time could have long term effects on their businesses. When youre running a business if you dont open its madness customers have they were teens if they see the shutters down once twice 3 times they dont come back. Police say the tougher restrictions will be in place for at least 2 weeks but with the number of corona virus infections rising so rapidly all of the europe it could be some time. Before the streets and shops of paris back to something approaching normal. And the u. K. s Service Sector has been particularly hard hit by the coronavirus as winter approaches Boris Johnson has warned of tough months ahead but its not only hospitality thats been hit londons Financial Hub the city has been left deserted as people work from home you know you Charlotte Potts reports. This is the latest fashion trend for bank us in london city accessorizing suits with a match to mask being helped make this one his shop has been around for over 100 years business had always been great until the pandemic and for 6 months he didnt make a single suit and the people come back into the city. So we can get back to some normality now though Boris Johnson has said everyone who can should keep working from home over the winter. Policy is a disaster. But so easy. For the high street all the independent shops where you couldnt the big big. Stores all over america wherever it where. One shop. Best. Keep. 9 am usually rush hour in the city not so in corona times its hard to believe how empty the streets which are normally bustling with people cars and buses up to half a 1000000 workers come into londons financial district usually every day to work here now Norman Foster world famous good can is virtually deserted as are the other skyscrapers here in the city most workers are still working from home at this point at least over the winter or until a covert 19 vaccine is found. Experts tell me that social distancing is difficult in skyscrapers plus making office. Covert compliance would be costly twitter has already announced that their employees will be allowed to work from home indefinitely and British Petroleum smiling over the most dramatic downsizing of property in their history we are seeing a lot of time its completely rethinking how they are going to occupy the space so without a shadow we are looking to be where rents are going to go up and up and up and this will begin to become more and more valuable where rents will stabilize or even drop the clock believes london city will survive this crisis as it did just fine now though this iconic part of london really is on life support and local businesses dont know how to make it through the window especially in restaurants and boss we have a one book at the christians not one not for taylor dayne hook tells me from now on its some bible of the fittest and he desperately notices that he will be among them through the water from birth and lets get you up to speed now on some of the latest developments in the corona virus pandemic ireland is set to impose stricter code than 1000 measures but the government has rejected calls from Health Experts for a 2nd lockdown instead Indoor Dining will be banned and people will have to stay in their county of residence India Registered its lowest daily increase in new coven coronavirus cases since august despite the lockdown india is on track to overtake the us as the country with the biggest caseload japan and south korea will resume short and long term Business Travel between the 2 countries lifting restrictions put in place to stop the spread of the virus. Well the European Court of justice has ruled that hungary is in violation of e. U. Laws with regulations for Higher Education introduced back in 2017 critics said that these roles specifically targeted a liberal university and go to fast which was funded by the us billionaire philanthropist george soros in an unprecedented move the university was forced to quit the country. In 2017 changes to hand garion law governing Foreign Universities for tens of thousands of protesters out onto the streets of budapest the law stated among other things that a university could only operate if the hunt garion government had a specific agreement with the universitys home country only one university was unable to fulfill the new requirements of the Central European university or c e u founded by one gary and born us billionaire george soros the 90 year old philanthropist funds causes that support democracy and human rights he has long been a source of i for hungarys right wing populist Prime Minister viktor orban who is accused of interfering in domestic politics the university has since moved to the austrian capital vienna where the only university. Located in a European Union country that has been forced out of our home. By the arbitrary. Government there remains a member of the European Union. E. U. Lawmakers have repeatedly raised concerns that all bans government is undermining democratic norms with restrictions on press freedom changes to that you just sheree and to the electoral system. Despite the protests or ban remains popular at home and his opponents face an uphill battle. But just last week the european commissions new report on the rule of law raised quote serious concerns about Judicial Independence in hungary. Lets turn now to our top story and a big announcement this hour Roger Penrose of britain reinhard against all of germany and gets of the u. S. Have been awarded the nobel prize for physics penrose was awarded the prestigious prize for showing that the general theory of relativity leads to the formation of black holes denzel and gets were recognized for their discovery of a super massive compact object at the center of our galaxy the laureates will receive a gold medal and they will share prize money of over 1000000. 00. More we are joined here in the studio by albert from data science so 3 winners this year tell us a little bit more about them well we just heard there from Great Britain where depend rose right again from germany and drag from the u. S. Which is no surprise there because most of the laureates are from the from europe and from the u. S. In the whole history of the nobel prizes so thats not a big thing id say but drag this is a woman and this is the surprise here because there were only 200000. 00 female laureates so fun physics and shes only 3 women where only 3 women were lowery its out of these 213 and shes the 4th now so thats the big thing here say shes the 4th while she was a pretty low number still how about the research how is it changing daily lives. Well its hard to say how its changing daily lives because they did their research about the dhaka secrets of our universe thats how the nobel price assembly called it and of course this is something which just happened in august space and its happening in our in the middle of our galaxy as well thats what gates and kendall found out. So i mean its kind of influencing our lives because we live in this galaxy but its nothing we feel really. Although the research can lead to i mean its basic research right so its going to lead hopefully to maybe better understanding how the world was created how the universe was created. Lets see how that changed our daily lives that estimating stuff congratulations to these 3 individuals theyre now the laureates lee albrecht breaking it down for us thank you. Well over the past 30 years taiwan has earned a global reputation as a manufacturing powerhouse but the push for industrialisation has come with a little regard for the environment or rather little regard for the environment the government has changed its tune they say that they are claiming Environmental Protection is now a priority but conservationists warn the tie on taiwan is paying the price for decades of inaction around 70 percent of the island is still covered in lush Tropical Forest but some plants have started to disappear and they could be a sign of whats to come. It may look insane and serene but home cinci is in a race against time a race that pits a group of plant taunters against a rapidly changing climate one to human expansion they search taiwans Natural Environment for plant species that could soon be wiped off the face of the earth. Finding the rare specimens takes more than scientific knowledge sharp i. Know so everyone can get to the places i go to i can stay a long time out in the wild in the mountains or forests im very good at climbing trees or not everyone can climb trees. The hunters also have to be able to clamber up steep cliff faces and withstand the downpours on the many days of time when the suns not shining. Back at the Conservation Center they carefully catalog and store their finds taking samples of d. N. A. And putting them in a deep freeze. By doing this they aim to preserve taiwans biodiversity for future generations. Just as he wants we hope that we will have a chance to return these species to their original habitat. Or one day when we can create a new habitat that these species can live there happily for them so. The botanists of the center also study the plants and educate the public about them sometimes making new discoveries that can benefit humanity. With his or her body many of these plants are endangered species we need to ensure scientific papers and research are published quickly so ordinary people can learn conserving these plants can help us out here who gets through. To. The center aims to become the largest shelter of tropical plants on earth a safe haven for flora that can no longer thrive in the wild. Well now the diamond we are about to show you might not look down market but it has just been sold out what experts are calling a bargain priced and extremely rare and flawless White Diamond has just been sold at sothebys in hong kong for just under 16000000. 00 the 102. 00 carat stone made history as the 1st gem of its quality to be sold without a minimum bidding price it was part of a larger stone mined in canada mine 3 years ago and it was snapped up by an unnamed telephone better. Quick reminder of the top stories were following for you here on news the Election Commission encourages stock has a null to the results of last weekends parliamentary polls the move came after protesters seized government buildings overnight and freed in jailed former president the head of the Commission Said that the decision was aimed at avoiding tension. U. S. President donald trump is back at the white house after being treated in the hospital since friday for covert nineteens he later appeared on the balcony with out of the mask and in the video urged the American People not to be dominated by the virus. The European Court of justice has ruled that hungary is in violation of e. U. Law with regulations for Higher Education introduced in 2017 critics say that the rules are specifically targeted and local university in budapest funded by the us billionaire philanthropist george soros. And of today the most gifted of mutineers all of those just download our app from google play or from the app store of attribute your access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for breaking news if youre part of a story you can send us a video of whats happening your. Next my colleague christoph covert takes you through the business headlines im sara kelly in berlin thank you so much for joining us take care and stay safe. The body. Fights to embrace. The match is dramatic and munich grabs 3 more points. Shaka is defeated again thanks to their shock the formants likes to Intercept International break at the top of the table kick off. 60 minutes on d. W. Why are people forced to hide in trucks. The bare arms race in the bed there are many answers to the big. And there are many stories. Make up your own. Joke made for minds. This is so no story a stubborn rice farmer from thailand. His problem pasts. His credo no chemicals. Was. The students. Cuts dont stand a chance. Training successful. Ok shattered me starts oct 15th. Believe. She earned a name for herself by going after big check now europes top antitrust official market investor tells us why her work isnt done and how she wants to take the. Digital stone age also coming up Global Shares on the rise after u. S. President trump leaves the hospital and markets are banking on stimulus packages to support their economies are looking at what exactly is taking and carol for some eggs from the web chinese farmers arent

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