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A new term as president in the capital city minsk the ceremony was held and announced just before a number of children supporters on the streets thousands are calling for fresh elections without question. The women of belarus have become the face of the current protests their voices are growing louder enough is enough thats their message after 26 years they want a new leader for their country and a Better Future for their Children Women and sophia who go out to protest week after week these 2 courageous women refused to be intimidated by the authorities. The womens march had barely begun when the police started making their 1st arrests over the past weeks bella rose has ramped up its crackdown on protesters but despite it all these women come back each saturday to make sure their voices heard it was like everything was quiet then suddenly those henchmen showed up and dragged these young women into their bastards what did they ever do to that were not scared for our own safety im so worried about our children and grandchildren we want them to live in a normal country without this kind of killing. I knew someone would set them on the little. Island sophia are outraged and tried reasoning with the police. This time they cant get any of the women released. More but alice says she and her friend sophia both retired School Teachers do command a certain respect with the officers was the 2 women 1st met at a protest against look at. The authoritarian has been bringing the country up against him. More and more about the recipients were expressing solidarity with these courageous women their bravery has inspired others to overcome their fears and join the opposition. The regime women are leading the charge against me because frankly. I. Was. As i. Was it was. Musharrafs what they affectionately call the opposition figurehead kolesnik although. She resisted forced deportation by tearing up her passport and was then detained by authorities. In opposition leaders are now either behind bars or in exile. Tells us that luka has been clinging to power with always might ever since the rigged election. When i voted for. I was sure that everything would stay the same that nothing would change. Then after the election i heard people on the streets shouting long live below troops. That made me think we would win. Look at shango has deeply offended by the routine of women with sexism weve always had equal rights here before. You must have gotten. More and more openly defying look at his regime. Hes a fraud. You know what we want we were so humiliated by that whole thing with this secret inauguration they dont seem to feel the need to prove anything to the people and. Our president is a sexist we want to show him how strong we are. We want to show more. Respect for having been arrested. And. Is now taking the threat these women pose more seriously arrests were meant to be a deterrent but theyre having the opposite effect allen sophia tell us that theyll be out on the streets of mits flying the flag of the opposition as long as their legs will carry them even if its just the 2 of. You weve often brought you stories of migrants crossing the mediterranean from north africa to europe but theyve also been crossing a mother dangerous waterway that doesnt get as much attention thousands of migrants have ventured across the British Channel this year a record high crammed in rubber boats they make their way from france on to the u. K. And locals who dont want the u. K. To take in any more refugees often clash with those willing to help people like matt coker. Its 5 am in the port of dover normally skipper matt coker and his crew member tony would be heading out to go game fishing but these days theyre too busy saving peoples lives for the mission to west of the place. Where we were. Over say thank you storm front kiersten has just passed over now that the seas are calmer conditions are ideal for crossing the English Channel volleys if you see you know its one all they dont all. Go by was crossing the channel to dive because its calm. It was 2 years ago that matt 1st spotted a rubber boat with migrants bound for britain these days he encounters desperate refugees almost daily there leaving no i think the results are going to be saying even debate season fall. They want to get that 1st couple of miles of white shore before he comes dialogue so they seem to believe in him so its very full going on and then that gets into shipping lines and we go into the busiest shipping lines government down. Its near dawn when matt makes out a tiny vessel some 20 kilometers off the french coast. The English Channel is the busiest waterway in the world. This season seafarers are stunned that the 3 men have made it this far as the 2 inches of free board in the hall of fog exhausting if a wife goes i sing but. I will look out for that well then yeah because us margaret was so to the west of the last ship just just told the coast guard that theres another thing the further down to the west. And he said so if you could you could you keep a visual both of them theyre only allowed to take the man on board if the vessel is sinking this isnt the case so for now all they can do is stay alert them im going to run now my. The flight to england. But theres a lot of some more. Mochi that you dont have not yet made up your stomach. Cant come out and make sure everybody is out of my sight. So far this year over 5000. 00 migrants have crossed the English Channel its become a major Transit Route for refugees as long as weather conditions remain favorable many more will be risking the passage they want to reach the island before braggs it is finalized these days dover harbor is full of the band and vessels some of the local pushback however is the will drink. Blood coming into the country that we dont know nothing about it concerns me because i could be anyone that could be ripe a smudge could be criminals and we know nothing about them we put them up in hotels and given them houses. Gross misconceptions like these against the new arrivals are common among many of them self declared british patriots many of these angry working class protesters fear britain is being overrun by foreigners. Weve got hundreds of thousands are homeless weve got tens of thousands of Homeless Veterans on the streets and yet these are coming in on blood you know what a nice party 34 or 5 story out cause enough to float while us dont they are left to die on the streets and weve got enough we have got you know. The protesters are directing their ire at lawmakers to they see Prime Minister Boris Johnson elected on the promise of curbing immigration has failed to deliver we try to protest. I mean for years weve already spent hundreds nights in signature petition went and. Got a medal from government. 8 government for your labor the next step is we have to bring it to the street some have even started taking the law into their own hands. Well thats really an. Opal and the guys that was a go was simple. Well we wouldnt follow it wrong they. Dont have the traffic is to return all. The selfproclaimed vigilante live streams the events on you tube yeah thermo the resentment could be borne chiefly out of ignorance all these right wing lies about how they live in hotels at the touch has expense is not true. 11. 00 shell probably one show claim for asylum is being processed you have 37. 00 pounds a week to live on yeah as might be so to 5 year us i dont know basically its nothing. That kolker has only been at sea for a few hours and has already spotted the 3rd migrant boat today 9 individuals from afghanistan are trapped on their vessel unable to maneuver and you are. Just broken gen. Or not you know you know my case is on a limited chain you can smell it. They want to board mats vessel were not allowed to tell you anything to do you carry because. I would. Not allow with no doubt that your boat or anything but we can stay with you either how i was on lately drugs both that my only report and stay with the boats he discovers otherwise he could be charged for trafficking should i post tell me now. So i just thought you know someone. On this day alone the british coast guard rescued 319 refugees. Meanwhile thousands are still waiting in france to risk crossing the channel. The guy crate im in russia is the largest permafrost crater in the world and although was located in one of the coldest regions on earth in siberia its too is facing the effects of the Climate Crisis the ice is blowing increasing the craters size year by year and the rising temperatures are an Alarming Development and they could affect the livelihood of people like has the im cousin we have here needs the colds to keep Food Supplies for his community. Deep in the heart of the mountain is where. Keeps a supply thats because its cold here freezing cold even in summer some products can be stored here for up to 2 years without spoiling. Here we store so flour all transmeta post dental chips to fruit its practical and much cheaper in a climate controlled warehouse. Or even in summer the temperature in this ice cellar is normally 15 degrees celsius below 0 but cousin can tell that northern siberia is getting warmer and warmer even underground. Plum operable things are naturally kept cold here in the permafrost now weve covered the cellar up with sheets to keep out the warmth of group growth this year the ice summer was one or 2 degrees warmer with that change isnt too bad its ok to a bit more. But for how much longer in the village of guy there are many ice cellars like. The village depends on them supplies over land access is only possible when the river is frozen for 4 months a year it forms the road in and out. From the january to april we can use the winter its to receive supplies. In the summer because you 3 stories get weaker. Deliveries by airplane from the regional capital you could say its expensive but necessary. With temperatures that can drop to minus 50 degrees in winter life in butler guy is dictated by the cold permafrost still covers the area but its starting to thaw. This is about i got a crater just a few kilometers from the village its the largest permafrost crater in the world one kilometer wide and 100 meters deep and its growing. The crater was originally caused by deforestation as the frozen earth was no longer protected by trees today its also exposed to the rising arctic temperatures the melting permafrost sets off a vicious cycle the organic substances in the ice decompose as it melts which releases more Greenhouse Gases which in turn speeds up Global Warming. The model processes were observing at the bottom like a crater are things were seeing everywhere else just to a lesser extent the ice under the ground melts on the ground but it happens everywhere more than. About a geiger crater is the perfect example of why we shouldnt mess around with the permafrost its a strong voice for watching it sure. But the true severity of the situation has been slow to hit home even though the signs are clear neighboring brace a youngster is otherwise one of the coldest places in the world but this summer temperatures hit 38 degrees its never been so hot because most houses in the region are pressed on stilts in the ice the record temperatures could widely destabilize the building foundations. This here could collapse because of the melting permafrost with the most and the most the most basic and supports in the ground just like all public water and sewage systems. Will start shifting accidents schools Global Warming will cause a lot of problems here. So we should. See me perfectly. The earth is also moving and test seems i cellar everywhere there are white cracks like this one. Criticism plugs them up with water which then freezes and reinforces the walls with blocks of ice he says ice is always shifting in the cracks have nothing to do with Global Warming and even if they did he says people here would adapt. The records will manage even without an ice center book its not that bad lets hope everything turns out ok. For it to seem in his eye cellar the effects of Climate Change still seem to be a long way off and many people here still dont know anything the called for most months of the year but that is starting to change. This years summer was a tough one for anyone working in the Tourism Industry lockdowns travel restrictions and strict hygiene measures have kept the masses away from tourist hot spots like barcelona and spain businesses there are struggling to survive with little to no income and many locals are worried about their future but in the midst of all this uncertainty they are using the resty from tourism to rediscover the beauty right at their front door. The Sagrada Familia is barcelona Star Attraction a perennial construction site the basilica has been a work in progress for 138 years the cranes and scaffolding never stopped tarus from flocking here in droves but covered 1000 house now the locals are reclaiming their church. The line of tourists were always so long but now its empty. Seriously theres little money to be made on the some grad a familial lately. So for 4 hours every saturday and sunday locals are allowed and for free. For many its the 1st visits ever for others their 1st in years. Was this well i havent been here since i was 8 that was ages ago in terms of whats it like without. Look at me and. My. Barcelona is ours again. Ours we can stronger saddam lost an element that. Is a series of streets that make barcelonas famous pedestrian boulevard. These images were shot 3 years ago. And this is how it looks now. The same place at the same time of year. You know you walk it off in the market in ive been working here for over 25 years and even on a rainy winter nights thats what im lost or livelier than this. Nearby korea barcelonas famous food market many of the pricey stands that cater to turrets have closed down. The remaining shops have been here for years like maria jose at the egg as a poultry business she took it over from her mother. Before the corona crisis locals would complain about the crowds. Now that be plenty of room for them yet theyre still staying away. The merchants cant understand why. So he set out at work id really like to know now we could really use them but they wont come it just goes to show that their complaints about tourists were exaggerated our old neighbors go to the supermarkets now and the few that are coming back to us hardly make the difference to get out and. Garcelle owners once most attractive hot spots have become oddly quiet for example the trendy elbow in district in the city center. Many of the small shops here lived off the Foreign Tourists who wanted to treat themselves to Something Special while on vacation. German designer elisa lent makes and sells her own bags here but now she is giving up the shop. Sales have slumped their rents remains as high as ever. Her landlord refused to give her a break he thought its noisy im looking for a new shop a smaller cheaper one its a good thing the rents are falling well see what happens in my case but it was some neighboring businesses managed to negotiate lower rents with many are simply going out of business. Its estimated that 40 percent of the shops in melbourne wont survive the crisis some may move to cheaper districts like many former residents did after High Rents Force them out of the inner city. These images were also captured 3 years ago back then many buildings were being renovated and remodeled the walls were covered with graffiti to. Interests to call home the city sees the crisis as a chance to right past wrongs and set a different course for the future. As tell us when those tickets will seem to ease thats the were taking a break now at the most but we mustnt forget that these problems did exist even that we need to address them before the tourists return than when the several 1000000000. 00. Barcelona wont be long entirely to the locals indefinitely. Puts maybe its councillors can shape the citys future little by little just as a cigarette a familia has for the last 138 years. That might help reconcile barcelona with their home. If youre a catholic then you must be familiar with the practice of confession traditionally this requires sitting in a small dark confession box and telling your priests your sins but if the people in bad austria want to get something off their chest they dont even have to step foot in a church they can talk to the local priest to stand in the worlds 1st and only confessional cable car. The faithful flock to father christian theres masses at the Parish Church in the austrian spa town. Yet the priests still feels its his duty to carry the lords message out to the people these assaults and even jesus didnt hide away in a temple or synagogue he went out and preached and healed the neemo and thats my understanding of what Pastoral Care should be today. So every other friday father their heads off on a special mission right across town. Here in a stalled line ferries visitors up and down mt cotton its a longstanding tradition but the idea of creating a confessional cable car is new and came about after a few beers at the summit guest house. First we had dismissed it as a joke. But then i got stuck in our minds and 4 years later we finally realized the project. Now as the cable car operator im really happy to have the worlds 1st gondola compassionate. Father earlier takes matters into his own hands and helps get the gondola going here he welcomes everyone even those who have little time for the church like this artist from. Like many people dont dare go to church that might be because theyve had bad childhood memories or because its so big a fear of respect its much easier. Youre to talk here out in nature so a gondola like this is optimal. Took it isnt religious but hes impressed by father who he calls his favorite priest so why not take the opportunity to talk to him in the god of. The trip to the top takes 15 minutes and takes them almost a 1000 meters closer to the sky. He said became. Like these people experience a certain levity ascending the mountain. In the bible the mountain is a place where one is closer to god. There are many examples from the holy scriptures and clearly people feel that way to. Nearer my god to me. What people tell him is protected by the seal of confession but father says in the confession cable car hes heard just about everything from i miss it probably you know. I had someone who wanted to send his wife up with me so she could finally confess all her sins so to speak and rid herself of the lofty heights as there. Was a lot of discussion about existential questions which can be tough to make a few jokes about it but it is an issue that. The artist said it was a real experience maybe because theyre talking they had nothing to do with religion or the church the conversation just flow a bit like the Healing Waters of. The ride was how long 15 minutes and its not like one minute i could ride with him all day if i really had to confess all my sins and probably have to ride with him for a whole week. But it instead he has a drink with friends meanwhile the gondola confessional continues on its way between earth and the happening. And thats. And for this weeks focus on europe i hope you can join us again that may explain thanks for watching take care good bye thank you thank you. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you elaine. Food because it. Conflicts if you dont hear a lot of fast food in your feast days but for more than 2 months file sharing a compulsive financial corruption and the government demonstrations my guest this week from south korea is the need for such about ministers and social call the spider she contributed sucks me speech in its most vulnerable. Nation its human rights of. The folks who seem to. Her conspiracy to saudi consulate folks. That will never be found plus connected to the highest levels of government why did journalists jump shonky have to die. Was threatened finest work 2 years later and the reasons are still unclear the case of jamal come. In 75 minutes on. Board more older more. Cutting through the noise. Where i come from people are known for being tough but fair new york and la and people tell it like it it was the big call of the concrete jungle the melting pot of the city that never sleeps its this energy that makes it feel like old but amid the hustle its important to listen and Pay Attention because its not just the loudest voices who need to be heard we all have a story this is how but i see it as my job as a journalist to go beyond the obvious now im basing your odds and my work takes me around the world to get a sense for me of the state to tell the important stories behind the headlines what is the heart of the story why does it matter who live in hamas to focus what you want us to cut through the noise to get to the truth. My name is sarah kelly and i wanted to double. The be. The book. Be a. Law book blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. This is g. W. News coming to you live from berlin. And around the world to. See the founding of the peoples republic of china we speak to the protester wounded last year by the 1st police. Prodemocracy demonstrations he is now facing years in prison. Plus the winners of whats often called the alternative nobel prize if we take a look at the people. By this years right likelihood

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