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Plus we go to the socalled badlands of south dakota were only a 3rd of native americans are registered to vote and even those who car signed up find it difficult to actually get there. And the piece of the berlin wall that everyone loves the gallery marks 30 years since to turn the wall. Of color and fun. Hello im terry Martin Thanks for being with us the corona virus has claimed the lives of more than a 1000000 people. But experts caution that the true figure is probably much higher the grim milestone has been officially recorded by the Johns Hopkins University Database it shows the virus has spread to at least 188 conference and fatalities have been rising through most of august and september after weeks of gradual decline many countries are seeing a resurgence in corona virus cases including here in europe experts say that the crisis is far from 0. 006 a look at the countries with the most deaths resulting from covered 19 they all are the u. S. Brazil india mexico the u. K. Italy spain france and iran but if we look at the number of deaths as a proportion of the population of each country we get a better indication of the impact of the virus and you can see the list is slightly different it includes peru belgium bolivia spain ecuador chile the u. K. Brazil the us and italy well lets focus on one of those countries belgium the government there has been criticized for being too slow to act but the high per capita death rate may also be because of a statistical quirk belgium has a broader definition of deaths caused by the virus which makes its figure higher than in other countries but no matter how the statistics stack up every coronavirus death is a human tragedy w. s teri schultz reports now from the belgian town of st truman and one familys heartbreaking loss. The world has lost a 1000000 lives. One of them meant the world to 10 year old lorenzo grandpa was the best his grandpa luke picked him up from school each day and what. We made all merch and after that. And he just played and couching just didnt really want to deal. Mostly i got snacks. But their hometown st truth was hit early and hard by the corona virus we had 53 people. Who had to enter the hospital and we only had bets for 20 people but luke was already hospitalized failing fast he said if i dont make it please take good. He didnt make it on march 23rd luke became seem true to his 1st corona death jeanine and their daughters nellie and elaine and lorenzo didnt even get to see goodbye now that really hot. It struck was really all. Mayor very hit and felt it personally her husband became critically ill but survived it was a terrible time for the families but also for us as a mayor and also all the people of my policemen and you know the people in the town who are working. 24 hours a day 6 months later same treatment has the infection rate under control with strict measures father room can and says now inhabitants need to heal its important that we share. With each other what we feel what we want or are and she and sorry the 2 but also or the. Mayor here and decided to create a space for that a corner of a city park is now a memorial the theme forget me not plenty of those flower. As have been planted by city landscaper d. V. S. Summers on with a tree of life and a plaque bearing a poem in a heartbeat that. The flowers will come so yeah even when its sat. It will be a little bit. Beautiful. For the memorials dedication september 13th lorenzo was asked to commemorate his beloved grandfather he told his mom he was too afraid to look at life there or they were again to laugh at me. But lorenzo changed his mind and wrote a letter even. Dear grandpa i miss you very much i am mad about corona mad about what happened you were best and always are going to be the best because you think. That i was brave and that i was happy did i did it that i. Throw it all out. Please happy. Everyone lies. To me grandpa. No one here will forget them. Joining us now is dr Marcus Harris spokesperson the World Health Organization in geneva thanks for being with us this morning dr harris a 1000000 people are known to have died from covered 19 already and the pandemic is far from over how much farther do you expect the death toll to rise. Good morning terry but we want the death toll to stop we want the transmission to stop we know that weve lost at least a 1000000 people probably many many more because many deaths have not necessarily going accorded coronavirus stance. But whats really important now is that we all know so much more about this virus so much more about how to stop it what weve still lacking is that society all of government response in every place to do the things to turn it around but its not too late we can fight back talking about fighting it there are various therapies in development to at least prevent the infections from becoming lethal synthetic antibodies for example do you see anything promising in the pipeline that could become widely available soon is in fact this enormous has been in the fantastic work that scientists have done all sorts of. Diagnostics treatments and vaccines and when it comes to the treatments we already have some treatments that can stop the severe things when people get the severe form of the virus and doctors and nurses are becoming very good at recognizing when somebody is going into that stage and getting treatments like already going to steroids but also the blood thinners that stop the clotting which can cause a lot of problems so definitely we have to and medically and clearly clearly how to fight this what we now have to do is fight transmission you mentioned the importance of the International Community working together on this how difficult is it to coordinate the fight against this pandemic when countries are taking very different approaches ranging from hyper vigilance in the case of south korea to deny oil in brazil. Well i said its critical but every post on this planet understands that this is a threat to humanity this is not about politics this is not about one group against another group these storms when we all stop it together. We do know what stops it we know that individuals who do that are watching the physical distance thing and what must go right when you are in close contact and avoid crowds and avoid gatherings where you are together we know this stops it we know that governments can stop it by doing good tracking tracing testing but we will have to do it all its not just better saying the government has to do this or this person has to do this it has to be all of us doing all of it numerous vaccines are in development can you tell us when we can realistically expect a vaccine that youre sure is affective and safe. Well at a very promising stage with quite a lot of that scene so good knowing that have gone into whats called a phase 3 trial way you tested on people get it right and they go up and sickly into the wild into the community and you see if it really really protects you down while youre doing that youre also looking very very closely at safety so the important thing is to gather all that information and look at 1st of all its a pretty safe and theres a if a case just as it were and this is what you got that data you know could you start we can roll it out but we not really going to get that information until the end of this year beginning of next year and of course reading it out will still take a while but you know the signs are very good. Dr Margaret Harris from the World Health Organization in geneva thank you very much. And city where the pandemic began life appears to be returning to normal in Central China was the 1st epicenter of the virus at its peak early this year the entire city of around 11000000. 00 residents was placed under a Strict Lockdown new hospitals were built overnight and critics whistleblowers were silenced including this band dr levy when young he was one of the 1st to report on the deadly disease but 9 months later. Has a different story to tell. Its the story of a reenergized metropolis recast as a heroic victim of the coronavirus thriving again. Traditional opera for example can be found outdoors in the crowded and well to do central city. China shows off will han as a city reborn and save the government media says by chinas efforts to fend off and almost send off the coronavirus that emanated from here. Now that everything is so good what risks can there be han is the place where the epidemic broke out in the 1st place and i believe it must be the best managed. Things are so relaxed they put together a massive pool party not long ago attended by thousands of masked last people a viral video led to International Criticism of recklessness beijing countering the party showed its success in taming the coronavirus. Has restarted life has returned to the kind of flavor we had before so everyone living in will han feels that east isnt. That easy feeling required a massive lockdown of millions on was a near ghost town from all appearances last winter. This well after a would be hero the late dr levy when liang sounded the alarm on the virus and mohan but was quickly censored by the government he died of covert 19 since then a 1000000 more people have died worldwide. But looking at it from chinas point of view theyve really done badly maybe they never really comprehend it how serious this thing was. In who hung back then many people left this world because of it. This virus is terrible and. Maybe every country like us never imagined it would break out all around the world i never imagined it background. Beijing though maintains the world can learn from its handling of the coronavirus triumph it says even as it faces bitterness overseas from covert 19 and the initial attempt at covering it up. See a look at some other stories making headlines around the world today french president menem akong has met with evolution Opposition Leader taken off sky during his visit to lithuania you can also fled in august after a disputed election she told journalists after the meeting that had promised to help mediate political standoff in belarus and secure the release of political prisoners. But it has continued for the certain day in the region of nagornokarabakh on tuesday armenia and azerbaijan and for supported forces deployed heavy artillery in the latest fighting over the contested region fighting also took place around the border town of Dennis Miller is away from the ground 0. Spains Supreme Court has upheld a ruling that bars catalonia is regional president from Public Office for 18 months protesters gathered in barcelona to denounce the decision. Torah was forced to step down with immediate effect he had refused to take to take down a Pro Independence banner from a public building ahead of last years election. Protesters clashed with police in mexico city as hundreds of women marched through the capital demanding the decriminalization of a bore. Ranks of female Police Officers used pepper spray against the demonstrators abortion is banned in most of mexico except under certain circumstances such as sexual assault. Youre watching t. V. News still to come a piece of the berlin wall that everyone loves east side gallery marks 30 years since have turned the gray green wall into a client of color and on. The 1st u. S. President trump and his opponent joe biden are preparing for their 1st t. V. Debate such take place later on tuesday the question in everyones minds his how trump will deal with the investigation into his tax records by the New York Times it suggests that the selfproclaimed billionaire and business genius may actually face a financial nightmare of over 2 loans bad deals and unpaid taxes totaling hundreds of millions of dollars trump denies is arsons. Reactions to the New York Times has reflected the deep divisions that are evident across america in this Election Year makes my blood boil and everything he does makes my blood boil and whats going to make my blood boil even more is that there are no consequences to this right now. It why now they bring it up like 35 days through election day you know i mean i think it will affect the election probably not because theres been way worse accusations against him before and people havent cared. The story adds to the troubles of a president trailing badly in opinion polls the newspaper reported that tax filings show donald trump paid just 750. 00 in federal income taxes in 2016 the year he won the presidency and the same amount in 2017 his 1st year in office and he paid no income taxes whatsoever in 10 of the previous 15 years. Thats because he reported losing more money than he made according to the times he also reported to be personally responsible for loans and other debts totaling more than 420000000. 00 revelations that undermine the image trump likes to promote of himself as a successful businessman and deal maker trump dismissed the story as untrue the story was told was fake news say. On tuesday evening trump and his challenger joe biden face off for the 1st of 3 televised debates trumps tax history gives the democrats fresh ammunition going into the final month of the campaign. Earlier we spoke to richard painter a law professor and former white house ethics lawyer under president george w. Bush we asked him if Donald Trumps alleged debt to little more than 400000000. 00 could be a threat to National Security as the democrats have claimed substantial debt that magnitude is a very very worrisome situation and youre absolutely right it is security clearance would ordinarily bit at odds with that kind of gap unless they had asked us well an excess of that debt and the this is a situation where the president the United States the president decides who gets a security clearance is not himself someone who puppet for the security clearance because of this that we also dont know who which really good somebody acts are identified but the question as to whether those banks are good loaning the money and taking the responsibility for the loan oh or whether the risk really is someone elses guaranteed the loss if the party that guarantees a lot of this bad stuff you know what it is a hostile foreign power whether it be russia or another country we simply dont know thats very dangerous for the United States to have our president in debt to either foreign governments or all of our so closely allied with far governments and the real problem here is we dont know because theres no disclosure about whats going on right now to these tax returns and the art of the New York Times the 1st time but now we would have to chase this down and talk to for example torture bank and all the other backs but who really they are the risks associated with the looms is that the bank is it charters at russia or saudi arabia we have no idea thats very very scared people and id expect. That was richard painter former white house ethics lawyer speaking to d. W. Earlier. Well known the millions who are eligible to cast a vote in november election are nearly 5000000 native americans yet only a 3rd of them are registered to vote thats the lowest registration among all minority groups in the u. S. Arcane laws on reservations such as requiring a fixed address to register means native americans are often disenfranchised. I mean as a traveled to the Pine Ridge Reservation in south dakota to speak with people who are struggling to get their voices heard by november. This is the heart of the south dakota badlands were approaching the border of Pine Ridge Reservation home to around 18000 members of the Oglala Lakota tribe. We want to talk to voters here but were stopped at a checkpoint the guard tells us that because of the threat of copa 19 only residents and essential workers are allowed in and he had to show her my press idea and she waved us through i mean. We drive for nearly an hour across the prairie land before reaching a town we want to know why People Living here are less likely to vote than other americans. They feel like its not in korean and a voice will be heard to them instead of having to scared to be here around a lot of people a lot of elderly still want to be around a lot of people we live in 3rd world conditions majority of our people dont even on being called so how are they supposed to get to a polling place when they live 10 miles out in a country outside of a few small towns most of pine ridge looks like this remote rural and largely cut off from National Politics a lot of the houses here dont have official street addresses and many of the People Living there dont have government issued i. D. s to things that are often used to register voters and now the pandemic is making Voter Registration efforts all the more difficult its still possible to vote without a car an address or an id but it takes know how. Off the reservation in rapid city we meet with chante hart and kellan returns from scout theyre organizing Voter Registration booths on multiple reservations in south dakota they want to show fellow native people that all they need is a Social Security number to cast their ballot even though thats not clear on the registration was even as a look at a person we make a decision 7 generations ahead of time and so im thinking about my great grandchildren and hald life is going to be for them and right now i think the best thing we can do is vote and use our voices and thats just how i was raised their project is funded by a Democratic Party donor and while callinan chante. Arent campaigning for the party theyre sure most lakota voters are against donald trump. Hes stoking the flames of racism all the things that i think weve worked so hard to build relationships across all walks of life and hes reversed that. If relations between native americans and nonnatives in south dakota are poor its not hard to see why the state is soaked in the history of stolen land broken contracts and withheld payments to say nothing of those who paid with their lives. At the Crazy Horse Memorial Museum chante performs a traditional dance making an effort to connect with visitors. Despite generations of betrayal she hasnt given up on dialogue. And i did well here in germany no one ever liked the berlin wall that gray grim barrier cut the city into separating families neighbors and friends that was demolished after reification but one stretch was kept and turned into an art gallery a riot of color and fun 30 years on one of the original artists has returned to whats known as the east side gallery. 1. 3 kilometers of street art the once formidable wall is now colorfully decorated including with champagne lines world famous heads the french artist started painting the western side of the berlin wall back in the 1980 s. It was his way of coping with the depressing reality of the citys division. I had some physical reaction i have to do something against that. Melancholy place tests done and so on the pain the war to give a smaller message not the big one this more may say its possible to do something on your hong again these deadly machine. Some left over paint a ladder and a big dose of courage that was all it took to give the socalled antifascist protective wall a friendlier look the long faces with button eyes were purely pragmatic decision. So it was possible with those had been quite quickly and their lot its a. Size 2 pieces of bearing wall so to meet a 40 by 3 meter 62nd. Then the wall fell and most of it was dismantled including most of mars for feeding but one segment was preserved and became the east side gallery in 190118 artists from 21. 00 countries painted the berlin wall legal wars colorful figures became global icons of street art his Mission Remains the same the fight against dreariness so is it top art or political when you bank on the streets its ultimately political because you change the city people travel a lot on trains and they come out of this asian and they see that that is more near all and. They have one second of smiles nor says the east side gallery has lost significance for him in the meantime reunified berlin has moved on newly constructed buildings now tower over the ball diminishing the powerful effect it once happened in the water is looking for new year to year smaller thing so its hard to connect the young generation and tell them that it was dangerous is it but thats more war was the interest of getting me for charity now are its time to focus on new topics. Now to the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean where we were a group of 36 giant tortoises been released into the wild boar. Captivity the tortoises are an endangered species at risk of extinction weighing nearly 5 kilograms when theyre between 6 and 8 years old they were released in their natural habitat on suncoast of all island after a rigorous quarantine process the tortoises play a Critical Role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem and the unique goes public. Youre watching g. W. News coming up next its close up with an indepth look at how the Climate Crisis is affecting the people caribbean course you always stay up to date by visiting us online t w dot com the names Terry Marchant youll find me on twitter at tim news stream thanks for being with us. These are disappearing in time ecosystems are in danger from the land and in the water in the caribbean Climate Change is brutally real environmental activists are doing all they can but is there any hope this paradise can be saved the caribbean karl rescued on Climate Change. D w. The sweet treats Better Business chocolate. The dirty side of cocoa production is especially evident in the conflict. In the gulf plantations have destroyed by new forest adults and children work like slaves. To sweeten the bottom line for International Cocoa producers. The 5 minutes. Every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their home. The consequences of the disastrous our documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises from around the world. Fuck it then we dont get out of it i didnt go to university to kill people and i thought if i acted that way any a handful of people feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what do become of those who stay behind. Displaced starts october 16th on g. W. Carabine is a region brimming with natural peachy and rich biodiversity. In this natural paradise is in jeopardy the sea is clogged with waste and many are long

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