Was threatening place for. 2 years later and the reasons are still unclear the case of jump. Start september 30th on t. W. Get hard pon that is hard work its like being back in school the 63 year old has dictation today. Wants to finally be able to read street signs. Its hard for me. For decades he hid the fact that he cant read and write but he wants to change all that. Way my dream is to write my daughter a letter. What does that say. Youll use. The street sign up there but its really hard its always difficult to read. What you did of course its different for people who can read but. Now i just cant. With about the numbers there i can read them. Every tuesday get hardpan that attends literacy classes. He knows the way there by heart he knows which buses to take and its the milieu with the street names. But if he has to go somewhere new its more difficult. Sometimes i invent excuses because im a bit ashamed that i put on a swiss accent. Excuse me please could you help me im not from around here. Then may help me so tricks like that yes theyre the kind of tricks you have it. Usually works you people are friendly and they help me. In germany there are about 6000000 people who cant read or write properly places like the lan cafe or learning cafe in berlin aim to help. The cause. You know how it works 1st i read a sentence and then you repeat it. Then you write it down from memory so listen carefully yes we put too much salt on our supper. We put too much salt on our dinner. Supper. No question this is hard work teachers is on the on good smiles encouragingly. Trying there are just words oh help you dont worry. Shes determined to get the most out of her students get is roughly twice her age we. Despite 9 years of schooling get hard ponit didnt learn how to read or write so we. But what what. He and this is not the 1st literacy course that get hot has attended he finds it very difficult to turn the words he hears into written language it takes more than a half hour for him to write the complete sentence in his exercise book. Soften her period at the initial. Well done. But theres one problem the sentence is meant to be error free. Will have to try again. You know i did well happy yes of course i think i learned something. Its tiring sure. Im already 63 and its really difficult to get things to stick in my head. But i enjoy it anyway. My reading has improved a little bit though. The easy words. But i couldnt write Something Like that disqualified. Normally there are 6 students in this class but none of the others wanted to be filmed do you need the others in the class arent as far along as gary hart who says he has no problem being open about it. Many people are ashamed and dont want people who they know or maybe their employers to find out that this. Like many others with this disability has almost always worked mainly temporary jobs often for years he now has a permanent job with quba a Nonprofit Organization that seeks to provide work for people like him. How did you have a dream job i wanted to become a bus driver. But i didnt because of the difficulties that i had with reading and writing. That and then i wanted to become a plumber. And i tried to learn that trade but i wasnt really coping with vocational training. And so i thought it out and so after 3 or 4 months my boss said to me that i should go back to school and learn how to read and write. But then it would be better. But then again i didnt do that of course. So i was sad that i didnt learn a trade. But things are looking up. Until now i collect trash but i also enjoy that because of being outdoors and all that. And its great. We have a lot of freedom its great. Hes almost the only one here who is so open about not being able to read or write. But there are others who are with similar problems. But most people. The secret. Is if it is this ive noticed that men talk about it more openly than women and yes the women tend to talk about it less theyre really ashamed to unfortunately. The men are also ashamed but the men tend to be more open about it. At least thats the case with me i decided that something had to change it. Is divorced and lives alone is a recovered alcoholic 10 years ago he decided that it was time to come clean no more secrets. I decision triggered by the fact that his daughter was just about to start school. Unfortunately i wasnt able to help her and apart from that i could help are there but thats not enough time with reading and writing are very important skills these days and i have always wanted to be able to write but i cant at least not without making mistakes but ill keep on trying im only 63 but if when im 65 ill definitely write her a letter. His daughter didnt want to appear on camera but shes proud that her father is addressing the problem. And making food so when i see the planes flying past i always think youll have to fly to sweden again someday. I start daydreaming. Its beautiful up here. The view is wonderful. He has fond memories of sweden he spent some of the best days of his childhood there going to school in berlin was a painful experience. You know there were 40 of us in one class back then and it was really hard to learn with so many pupils. And the teacher who was probably a leftover from the war he used to hit our hands and make a stand in the corner. With the case standing in a corner is not so bad. But hitting our hands was a lot and that was what i had to go through there were 7 of us children in my family. Then my mom sent me away. When i was sent to sweden i was 8 years old i lived with her parents until i was 16 and all those years i was allowed to travel to sweden summer and winter. Of course that was good i learned swedish and i can speak perfect swedish whenever i speak swedish and i also think in swedish. School report that it is their condo or though i think a god or a lot of shows that youre intelligent. People who are literate the ones who find reading and writing difficult arent stupid they remember a lot of things really theyre pretty smart because they remember so much stuff that the others have to check their phones where street such and such and you just know that the street is to the left or to the right. What do you do when you get mail my girlfriend helps me out. She reads it for me. The note and if i have to i go to the job center or i call and ask and. Unfortunately she hasnt seen this letter yet ill have to remember to take it with me so she can read it through me. Thanks to this is this dense he has his paperwork pretty much under control these days. But before he came clean about his illiteracy things were different there were heaps of unopened letters. 2 boxes full moving boxes really big ones. There was stuff from the job center inside from the local authorities but Youth Welfare office. I didnt throw anything away. And also stuff my pension and bills were in there too. On top of that got into debt but hes put those days behind him and he no longer feels under pressure to conceal his disability. I used to say id forgotten my reading glasses or ive got another appointment and no time to fill this out now ill take it with me things like that. Stressful yes its stressful of course it is when youre nervous you really need to fill out some form and that creates stress. But one thing thats really close to get his heart these days is raising awareness about adult illiteracy today hes in a pub. The mobile literacy project the often will be 0 as a quiz for visitors anyone can take part and theres a prize. No i think the fix but i think theyve got a full plate yeah its not my every year we put out 160. 00 events like this across germany and one or other of you always help out a lot by approaching people on the street and telling them then hey if like us you maybe didnt learn to read or write particularly well then have the courage to do something about it. Its particularly important when people like are there to tell their personal stories. Well by my daughter knows that i cant read well and i always wanted to read her a story but i couldnt im still working on it shes 17 now but everything will be ok i will read a story to her one day she was there for. Thank you. Yeah hardpan and knows that his life could have been very different if he had learned to read and write at school and hes very keen to pass on that message to others. When there was. A lot of. Or and. He does move drive in circles. Because c. B. Leads the way to. The formulate the World Champion is a u. N. Climate ambassador in new delhi he fights against air pollution and foreign peoples health. On the starting grid for a Clean Environment to read to. Leave the next on d. W. What keeps us in shape what makes us see and touch. My name is dr carson i talk to medical experts. Watch them at work. And i discuss what you can do to improve your head. Stay choose and lets all try to stay good. Dont you. Passionate drama competition rival marketing numbers atmosphere powered by intuition love hate money. Fans friends 5 stamps and friends all. On youtube. New delhi is the most polluted couple seeking. Their quality is so bad that living here is equivalent to smoking thank cigarettes a big. As a family racing driver. Lets recall bt intrapreneur and the un climate the must of them. I want to understand why things are so bad what is being done to improve the situation and what lessons can be learned from those fighting or pollution on the front. I have few memories from all the fall my races i did long beach i was money asia. A mentor from zurich degrassi goes around the house i didnt pick up the pieces going to make a straight. Pool in the 53. Is make school mean was the one i want this year that over to the 1st place 20 metres from the finish line. Comes out of the box. Grabs me. Want to. Play. I went sideways crossing the finish line crazy mad friend and that moment was insane. And of course championship winning trophy which was the most important one of the best day of my career one of the best they were my life in season one and it seems to me thinking i need season framing is. So great memories of a small dike of. Water temperature pointing. Dead this was generation one formally this was the 1st ever electric race car to see the scot actually being born and then the race was a super nice from a vision point of view because i believed in it when nobody did. I always think its a moral duty to use the knowledge that your choir your profession to try to make Society Better somehow and i always try to understand how the sports could make Society Better because in the end like my mom used to say you go around the wrong the wrong youre i mean the same place. The greenwood formerly was actually when the i clicked and said look this is not not only funny motor sport but he said that direction for the future to showcase and to Push Technology towards not only a Better Future but cheaper to increase quality of life so air pollution and Global Warming sold more efficient ways of transportation which means less c o 2 footprint for 1st. Hes not a regular or a food writer hes really using these but to explain hes ideas for does hes very interested in in the world. I think you when. You have a very good synergy and seems to only wants to be. The benchmark for sustainability is concerned the u. N. Was very close together if only they saw there was a good fit to have me as an ambassador and for me also i was honored to be chosen and to accept the. To help them to promote and to act on these matters. So nick is very concerned about pollution weve got a future to put in the home now we have a baby he is going to breathe the air its like what can we do see you know change every little bit and hes really concerned about the quality of care and he believe. We have this device now its a flown quality controller that measures pm 2. 5 which is articulate matter 2. 5 microns basically you can fit about 20 of these particles in the width of a human hair very very very small particles that goes very deep into your lungs this particle is our solid particles so when they are in your body they can cause a huge lot of harm this particle exist in nature but most of them you know in a city are made by cars combustion electricity cooking. Currently is measuring. Very low levels here so we had 19 pm 2. 5 its its its super reason. In the standard 9000000 people die a year of diseases directly related to our pollution. I had joined the e. U. And can keep became much more aware if like researching everything he can watch you know that the clencher is that he can then reading all the books and listening to audio books and sometimes come save like and if its a thick from out of nowhere and its like how do you know this so he never stops. Over a 1000000 indians that die prematurely every year due to a pollution cough of the children in the early have a norm of the disease in their lung. 50 percent. Youre. Having a child to think is very. I think it changes a bit your order of priorities what do i need to do to create a Better Future for my son which means a Better Future for humankind in general. We are very very fortunate people have a very good standard of living for example i can install an air filter and keep little we inside the closed environment if i want to but most people cannot afford to hold the people will have the the worst off dissin are in the future will be the less fortunate people are the people who need the help the most so for me this is this is a key issue. And i think this is where technology can be so disruptive it can create something which includes more people by being cheaper and better for the environment and for themselves this is this is the tricky part is what all the looking for to achieve is what electric cars will achieve in the next will be it will achieve in the future. I had the 1st experience in india in 2008 i did the actual informal one a demonstration there and there were like 100. 1000 people super excited so the heat the passion of the indian people was also but the conditions that i saw there it was it was pretty bad. I think he would see the shocking reality i seen these will be good for him to better understand the size of the problem the peace face. What im looking for is really to see life and kill. Billions of people are going through in their day to day life how deep is the impact that these technologies are going to have in their lives. The day i met my god respected journalist and environmental campaigner. So i know this looks crazy but in fact to me theres an order to this chaos when in the only cities that this market is away and a lot of the or against it and so can i buy some parts from my father. Each of these shops they have very specific parts its like you have the clutch you have their conditioning you have suspensions for the uses of parts and to the very last mile they actually look at them for i can use in one of my family or a. Used car lot of any interesting time right now because its just the onset i want to be called an amp unusual so i dont really understand why evolution is so bad is that because a follower generation is a vague goes its a complex concept its not any one. This is why finding the solutions is not easy for so many that its value can go to mission on its sacu one followed. Order its done or come budding. Printers he said suppose electric cables here a seventys do to send it to city the money comes from cooled off from coal and coal is extremely polluting so inefficient polluting the but its key that it tough part of it is that a huge bump in the nation will need access to energy at the same time theres also a lamont from the Prime Minister as you said the going to be a one trillion dollar economy the middle doesnt mean fewer into well be feeling indian debt him till plains in 14 its these my cool so there lies the challenge. So bob this is a. Yes thats the inukshuk and this is electric right yes let me see the batteries i think slides in the back of the inside back to the kind you also have for about theres so line charging is able to go in taken over in just one charge and how much it cost will be around 2000. 00 if you want to buy it im not being an indication it would be very cool around my money. In shoes and a letter to cope because electric to choose because of the best cost benefit one of the thing with the took on the bicycle is that if you use by the pool who won anyway as you know that includes those of energy who are using public transport the challenge is how do we get the people of delhi who have full cars in one hols to say please give up your cars i move to public transport. With over 10000000 cars. Its a huge challenge to encourage people to move to cleaner forms of the beat. Theres also another transport issue that faces india. Typically india moves through its trucks the trucks carrying. Essential supplies of construction to move to wedge to boost. All these trucks run on diesel yeah and visa as we know emits a lot of b m 2. 00 and as far as pollutions concerned 20 percent comes from but he could say whats the legislation the regulation of all definitions trucks so all of them to acquire difficult says pollution are no control but theyre supposed to do it once in every 2 yards and they dont do it because its expensive and so you need to be on top of the technology and i think what one should remember is that therefore people believe that many of them spend their lives on these trucks so theyll be sleeping in the truck instead every day being told news of you know me to at least one gets that the Truck Drivers are also hit by the ds in the mission. To look as i wanted you to meet chandi the reality shes a female mechanic of the pleasure to meet you tell me a little bit the story that brought you the company gunning that you are spreading fear no matter who got bit in the 5 families im going to get from nobody that damn near me we dont know how im going to be on my radio and print about them where known boby tries to mario will be would be me going to the moon. What about your health hold you feel. Their career order numbered nightmare newman there are the 9 signs in your new movie called to me dame is to Innovative Technologies bring the cost options will be shutting down and at the same time we decrease the amount of pollutants from 50 if youre reading our grow up im an image of you. In my career but as i view. Very badly cared about of course ill be damn bad at goading when you know there was no offending you. So are you hopeful about the future do you see any proven need then were going but i doubt it would be to me inability to not im going to go thank you very much and good luck for your future and future of the kids. Eyeopening place to be its a very good to see them talk to people understand the real means they are the worse in exposure to pollution and these not even on the top of their priorities. So a lot of times arent as environmentalist with suggesting dont know this dont leave us in india we i think forget that everybody has a livelihood off it so i think its really important in the air pollution conversation to also bring in social issues and how it affects the poor and if the acknowledges they dont make for a cheaper more efficient way of in this case transporting goods it will not be accepted by this operation but if it is cheaper to operate people start using it. Ok in the office we have to climb up a building today because theres something i want to show you this is a sight to behold it was meant to be a landfill its now about. The biggest month of trash ever seen in my life. Thats 3 more we have 4 of those yet and the amount of production of garbage for days would be at around 11000. 00 tonnes buddy and the poorest of the pool will end up there with their bare hands picking up some of the garbage to recycle really pull people out exposing themselves every day to this Hazardous Waste remember landfills also relieves me pain so thats combustible that catches fire and again all. The people here you think theyre in healing all. The levels just imagine how high it must be even on an average rainy day of the talk then measure day to just measure the post like super hard. To people that are most affected by the pollution are the coolest because the eat sleep and war called son bob knows a local family she wants me to meet ok and no chris this is a Typical Community even to live by the old song hello hello. You have. To have a lot of problems with the risky though that the recovery is out about possibly the constant. Married people who are legally in the middle of the. Least vocal thing here lawyers are some credit tanny have told our damn people our not the same to smoke not just on the cooking but also there are blacksmiths Community One of the big causes of evolution is open teachings like this and the fact that also the occupancy in was in just in the low no smoke yeah actually that is the worse for you people are exactly who is the big part then to get the handling there is not very far so i have to say that it will not have much in a bar god did not order but the nonatomic never planned to do so with the symbolic name at that. She doesnt even know that she is a person living in the most polluted city in the what is the road map for for the governments to help the families and the people in this state politicians dont see it as something good in them or maybe she loves the money on the bottom one kept getting it out because i mean the quotes that god that the man there said or the part of it there were parts. Im gonna play a modest. This is completely outside my reality of course for then he said is the quality that is much a bigger problem than ours but its still bottom of the us. These people just the most the fact that theyre not able to stand by themselves and do anything about their depends all their pollution on the war on the food on the shelf. The believe here and no choice i just put myself and my son in this position and its a humbling experience and you feels this you so sad just because you cannot do anything about it is so many people in such a poor condition. Technology can play a huge part in combating our pollution and just a few miles from the overpass there is an Office Beauty with some interesting innovations this is the golden potholes which is also called the money plant in india very easy plant to grow and its created to moving formaldehyde from the air no indoor place will ever have sealed to less than outdoors because human beings give out huge amounts of Carbon Dioxide but here because of the plants the c o 2 levels are lower than even outdoors and now the 990 s. A big given energy today hes there hes taught to do this research on simple plans which converted see how to improve teaching that effectively the sense of area its an indoor plant which gives options in a night under most Carbon Dioxide at night so if you cant have a proper filtration system for outdoor air and fresh air then you put lots of these in the room and your Carbon Dioxide levels can come down in that one and thats the 3rd one its part of the bomb. Family this is one of the best plants and giving oxygen during the daytime. Cleanup to remove the want to. Move things make sense on the trail. Building and it can be done. But. This is a dollar. Thats right part of the air conditioning system and the you also use it for the i phone or the system very very able to. Down to 27 degrees when its outside 45 degrees without any air conditioning because of the formation of. This 0 artificial light like this is the our sun light spectrum of the suns light for photosynthesis is coming through here the vacuum tube so you touch it it doesnt its not hot because of the vacuum tube and the mirrors which concentrate the sunlight true into this room. You see those leaves moving over there the air is coming through a mechanical filtration system all the particulates from outside all the gases are removed theyre coming into this greenhouse the plants are getting that air theyre doing their magic theyre making oxygen and reducing the Carbon Dioxide levels yet theyre also removing the microbiological pollutants the bacteria and viruses and that the root zone heats up the bacteria and the viruses and the plants become even healthier because of that and so from the other side then it gets pulled out of this room and then goes into every air handling group unit in this building so every person in the building gets a little slice of the greenhouse a little slice of the pressure of the pressure very what is the bottles for we run a Business Center over here and a lot of our clients dont want to filter our normal water that we have they want to they want bottled water we are a 0 waste facility over here so all the waste has taken the trouble we need to separate the bottles are taken and we make planters out of them so fresh air fresh. The water 0 waste of a car that is beauty if you are very bad and i need to improve my my standards its basically a human right to be able to breathe clean air and what has being done here what is incredible is that it is a full circle and then this is so easy to be implemented if could be done here it could be done anywhere. In. The center for science and environment is looking at ways of bringing about change and a mashing on level. In a developing world like india environment is not about pretty trees and digress its about the connection between survival of communities and sustainable use of Natural Resources now be added that coding point we are seeing Citizen Science emerging get people going on that their send someone it doesnt seem what they are breathing this conversation is moving action i launch more this plastic it this city has shut down for or will be used to power plants delhi has banned all the dirty fuels but even after doing all these these are not small measures we still have to reduce side pollution levels by these 65 percent 65 to meet what we define as clean air and how do you see technology playing a Part Technology has played a dramatic role this is perhaps the only major vehicle producing country in the word from after g. H. In the yard of 40 should standards that was keep you out of 5 and go direct to your success in 2 years and you must have seen this is what we call the. Freedom in what. I almost died but in the end its the job that yes the company race to be in for a suit by 2020 or youve a close to be electric bass shoes hamish and in brazil be they want to start discussing about the electrical bill it interested it so hearing that actually makes me very proud of this policies from the Indian Government towards the electrification of. Its very different when you have a life like this is very secure lets fight for air pollution or disease of that or but when you go there and you see the reality and see that they are the problem is so much more complex the biggest challenge that i see in india was how to create Economic Growth in a Sustainable Way everybodys breathing the same air but most people suffering are the poor people i think the adoption of electric cars will change society for much better but we cannot just regulate and mandates people should drive electric cars and we need to be cheaper than Current Technology so its accepted we are already Getting Better off that we were in the seventys and eightys and ninetys even there in delhi they are ready with good policies taking call of other forms of producing mesh dana ball mobility and Power Generation its a process. If you have the opportunity and the chance to Push Technology forward in terms of to make Society Better you should do so. We already use multisport 70 years ago to create family to push electric disease for me very dear doesnt matter where youre from this and which country for how much money maker we want i think you should be trying to make Society Better there is a there is a duty for that for them and should. What keeps us in shape what makes us tick and how do we stay positive. My name is dr costly could i talk to medical experts. Watch them at work. And then discuss what you can do to improve your head. Stay choose and lets all try to stay good should. Come to her. Come i suppose and one. Day i want to find out why the result is one of the most beautiful river states in germany so im also right along a part of the muzzle cycle. The beautiful landscape is certainly. This bike tour just for congress. To do. In 30 minutes on d w. Form. Of the morning. I cant sleep because you know war isnt love force. In this war smaller world. Is lol good schools. Theres no use no love. For the wicked. Doesnt your workers remember her. Parents knew. Her couldnt sleep. Her use. Every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their home. The consequences been disastrous for our documentary series displaced depicts traumatic humanitarian crises from around the world to. Fuck a thing we dont think that meant i didnt go to university to kill people i dont know why i threw it but after that day i mean yeah handful of people feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of those who stay behind. Displaced strikes on to her 16th on g. W. This is the news in these are our top stories u. S. President donald trump has nominated any tony barrett to the Supreme Court to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg confirmation would likely tilt the court further in favor of conservative causes the Republican Controlled Senate may confirm her ahead of the u. S. Election

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