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Hello im christine one day its good to have your company nigerias president has called for National Healing as the west african giant 60 years of independence from British Colonial rule officials integrations was scaled down due to the current virus and to make but more notably there were antigovernment demonstrations in a number of cities nigeria is currently experiencing deep economic and security challenges correspondent funny fall has this report. Nigeria is turning 60 but if you look at it state youll find more reasons to be concerned than just celebrate 6 decades ago when this country declared independence it had a population of 45000000 people today more than 200000000 people live in the. A country that is fragmented along ethnic and religious lines a country that is battling terrorism and violence over a lack of food and. Basic infrastructure millions here live in extreme poverty and that number is expected to rise due to increasing food gasoline and electricity prices more and more people will be pushed into a life without a future the divide between rich and poor is deepening nigeria is far from unity and the politicians in power are losing credibility as they are unable to stop rampant corruption and bring much needed peace and stability so want to know during think about their countrys birthday. Is Independence Day a day to celebrate. With. Good people think toward the political. Issues in the judea of. This present. To. Be neither. Proud these are the opinions of just a few people of course but they represent the experience of millions here in nigeria a country that still has a choice between becoming a failed state oh turning things around before its too late. And so for more reflection on nigeria at 67. 00 vice it nathan john onto the program he is a nigerian oftenest special interest and lawyer whose stories of twice then shortlisted for the cane prize for african rising welcome to news africa i guess its maybe a start off with one of your latest books that is this way to release a coming nigerian a guy what is it to be a nigerian i guess in 2020. To be a large and 2020 it must be. Very complicated for a lot you know specially for those living in nigeria for those living outside it has to always have to explain why things are so complicated and so i think were engaged in this. You know between pride of country are you frustrated with all of the terrible things that are going on which most of which are preventable yeah i mean its talk about those terrible things because. It looks like nigeria has has has all the ingredients right to make the perfect dish Natural Resources and the people of nigeria a massive resource there and you see a lot of investment into the country for instance so that ican value bosses who feel they need to set up shop in your country but it just doesnt make sense why this country appears to be punching below its weight what would be your assessment of the reason for that. I mean while while i would agree with the premise of this question i would also say that it has the same ingredients that make it very likely that the current state of affairs exists so for example the same things Natural Resources we know the shameless resource costs. That that makes countries that are developing with huge amounts of resources are trapped in a cycle of dependency. Then we also have politicians who are trapped by this dependency. Have a crutch to hold on to so what id spoil diamonds all of that so this of course makes full what i would call a lazy Political Climate where people know that whatever they do there will always be diamonds to sell there will always be crude oil itself i mean even that itself is is in doubt these days because of course as we know resources are finite theyre not. Theyre not an Endless Supply right however one of the things i think that makes nigeria what it is is this unfortunate mix of history. And of of the nature of the country and the fact that we have not agreed on on a structure that works for all so if it produces the kind of politician its not. Rent seeking you know opportunists who operate in. With such reckless abandon and have no consequences for them because there are no consequences for politically an action. Or all or criminal behavior of these things because it was the part i did i do want to come in there because i mean a lot of people will point out that the divide of the country between the rich and the plot because of course the number of poor people in nigeria is growing at a very alarming rate in fact this country took over to india as the single country with the most amount of club people in it then you have a lot of wealth in nigeria as well and so thats one divide but the average is the divide between between the north and the south what can you tell us i know that you are in all that yes. This no solved divide has always existed i mean since the birth of country so its not a new situation it only is exacerbated by the fact that we have a particularly responsible set of political leaders. Who have thrown all caution to the wind and who operate in a manner. As to suggest that it is trying to worsen tensions to to stoke fires that already exists so for example between the north and the south weve always had resource sharing issues we always had the issue of who takes walked in this political structure weve also had the issue of splitting appointments and all of that now the current i would call them the current regime. Does not do what traditional politicians do which is try to appease both sides this government is just completely insensitive and they just dont care to just say so for example its very interesting i was just going to look at a tweet from the president this morning where he says democracy the world over time perceiving in nigeria recognizes the power of the people however if some constituencies choose to bargain off their power they should be prepared for a denial of their rights now this is a statement on Independence Day by the president of the country referring to some constituencies basically saying i really dont care if you are not prepared to back me politically then be prepared to lose your rights. I mean he says this. In a way that is even uncommon for even the worst of niger and politicians niger politicians are known for making you know. Paying lip service to things like unity and oneness and under independence that all president s even the worst of them even dictators that well known to make rallying speeches that said meal was real unified and all about this president however has lowered the bar even for niger habitations. Able to tweak things like if course its constituencies choose to bargain off their power which is to give power to some of the rallies bishan be prepared for the denial of their rights and thats one of the problems that we face now if it didnt i really really wish we had on time so we will have to leave it there and i thank you so much for just adding hill for us to help us on and the stat nigeria at 60 that is nathan john thank you. Perhaps no place demonstrates a rapid change jerrys scene and the. 1000000 inhabitants means there are challenges in terms of sanitation and traffic problems that local singer songwriter simi has drawn on in her many albums she took us on her. Legals Economic Center of nigeria and one of the biggest cities in the world more than 18000000 people who call the pack like apple is the home traffic thats what leaders notorious for legal silence Economic Center can only be reached by if you can just that bridges its a pickle negotiation spends up to 5 i was in rush hour traffic every day i think that. Because. The drivers you drive me anyway drive just. Like even if things arent handed so here we think it is where you have to fight them so i dont think anything was i even believe that were here id probably want that theyve had somewhere else because you have to be that way and nigeria sumi is gradually becoming this. One came within a short time 1000000 clicks and you choose. To leave the team and business is tough especially for young women sometimes they dont even know they dont even know that theyre infectious this is just being in the way thats something we expect and want to expect because youre a woman and theres a way to treat you because youre one and sometimes he does have to put your feet down because otherwise youre going to get leave. Victoria island is one of the most exclusive places in the city on the location of one of the 1st Hard Rock Cafe is on the continent the ideal spot for some down and of course dont forget the spots of syria you typical nigerian snack when plenty of pepper. Pepper is a part of our culture so its not spicy is a strong lesson bread where im an exit poll like a lot of happen as well so theres not spicy is not right most by its not right. You know you cant really explain latest. You just have to feel things simmie and the best way to feel it is through music the city inspired had many songs including this one theres a lot of pain and youre buying the song with his mind if you run which but im going to you know explain to you just like me a little funky already but it would follow gods. Law what i. Want to know its. 7 unfair to me all that is. And im bad knows will leave you with a chance ill be a got spin and now ill see you next time a black. Person a drama competition wife marketing number atmosphere by the time intuition love money millionaires the fans primes 5 stamps and from 8. On you tube join us. Television is for me. Its for. Beethoven its for. Beethoven is for. Beethoven is for every. Beethoven 2020. 5th anniversary here on d. Dont you know. Welcome to our culture russian musicians have been performing to help the opposition. But it wasnt easy more about that in a minute also coming up. In our series on the 990. 00 s. Revisited this country becomes more multicultural but there are also terrible racist attacks. And if you missed hearing live music recently how about your own personal concerts. But we begin in moscow where several popular russian artists that a vote on a concert in support of the opposition. Which has been protesting the outcome of the president ial elections there since august the kremlin is seen as one of president bush and cos stormchaser supporters so perhaps not surprisingly the russian musicians found it difficult to stage their concerts in moscow. And the prison tear down all the walls a musical message from moscow to the people of minsk in neighboring bellerose. Anybody calling themselves the partisan party a number of russian rock stars are showing solidarity with the thousands of belive regimes who have taken to the streets to challenge president alexander pushing. The boundary mario is one of the acts that have lent support their song is about courageous women who saved the world a clear reference to the womens protests in minsk. But. Whats going on in bella ruse concerns us as well because i have to think day and night about it and also see how people are brutally beaten by the police there as a humanist as a peaceful and intelligent person i feel real pain when i see this with the least now boys. Doesnt actually see himself as a political singer his music is a mix of soft rock and melodic pop still he didnt hesitate to sign up for the solidarity concert. It was originally meant to take place in a moscow club but organizers received anonymous calls threatening to close down the club. After other possible venues also cancelled the musicians were forced to move the concert to the independent t. V. Channel dodged such intimidation is by no means isolated. In russia. He believes anonymous threats need not necessarily come from the secret Service Often its activists among what you might call concerned citizens in our country where selfcensorship is stronger than proper censorship intimidation works very well. Lets remember this is. The suppression of alternative views means that almost 2 thirds of the population believe the protests and are orchestrated by the west and provoked by foreign intelligence agencies the idea of the west as the enemy is widespread in russia but. Sooner or later all the bloody regimes come to an end for me the protests in berlin routes are a mirror into the future in the mirror i see that one day this will be possible in our country as well but i think the confrontation here will be even harder because. What was originally planned as a small concert in a moscow club for a few 100 people will now reach a lot more people via television organizers say the parties and party will continue. My colleague. To give us some background on the story age and 1st of all all russians really interested in whats going on about. Yes they are Many Russians of course holiday in a sizable russian minority in the country and theres about a half a 1000000 people of. Dissent in russia so they do Pay Attention and they do whats happening they look at the process from admiration because they are hoping for reforms in the country too and is there much protest music in russia yes theres a growing saying but musicians do face problems if they touch on. On the political this usually takes the form of canceled concerts. Like ice have been affected gigs are often cancelled after local protests many believe incited by kremlin intervention they provoked a video to i speak song showing them in front of the seats of the russian government and on the shoulders of royal Police Received more than 50000000 views all thats a lot of use even in russia where is the crime yes they feel that all this could inspire a ufo Test Movement in 28 seeing putin coast quite a step by saying that music is based on 3 pillars sex drugs and protests he insists that he was most worried about the drugs aspect but we can see him in this clip saying quite openly in the kremlin meeting that if this kind of music cannot be stopped we have to lead and directs it properly or interesting obviously well hear more about that in the coming weeks Adrian Kennedy thank you very much for your insights on the protest music save in russia. Saturday is the 30th anniversary of german reunification this week weve been looking back at the defining decade afterwards the 90 ninetys where society changed so much there were so many positive developments in this newly real nice you country which brought lots of people here and didnt germany then became much more multicultural sadly there was a negative side to this appalling racism really did its ugly head. In the early 1990 s. Germany was shaken by a series of violent and the foreigner attacks included incidents of. In mon where 3 turkish women died in an arson attack. And in rostock where a mob rioted for several days attacking vietnamese guest workers all watched by police and applauded by neighbors these images of anti foreigner hate in germany went around the world sparking disbelief both at home and abroad. Its reached a climax and now its murder being carried out openly and theres the silent army silent perpetrators who just stand by and help that happen. As those middle. Years later a powerful feature film was based on the events in rostock it again poses the question of how things could have got to that point how could the euphoria of reunification turn into such hatred. While the skinheads and right wing extremists made trouble in reunify germany. There was another hotly debated social Movement Multi culti referring to a peaceful coexistence of different cultures as in furtherance quotes back to strict core diversity has long been a reality. Sammy to valis grew up here the comedian was born in iran and his family moved to germany when he was 4 years old he likes quite. A Multicultural Society i live in that part of the city and its wonderful i want that element i would say germany is on its way to being a Multicultural Society. In his stage shows back then as now develops incorporates influences from around the world thats one of the things thats made him well known and successful include. Thing on german t. V. We caught up with him 26 years later he no longer lives in quite speck but in another part of berlin he was shocked by the xena phobia of the 90 miles long. Of course that was frightening i had never been aware of it to that massive extent i did face a lot of hostility at school because i clearly looked different from the others but that stopped when i started getting involved in the comedy scene in combination with living in berlin. With. Butlins Multicultural Community got its own Radio Program in 1994 featuring world music audio multi could he got off to an improvised start but was deeply loved by its listeners out of provincial ality into the metropolis. This city is definitely multicultural and we need a Radio Station of our own. Station or its silly to violence was one of these most devoted listeners he still has one foot in each of his cultures and. I was able to observe the germans through the eyes of in a rainy and look at the iranians as a german i cant say ive ever felt 100 percent at home here this kind of. Germany maybe even more diverse today than it was in the 1990 s. But racism remains as much of a problem as it was back then. Now since the corona pandemic started live music has suffered and this is something that i personally miss a great deal music is food for the soul and live music is like a mission. If you know what i mean but also crazy by nature and his wonderful scheme where you can experience live music very past me and help support. In this difficult time for them. A shared gaze long deep wordless. Thats how all one to one concert like this one a local reporter being in germany began. 10 minutes for an intense encounter a tremendous experience and then you look into this persons eyes for what feels like such a long time and then just let yourself sink into the music that follows its totally unlike hearing an orchestra or a regular concert start with the contacts and be somehow theres the situation at that moment where you feel like you know im playing a little concert just for you and you try to really put everything you have into how the what if as a quantum of solace. Everything and almost everywhere flutist stephanie vinca and her team came up with the idea last year specifically for the abbey and then came cove it. Sort of with the situation that the opportunities to perform in public disappeared in the spring it was clear to us that we wanted to do it again and not just in our little enclave in the middle of nowhere and touring we wanted to take the idea out into the world that. Now thousands of 1. 00 to 1. 00 concerts are being held worldwide from australia. To switzerland the analogue idea has spread digitally was very beautiful you dont usually get to be so close the project is continuing and has raised well over 100000. 00 euros to support freelance musicians. My producer tells me it really is a unique and wonderful experience so i try and support it finally the argentinian cartoonist queen has died aged 88 he created my filed a Spanish Speaking worlds equivalent of peanuts or Charlie Brown my father was an inquisitive and quick witted go who was delighted children and adults alike so. Its the 966. 00 so take a look franks the queen are. Coming. To the point showing the paintings clear positions of International Perspective such only a small i think the 1st years on a good story of the reunification of the 2 germany seems some quest today its a different country mold makes all diverse and the Younger Generation of course has its own perspective so whose germany is it to find out on so the point shortly. To the point is i was going to be 30 minutes on the t. W. Scene for. Life and on demand. Cast language courses. Video and audio. Anytime anywhere. W media center. Every 2 seconds. A person is forced to flee their home nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced the consequences to satirise our documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises from around the world you know a. Good thing we dont need to i didnt go to university to kill people. Or to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone to get my and if i dont theyll kill me. People feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become followers who stay behind its simply a belief my husband went to peru because of the crisis that i wanted that if he hadnt gone there we would have died of hunger anonymous cut displayed starts october 16th going to. Cut. Cut cut. Cut. This is g. W. New swine flu from berlin tonight the European Union cant speak with one voice on the global stage leaders from across europe are meeting in brussels a summit full of disagreements relations between Turkey Greece and cyprus topping the agenda as talks seek to break a standoff over sanctions against fellow roofs also coming up tonight a divorce that may well be headed for court today the European Union began legal action against the u. K. Over the brakes it Withdrawal Agreement europe says britain is fine

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