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The president the 1st lady says. Scary. Trying to score political points. I think would be a huge mistake. In severely. Impact his ability to be desired. Welcome to the day to day it has begun with just 4 weeks until the u. S. Election the white house says President Trump is experiencing mild symptoms now that followed the announcement that he and 1st lady. Had tested positive for corona virus democratic rival joe bidens tested negative despite sharing a platform with mr trump in tuesdays president ial debate when the president s diagnosis was revealed hours after it became known that senior aides who had contracted the virus she. Been traveling all week with the president and seen here on that wednesday throwing crap caps into a crowd of supporters at a Campaign Event mr trump tweeted that he had madonna quarantining at the white house where he said to be continuing hes duties so what happens now well lets run through some of the potential synonymous with john hes a senior fellow at the Brookings Institutions 10 to 4 effective Public Management joins us from washington welcome to d w i see that youve written that a positive coverage test for the president is not in itself a cause for Emergency Action so when showed people start worrying well as you said its not necessarily a cause for Emergency Action for millions of people who had old it and theyve. Either no symptoms or in the president s case so far mild symptoms and president s get sick from time to time and thats not as much of a problem but if the president s condition deteriorates and he is older he is obese and those are all. Conditions or situations which can make symptoms worse it would be something that could become a real crisis in the United States if the president were to need a ventilator or to be sedated or to be hospitalized in a serious way ok so lets lets talk through some of those scenarios if for instance if the president if his condition takes a turn for the worst and he does become incapacitated and unable to govern the presumption is there is a system so talk us through what that system is. Theres really 2 parallel tracks that are laid out on the 25th amendment to the United States constitution the 1st would be the president for seeing that he is going to be hospitalized for sedated or made in some way incapacitated and he can voluntarily transfer the powers of the office to the Vice President temporarily and the Vice President would then exercise the powers of the presidency until the president recover the alternative system is one in which the president is incapacitated in a very sudden way or in a way that he has not voluntarily turned over the powers of the office and in that case the Vice President along with the majority of the cabinet can notify the congress that the president is incapacitated at which point those powers automatically transferred to the Vice President and this is a well trodden path that they have been examples in the past of the 25th amendment being deployed. So there have been charts of the 25th amendment that have been deployed over the course of the past 30 to 35 years of president s have needed to undergo medical procedures president reagan needed some polyps removed president bush had a colon ostap during which time they were under either anesthesia or sedation and when that happened each of those president s bollen terribly transferred power to the Vice President who served as acting president temporarily until the president came out from the drugs that you was under in could take the powers back over which is typically only a few hours this situation in which the Vice President and a majority of the cabinet forced that transfer has never happened in American History ok so when we are a long way from that at the moment so how important is that the president is now so i think he has been tweeting for about 13 hours which is a long as anyone can can remember how important is it for the president to remain visible during an airless like this and to keep the public a dated. Well i think visible is sort of in the eye of the boulder the president doesnt necessarily have to appear physically but he could give interviews over the phone he can tweet he can do a variety of tasks that can communicate with the American Public that he is there that use doing well i do think if the president is well enough to make a Television Appearance or to speak directly to the people that would be important to settle some jitters and there are genders among a lot of americans right now about what the president s health actually is and certainly there are concerns im sure weve been his family and others as well as an American Market about what the future is going to hold and so i think is much is the president can he should communicate about his health and wellness to the American Public ok this is a fag and that its speculating but its fascinating. Lets look at the president sits situation deteriorating what happens if he is incapacitated come election day. If you say incapacitated on election day it would be the same as if you were incapacitated any other day. Would the powers of the office would transfer to the Vice President he would be not in holding the powers of the presidency the Vice President would it could have political effects shortly but i think is long as the president s condition is seen as temporary that will instill enough faith in the individuals going to the polls that they can continue to vote for him if they so choose if the president s condition is quite serious or quite grave i do think it raises some questions among voters about what theyre going to do now that said in the United States we vote for president and Vice President on the same ticket and so if youre supporting President Trump youre also supporting Vice President tents were of course will take over in the event of a president ial incapacitation or president ial death and so i think going into election day voters will have those types of thoughts on their mind particularly if the president is incapacitated. So the center of this story has a 74 year old man with a potential made life threatening condition the concerns of a big of the health of the man on they were talking about the office of the president. Thats right and i think its important for our your viewers and you know today ive been reminding american viewers as well the presidency is about more than one person the presidency is a system of offices that help support the person who happens to be in power at that moment but of course there are contingencies in place to ensure not only that there is a line of succession but there is continuity in that succession and so while this sort of situation as you said and elderly president with a disease that has now killed more than 210000 americans is a very serious situation but we do have a process in place for when these occurrences do happen want to an acting president to penn. Gets to do his own thing in this in this next month and presumably if he got that elected all what hes dhobi to just keep the show on the road and not invade anyone. Well this their head this is uncharted territory the Vice President s who have served as acting president s in the past have done so only for a couple of hours and because they knew that the president was under some sedation or some anesthesia that said if Vice President pence were to become acting president he would wield all of the powers of the presidency and could do if he wished and now i think that for Vice President pence particularly given that he has a close relationship with the president he would see that role as a caretaker role with the hope of course that the president would recover and he would just essentially carry out the president s wishes during that time and not make many Major Political or policy moves that said if the president were to resign from office or god forbid if he were to die in office the Vice President would elevate permanently to president and then would likely do what predecessors who have succeeded a president to do and that is take the helm of the office and do as they wish fos and i think thank you for your analysis and john who that from the Brookings Institution thank you. So how will the president s illness affect the campaign with just over 4 weeks to go blue cross joins us from us election to welcome with him to the 2nd president ial debate issues will take place in just under 2 weeks the president is self isolating though i suppose this doesnt rule him out completely no i mean and we dont really know whats going to happen next but we keep hearing we we theres a reason we say this is an unprecedented moment in an unprecedented election these are thats not just a word we use although it does get thrown around unfortunately a lot it does mean something here the next debate is within this quarantine time so donald trump depending on his recovery on how he feels if hes able to be tested negative may not actually bill to be there in person we could be looking at a zoom debate which of course might fill a lot of peoples wishes and theyll be that mute button that i know of the last debate a lot of people on both sides particularly donald trump who interrupted the most would have liked to have seen Chris Wallace employ remember theres no legal basis for debates this is an informal tradition thats developed over over decades in the United States even the debates themselves are run by a private organization a privately funded organization its just tradition that the candidates meet the specific republican and Democratic Candidates 3rd Party Candidates tend to be excluded from this. Show up to have an a platform to present their ideas and go face to face with their candidate so that these debates can be postponed they could be canceled theres nothing that would throw the election off because of whatever happens to these debates ok so thats not such a big not such a big deal but suddenly the Vice President ial debate is how does that takes on a whole new significance and weve seen this the last many months months ago knowing that we were going to election with 2 men of advanced age both joe biden and donald trump we knew that the Vice President might take on a particularly Important Role and that voters might. Looking at who is in that 2nd seat which generally Vice President ial candidates for all the talk in our circles we might have about the role the Vice President ial candidate plays in balancing the ticket alternately doesnt play a huge role in voters decisions but in this case they might because youre looking at kaamelott harris a far younger woman and youre looking at mike pence a far younger man than donald trump who could seriously more seriously than in past president sees be looking to possibly fit to step into the role of the president as we heard in the previous talk possibly immediately depending on how the coronavirus develops with donald trump but even over the course of the next term regardless of who wins both present both president s both candidates getting on in age we could be seeing the need for a Vice President ial candidate to step in as president. So heres the tricky thing i think joe biden do you would think that on paper the president being. Is a win for the democrats but i suppose biden has to be careful not to look like hes kicking a man when hes down Democratic Leaders have been very careful to not be gloating today to be extending their thoughts and prayers to saying all the boilerplate expressions of sympathy when anyone is sick regardless if they are ally or your opponent because of course you know we saw this in the kingdom when Boris Johnson was fell ill of coronavirus he actually got a lot of sympathy even from from people who tended to not like him or were as a political politically opposite in ideology to him so the democrats have to be careful how theyre going to use this opportunity for them politically and we see that already where theyre trying to shift focus from donald trump to the American People to broaden this to their number one issue this election which is health care and Health Insurance because donald trump as the president is going to get the absolute best care possible to fight and battle and defeat this virus which which Many Americans including many of the 200000. 00 plus americans who have died from this virus did not have the luxury couldnt afford Health Insurance that donald trump was going to be able to get ok so that elevates Health Insurance the political agenda but. This its important to somebody wins of course. When if. Joe biden doesnt ask what he has to sort of change his tone and how he goes about winning doesnt that its a make or break moment or could be a make or break moment for both candidates really i have been thinking all about 2007 also about this time in october just before the election and the financial crisis hit and the 1st Banks Insurance Companies started to go down the ones that were too big to fail and i remember back then we look back at it now and it seems like peanuts compared to what were dealing with now all the things coronavirus social unrest the economic problems that have come from that but at that time it felt like the world was ending but the United States very system was over and john mccain and barack obama both gave press conferences john mccain looked uncertain he looked out of place he looked like he could handle the situation can handle this crisis and he was suspending his Campaign Going back to washington to fix this problem barack obama came out cool confident ready to take on the crisis and Continuous Campaign and while obama was already leading in the polls and probably would have still won it was a very decisive moment a very interesting moment where a lot of americans said this guy this guy knows how to do both how to be a politician to run for presidency and handle a major crisis and thats what we could see joe biden trying to come out to do in this case can you see any upside for the president getting ill like this. There is the the whole idea that maybe he turns around and comes back stronger than ever and says i beat this virus this virus is no big deal like ive always been telling you as well as the sympathy aspect like i mentioned earlier that people might swing towards him and just by having sympathy for for a sick man but i dont see a lot of upside for him i dont see a lot upside for anyone and no one should be gloat. And no one regardless for you come down should be should be happy about this turn of events if you are conservative if youre a republican a trumpet supporter of course you are looking at a big hit to your leader and if you are a democrat if you are someone who does not like trump you are looking at all d kinds of potential conspiracy theories that have just made this election a total mess and have made it really hard to separate fact from fiction to know what to truly believe in it makes the whole system that much more difficult to deal with and you have that will include from day 2 of the us elections. Well lets have a look at how President Trump has handled the greatest Public Health challenge for decades hes long been dismissive of coronavirus the precautions recommended by his own experience from initial optimism in february looks like by april you know in theory when it gets a little warmer it miraculously goes away i hope thats true to a number up to about face in march that specific case today i am officially declaring a National Emergency us President Donald Trump has gone to extremes in his Public Attitude toward the coronavirus hes always saw a Silver Lining even as the death toll skyrocketed america will again and soon be open for business. We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself were not going to let the cure be worse than the problem is going to start seeing some related the end of the tunnel but this is going to be a very painful. Very very painful 2 weeks that trump soon turned a medical problem into a political issue forcing the public to choose between him and the experts when government scientists recommended Wearing Masks he scoffed at the idea is no one myself its a recommendation they recommended. I dont see it for myself i just i just maybe ill change. He didnt change his mind but as the pandemic refused to go away miraculously he mused in public about rather unorthodox treatments supposing we hit somebody with a tremendous whether its valid or just very powerful like what i said supposing you brought the lady in you can which you can do either through the skin or. In some other way right and then i see the disinfectant but not in a minute. By june as testing ramped up along with case numbers he seemed exasperated if you dont test you dont have any cases that we stepped us the great now would have very few cases if any. And he started marking the virus making racist jokes and blaming the pandemic on china. Its a disease without question has more names than any disease and history i can name. Comes lou i just i 90 different versions of they said with the election looming he doubled down on mocking masks even during the president ial debate i dont have i dont wear masks like him every time you see me hes got a mask he could be speaking 200 feet away from it he shows up with the biggest mask ive ever seen that attitude held up until the last minute at this rally in minnesota on wednesday trump threw souvenirs barehanded into a packed audience where few wore masks it remains to be seen how seriously trumps diehard supporters will now. Take the virus that has put their hero into quarantine and. Well many journalists are cover the white house have noted the lack of masks and social distancing around the president so how surprise should we be by the coming situation lawrence our gostin his University Professor at Georgetown University hes also director of the Oneill Institute for national and Global Health law welcome to d. W. Were you surprised that this happened well i certainly wasnt shocked i mean. The president is probably the most protected human being on earth you know hes getting cold the test says hes getting medical monitoring but hes been very lax in his behavior he basically doesnt wear a mask he goes into the crowds he shakes hands he has big political rallies and so no i mean the virus is all around us and if youre not truly careful. You can easily contract a virus so were talking about a 74 year old man 6 foot tall obese and exhibiting mild symptoms were told what will doctors be looking for. Well you know hes in a very high risk group. Is age is is it is also an old age hes got preexisting conditions like prior history of cardiovascular risk and hes also. By c. D. C. s definition obese certainly well oh wait those are the for those are 3 major risk factors and so doctors will be looking to see whether or not he has breathing difficulties other signs of severity but hes hes make no mistake hes hes at risk of grave illness and remember Boris Johnson you case Prime Minister a missionary didnt seem that bad but then ended up in hospital and then to Critical Care i mean i i hope and pray that doesnt happen but he could. Where about 7 months into this into this pandemic are treatments now do they differ significantly from the treatments back in march when we were just getting a grip. Yeah i mean weve made a lot i mean weve made a lot of progress we hear a lot of. Hype about the progress on vaccines and that has been quite remarkable weve also made some really Good Progress arent treatments. Some of the treatments like cortisone treatments. Arent appropriate for the president and shellys hospitalized but others like that are investigational some of them like. Antibody treatments or immune therapy hes and they will be appropriate or not understand his doctors are considering you know may even have administered one of those treatments already. Were talking about a 74 year old as you say getting the best medical care but his is a stressful job one of the dangers of going back to work too early. Well you know eat it can be weak it can be fatigued he could have mental acuity problems you know we dont know i mean one of the things about this coronavirus call sars kovi 2 days is that you know it can cause no symptoms whatsoever and that may it might be a very mild disease for him we hope so but it can cause great disease it also can cause multisystem failures or deficits. And it can be long term so the truth is is that he needs to be really carefully monitored we shouldnt just assume this is like he said you know a little bit of the flu this is a really serious disease and he could incapacitate and theres no question about it. Was it so much worse for over 60 fives. You know we dont know exactly but probably when you get older your youve got a less robust immune function and then your mean system really cant fight off the virus as well as a younger person can thats probably the most likely explanation but in addition to that the older you get the more comorbidities you have the more you know you might have diabetes or or hypertension which he does have or chronic other chronic conditions so for all of those reasons you know there is a you know a significant elevated risk for somebody thats all d and particularly if theyre theyre well overweight which the president is we thank you for joining us professor professor Lawrence Agustin from the Georgetown University thanks good to be here. And not the day as every other conversation continues on line youll find us on twitter ops p. W. The. News of the talk tough it often not a good. Mob. The feel good. To the point. Clear position the International Perspective symmetry many a small thing the 1st year is going to burst sorry of the reunification of the to do something west today its a different country mold makes all diverse a Younger Generation of course has its own perspective so whose germany is it to find out from so the point short flight. To the point is when it comes to the final minutes. D. W. The power of sports. Where i come from and i never saw the sun where it needs to. Have you know nothing brazil in the sun was always the man since the point of his word for son is masculine when i move to germany as a 10 year old i want to come to him on t. V. That would say how i see the world because in time on the side of this family. The same now but the side of a good listener so i reach a point to take it instead of a deep voice exterminate the guy seems absolutely incredible. I realize how they what shapes and thinking how definitions are not only mental in may just but how to hold perception of the world. Inside save my life and was one of the reasons i became i joined a list im a storyteller and i use my words to help with Intercultural Understanding my name is in one way and i work at it obviously. Every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their home nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced the consequences of just stress were documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises around the world you know. What a good thing we dont need and i didnt go to university to kill people. Or to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone to get money and if i dont theyll kill me. She can feel for their cars and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of course kristie behind it simply. My husband went to peru because of the crisis that i wanted that if he hadnt gone there we would have died of hunger going on down. Displaced starts oct 16th. This is the only news line from donald trump being quarantined after testing positive for corona virus a month before the u. S. Election the white house says the president is suffering from mild symptoms but is in good spirits and will carry on working isolation. We have a president that. Is only on the job will remain on the job. Im optimistic that well have a very quick and speedy recovery. Well bring you the latest from washington. Im for welcome to the program President Trump is in quarantine in the west wing of the white house suffering from what hes aides say are mild symptoms of confidence im taking taking him off the campaign trail just a month before the u. S. President ial election the president and 1st lady tested positive shortly after one of his senior aides was found to have been infected mr trumps doctor says hes fatigued but in good spirits democratic candidate joe biden has tested negative despite sharing a platform where mr trump during this weeks heated president ial debate hes urging americans to wear masks in public and follow official guidelines so for President Trump it has been an extraordinary Election Campaign during an unpredictable yeah and that. Before the president shocked the world by revealing he and his wife malani are the most powerful couple on earth had been infected by the corona virus he tweeted tonight the 1st lady and i tested positive for covert 19 we will begin our quarantine and Recovery Process immediately we will get through this together. The president does have mild symptoms as. To try to. Make sure that not only his health and safety and welfare is good we continue to look at that war of the American People. He continues to be not only in good spirits but very energetic. At the white house anxiety have been rising after the news that a trusted Campaign Aide was diagnosed with the virus on thursday. Topix seen here in the brown coat often travels with the President Trump and his in a circular tested regularly and now the race is on to trace and test the people who might have come into contact with the president and the pool of potential people is huge with an election to win trump has been on the road addressing voters and he hasnt always want to face mask or follow guidelines on social distancing. Here he is 2 days before the positive coronavirus test result at a Campaign Rally in minnesota. But for now in person campaigning is on hold and trumps handling of the pandemic and questions about his health are at the front of voters minds. Of 40 years of i just recently about this hour and to be honest im not surprised i think the United States in general. Handling the curb in 1000 cross says it will have to go over the next. His body responds to it if he has to be. They are not. Our prayers go out to the prison their 1st lady. Who are all praying for her to be removed from history. And with the president recovering future events of being switched to virtual ones and trumps rally planned for friday night in florida is canceled if donald trump hopes to make America Great again hes going to have to beat the coronavirus fast straight to washington where were joined by our correspondents to simons welcome stuff and the white house has issued a fresh medical bulletin about the president britons are today. Just fresh off the press from the physician to the president and im going to read to you at least and pos what the physician. Now issues. He says quote i released the following information with the permission of fresnel dull j. Trump following p. C. R. Confirmation of the president s diagnosis as a precautionary measure he received a single 8 gram dose of reg enrons fully clonal body cocktail he completed the infusion without incident in addition to this. Antibodies the president had been taking designed vitamin d. For me total line melatonin and a daily aspirin now want to go on one thing here as all i have for the quote as of this afternoon the president remains 15th but the good spirit sees being evaluated by a team of experts and together will be making recommendations in the president s to the president the 1st lady in regards to the next steps so 2 things a drug i mentioned or the treatment i mentioned regular on an experimental treatment its a narrow little truck i was told this is reportedly also 2 other. Networks in the u. S. That 8 grams is the maximum dosage you can actually give somebody even if its. Just experimental so 8 grams those is the maximum here and there are physicians out there and. Reportedly others who say like this statement is. Definitely proof or level of concern here because again theres an experimental truck drug now given to the president there is a substantial. Concerned that it might go south for the president and then theres also reportedly now sources telling the press here that the president suffers from a fever since the early this morning so this is now fatigue fever but still in good spirits however dont want to dramatize this or be alarmist but again they speak well out there were saying this is not good news this is reason for substantial concern even if we have to read between the lines here and even if the white house is not really forth coming with the real information how the president is doing right now ok thank you for that and the democratic nominee joe biden has just made his 1st Public Statement since that the president s diagnosis and lets hear from him this is not a matter of politics its a bracing reminder to all of us that we have to take those wires seriously its not going away automatically we have to do our part to be responsible means following the science listening to the experts washing our hands social distancing in these worried im asking public good means encouraging others to do so as well stephan simons i went to sicily joe bidens election challenge. Well joe biden has a new challenge now and that is he has to find the new in the right tone how to deal with this how his complaint deals with the predicament for donald trump and his campaign this Term Campaign this is over they have to find a new way how to campaign without the president without any member of the trump family being actually able to attend anything joe biden has the luxury to be able to do hold events however he has also said in this in this little impromptu press conference you just played a sound bite from that he was tested twice today and both tests were negative now theres 3 points i want to make about joe biden and what he set there number one is there was no criticism of donald trump not whatsoever to the contrary he was wishing the president and of course the extended family of the president all the best and a speedy recovery and offered his prayers for the recovery of the president that is for america and as a message to the 2 voters to potential voters and real voters for the American Public very very important and 3rd he didnt even mention that the Biden Campaign and he himself joe biden were not come informed by the white the trump ours the white house that the president is actually covert 1000 positive everybody learned this via tweet so the Vice President biden had taken definitely the high road i would say and yes he has his work cut out for him and how he manages them and how he massages his message under those circumstances of mr trump being sick in the white house 7 times in washington found here. But will stay in washington so to political analyst rachel reserve shes the director of programs at the truman said to phenomenal policy in washington d. C. Welcome to. What impact is this is this likely to have on the election. Thats an excellent question and theres a lot that we dont know right now regarding how this will affect the election and we do know that as of now our other Publican Party the Trump Campaign has lost its best messenger and fundraiser in donald trump because he is going to have to stay in the white house for the next couple weeks and according to an along with his wife Melania Trump we dont know how far the sickness has gone through the highest rungs of u. S. Government so thats concerning as well and the Truck Campaign is also rely very heavily on well attended rallies people attended the thousands there are few masks in sight and we do know that those are probably going to have to be halted for the next little while and the next debate between him and Vice President biden on october 15th is up in the air as well so a lot of questions that we dont have the answers to at this moment ok clearly were in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and the president has not succumbed to this virus does that make him look strong or weak to his supporters well theres a lot of things that have happened over the last 3 or 4 years of the Trump Presidency that would make you think that he might lose support over amongst his base the impeachment proceedings cozying up to authoritarian leaders accusations of harassment but his support amongst his base has remained strong and depending on what happens with the future of this virus in the white house the trump has a full recovery in the next few weeks that will just add to his strong man messaging and that will make him even tougher amongst his base of support so i think well just have to watch very closely what happens on over the next couple weeks but. I wouldnt expect him to lose support from his base over this cold at night he diagnosed as i mean its a tricky decision now for a democratic challenger joe biden trying to strike the right tone hes gone ahead and attended a Campaign Event in michigan on friday afternoon its not a smart move well i think. Democrats know that they have to tow a very fine line right now Vice President biden tweeted his support for President Trump and wished him the speedy recovery but analysts say that biden should in fact press ahead with his campaign a former aide to iraq Obama Ben Labolt actually said that suspending his campaign would be a disservice to the country and theres no reason to do it so it does look like Vice President as as of now will press ahead with the campaign and go through you know colbert 19 restrict ship and face mask larry as hes done you know in the past few months but as of now i think expect him to press ahead but also tell a very fine line in his messaging ok now when weve heard that the president has had the maximum dose of this experimental drug which doesnt sound like great news what is the procedure if he gets if he ends up being incapacitated what happens that well its interesting because this white house has approached the coded 1000 pandemic with a very cavalier attitude so i am concerned over whether or not there really is a contingency in place we do know that you know the United States does have the 25th amendment which allows the president to pass along the duties of the office to the Vice President in case they are incapacitated the less time that this was instituted was in 2000 she went 2007 very briefly when president george bush underwent. An illness for a little while so. We have to see i think what happens with President Trump if you have if he continues to get sicker and i think Vice President pence and the 3rd in command nancy closely will be ready as well but again a lot of questions right now and a lot of questions that we dont have clear answers to at the moment rachel that result from the Treatment Center for National Policy in washington d. C. Thank you. And apologize for the quality of that night just time from sums or its news. In football when youre in berlin have hosted minds to kick off much day 3 germans were in this league and in front of 5000 fans the home side didnt disappoint only and i coasted to a 4 nil victory of a mind when its new comer imax a cruise out in the scoring in the 1st half of this beautiful header match was the 1st start for the former Germany International this season and the 1st goal awful of a 32 year old as well after the break only on netted 3 more showed up or gone pollo scored a 4th room inside the box open give valley in the 1st picture exists. To start your mind of our top story at this hour Donald Trumps doctor says hes 15 was in good spirits after testing positive for coverage 19 u. S. President and 1st lady in the lobby of a quarantine in the white house. Sitter update or more world news at the top off the hour monica gerrards has your Business Update in just a moment have a good day. Im scared that if i work thats hard and in the end its a me your not a lot of the year and more who was into that. Are you familiar with this. The smugglers were alliances. Whats your story. d when i was a women especially in victims of violence. Take part and send us your story we are trying always to understand this new culture. You are not a visitor nothing yet you want to become citizens. To margarets your platform the information. Markets take Donald Trumps positive coronavirus test in stride u. S. Futures take a dive within moments of the u. S. President s tweet but soon bounce back meanwhile stock markets around the world also register a shock we go to new york for the latest. Also coming up as germany marks the 30 years since reunification we take a look at how in eastern germany lets make has prevailed despite the ongoing economic divisions between east and west. That have to do business jones and william good to have you with us so the pandemic has caught up with the leader of the free world stoneage trump and his wife melania both tested positive for corona virus the markets werent exactly prepared for the news which came just a month before novembers u. S. President ial president ial election it was a roller coaster day that saw stock futures and treasury yields tumble things got quieter later on but where investors go from here could rest on how donald trump copes with a disease that has already killed more than a 1000000 people around the world. One from our last story lets cross over to our Financial Market correspondents quartic in new york it seems that investors arent quite sure whether they should panic or stay cool. Actually i mean a very dramatic and also very dynamic situation the big question will be what might it mean for the u. S. Economy that the 1st lady and the president have been tested positive might that mean that people will be less hesitant to go out to fly to use cruise ships and the likes and we did see some losses in those areas at some point but maybe we should not just focus on the stock market im standing here in front of a local gas station Oil Prices Drop by a good 4 percent so maybe that could be a sign that investors are very at that and the economy actually might suffer in the weeks and months to come i guess what do you tell the stock markets were comments from and then see pelosi the democratic leader of the house and she said that what happened might change the dynamics of. Talks about a new 8 tickets for the u. S. Economy she also hinted that maybe al lines actually could get some relief even be sites of the overall 8 pickett so so that lifted tim allen stock some quite a bit but clearly very dramatic and dynamic the whole enter situation at that will probably stay that way for the next couple of days. Of course this comes at a difficult time for the u. S. Economy and the latest jobs numbers they dont point to whats a strong recovery do they. Well i mean thats what weve seen with the economic reports im all over the place in the past couple of weeks yes the year color me is skating stronger but the pace of the recovery is clearly slowing down so now in the month of september by the way that was the last jobs report that we were getting before the president ial election 660000. 00 new jobs got created not bad but far less than the expected 800000 what weve also seen is that minorities actually are suffering much more which the pandemic going on than the rest of the country so clearly the pace of Economic Growth is slowing at this point you know ideas quarter in new york thank you so much for the update and to have a nice weekend. Now a brief look at some other business stories making news. E. U. Leaders have agreed to levy sanctions against government officials in belarus however the countrys leader Alexander Lukashenko is not among them around 40 officials will be subject to travel bans and have their assets frozen talers a violent crackdown on protestors following ogust election which the e. U. Has described as break it. Tesla has cleared all the major hurdles needed to get approval for its new factory near berlin according to the Regional State premier it follows nearly 2 weeks of public hearings and barra mentalists and some locals raised concerns about issues including deforestation water usage and noise pollution. So this weekend germany is marking 30 years since east and west speak aimed at the fall of the berlin wall was the beginning of the end for many east German Companies who couldnt compete with their western equivalents however some of the skills and expertise they to build up were simply too precious to lose. What his bringing out here may look unspectacular but this lens is worth as much as a family car and it represents an unusual Success Story optics are one of communist east germanys biggest exports but when germany reunified 30 years ago few thought the state run college size plant here in garo had much of a chance against tough western competition 3 optical engineers took a chance and bought the Company Shares to keep the optical traditional alive its not as old it certainly wasnt clear to the founders at the time what they were getting themselves into order and then of course over the years we noticed or i noticed just how turbulent it was in the early days of the 990 s. Because. The on it seemed to be stacked against the 3 who had never run a business before and had little idea about the market economy. Monfort shoe box was one of them. The 1st thing he did was to hire an economist. Whom interlocutors i know just by spearhead to be able to recruit the money we were spending those here been. To name and as a whole we also had to build relationships with banks on oaf and develop other ties its you to create a Broad Network riotous nits to show off and the lack of relationships with banks in particular broke the backs of many startups in eastern germany they needed the banks money for investment. But they had no experience dealing with banks at all. This is not an issue its an irony of fate that just after the crisis is that these companies were not trusted as much as the Old Established ones that had existed for 3540 or 50 years. From when i was a photo from the top of. Their strong point was their Technical Knowledge their company known as p o g or precision optics gave was full of optics experts even so uncertainty about its future meant many sleepless nights for the founders. But that was something they kept to themselves. Your current position we couldnt tell the newly hired employee as that well try to make it work they could have gone to work for other companies but we wanted to keep this team togethers and bunch of fired the team step by the owners and out of 50 employees they soon grew to 180 the road to get there was an arduous one but in the end the company clearly made the cut. On of germanys biggest event has fallen victim to corona virus munichs well famous to tell the 1st should have once again attracted enormous numbers of people to the very other usually drink 7000000 expensive liters of being of this year its cancelled on now its up to the regions government to cushion the blow for the local economy. Must be a like the october fest but there isnt much going on munichs can explain this right now the ride and market stall operators have been able to make up some lost sales here and 9 other locations in the city. Peter bausch is even selling beer over the counter but small public festivals are no substitute for the october fest says the chairman of munichs showmans association. Its a helping hand that weve gladly accepted but you cant compare it to a whole season there are colleagues who have large stands and they dont have a place for them anywhere in the city. So theyre still at 0 percent compared to last year and basically have no turnover at all. German amusement ride and store operators normally rake in around 4750000000. 00 euros through the october fest and other folk festivals this year they missed out on most of that visitors though a police such alternative festivals can take place at all. So its no substitute but its still a nice experience its nice here you can come here with small children and have a really lovely time. Bring in. Here at the olympic park many of the approximately 5300 Family Businesses of this kind in germany are fighting to even survive most of the International Tourists who normally bring momentum into the business have stayed away this year. Yes its really bad. Runs until october the fools just like well have our stand here until october the 4th of course were very glad that the city of munich has made it possible for us to have a stand here were told. In. The munich breweries theyre also trying to make up part of their normal october fest turnover at the alternative. Aint vits house reason but most visitors here are locals just a handful come from elsewhere the market stall and ride operators and now placing their hopes in germanys 3000 traditional christmas markets. In all of germanys cities weve shown that theres no threat from events like summer in the city or from temporary amusement parks or whatever else is able to take place now. Hygiene concepts can be implemented and developed easily and i hope that these concepts will help us in the Christmas Season because were not sure of. Version. But above all everyone hopes that next years october fest will attract the crowds once again. To paris where Restaurant Owners gather to make noise after 3 months of closure. New government losing post last week will shut down all restrooms in areas with high numbers of infections thats already happened i must say in the country salsinha protests some restaurants there are openly violating the back. To Business Update thanks for watching. To the point of strong opinions clear positions from International Perspective such ill means marking the 1st years end of the story of the reunification of the 2 gypsies east and west today its a different country mold makes or died 1st the Younger Generation of course has its own perspective so whose germany is it find out going to the point shortly. To the point is its a good question 16 on t. W. The funny seconds the coronavirus pandemic. Where does science stand. And what new findings have researchers made. Information and background into. The corona. Code 19 special. Monday to friday on t w. Why are people forced to hide in trucks. On the surface of the but there are many answers. The book. And there are many stories. Above make up your mind the book. Made for minds. This is the deputy. Except that coming up on the program its back to school in zimbabwe but theres a variable missing from the equation some teachers havent reported for duty theyre on strike demanding its a pay out ask an education official how they plan to brady learned it is to writing samples without teachers. And the congolese man whos literally taking off for a situation into his own hands

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