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The conflict between azerbaijan and ethnic many and forces since the conflict flared up again on sunday dozens of people have been killed and hundreds injured. The Spanish Government has imposed more measures on the capital madrid after a surge in corona virus cases people are only allowed to leave home for the same chills including work and Shopping Trips boz and restaurants will also close early and reduce eating capacity by 50 percent. This is data news from berlin you can follow some twitter and instagram at news or visit our website at state dot com. Or. It is a divorce that may have to be settled in court today the European Union began legal action against the u. K. Accusing the British Government of violating the brics it Withdrawal Agreement and british lawmakers admit they are guilty as charged a bill is moving through parliament that would allow the u. K. To change unilaterally the brics it agreement as if the European Union didnt even exist tonight the u. K. Leaving the e. U. At all costs even if it means breaking the law i bring golf in berlin this is the day. This will be to come to host to the eyes of constricts nation we had invited our friends to remove the problematic parts in legislation supported by the hospitalist as a safety net though to gracies protection by its very nature a breach of the obligation of good things the threat to their good friday agreement has come for me to use the design station problematic conditions have not been removed and those calls will remain in the bill but a conservative government is willing to go back on its list to break an International Agreement signed in good faith we stand by our commitments thank you. Also coming up there are 2 more u. S. President ial debates scheduled before the november election the commission in charge of those debates has announced changes hoping to prevent a repeat of what the world witnessed in disbelief this week well as president x. Now to be honest its a very important to how i see it out now so i doubt if the answer to the question. No ukraine no sir with a 1000000000 barrels if you that is if i dont you know when youre not just through take youre doing it youre going to not a true gentleman. But you our viewers watching on p. B. S. In the United States and to all of you around the world welcome but we begin the day with the question who trusts the British Government the answer not the European Union and that proof well its now in writing today the European Commission initiated legal action against the u. K. For violating the brags that Withdrawal Agreement now since 2016 there have been countless hours late night meetings long summits dedicated to negotiating an acceptable exit of the u. K. From the European Union a break sit divorce that both sides can live with and that is what was reached in what is known as the Withdrawal Agreement and although his government negotiated it u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson now insists that the u. K. Have the right to change that agreement in the future without consulting the European Union johnson says this is about preserving u. K. Sovereignty europe says britain is a country reneging on an agreement and violating International Law in the process this draft bill is by its very nature a breach of the obligation of good faith laid down in the Withdrawal Agreement moreover if adopted as. It will be in full contradiction to the protocol of island Northern Island. The deadline lapsed yesterday the problematic provisions have not been removed and therefore the smarting of the commission has decided to send a letter from a notice to the u. K. Government this is the 1st step in an infringement procedure. Theres the from the lion theyre talking about the 1st step joining me here at the big table to talk about that is briggs and analysts and commentators john worth of familiar face to our viewers good to see you again john so you what u. K. Lawmakers theyre not arguing with the European Union here they agree that what they are doing violates a droll agreement what they are doing breaks International Law it could use what theyre saying basically the british the line of the British Government is he says essentially a worst Case Scenario that britain would potentially break International Law but also doesnt trust that law and thats why its begun Legal Proceedings today the very important point is only begun this is basically the European Commission sending letters of london saying tell us what you really are trying to do here and before britain has to answer that the house of lords or the 2nd chamber of polman has to look at this little and it to me might just still save the day and prevent it actually coming to a case in court later in a world where the chances of the house of lords saying no they. Have a 5050 Something Like that and there is certainly much more opposition to this by behavior johnsons government in the house of lords than in the house of commons so particularly from some form of conservative party medias like Michael Howard who sits in the house you know viewers watching this who maybe not follow this all the time but will look at this story and say the current u. K. Government they go she ate it and agreed to the bridge with roll agreement if yet the Prime Minister Boris Johnson nail meetings that the agreement could be a threat to the u. K. How was that possible they said yes to it this is essentially because the conservatives have never faced the inherent problem with brics it to do with Northern Ireland essentially the deal that Boris Johnson negotiated and agreed with brussels essentially imposes some kind of controls controls on goods that would be exported from the island to the rest of the u. K. That was olds with what to reason they had previously. Negotiated she said im never going to have any sort of border between Northern Ireland and the rest now Boris Johnson said hang on a minute im not sure i want that now because that is actually potentially causing some division between Northern Ireland and the rest hes never faced that inherent problem that breaks it is essentially the Northern Island question and since he himself he cant make up his own mind he doesnt have his own policy and i think thats what best explains this seeming contradiction with the now has a month to respond to this notice that was sent today from brussels do you think that the response is going to be satisfactory to the europeans and the and is there a court or a judge who would be able to solve this since the Crucial Point is is this an all of a socalled internal market beliefs offensive piece of legislation has caused all these problems in brussels what are the chances that lots that current draft will become a law by the end of october i think its probably about 5050. 00 that that will be the case that there is certainly major opposition in the house of lords if it does 2 things then potentially happen a case comes before the European Court of justice but that could take some moments to happen even if they sped up the procedure because nobody that can take a couple of years before a court a court case gets to the European Court of justice and much more important what well see at the end of october is process as ok u. K. We dont trust you were told now we dont even stop talking to try to find a bricks it deal by the end of the year on the future trade negotiations and so both sides start planning for the worst a socalled no deal breaks it by the end of this year because of course thats the crucial thing with coke is really taking its less than 100. 00 days until this cliff edge at the end of 2020 and we dont know still is there going to be a deal and or no deal at the end of december which is a listen pick up on what exactly what you just said there which is take a listen to what the European Parliament president said today about breaks in negotiations moving forward it was an agreement and he said in one of the course will be at the negotiating table until the bitter end. And we hope that people realize that this is a historic moment and they realize the consequences if at the end of the year theres no possibility of a deal. To have an agreement they have to also respect previous agreements otherwise we cant make any progress i mean you know for any shoot us we know and you know me what hes saying is its almost like this this minor minor minor problem could explode and destroy the entire breaks it project. Yes. Although you must also see the point that there are only bond options available for the u. K. From now its either a break city with a minimal trade deal which will cause quite some consider. Problems at the borders or its no deal which could be potentially a catastrophe if there are there are problems with thousands of trucks curing at the ports of dover for example but i think what what society the problem present said there is complete correct brussels will steadily determinately keep trying to solve these problems until it can try no more all but likewise what weve seen today is this distrust which has developed into a question of how do you continue negotiating with the people sitting across the table from you you think would double cross you this is difficult in what has been done both sides is to take the negotiations down a level down to the level of bania the chief negotiator on the e. U. Side and frost hes u. K. Counterpart trying to de politicize those talks about the substandard of issues that theyre trying to get to grips with things like fisheries policy or state aid so how much governments can subsidize Failing Industries and so therefore theyve tried it in the e. U. Has tried this all along is to keep those type of those technical talks going while at the same time the high level politics has become increasingly sour but maybe were reaching the end of that i think what is ultimately going to boil down to is some high level political agreement that would be needed some point its going to be a very rocky end of october beginning of november if we havent got an agreement by then then both sides are going to have to plan for the worse but we nor quite at that stage yet what happens to the ukase reputation globally if it breaks International War as it currently is planing to do right and this is very very important because britain said ok we might have a souring relationship with the European Union but we want to sign trade deals potentially with the United States although bear in mind that the political situation at us difficult but all. With countries like canada or australia or new zealand and if you were those countries just now would you even want to negotiate a trade deal with the u. K. Knowing that they dissension even a dome a deal that they had with their closest neighbor the government of with boards johnson in charge would probably be the one that would be suspicious to most playing exactly and so the British Government in its International Reputation has lost an enormous amount of trust its also in its Foreign Policy towards iran for example and if iran is breaking its commitments under Nuclear Deals britain is britain there in a position to say hang on a minute you know perspective what you signed up to another regimes can point back and you can go so well you didnt Britains International credibility has taken huge hits here not only in trade well you know it is october 1st weve got 3 months until the end of the year we will see what happens a what i think is going to happen as ive said to be a bumpy ride insulin jungwirth as always we appreciate your analysis excellent thank you. But today is october 1st the 4th and final quarter of 2020 a year that have seen unprecedented self induced shocks to the Global Economy in march when countries began throttling back their economies in order to slow the corona Virus Outbreak there was broad hope that both the shutdown and the recovery from that shutdown would be brief a very recovery but the pandemic the economy and the alphabet they have proven very unpredictable in the United States initial jobless claims remain at levels higher than the records reach during the Great Recession of 2008 this week disney announced plans to cut 28000 jobs a direct result of consumers staying home and the airlines perhaps more than any other sector are feeling the pandemic pain tens of thousands of Airline Workers in the u. S. Are said to become unemployed this month airlines accepting federal bailout money are required to keep all workers on the payrolls that federal assistance ran out yesterday and the airlines say they have no choice but to cut costs radically to keep people in this state of worry and uncertainty is just cruel theres 100000 workers who are facing being out of work as of thursday and those are on various statuses but 100000 people immediately facing being out of work and many of them losing their health care as well theres so many emotions that are paul think there my way and then through the veins of you know 8000 other American Airlines flight attendants who are also d d on the last day of the Payroll Support Program stabiliser job maintain our health care and we dont know whats going to happen next and we dont know whats going to happen next my colleague Monica Johnson business joins me now here at the big table what we are glad she said monika that we work in the aviation sector solution right now i mean the you. As airlines theyre in a crisis but they are not alone this week the International Air transport association revised its full year forecasts 2020 its bad before before now were expecting what is an air travel to fall 66 percent from 2090 levels and im not surprised when i see for example that in august were just talking about the month of august Traffic Volume dropped 75 percent thats just always because as you know you know volume isnt always the same when you book a ticket in march for 1 destination its sort of fairly affordable when you book it for july or august which are because the day month you can pay 34 times the same for the same destination well all of that didnt quite work out this year because people didnt travel this much not because they didnt want to but because they couldnt you have travel restrictions you have trouble warning you have mandatory quarantine so a lot of people really thinking all right i have 2 weeks to go on holiday but do i have an extra 2 weeks notice during all the work because of the choir and its role of that is very very tricky and of course the fear will i get infected when i go on board of a plane now everybody says Aviation Industry certainly says that a plane is probably the safest place once its up in the air because of the air conditioning. That the ability and everything they have but what about before you take off and land will the person sitting next to you wear the mask properly so many many issues and just in order to to make things work i actually did not just raise the percentage of air Traffic Volume that dropped this year they also say that quite possibly we wont return to prepared to make levels before 2024 were talking about around 4 years of tough times for the Aviation Industry and that affects airlines you mentioned. Layoffs here i mean what do you do when you do. And earn money while you start cutting costs usually it means layoffs people are expensive we have seen since the beginning of this pandemic that the majority of jobs being cut are not high paid theyre not high skilled jobs so were not seeing busy recovery were seeing a recovery that looks more like a kid which is an interesting its an interesting i looked it up the less i mean i still part of that debate who had the the moderate poor man will have to deal with it will have to deal with the oh well lets lets call it a debate lets just thats that yeah. But yeah he sort of mentioned that and i sort of thought ok im familiar with the v. With the you with the l. Which really isnt good so whats k. And k. Shaped recovery but basically all the wealthy people all the really highly qualified professionals theyre doing ok the rest well forget about it is not a very nice image but when you look at the reality when you look at the world around you its not that far off as you mentioned the u. S. There you already see that. The white population the recovery the job recovery so like a half way there back to normal amongst minorities its not so so whatever problems you had before the pandemic its. Worse now everything is just absolutely and not only in the u. S. You have it pretty much everywhere in the western world that Industries Like Technology Retail Software Companies theyre doing really well that even hiring again but its the low wage ones and you find them mostly in hospitality sector in tourism of course entertainment well a lot of freelancers work well they dont benefit from those stimulus packages they dont even exist for most of the the politicians and they cant often plain claim benefits so. I personally still would like to root for the you shape. Recovery and we agree on that usually itll itll take about 2 years to get out of recession because we want to i think about think youre on to something by saying its going to take longer even with the Airline Industries its going to take longer than just a year or 2 that weve been told so far germany has to fairly well when it comes to the labor situation theyve avoided mass layoffs with these short Work Programs but you know that costs a lot of money to the taxpayers the model works well for short term well as as is in the name already. But how does this look now with this pandemic taking us well into 2021 well the good news is that the German Government already decided to extend that program until the 31st of december 2021 Companies Feel that they dont want to lose their stuff because they need to them once business is picking up again but they cant afford to keep them without the order books being as full as they they should pay that program is extended until the end of next year which of course costs a lot of money and germany already spent a lot of money one trillion euros available for emergency loans guarantees direct aid thats a 3rd of g. D. P. Now germany started on a very good level of course some high level and even if it has to take on debt which it has to its also doing it under favorable conditions unlike many other countries and obviously the pandemic is a pandemic because its global so everybody has the same problem and if governments want to keep a well stable economy somehow in their in their countries and and also stability when it comes to to social issues if they have to 2 possibilities they can continue to pump billions of euros into the economy which means taking out today it eventually having to pay high interest which could be a problem for countries like the u. S. Even. Or they say alright lets just open up a business pretend to the virus doesnt exist but like sweden perhaps but even they have a drop in economic output of 9 percent and a high death rate i dont think i would prefer i really see molecules to be to be business monica excellent analysis thank you. Well if you watched the u. S. President ial debate on tuesday between donald trump and joe biden i do not need to tell you that no one no one wants a repeat the orgy of interruptions and insults was so extreme historians are already calling it the worst president ial debate in u. S. History today the Editorial Board of the New York Times put it in one sentence president trumps performance on the debate stage was a National Disgrace some 12 hours after the debate had concluded the commission on president ial debates announced plans to adjust the format for the remaining debates what is still being considered should the moderator be able to turn off a candidates microphone would that have saved tuesdays debate debacle from taking american democracy to a new low well as a president its now going to be honest its a very important to be how i set it up now so i did at the answer the question is no and im proud of him but why was i out of my head at me you know right he wasnt gay rights and smooths out attack is of totally the resident friendly resident profit warnings that theres already been 3 total or his credit ukraine out sir with a 1000000000. 00 if you that is if you know when youre not just through pay youre doing it youre going to not a true gentleman i hate to raise my voice but i hate to be i why should i be different than the 2 of you if we allowed both people to speak with fewer interruptions im appealing to you sort of do that and him to well frankly youve been doing more interrupting that sort of but he does plenty well less than a 3rd less isnt plenty now less than you have. My swayed if she joins me from our Washington Bureau my i mean it will wear you out just watching these clips over and over again as we have to do here with our job what do we know tonight about these planned changes in the next 2 president ial debates. Well brant i actually have a little bit of news for years so moments ago i was on a call with the Trump Campaign where they allege that they were themselves out of call with the Biden Campaign earlier today and the Biden Campaign put forward the 4 following stipulations and theyll look at my notes to make sure i get this right they want opening and closing statements which was not a part of the 1st debate they want direct questions from the moderator to both of the candidates the same question to both they want to limit open discussion to just 11 minutes which has far less than was present at the 1st of 8 and then the issue of the mute button came out now i should note that at the beginning of this call the Trump Campaign officials went out of their way to go down the list of people who were members of who are members of the commission on president ial debates and talk about all of the money that these people have donated to democratic president ial and senatorial candidates in the past things that theyve said about the Trump Campaign and about trump that could be perceived as negative one of them and im quoting now one of them described the people on the commission as quote permanent swamp monsters so you can see where theyre coming from now i reached out to the Biden Campaign and to the commission and neither of them have responded to me yet to confirm that these are the possible new for also gives the good that is thats brand new news right there the truth telling is we have to remind our viewers that the rules so these debates they are agreed upon by both candidates so what we saw on tuesday therefore those rules donald trump himself had said yes to correct that as the moderator himself pointed out yes he had agreed to that and his campaign had agreed to that beforehand what about the moderator would have made Chris Wallaces job easier would a different moderator maybe have handled the situation better. Well Chris Wallace himself has spoken to the New York Times and said that well yes he does feel like he missed an opportunity but that he didnt dissipate that trump would flout the rules so enthusiastically which if you think about it thats the president s style thats his brand thats what his supporters really like about him is that you cant put him in a box he will break out of whatever box you try to put him in in terms of the mute button there is some precedent for this so back in the 1980 s. In a california Gubernatorial Debate you may remember a little person named Ronald Reagan when he was in a debate and the moderator tried to mute his mike what ended up happening is that reagan started shouting over the mike and it didnt end well and now you and i have watched a lot of trump content in our times and im sure many of our viewers have as well the man knows how to shout if you mute his mike its likely that well have then also that this would play very much into his narrative of the media silencing him you literally have a member of the media pressing pause on his mike and not letting him speak it would just bolster his support among his supporters my a bit about 20 seconds weve got a debate next week the Vice President ial debate. Would you say its safe to say that it will probably be somewhat more restrained uncivil. Everyone certainly hoping so the Biden Campaign has said that biden will be there no matter what the Trump Campaign is pushing very hard to make sure that there are no changes as part of this call you know we will see what happens there but excellent reporting there maya sweeter the story of words with the latest there on those planned to changes to the u. S. President ial debates maya thank you. Well the day is almost done the conversation it continues online youll find us on twitter either at u. W. News or you can follow me at brant goff t. V. And remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then everybody. Can cause gents machos in cola takes time for democracy. And a roast will not back down in the face of Police Violence cropping up feel foreign terror and regime. They continue to demonstrate on to mom before socratic president step down at the mosque against women buses look a shake up kind of soup is fun for a. Long d. W. I. Gatos the spirit of 30 years ago when germany was reunified in october 1900 times an economic disparity between east and west was huge. Today how have things changed for people in the 2 moms of the country how have companies. Made in germany. 60 make. Believe. This is some dope story stubborn rice farmer from thailand. Problems. Discreet. Chemical. Strike. Students. Training successful. Starts october. Hello and welcome to focus on europe thanks for joining us today europes last remaining strong man is clinging to his seat there are o. C. N. Alexander lukashenko is doing everything he can to remain in power although the e. U. Doesnt recognize him as the legitimate leader of the country he will sworn in for a new term as president in the capital city minsk the ceremony was held and announced just before a number of children supporters on the streets thousands are calling for fresh elections without. The women of belarus have become the face of the current protests their voices are growing louder enough is enough thats their message after 26 years they want a new leader for their country and a Better Future for their Children Women and sophia who go out to protest week after week these 2 courageous women refused to be intimidated by the authorities. The womans march had barely begun when the police started making their 1st arrests over the past weeks bellerose has ramped up its crackdown on protesters but despite it all these women come back each saturday to make sure their voices heard. Everything was quiet then suddenly those henchmen showed up and dragged these young women into their daughters what did they ever do to that were not scared for our own safety im so worried about our children and grandchildren we want them to live in a normal country without this kind of. You know i know but boy would see them on the little. Island sophia are outraged and tried reasoning with the police. This time they cant get any of the women released. Or what allah says she and her friend sophia both retired School Teachers do command a certain respect with the officers. The 2 women 1st met at a protest against lucas franco. The authoritarian has been bringing the country up against. More and more about the recipients were expressing solidarity with these courageous women their bravery has inspired others to overcome their fears and join the opposition. Or were seeing women are leading the charge against him because frankly. I. Was. Just i. Was. Marcias what they affectionately call the opposition figurehead mahdi a kalashnikov. She resisted forced deportation by tearing up her passport and was then detained by authorities. In opposition leaders are now either behind bars or in exile. Tells us that lucas has been clinging to power with all his mind ever since the rigged election. When i voted for. I was sure that everything would stay the same that nothing would change. Then after the election i heard people on the streets shouting long live bellow truth. That made me think we would win. Look i shant go has deeply offended by the routine of women with this sexism weve always had equal rights here. You must have gotten. More and more openly defying look at his regime to them hes a fraud. I mean he was we were so he that whole thing with this secret inauguration they dont seem to feel they need to prove anything to the People Living in their. Home our president is a sexist we want to show him how strong we are. We want to show more. Respect for having been arrested. Is now taking the threat these women pose more seriously arrests were meant to be a deterrent but theyre having the opposite effect allen sophia tell us that theyll be out on the streets of minsk flying the flag of the opposition as long as their legs will carry them even if its just the 2 of. You weve often brought you stories of migrants crossing the mediterranean from north africa to europe but theyve also been crossing another dangerous waterway that doesnt get as much attention thousands of migrants have ventured across the British Channel this year a record high crammed in rubber boats they make their way from france on to the u. K. And locals who dont want the u. K. To take in any more refugees often clash with those willing to help people like matt coker. Its 5 am in the port of dover normally skipper matt coker and his crew member tony would be heading out to go game fishing but these days theyre too busy saving peoples lives especially the west of the place ringback. We were. Over say thank you storm front cures and has just passed over now that the seas are calmer conditions are ideal for crossing the English Channel you always see you know they swallow it dont fall. All go by this course in a gentle to dive because its calm. It was 2 years ago that matt 1st spotted a rubber boat with migrants bound for britain these days he encounters desperate refugees almost daily there leaving no i think theres also going to be seeing even the bases in the fall. And i want to get that 1st couple of miles of wife show before it becomes dialogue so they seem to be leaving and so its very full going on and then they get to the ship at night and we go through the busiest shipping lines government down. Its near dawn when matt makes out a tiny vessel some 20 kilometers off the french coast. The English Channel is the busiest waterway in the world. This season seafarers are stunned at the 3 men have made it this august of 2 inches a free vote in the hall of fog exhausting if a wife goes out of sync but. I will look out for that well then yeah cause us more of was so to the west of the law ship not just the coast guard theres another thing before down to the west. And he said so if you could you could you keep a visual both of them theyre only allowed to take the man on board if the vessel is sinking this isnt the case so for now all they can do is stay alert them im going to find now my. The flight to england. But theres a lot of. Motion that you know when i have not yet made some stuff we just dont know i cant come out and make sure everybodys out of my sight. So far this year over 5000. 00 migrants have crossed the English Channel its become a major Transit Route for refugees as long as weather conditions remain favorable many more will be risking the passage they want to reach the island before braggs it is finalized these days dover harbor is full of abandon vessels some of the local pushback however is the will drink. Blood is coming into the country that we dont know nothing about it concerns me to be honest with you because i could be anyone to the right place murderess they could be criminals and we know nothing about them we put them up in hotels and given him houses. Gross misconceptions like these against the new arrivals are common among many of them self declared british patriots many of these angry working class protesters fear britain is being overrun by foreigners. Weve got hundreds of thousands are homeless weve got tens of thousands of Homeless Veterans on the streets and yet these are coming in on blood you know what a nice guy imported the 345 story out cos you got a phone call us daughters are left to die on the streets and weve got enough we have got you know. The protesters are directing their ire at lawmakers to they see Prime Minister Boris Johnson elected on the promise of curbing immigration has failed to deliver we try to protest not. Just rhetoric i know you weve been 100 nights in signature opposition went and. Got a note from government. 8 government for your labor so the next step it is we have to bring it to the street some have even started taking the law into their own hands. Well thats really an. Opal in the guys it was a go was simple. Let well you wouldnt blow it wrong they. Dont have the traffickers do it all. The selfproclaimed vigilante live streams the events on you tube yeah thermo the resentment could be borne chiefly out of ignorance only some right wing noise about how they live in high towers at the tops has expense is not true. 112 price 1. 00 sure claim for asylum is being processed you have 37. 00 pounds a week to live on yeah as might be such a 5 year us i dont have a space nothing. Matt coker has only been at sea for a few hours and has already spotted the 3rd migrant boat today 9 individuals from afghanistan are trapped on their vessel unable to maneuver and you are. Just broken gen and they are going to you know you know my case is on a limited chain you can smell it. They want to board matts vessel were not allowed to tell you anything to do you cry because. I would. Not allow 6 with all out attack your boat or anything but we can stay with you either how can i but khojaly had me drive home matt may only report and stay with the boats he discovers otherwise he could be charged for traffic in the lifeboats tell me now. For 2 hours at city hall and know someone. On this day alone the british coast guard rescued 319 refugees. Meanwhile thousands are still waiting in france to risk crossing the channel. The guy crate im in russia is the largest permafrost crater in the world and all but was located in one of the coldest regions on earth in siberia its 2 is facing the effects of the Climate Crisis the ice is blowing increasing the craters size year by year and the rising temperatures are an alarming developments and they could affect the livelihood of people like has only of him needs the colds to keep Food Supplies for his community. Deep in the heart of the mountain is where. Keeps a supply thats because its cold here freezing cold even in summer some products can be stored here for up to 2 years without spoiling. Here we store so flour all the khans me to post the data on chips before you go its practical and much cheaper in a climate controlled warehouse. Or even in summer the temperature in this ice cellar is normally 15 degrees celsius below 0 but cousin can tell that northern siberia is getting warmer and warmer even underground. Operable things are naturally kept cold here in the permafrost now weve covered the cellar up with sheets to keep out the warmth of group growth this year the ice summer was one or 2 degrees warmer but that change isnt too bad its ok to a bit more. But for how much longer in the village of guy there are many ice cellars like. The village depends on them supplies over land access is only possible when the river is frozen for 4 months a year it forms the road in and out. For the generator april we can use the winter months to receive supplies. In the summer because you 3 stories get weaker. Deliveries by airplane from the regional capital you could say its expensive but necessary. With temperatures that can drop to minus 50 degrees in winter life in about a guy is dictated by the cold permafrost still covers the area but its starting to thaw. This is about i got a crater just a few kilometers from the village its the largest permafrost crater in the world one kilometer wide and 100 meters deep and its growing. The crater was originally caused by deforestation as the frozen earth was no longer protected by trees today its also exposed to the rising arctic temperatures the melting permafrost sets off a vicious cycle the organic substances in the ice decompose as it melts which releases more Greenhouse Gases which in turn speeds up global warming. What modern processes were observing at the bottom like a crater are things were seeing everywhere else just to a lesser extent the ice under the ground melts on the ground. It happens everywhere. But the glacial about a guy crater is the perfect example of why we shouldnt mess around with the permafrost. Boys for watching it show. But the true severity of the situation has been slow to hit home even though the signs are clear neighboring greater youngster is otherwise one of the coldest places in the world but this summer temperatures hit 38 degrees its never been so hot because most houses in the region are pressed on stilts in the ice the record temperatures could widely destabilize the building foundations

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