Transcripts For DW Der Tag 20240712

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Fighting between armenia and azerbaijan over the disputed terry territory everyone going to care about the 2 countries rejects calls for peace talks as the conflict threatens to escalate into all out. Im rebecca richs welcome to the program u. S. President almost trump and his democratic challenger who faced off in the 1st of 3 debates as head of the election on november 3rd trump dismissed a recent report in the New York Times about his tax payments insisting he paid millions in taxes biden said he would repeal trumps attack tax cuts and blame the president for the more than 200000 coronavirus deaths in the u. S. Both men hoping their performances will energize their election campaigns race and polls have shown biden with a lead in most battleground states. Well to talk more about this im joined by Stacey Bivins in the studio and our Washington Bureau chief in is paul whos been watching the debate and a republican supporter viewing party in the walky wisconsin but stacey i would like to start review what were the Key Takeaways from most about what stood out to you ok well as we were talking earlier it was a little bit chaotic it was like herding cats Chris Wallace tried his best to be balanced and professional but these 2 men just kept talking over each other and this was like a main strategy i believe for donald trump as soon as done joe biden started to Gain Momentum which is interject and kind of throw him off balance joe biden was a little bit low energy today anyway feel like he was able he had some genuine moments where he was able to connect with the American Voter and look into the camera and talk to them directly and i think that that was good i think that if youre a truck voter you thought wow hes really tough and hes handling things and if youre a biden supporter you thought he was a little low energy but he said a lot of important things that matter to regular American People or i am is you were following this debate at a republican viewing party how how was it received by trumps supporters there. Well they applauded a lot of lofts they kind of like to do when he bullied over joe biden to widen had some problems and really kind of get his thoughts together and this is when when he was really lofted its here at this Trump Watch Party in milwaukee wisconsin but rebecca and stacey we also talked to some people here who told us they came here and still were a little undecided but they just were not convinced about the energy joe biden put out was because they were hoping you know for some decent political plans but there was no such thing at all neither from trump nor from biden but i think biden would have needed that to convince undecided voters that he has something to offer different attacking trump on a personal level and he wasnt really able to bring that across now biden wanted to press trump on his handling of the coronavirus which is a cain topic discussed at the debate but the president pushed back take a look but ill tell you joe you could never have done the job that we did you dont have it in your black you could have never done that you know i know how to do the job i know how to get a job where you dont do very well in swine flu h one n one you were a disaster your own chief or it seems that housing was there 4200000 people died not 200000 there with their economic recession or you made a remark a letter was no youre saying you made a point and there was no one no we didnt shut down the economy this is his economy speech he shut down. Trump saying that bind couldnt have done what he did on covidien as did by saying what he would have done differently on the coronavirus. Well thats a problem there were many kind of topics where he really could have very he would have had the chance to present a plan but he missed these opportunities and this is something at least here in milwaukee. From watch party which people were really aware of that there is was no substance really offered and one has to be fair with joe biden President Trump always interrupted him and that obviously he didnt on this have the energy to really fight that so he might have had some ideas but he wasnt really able to present them tonight at this 1st debate trump certainly was very combative in the debate thats for sure now the debate also touched on racial tensions and violence in the u. S. Another really important topic heres a little bit of that exchange which they almost everything i see is from the left wing not from the right you know what do you want to you i want you sign up willing to do anything i want to. Do it. You want to call him what do you want to call him give me a new and give me what you promised us and what you really can do you out grow as a son right probably stand back and stand by but ill tell you what ill tell you what somebody has got to do something about the left because this is not a right as we. Love you are directly. From the white supremacist teachers in our do not an organization you got it not you listen dr heres tonight if you know i do you know our directors were no no no no were not were done sir were going to sort out your theres a generation idea here you say that moment with the moderator really trying to kind of get his word in edgeways it was very bad of the whole time. How did the 2 just going off the back of that little bit that weve just played how did the 2 go on rice i think that donald trump proved to be what hes been doing the entire time to be the president of the red states and not of all of the United States when he looks at these protesters and lumps them all and teeth and and and also and turns the protest into something thats a violent which most of the protests have not then and then he said there was a problem from the left and not from a from the from the left and i from the right its a problem it shows a prejudice and. Joe biden talked about if he were to win getting all sides together activists police to talk about how to move forward how to reimagine Police Donald trump doesnt seem to care about that and then we went on to talk about. The training for and the government about racial sensitivity and donald trump said that this is racism and were teaching people to hate the country and joe biden said no were talking about letting people know that there are that there are biases and that theyre probably not even aware of the biases that we have so theres 2 different views of of approaching race and donald trump is on the wrong side of history with this one i just have to say all right theres 2 more debates to go what do you think 2 men and theres also your opinion as well what do you think the 2 men need to do in the next debates well i think that joe biden just needs to be better he just needs to have more energy and one of the debates coming up as more of a town hall well hell get to connect with people and thats where hes his strongest and we saw a little bit of that tonight where he looked in the cameras like how are you doing the American People whats on your mind and i think those are the moments for him where hes strongest and inez just quickly before we wrap up do you think that trumps aggressive approach will work in the next 2 debates. Yes i think because you know joe biden its really hard to find a strategy when you have the personality is joe biden has i think. Trump point change she was very successful at least this is the feeling what we have here was in the Trump Supporters thats what he needs. I hardly can imagine any way joe biden is able to find a way to really fight this aggressive very personal way to attack or i will have to wait and see as paul in milwaukee and stacey evans in the studio with me thanks very much for. I want to take a issues in tonights debate was the coronavirus pandemic it was it has reached a grim milestone with more than a 1000000 lives lost worldwide and many regions including the u. S. And europe are bracing for another surge in infections covenanting has quickly become one of the worlds deadliest Infectious Diseases the virus has spread to at least 188. 00 countries and fatalities have been rising at a faster pace since last month Public Health experts say the crisis is far from over. The german chancellor Angela Merkel has announced new measures in response to local spikes in covert montane infections she vowed to avoid a full National Lockdown instead and not saying what she called a hotspot strategy after a meeting with the ladies of germanys 16 federal states merican met with german state leaders for 3 hours to dress disagreements about whether measures to curb the spread of coronavirus should be ratcheted up the outcome they will be. If you dont. Know weve learned a lot we got through this summer pretty well but we know that more difficult times lie ahead in the fall and winter months. And we are seeing a progressive rise in infection rates partly in densely Populated Areas in few. Parties appear to be a significant infection source one party and believe folks resulted in hundreds of people being tested nearly 1000. 00 were quarantined and schools closed the leaders agreed that the size of parties will now be limited. Every increase should mean more masks less alcohol and smaller parties everyone managed to be on one thing no one wants to reimpose the measures seen at the beginning of the pandemic. And what we want to avoid a lockdown of the kind we all went through in march so that schools can no gardens and places of work can stay open and we intervene only where infections are occurring. It peels were made to the people to regularly air out rooms and avoid travel to higher risk countries but no announcement was made on how some of these measures will be policed. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world french president Emmanuel Michel has said on a visit to lithuania that he would help maybe i in the political crisis in belarus met with belarus in opposition latest taken off ska was seen as a major show of support for the activist. Firefighters have been battling to contain wildfires tearing through northern californias wine country since the weekend extremely dry conditions have led to the rapid spread of the blaze in napa valley and the of the city of santa rosa 70000 residents have been forced to evacuate. Tensions are flaring over the disputed region of Nagorno Karabakh with both armenian and as a vision the forces accusing each other of attacks on the territory i mean your claims turkey has shot down one of its warplanes which the turkish president and his as a vision the allies deny violence in recent days has been has been the regions worst in decades. As a vision and a mania have rejected calls for peace talks. These scenes have put the International Community on edge. But for the residents of both armenia and azerbaijan they have been a long time coming. Also was a little the as i by johnny ami will win this war and we will return to our historical lands. As. The jury is out as if my country needs me as a soldier i am ready even at my age. Of course we are afraid of a long war but the civilian population and the military must be ready for it. It is better to be free later than to continue this false peace. The focus of the fighting is the goal in a car back region the dispute itself is decades old beginning in the early 1990 s. When the ethnically armenian region declared independence from us and by shan that independence has never been recognized by the International Community which is urging for calm from both sides. The secretary general strongly called on the sidestreet mediately stop fighting deescalate tension and return it to meaningful negotiations without preconditions or delay World Leaders fear the fighting could lead to full scale conflict which destabilizes the south caucasus region a kargil for pipelines carrying oil and gas to World Markets regional players like russia and turkey also at risk of becoming him broiled in the conflict and escalating it further. And that is that today we are at the side of our azerbaijani brother and in the defense of the homeland mania Must Immediately cease its attacks and send back the mercenaries that have brought from a brought up with dozens of people have been killed so far including civilians and hundreds more wounded at the request of germany and france the Un Security Council is expected to hold emergency talks on choose day but with both sides accusing the other of starting the battle and of continuing to use heavy artillery a quick and claimed break from the violence seems unlikely. Youre watching daytime news from fallon will have more headlines for you have the top of the hour until then style today on our website at www dot com im rebecca written thanks so much watching. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona updates. From the covert 19 special next on d w. This to some next story in the stubborn rise for. Sometime. His problem. Is clear no chemical. Claim was. Dont stand a chance. Train him successfully. To me starts october 15th. Its the largest disruption of Global Education systems in history. When the pandemic 1st heres around one and a half 1000000000 students around the world were sent home our schools closed their doors. Somehow thin 3 opened but class isnt in session for hof of the world school children. The lucky ones were able to pursue their studies online. But for many even in developed countries that is not an option. The world was already struggling to come to grips with educational inequality now the United Nations warns the covert crisis is making it worse disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable threatening to wipe out decades of progress for this generation and possibly beyond. This is the covert 1000 special im Kate Ferguson thanks for joining me at the height of the pandemic schools in some 190 countries close their doors many have since reopened but the experience of lockdown heightened major inequalities in education and even richer countries like germany have struggled with the challenges of going to shuffle. Pence owns a shop and books are out and students are back in the classrooms but it seems not much of the Digital Learning put in place during lockdown has survived here at the smiths causeless school in berlin. Teacher says many of the challenges involved in Digital Learning for main. The foundational problems are still there a lot of parents dont understand technology a lot of families dont have internet or Digital Technology at home but the schools are much better prepared so we are able to have clouds and Messenger Services and email but its all. In accordance with Data Protection laws which was not the case before the corona crisis has made schools realise how much still needs to be done in most classrooms teaches and students still use analog tools and learning materials to change that the German Government has put aside 5000000000 curios to digitalize the classroom money desperately needed says coprincipal sure nuff said when looking at his equipment this is. It is definitely the case that teachers and parents are investing their own private resources to digitalize this cool staff an initiative by the state but that always comes with a lot of bureaucracy which we see now as well with the current funding so in the end you have to make sure you take all that you can get one can come. Until now only one of over 1200 students at this school has received a tablet financed by the state students our way of how slowly things are moving and want to see change. If you tell you 0 is room for improvement in the digitalisation of our school to say the least theres not enough equipment for all students it was not enough to make proper home schooling possible. But some students think that they are now better prepared in case of another look down. A month from us which i dont know at the beginning it was new for all of us the system the Computers Working at home now i think that it was better than the 1st time. But the ideal classroom that can switch effortlessly from the school to each students very unfair means that distant goal. Lets talk to professor fernando reamers he fit director of the Global Education Innovation Initiative Harvard University professor henry thanks for joining us you fetch the current disruption to learning could cause the biggest educational setback in history could you expand on that for us. Absolutely im delighted to be with you the currency has to be set in the context of the fact that over the last 7 decades the world experienced the most remarkable silent revolution in the history of humanity as a result of the expansion of boxes to school which went from including about one of 2 children in school 70 years ago to including just about everyone now this pandemic through 3 mechanisms is going to create a major said by the 1st mechanism is that because schools have to create of turn ways of delivering education in a limited time with limited professional preparation to teachers those mechanisms have not reached on students all students equally well you know these are the kind of support that is available to students are home varies depending on the level of education of their parents other social economic level and as a result for the students who have not been reached effectively who do not have adequate support at home they are not learning and they are not engaging in school well that means is that some of them are going to have a very hard by continuing their studies window and then he is over and some of them are going to drop out altogether in some cases caused by the memory consumption of these as cause of children to begin to work to help their families survive and finally the 3rd mechanism is a piece pandemic is creating enormous Financial Burdens in some states and as a result of that theres going to be less being available for education so those. 3 mechanisms are the ones that are going to cause major setbacks in how many children are able to return to school were going to see many of them drop out and were going to see for many children even those who continue there will be significant gaps in their knowledge the schools may or may not be able to help them recover so some huge challenges that and youve spoken to educators all over the world whats the most surprising thing youve heard from them. Correct over the last 6 months i have been doing Extensive Research with colleagues of the o. E. C. D. And of the world via what has really surprised me the most are 3 things number one the tremendous concern for education of shock education e. C. In the im of a pandemic when life is what is at stake as a very very serious concern and that speaks to a major cultural shift in humanity if you think about the last under any cover 1918 education was not one of the top 3 was no 1100 of them comes ours and the fact that a. B. S. Speaks very well how we. As a Global Community have internalized how important the development of the talent and skills of the next generation are the 2nd thing that has surprised me is the professionalism of many teachers who have demonstrated to them you creation is not just a job its a life mission and they have worked extremely hard to create alternative ways to continue to reach theirs sometimes with the support of their local governments state governments sometimes in the absence of support the 3rd thing that has surprised me is the remarkable create the i mean the nation has resulted from a lot racial integration among teachers we theme schools among schools corporations are organizations of civil so. I think that some of those innovations have been facilitated by the teachers who are connected to networks of people outside their jurisdictions that communication extensive communication whos a teacher in touch with others in places are on a weight has created the equivalent of a many cheer fecht and marriage effect is a term used to refer to what happened in florence several decades after the taliban and then when lawrence for the many. Cd iraqi of art and intellectuals and sigh. Like you are being. Helped like machiavelli and out of dot com versions of great minds in a small ways. The ross house and i think there is a i for some schools these communication these collaborations going to really bring. In some schools but signs of it and on and on a hopeful note there professor fernando reamers thank you so much for speaking with us before the camera thank you very much heartening time now to answer one of your questions about the car on a fire rest over to our science correspondent eric williams. How do you decide which parts of the population get vaccinated 1st. Theres a lot of worry at both the national and International Levels that when a vaccine does become available it wont be distributed to the people who need it most on an equitable basis but who does need it the most and while lawmakers are already coming up with lists of of who should be at the front of the line and with some variations thats what Health Authorities around the world will hopefully carry through on in assuming that politicians are able to grasp the idea that this is a global issue that wont be solved by that scene nationalism which is a big if but supplies will also be limited initially at least so there needs to be a framework in place to maximise benefits. The Vaccine Alliance or davi which is the International Organization that plays a vital role in Vaccine Development and distribution all over the world its come up with guidelines and providing the most benefit for the most people worldwide even with limited resources over 150. 00 countries have now signed up to its kovacs initiative it recommends that the 1st people to get a vaccine should be those most exposed to the disease which are the health care and and social care workers on the pandemic front lines thousands of them all over the planet have died from covert 1000 already next in line would be older people over 60 fives alone with those at high risk if they catch the disease like like people with with Underlying Health conditions most countries will probably also prioritise professions that are deemed to be essential for people like caregivers and rest homes or Police Officers or those who work in Key Industries like Food Production which already clear is that children will be far down on the list and not only because of that 19 is less deadly in general for them but also because itll take more time to produce and test vaccines that are specifically tailored to kids. And finally for many adjusting to the new normal means avoiding social gathering of not setting foot in restaurants but thats not good enough for one company in japan theyve unveiled a new robotic way sir that they hope will help people enjoy while keeping their distance soft bond from posix says the ai driven robot is designed to keep customers on restaurant staff safe. Delivering food and drinks with a little risk of infection they are driven robot will be alone dash to select restaurants and have hot this winter. And thats all from a thanks so much for watching take care. Of. Her that is the spirit 30 years ago when germany was reunified in october 1019 at the time the economic disparity between east and west was huge. Today how have things changed for people in the 2 homs of the country how have companies. Made in germany. Next on d w. Conspiracy at the saudi consulate. A body that will never be found clark connected to the highest levels of government why did journalist john shuggie have to die. Was threatened by its work 2 years later and the reasons are still unclear the case of jamal khashoggi. In 45 minutes on d w. Every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their home. The consequences been disastrous our documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises around the world. Forgetting we dont have time i think i didnt go to university to kill people and the impact that. People feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of those who stay behind. This place starts october 16th on d. W. If theres a country that knows what change feels like its germany on october 3rd 1990 the country are unified into ideologically different systems became one the challenges were mana fold the form

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