Themselves how germany handled the cold bit 10 demick so much better and how they can learn from their neighbor on the continent. At the time some israeli said concerned at the thought of a real knight to germany dominating once again the center of europe in light of the memories of the holocaust others said there was nothing to fear from of united germany in the years after reunification germany and israel became close on many levels they do have to differences when it comes to the Israeli Palestinian conflict their relations are often described as a special relationship between both countries. German reunification is widely viewed as a success here in south korea and for some inspiration for those that pursue engagement with the north former president kim dae jong made his berlijn declaration to reach out to north korea resulting in the 1st interpreted summit in 2000 and current president mungy also chose berlin to lay out his peace strategy toward north korea resulting in a series of summits the reduced tension in the region. Im here in washington d. C. At the 2nd World War Memorial Many American soldiers gave their lives to fight nazi germany thousands of g. I. s who served investor money became ambassadors of what we used to know as the transatlantic relationship but the reliability of this partnership has changed dramatically under the current government the narrative of President Trump the germany doesnt pay its fair share its tell me no its in the discourse american 1st means for many to get out of multilateral commitments and promote a very nationalistic foreign policy. No this return to our top story now for viewers who just joined us he was president of trump is being treated at a Military Hospital often testing positive a covert team is dr scheduled to make a statement anytime now on the president S Health Status or help me with reporting on that joining us now is our correspondent stefan z. Ones in washington with me in the studio here stays a bit from our u. S. Election team stacy lets start with you just bring us up to speed again what do we know so far about the Health Status of the president ok well the president has been admitted into hospital he was suffering from shortness of breath exhaustion and a low grade fever and hes been taking to medicines the 1st from death of there is an antiviral drug and the 2nd is being referred to as an antibody cocktail and its an experimental treatment so its still in trials but the company in its produced back up we call ridge general on and the president s because its not on the market yet and its not f. D. A. Approved the president s doctors asked for whats called a compassionate use so that the Pharmaceutical Company can give him this medicine and we should point out that donald trump. Is and is in several high risk categories hes 74 years old hes been treated for a high cholesterol and he is clinically obese all of these factors make it a little bit more difficult to rebound from the current for when the growth of iris. Why is this so important the world is watching all the news stations of course covering this story waiting for this statement of Donald Trumps doctor do you think and see that this statement is coming now. I think that its urgent that the statement comes now because there are so many questions and when there are so many questions it makes people nervous and people react poorly we saw that the markets taking a bit of a dive yesterday because there was just a certainty. People just didnt know so and it matters because the u. S. Economy affects all other car economies and so the globalized world so were all connected and the u. S. Is the biggest and its also the lone superpower so the president whether you like him or not is the head of this and so people are wondering what does this mean financially what does this mean for National Security so these are things that everybody is looking at the pentagon says that everything is fine and that there are things in place where if the president becomes sicker. The government can still function as usual. In washington stuff and. If they see just so many open questions what would you how would you characterize the information policy from the wires coming from the white house with regards to Trumps Health and the covert 19 infection. As a failure the white house failed yesterday and up until now to really provide a stream a constant stream of information to the American People to the press in washington or elsewhere. And that is kind of typical and somewhat expected under normal circumstances from the Trump White House which also afforded itself to not hold any press briefings 1st substantial amount of time in the past you will remember there were weeks and weeks and weeks where nobody showed up and there were no press briefings and we just had to guess whats going on the white house now with in this situation where the president of the United States where the commander in chief is sick is covert 900 positive you would wish for and hope for and they expect the white house to be forth coming forth coming they were not not at all i witnessed yesterday myself pundits and experimenting experts on Television National television guessing reading between the lines of the statement the personal doctor of dont trump issued after hours and revealing that the that the president received this experimental antibiotic cocktail. And of course immediately there was room for speculation no what do you not want in a situation like this a state to you do not one speculation you want facts you want information you want calm and that was not provided by the white house yesterday so everybody started guessing and guess what we guessed right people thought experts reporters swear they like this statement from the doctor the only thing from the white house that is not a good sign reading between the lines the president is sick they are concerned and then 2 hours later the president was on his way to Walter Reed Medical Center. Its different this not only the president more people surrounding the president have tested positive other theories how they could have been infected. You know the theory is that this happened on saturday when the president announced his nomination for the next Supreme Court that was miss barrett of course as we know replacing rootkit against Bader Ginsberg and there is where 3 senators for example who are all now all tested positive with covert 19 and who are all on the Judiciary Committee that is the committee which will approve and make those hearings for the new contender for the Supreme Court seat they got all sick at this event others lets not forget core White House Team people not just the wife of president s are not just the 1st lady but also Steven Miller. Are the attorney general bar was there and a lot of high value core Trump Team Trump ministration people there and possibly the most affected and impacted and now covert 90 now they all have to get tested now this is not an ministration lets do some test within the white house kind of operation anymore this morphed already into the senate into. The fray have to interrupt you the doc if you go in there donald trump. Is about to make his statement his name is Sean Connelly and lets listen. Morning everyone thank you for coming. Dr Sean Connelly position of the president. This morning id like to start by 1st sharing that the president and 1st family 1st lady stream we grateful for the enormous outpouring of support and prayers that the whole world and country have been providing and sharing id like to thank colonel andrew barr and all the medical and support staff here at walter reed for the tireless efforts providing everything and anything the medical team the president and i could be. Sworn in the president is doing very well. Behind me are some of the members of the president s medical team whom id like to introduce. Dr sean dooley pulmonary Critical Care dr Brian Garibaldi pulmonary Critical Care dr Robert Browning pulmonary Critical Care doctor Jason Blair Locke Infectious Disease doctor wes campbell Infectious Disease doctor john hodgman and seizure. Major kurt kline army nurse commander meghan as ready Navy Nurse Lieutenant giuliana live the vote a navy nurse attending the town of commander john shea clinical pharmacist and not present with us or lieutenant beth carter attending marini hand both navy nurses and doctor jesse show now director executive medicine program. As reported yesterday consultation with this group i recommended we bring the president up to walter reed as a precautionary measure measure. To provide state of the art monitoring and any care that he may need. Just 72 hours into the diagnosis now the 1st week of it in a particular day 7 to 10 of the most critical in determining the likely course of this illness. At this time the team and i are extremely happy with the progress the president has made. There is a he had a mild cough and some nasal congestion and fatigue all of which are now resolving improving at this time and like to bring up dr dooley to discuss some of the specifics in the president s care. Thank you and good afternoon dr sean jewel is dr kahn the mention. Of start off by mentioning what it was incredible how incredibly proud i am of our medical team someone behind me in the honor its been the care for the president over these last 24 hours here at walter reed. Hes receiving outstanding multidisciplinary care. Stay the science for coronavirus infection. We are monitoring him very closely for any evidence of complications from either the coronavirus illness or the therapies that we are prescribing to make him better. We have monitor his cardiac function is kidney function is lower function all of those are normal and the president this morning is not on oxygen not having difficulty breathing or Walking Around the white house medical unit up stairs. Hes an exceptionally good spirits and in fact as were completing our multidisciplinary rounds this morning the he left us with was i feel like i could walk out of here today and that was a very encouraging comment from the president. Ford ill go ahead introduce dr garibaldi who will talk about some of our therapeutics and the plan for a plan of care for today thank you. Thank you dr julian i like to echo the sentiment from the entire team what a honor and a privilege as to be part of this most the display unit to care for the president. About 40 hours ago the president received a special antibodies therapy directed against the corona virus and were working very closely with the company to monitor him in terms of that outcome yesterday evening he received his 1st dose of i. V. Ramdass severe and our plan is to continue a 5 day treatment course for and us are here and the big plan for today since hes in such great spirits and doing well is to encourage him to eat to drink to stay hydrated to be out of bed and to be working and doing the thing things that he needs to do to get well. Now refer dr connelly and questions. Thanks right. Support in that the president spend fever free for over 24 hours we remain cautiously optimistic but hes doing great. With that 0 one other note it should be clear that hes got plenty of work to get done from the chief of staff. And hes doing it. But that if theres a couple questions about the president s health in the last couple days. Centuries. Yes so the last saturation that we had up Walking Around he was about 96 percent. He has not received any supplemental off hes not on oxygen right now thats right. You never see any at all hes not needed anybody any this morning today at all thats right hes do you have an estimated date when you might be discharged well i dont want to put a hard date on that hes doing so well but the thing with a known course of the on this day 7 to 10 we get really concerned about the inflammatory phase space to. Given that we provided some of these events there be so early in the course a little bit earlier than to most of the patients we know and follow its hard to tell where he is on that course and so every day were evaluating does he need to be here what does he need and where is he going. The probability that he will be supplemental are Going Forward i dont want to put a percentage on that but but right now all indicators are that. That hell remain off of oxygen Going Forward terms of like blood clots you know your bacterial infection what do you see as the threat on that front what we know that all of our risks associated with this condition. He is receiving all of the a standard of care and beyond. Her routine and our International Code protocols so the monitoring for all of that but at the moment theres no cause for concern you said it was the fever for you what was its fever what have. I really not give any specific numbers but he but he did have a fever thursday into friday and since friday morning hes had none at all i think probably. Theyre not im sorry right around there but youre on top of it. So rendez if youre worse a little bit differently than the other bodies were maximizing all aspects of his care attacking this virus you know multipronged approach is the president i dont want to hold anything back if there was any possibility that it would have value to his care and expedite his return. I want to take it and with the team create an overseer factor was the date of the president s last negative test im not going to get into all the testing going back but but he said all the staff or team routinely are tested and so doctors well that people protocol for president are pretty serious and. This is same as a hospital pass. We have an area thats clean that you put your equipment on and then beyond that everybody is fully masks gloves for protecting ourselves and its a risk if you dont screen as theres been any sign of any bomb damage whatsoever we are we are following all of that would you do you really alter sounds would you feel if i were the team is tracking all of that has there been any side damage so im not going to go into specifics of what the findings are you know i dont want think has he ever been on something but off he right now he is not on iraq so i know you keep saying right now but should we read into the fact that he had been freed yesterday and today he was not on oxygen so he has not been on it during his covert treatment and hes hes not on oxygen right now i dont think that were through in fact considered as if ive been offered to the president weve discussed it he asked about it hes not only now in that year what symptoms has he also experienced difficulty breathing no no he has not and never did he will cough he had the fever more than anything hes felt rundown who is handling her intact tracing is that the white house or c. D. C. Is the white house. White house medical unit conjunction with the you know club rich with c. D. C. Local state Health Departments are conducting the whole context raising 1st to see guidelines when with the night with me i think that the hours that it is that wednesday. So thursday afternoon following the. Thawing of the news of a close contact is when we get repeated testing. And given kind of clinical indications a little bit more concern and thats when that late at night we got the p. C. R. Confirmation that he was is there any clarity on how you became infected not going to go into that. As far as his care its 04 when he became infected yeah that ready to go into that were just tracking the safest course and writing a script. For president for a while to get at it by david do you think. Weve scuffs that right now if he needs all 5 days that will likely be the course but again every day were reviewing with the team his needs for being here and. As soon as he gets the point where its not a requirement he may still need some care but if we can provide that downtown of the house then we will transition at that point as long as its safe for appropriate team groups in addition to his weight doesnt have any other risk factors that make him more risk for sort of Us Nuclear Waste well no particular hes hes 74 hes male. And hes slightly overweight. Other than that hes very healthy. As close rules great sport pressures great just not on medication for the have. Hes up and active you still the his activity the days leading up to long hours nothing else now hes able to handle so youre right out there vitals like heart rate Blood Pressure and temperature so his his heart rate is in the seventys the eightys. His Blood Pressure has remained where it is where its historically been growing for physicals. You know one tender 11 easy stop hes great hes never budged had no concerns like so what was the decision made to transfer him here because the president United States and the doctors found that the prone position is helpful for pope if youve been in that at all you know we actually he asked about that he did thursday into friday. Hes been briefed but tests worsen all scientists for months and he brought that up you know we were discussing his cough and the time his oxygen levels were ok so we didnt feel like we need to do like we came up here to discuss that with the team as well we consider all options but hes not needed and why wasnt the 1st lady admitted as well the 1st ladys to agree thanks for asking she has no indication for hospitalization if you use their feet shes convalescing at home. If you really try to do that work i know you said theres no yeah there is and you know hes out on oxygen but you know its an area to receive any on thursday and hes lets today say. No no thursday no theres enough i guess that thats why so that was my work thursday no oxygen none at this moment yeah and yesterday with the team while we were all here he was not on oxygen so has the president actually back had made it as a patient to you this afternoon the president is a patient at Walter Reed National 3 methods. Is he on any steroids that the press think that you have to i think you very much for taking a break and ok back here. And that was the statements from Sean Connelly the lead physician leading the team that is streets in President Donald Trump Walter Reed Medical Center in washington rather long statement stays a bit from all u. S. Election team is still with us the fans. Munns is standing by in washington forces lets start with you he said the start of saying the president is very well. He is not on oxygen today and that is team of doctors is cautiously optimistic just run us through what this statement what did he say yeah he said the president is doing very well and that this is early on in the process and that 7. 00 to 10. 00 days are the most critical days so theyre monitoring his heart his organs theyre all for blood clots pneumonia and bacterial infections and factions and hell be on a treatment a 5 day treatment of doesnt fear. And theyve decided to do this mall 2 prong approach just to give the president everything that he needs to that he can recover and the doctors said that the president so that i feel like i can walk out of here today so so far it looks good they say that he hasnt been on oxygen at least in the past couple of days but it was interesting to see this army of doctors federal doctors ready to treat this president and i think that it would have been great if we would have had a federal response to this problem in the 1st place for everyone because the present is just one of 7000000 people suffering from the corona virus thank you so lets go to stephanie was in washington for you listen to this statement by dr Sean Connelly as well what struck me was that he wasnt willing to give a clear indication whether the president has been on oxygen at any point since his infection what do you make of this courageous. And it was very interesting and you nailed it there stacey did a great job of pointing really a lot of things out already but that was one thing i would also say he went to pains not to say if the president was ever an oxygen before and he categorically said that the president is not on oxygen in the last 2 days or today now why is this important because if the president is on oxygen and would have been on a ventilator then you would have implications. In terms of transfer of power because of course when hes on oxygen would be on a ventilator is that right he cant govern and that would trigger then the 25th amendment section 3 turning over power to the Vice President and so on so thats not happening the president according to the doctor as they see and you pointed out doing just fine fever free for 24 hours in good spirits. Ok great wonderful just a cough and. No trouble breathing again this was very very important but also 2nd point very important. The doctors and by the way this was a huge team there in the background right noting 3 pulmonary Critical Care doctors there so breathing ventilator respiratory system for the president theyre watching this with eagle eyes because they dont want to go there they wont they dont want any problem in this regard but however the doctors also didnt say when did dont actually was infected when did he catch covert 19 was it on thursday on wednesday on monday on tuesday before the before the debate with the president ial candidate democratic friends or debate joe biden was it any time in the week was it even before was it on saturday that we remember we talked about the saturday when he nominated. Miss barrett for the new justice seat in the Supreme Court and. So on so a lot of information there but not enough information i would say not in the not enough answers stephanie was thank you very much also thank you very much stacy bivins from all of my selections and heres a reminder of all the top stories president strums personal physician dr Sean Connelly says the president is doing well following his diagnosis with covert 90 other members also team treating him described the cat hes receiving as state of the art is treatment with ramdass if it will continue for another 5 day. Youre watching do the w news from berlin thanks for. The. Conflicts you dont hear a lot of traffic in europe these days but for more than 2 months file sharing compounds financial corruption and see government demonstrations my guest this week from sofia to speed so so much about minister and social of this. Why does she continue to suck in the job its mistreating its most Vulnerable People they should its human rights. In. Every 2 seconds a person does forced to flee their home nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced the consequences come into sastra so our documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises around the world you know. What a good thing we dont need and i didnt go to university to kill people. Or to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone and he got mad if i dont theyll kill me. People feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of those kristie behind its a plan our capital my husband went to peru because of the crisis that i wanted that if he hadnt gone there we would have died of hunger the town down the. Displaced starts october 16th on the job. Where i come from we have to fight for a free press i was born and raised in a military dictatorship with just one to the shadow and if you missed a 1st one official information as a journalist i have walked off the streets of many canvassed and they have problems are always the same forward to the social inequality a lack of the freedom of the press. Corruption we can afford to stay silent when it comes to the fans of the humans and see the microphones who have decided to put their trust. Enoughs. My name is jane curtis and i work. This is d. W. News live from berlin and Donald Trump Personal physicians makes an announcement about the president s condition saying donald trump is doing well the team treating him says hes receiving state of the are to care his treatment with them disappear will continue for another 5 days also coming up. Germany celebrates 30 years of her unification term and president from baltar steinmeyer speaks of the official ceremony calling the past 30 years a triumph of democracy over oppression and he issues a warning against populism and extremism. Im married to evanston and its good to have you with us the doctor treating president for his corona virus infection has given and update assessment of his patients progress but he also warns that the critical phase of a covert 1000. 00 infection would come in a few days. As reported yesterday consultation with this group i recommended we bring the president up to walter reed the precautionary measure measure. To provide state of the art monitoring and any care that he may need. Just 72 hours into the diagnosis now the 1st week of coated in a particular days and a time of the most critical in determining the likely course of this illness. At this time the team and i are extremely happy with the progress the president has made. There is a he had a mild cough and some nasal congestion fatigue all of which are now resolving improving. And joining us now is correspondent Stefan Simmons who is standing by in washington d. C. And here in the studio with me is Stacy Bevins Stefan lets start with you perhaps and you were also following the statement made by the medical team treating donald trump what stood out for you in what they had to say. You know a little problem with the statement with a specific part of it and i guess im not alone with this because the timeline the doctor is referring to here does not really add up as we just heard in his soundbite he said 72 hours were 72 hours into diagnosis meaning 72 hours ago the president was diagnosed coburg 19 positive well the public the u. S. Public the public the work we as press in washington we know that the president is covert 900. 00 positive for 36 hours when he tweeted out so did the white house did the white house give us a wrong time you know wrong time why did the president was the president infected and already covered 19 positive when he went on the 1st day on a on a Campaign Event with donors not wearing a mask and already be in infected so that really doesnt make sense but thats what the doctor said and this is what stood out the other thing standing out there is of course that he was adamant of not saying that adamant about saying that the president is not on a ventilator that he doesnt require oxygen that his oxygen levels in his blood at 96 percent. Are very re good so that is important why this is important because of course the white house as well as the doctor and the president want to make sure that we all understand the public understands the world understands that he is not on a ventilator that hes capable of still governing and that there wont be any transfer of power to the Vice President and so on so those are the 2 major points but again the problem is timeline this a lot of questions now about the timeline did the doctor make that dr sean kelly make a mistake when he said 72 hours since diagnosis into the diagnosis or is it really true that the president was already infected with covert 19 when he went on a Campaign Event and i was to see so. We know at least for the moment there will be no transfer of power if stefan mentions the president continues to be capable of carrying out his president ial duties but what kind of an impact does his hospitalization have on his Election Campaign write this its really interesting because if he is required to quarantine for 14 days this means that he would not be able to participate in the 15th president ial debate so there are questions about what would happen do we move the debate. As it online is a more of an interactive situation his campaign will continue to run ads they say theyre not going to pull the negative campaign ads against Joe Biden Joe biden on the other hand his Campaign Continues as normal hes on the road hes reaching out to people in battleground states where hes leading and most of them since the president is not able to campaign this probably will demoralize some of his supporters we dont elections are already taking place many of the states so we dont know if this will keep them away from the polls or not but joe biden has said that of respect he is pulling his his negative campaign ads about dr donald trump but he is looking president ial talking about the importance of wearing a mask of social distancing and washing your hands and is the kind of leadership that americans needed and they didnt really get from the president and those d. C. Just as stefan mentioned at the timing a lot of all of this is rather unclear at the moment but why do we 1st now take a look at how news of President Trumps corona virus infection 1st emerged and what we know about the treatment that hes been receiving. The 1st glimpse of a u. S. President since he shocked the world with his cover of 19 diagnosis. Here donald trump is being transferred to a hospital with officials insisting its only a precautionary measure. The white house said he was fatigued but in good spirits and experiencing mild symptoms before take off the president assured his supporters he was doing ok. I want to thank everybody for the tremendous record. You want to read i think im doing very well. To make you heard things the 1st lady is doing. So were thank you very much very appreciated. Thank you. The white house had been on high alert after news that a top aide was diagnosed with the virus on thursday post pics seen here in the brown coat often travels with President Trump now the race is on to try sin test the people who might have come into contact with the president and the potential pool of people is huge several other people close to trump of now tested positive for corona virus and that number could grow even further. Form a Senior Adviser to the president Kellyanne Conway seen here talking to u. S. Attorney general bill barr was at an event at the white house rose garden a week ago she has since tested positive for the virus and so too republican senator mike lee seen here shaking hands touching and hugging people at the same event. With an election to win trump has been on the road to addressing voters. But he hasnt always worn a face mask or followed social distancing god lines. Outside of the vault of reed hospital Trump Supporters have been gathering to show their support for the president. There with a month until the election willis has thrown his campaign into uncharted territory. And if donald trump hopes to stay in office hes going to have to beat the coronavirus 1st. All right lets talk now again to our correspondent in washington d. C. From the months. Something else that i noticed in this press statement by the doctors treating donald trump is that they refused to give any information about where the president might have been infected there was even a direct question by one of the reporters there asking and they just refused to say anything why is that and what are some theories about how trump and others could have been infected. That is because israeli political number one number 2 it is because those are doctors and not politicians they are part of the White House Administration in the White House Communications director or political directors and there you have it and going back to point number one its highly political why is it part of political speculation is that. The initial infections between other people more than just the president and the 1st lady happened actually less said today at this event as we had mentioned in the report we just just seen when the president announced his nominee for a new justice if the Supreme Court this was picked there was no masks wearing there was no social distancing everybody was hardening shaking hands and this was maybe not the criminal or criminal of washington but this was the courtroom White House Administration team was there Steven Miller senator this is the Judiciary Committee of the committee of course 3 of them are now sick with covert 19 the general attorney Kellyanne Conway who was also. Diagnosed as covert 19 seeing shaking hands and hugging with the attorney general and so on so this could have been a lets say spreader not super spread event but spread to invent right here in the white house and what does it say you see theres no pictures actually floating on social media showing. The secretary of press and other major Jared Kirshner even car trunk with masks Wearing Masks 2 days ago one day ago you havent seen those people wearing any mask at all so there is this ice makeshift going on why because the president is covert 19 positive at that Walter Reed Medical Center and now stacy trans democratic opponent joe biden was also tested for cove it just a few days ago he tested negative. What does this mean for joe bidens campaign and me is that joe biden has been following the president s c. D. C. Guidelines and hes healthy his wife dr joe biden is healthy so theyre continuing on the campaign trail there riding the train through some of the red states theyre visiting some battleground states seeming president ial hes continuing to wear his mask and being an advocate for Proper Health but i should say that this brings some attention to. The fact that both of these contenders are in their seventys 74 and 77 so the upcoming debate on tuesday night will really highlight their their partners the vices for kemal the harris and mike pence people are going to have to look at them to see ok which one of these people could possibly be president if something happens because this is such you know that anything can happen in 2020 in this Election Year all right steve in here in the studio with me and stephanie month in washington many thanks to both of you. Turning now to our other top story and germany is marking 30 years of the countrys reunification of on this 3rd of october journeys National Holiday the countrys president from vulgar steinmeyer gave the keynote speech at the official ceremony in ponce damn near berlin and events that was significantly scaled down due to the coronavirus pandemic. A landmark date celebrating 30 years since a divided germany became once again the film studios in potsdam just outside berlin provided the stage for the official ceremony a toned down event due to the coronavirus pandemic only 230 guests were present about one 5th of the audience originally planned plans for a Big Street Party had to be abandoned. In his keynote speech german president. Said the pandemic couldnt blunt the countrys pride in the achievement of reunification he paid tribute to the peaceful revolution in communist east germany that brought down the berlin wall in november 1989. And 2020 the German Federal republic is a country that has been molded by east germans and west germans well rooted family in the grand migrants it is a country that draws hope from the victory of the ideas of 989. 00. Many were the Lessons Learned from germanys the vision and reunification steinmeier said including the countrys strong belief in International Cooperation and approach now often being called into question around the world. We germans are committed to International Cooperation even though it has become harder especially since it has become harder. We want to stand up for a strong and Fair International order together with our partners in europe ladies and gentlemen dear guests this too is a lesson in mission weve inherited from our history. A day of remembrance but also of celebration accompanied by performances appealing to the musical tastes of all age groups including the almost 13000000 germans who are 30 years old or younger who never experienced a divided germany. A country now united but were economic and sometimes cultural differences still exist recent polls show 2 thirds of germans dont think the process of reunification is complete a task that will be up to younger generations to accomplish in the years to come. And now a quick reminder of our top story president Donald Trumps personal physician dr Shannon Conway says the president is doing well following his diagnosis with of the 19 other members of the tree team treating him described the care is receiving as state of the art. And thats the latest on d. W. News this hour and mary in evanston thanks for watching. Im secure in the fire war not hard and in the end this is a me youre not a lot of the human war we was and you. Are you familiar with this. With the smugglers with lions. Whats your story. d d with numbers and women especially of victims of violence in recent

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