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Middle east. Kremlin critic alexina vali is released from the hospital here in germany after treatment for a poisoning with a nerve agent his case has triggered another diplomatic crisis between russia and the west what will he do now. Just fears of a lost generation we asked the head of the International Labor organization about the pandemics toll on young workers. Im sumi so misconducts good to have you with us in about the roof aleksandr look i shant go has been sworn into office in a surprise inauguration ceremony despite mass protests against his reelection his soon to 6 consecutive president ial term in the capital minsk with several 100 top officials present the inauguration was not announced publicly it comes on the heels of a. Disputed election that sparked weeks of mass protests the opposition and valorous say the poll was rigged the u. S. And the e. U. Were pushing for sanctions against officials involved in the vote. And lets go right to mens core our correspondent nick conley is standing by for us hi nick so it was sworn in that in an unannounced ceremony tell us whats been happening in minsk well exactly this doesnt look like the move of someone whos confident in having 80 percent of the Russian Support behind him as Alexander Lukashenko claims to this extraordinary we thought this was just a dress rehearsal didnt seem to keep urgent yes and she took close yes people had seen soldiers in dress uniform but they have been rumors that the whole thing was planned for the weekend that hotels have been blocked booked for foreign dignitaries for that weekend and then all of a sudden the picture was released by the president ial press service of this inauguration no foreign guests seemingly just at the top kind of officials in this regime Alexander Lukashenko looking down then his press Service Today now coming out saying that this wasnt secret after all given that 700 people were invited but no broadcast on state t. V. As is normal him they were playing socalled pres and speeches the same times this was happening we now heard its going to be broadcast tonight in the main news show but extraordinary scenes and a very tense atmosphere now after after this inauguration and clearly nick not his critics were on hand either so what is the opposition saying here. Well weve heard various obscene figures some comparing this to a kind of a mafia style coronation of a kind of leader of the mafia clan saying that he was illegitimate already hes made himself even more so by doing this weve already seen people going out with placards to protest against this students joining people just gathering outside the neighborhoods theres a big protest expected tonight but the capital is on lockdown we were told by Security Officials who stopped us going live on the last the last hour that basically were not allowed to film anywhere any time in the center for all of today various reports coming in of anything up to 5 kilometer radius around the center in lockdown and a real attempt of see to look down and you kind of coverage or any kind of reaction to this integration nic what effect do you think this inauguration is going to have on this ongoing the protest movement do you think this is going to galvanize demonstrators even more. I think its definitely going to show that this government is feeling the heat is feeling the pressure this is not the man and the kind of pump that he would have liked to have had these different issues that hes feeling the pressure and wants to get this out of the way as quickly as possible to then presumably begin a crackdown against his opponents people have been ridiculing this online this already given birth to countless memes i think this will bring people out definitely very nervous i was and days ahead here in minsk as people really wait to see what kind of violence what kind of measures the regime is willing to use now it gets protesters but no sign from the protest is the very beginning to go back to being quiet for the finale. Our correspondent nick conley covering the very latest there in minsk thank you. So the European Commission has unveiled its plan to overhaul the e. U. s migration and asylum system appealing to Member States to show solidarity with one another European Countries have long disagreed about the best way to manage migration under the new proposals countries like hungary and poland to refuse to accept migrants would instead offer money equipment or personnel to help patrol borders the European Commission president was a life on the line says the continent must rise to the challenge on migration this package reflects a fair and reasonable balance between responsibility and solidarity among Member States we all share the benefits we all share the burden this package also reflects a very pragmatic and realistic approach we know that we have to build trust among Member States and citizens confidence that we can manage this as a union. Its under phenomenon isnt brussels covering the story for us hi aleksandra tell us more about what is in this proposal. Well as we just heard the off on the line has described this proposal programmatic and realistic and that is indeed what it seems to be not an entirely new plan revolutionarily plan but a kind of compromise looking at the fact how difficult it is to find agreement on that issue a Key Takeaways here the European Commission is banning the idea of mandatory refugee quarters. Requiring you members to take in a certain amount of refugees or migrants a key issue is that the European Community commission is saying its important to be of up screenings for new arrivals at the external borders and that its important to intensify for its to return those who have no right to stay in the European Union so overall i would say that this proposal is showing that europe is once again getting tough from my grans. Alexander it does really seem to be a strategy to try to appease some of the countries who dont want to take in migrants so tell us more about how some of the incentives and compromises in this proposal work. Well indeed it seems to be the strategy here to reach out and address the concerns of those countries who still refuse to take in refugees and migrants the European Community commission here is saying go ok if you are not willing to do that you need to contribute in of or areas keyword here is flexible contributions those contrie will be asked to provide money to fund socalled Reception Centers or to take over the responsibility for those who needs to be returned to their countries because the asylum claims were rejected and the European Union so bad. Tempered by the European Commission to to make sure that those country are on board and that finally and agreement can be found on this very sensitive issue. And alexandra just quickly what to make the commission think that they have the solution now because this has been one of most politically sensitive issues in the European Union well when you talk to you are officials or even german political state tell you that everyone now everyone now understands that something needs to be change and that is their argument to say that the chances for agreement right now are higher than before. Our correspondent on sunday phenomena reporting for us from brussels thank you so much so what will this mean for migrants who are seeking shelter in europe lets get the perspective of karen matz from the ngo save the children in brussels hi karen thank you for joining us will this new proposal change anything for people who are in camps right now in greece or in italy. Well we fear that this fact risk repeating some of the mistakes that we saw in greece right now the fact introduces a new prescreening and border procedure which would. Allow Member States to register a figure friend people and then channel them into asylum or the returns procedures which is essentially what we see in the hot spots in greece right now. You know processing asylum claims or returning people are its not so straightforward there are lots of obstacles. I mean fear that people will risk ending up in detention for extended periods of time ok so youre saying its not much of an improvement i mean do you think that this new proposal work. A lot will depend on the willingness of you Member States to cooperate because even if you have these border procedures Member States frontline Member States like italy greece and. Will be reluctant to cooperate if there isnt any sort of mandatory relocation and then they might not disembark our ships that have been rescued and then migrants are remain stranded so a lot will depend on the willingness of e. U. Member states rich in the last 5 years has not been very high and indeed this is been a very divisive issue within the European Union so from your perspective what would be the right approach to create a a common approach to migration. Well we believe that there needs to be a commonly supported solidarity mechanism which also includes mandatory relocation because otherwise Member States in the front line will not cooperate we also believe that things can be we dont need to rely on detention there are alternatives Member States could immediately take up Asylum Seekers at the borders when they arrive without having to place them in the tension while their asylum claims are being processed this was actually in the proposal that was proposed by the European Parliament and 2016 or 2017 but thats never been picked up. And karen you are with save the children i have to ask i mean does there need to be a particular approach a strategy to help children in camps or unaccompanied minors. Yes and this is a positive thing of the pact because. It seems that unaccompanied children and children below the age of 12 would be exempt from the new border procedures that are being proposed we of course believe that a child is anybody below the age of 18 so we find just this different situation of the age of 12 quite arbitrary but this is good there are some specific issues like fast tracking family reunification maybe providing alternatives to detention and improving alternative care that are mentioned in the pact but of course vulnerable groups are currently also exempt from the hotspots in greece but theyre still there so it also remains to be seen how this will all work in practice karen matz from save the children joining us from brussels thank you very much. Lets take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world thousands of people have taken to the streets of bold garia for an Independence Day march against the Government People gathered outside parliament in sofia to demand the resignation of Prime Minister boyko body self and his cabinet they accuse him of corruption and having links to all the courts. 7 in brazil flash floods have hit the city of Rio De Janeiro blocking roads and leaving cars stranded residents have been struggling to make their way through water logged streets after trench will rains hit neighborhoods to the south of the city. More than half of the pilot whales stuck in australias biggest stranding on record are believed to have died rescuers have been struggling to free the nearly 500. 00 mammals each off tasmania the stranded pod was 1st believed to be about half the size before further aerial searches spotted another group of around 200. 00 nearby. Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny has been discharged from the hospital in berlin involving was airlifted to germany last month after becoming sick during a visit to siberia the kremlin critic posted this photo on social media after leaving the hospital and wrote that he still has a long rehabilitation ahead german chancellor Angela Merkel described the case as attempted murder after lab analysis showed he was poisoned with a no the chalk nerve agent russia has said there was no evidence of a crime in our chief Political Editor michelle standing by outside the sari tate hospital in berlin where election of only was being treated hi michelle what has the hospital said about these release. Well the hospital said that he was well enough to leave the hospital which he has done over the past 24 hours. And that its still unclear what long term effect there will be since then the short while ago himself was taken to social media and he posted on instagram reporting the moment he saw himself in the mirror for the very 1st time where he said that he thought he was a character from lord of the rings after those 24. 00 days in intensive care 16 of those in artificially induced coma it is usually sarcastic tone he speaks of recovery still to make that there should be play station on medical prescription because doctors have advised him to spend more time playing games and also taking to social media which im sure he will be do more in the coming days of the big question of course now as weve seen a photograph online where he is in a park whether he will return to russia from what he says in that post where he talked about the physiotherapy that he still requires this doesnt sound like hes going to leave his doctors necessarily any time soon because he says he still needs them but clearly a step forward in his recovery and a new. Tone from the whos also referencing to Vladimir Putin saying that provocation failed. Michelle and we know this case has put yet another strain on german russian ties how does the situation stand right now on the diplomatic front. Well thats a clear allegation not just from the vani but also from the german chancellor after she learned that nerve agent use was not the chalk which was developed in soviet russia that this was an attack on of on his life that was weeks ago after she had that confirmation and that russia had some questions to answer ever since weve seen a total fool we be with both sides blame each other of not. Of withholding information or not giving handing over evidence in the case of germany and so i think this will stay at the political level with those very loud calls also from europe that there be an independent investigation into what actually occurred and relations really strange of course and the big focus is on the north stream to pipeline which directly links germany and russia for the very 1st time there was a crack in the determination by the german chancellor to that project go ahead interesting the own stuff are against that detail you had an exclusive interview with one of his key people as saying that that would be something that could be used as propaganda thats what we say is sound very many question marks over how much political impact in effect this case will have our chief Political Editor michel because man central berlin for us thank you its. Youre watching the news still to come on our show the u. N. Says that this leaky oil tanker in the red sea could explode at any moment but war in yemen is blocking the cleanup. But 1st the coronavirus pandemic has led to massive labor income losses all over the world that is according to the International Labor association the ilo workers lost almost 11 percent of their income in the 1st 3 quarters of 2020 thats a total of 3. 00 trillion dollars lock down measures and closed factories and offices have affected almost everyone but lower middle Income Countries have been hit hardest more and more families have been arriving and sell palos new favelas bringing everything they own gill mark on solving this is building a temporary shanty for his family prior to the coronavirus pandemic he worked as a daily brewer and construction the downward spiral began when he stopped receiving job offers. Your brother our landlord wouldnt let us pay the rent later and because we couldnt pay on time he kicked us out then we found out that a lot of people who are going through the same thing were building shanties here so now were moving in. The International Labor organization estimates that in the 2nd quarter of 202017. 3 percent of working hours were lost worldwide due to the coronavirus measures including the closure of construction sites factories and offices in terms of employment that means a total of 495000000 jobs have been lost. Government measures including stimulus packages and short time work allowance have somewhat mitigated the financial consequences but the ilo says its mainly developed countries that can afford this emerging economies have limited possibilities the results are poverty and desperation. For more on the story we can speak to guy ryder hes the director general of the International Labor organization good afternoon to you looking at the pretty dramatic numbers in your report was the lockdown worse of the lockdowns in various countries worse than the pandemic itself no we cant say that and indeed i think its a mistake to try to compare the social economic damage that the pandemic brought with the pandemic itself the fact of the matter is we dont have an alternative or a choice between solving the Health Problems or solving the labor problems we have to do both at the same time and thats the challenges that policymakers around the world facing it admittedly extraordinary difficult circumstances that if you look at the economic fallout which regions are you most worried about right now well the numbers show very very clearly that it is the americas and particularly south and Central America which is suffering the worst both in terms of job destruction and loss of income which you highlighted so very well in your introduction and this again is linked very closely to the fact that the pandemic has taken hold so firmly in that region the 2 things go together part of the americas you know the pain is pretty equally distributed amongst all of the other regions. We mentioned also that in your report you pointed out that a developing countries have been able to mitigate the effects of the economic fall out by to developing countries as you mentioned in the americas are not wealthy enough to do so so what is the solution there. Well the the solution is very evidently a little bit more International Transfer an international solidarity. Report shows that whilst the high Income Countries of throat enormous amounts of resources quite rightly i would say at mitigating the social economic crisis low and middle lower middle Income Countries simply cannot do that and thats why we see the type to dramatic situations Informal Sector workers who have no choice but to go to work in dangerous circumstances so i think we do need to look at ways of getting more support to the developing world that could be through the International Financial institutions it could be through debt relief it could be through Development Assistance but we have to do it in not only as an act of solidarity but as an act of self interest because anybody in any country who thinks that theyre going to be safe from this pandemic whilst it is raging on in other parts of the world i think is making a big mistake i want to ask you about one specific aspect of your report youth unemployment it was already high before lockdowns and the pandemic began is it safe to say we can speak now of the last generation. We run the risk of seeing a lost generation i think the really important thing to do is to act to prevent that young people as you say were in a very vulnerable situation the world of work precrisis as a crisis is developed 2 things have happened young people have lost their jobs in greater numbers and the rest of the working population education and training has been interrupted and those new jobs are their 1st entry into the labor market has been closed off so we have to act in all of those fronts to prevent that last generation of which you talk and if you can give us an outline what will the upcoming quarters look like especially for people in those emerging markets that you were talking about. You know one of the most worrying things in our report is that our projection to the end of the year and theres a lot of uncertainty is much more negative than it previously was will still be many many millions of jobs you talk about a reduction of jobs of 8. 6 percent by the end of this year and for the reasons weve talked about lack of resources lack of capacity to control the pandemic im afraid the developed going to merging countries will be the worst affected by this situation. Well have to leave it there guys writer director general of the International Labor organization thank you so much for joining us here and. Thank you. Now fears are growing over the fate of an oil tanker that has been stranded off the coast of yemen for more than 5 years experts warn the tanker may soon break apart causing one of the Largest Oil Spills in living memory with devastating impacts on the environment and the economy but the vessel is being used as a bargaining chip in yemens ongoing war. From above its a pinprick in the waters off yemen but experts say this oil tanker is like a floating bomb that could go off at any moment the ship known as the f. A. So safer has been stranded off the countrys coast near the red Sea Oil Terminal of rust is sarah and the port city of her data for more than 5 years since the start of the civil war. The fear is now that its cargo of more than 1000000 barrels of oil will spill into the sea the u. N. Is calling for urgent action. In the security council. A growing list of such. A drop share. Images such as these highlight what the International Community is concerned taken in 2019 they reveal how parts of the ship are rusting and corroded and in need of vital maintenance. To show that oil is already leaking from pipes on board. But this ship has become a bargaining chip the only going conflict between the rebels in yemen and the saudis are coalition trying to defeat them. The tank is more close to an area controlled by rebel forces in july this year they agreed in principle to allow the un to access the shit to carry out repairs and assess ways of securing the cargo. But despite the dire state of the vessel who these appear to 1st want guarantees that they own the oil on the ship only then it seems will they let inspections go ahead and avert a potential disaster. That one family in the georgian capital tbilisi as their hands full with a remarkable litter of puppies frederick veterinarians say they were stunned to hear the 1st time mom gave birth to 9 female and 8 male pups the dogs owners say it was one after another in a marathon 18 hour delivery but pedigree georgian shepherds are becoming more rare the family says they are pleased to have such a big brood it to help revive the breed now a typical litter is between 3 and 10 are these that say all 17 of the newborns are in good health through. All right lets get a reminder now of our top stories that were following for you here and Alexander Lukashenko has been sworn in as president of the roost in a surprise inauguration mass protests have rocked the country since last months disputed president ial vote the opposition in belarus says the election was rigged. And russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny has been discharged from the hospital after treatment for an apparent poison attack doctors say a full recovery may be possible germany has demanded answers from russia over the case but moscow says there is no evidence of a crime. Dont forget that you can always get good news on the go download or out from google play or from the top story and that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for the breaking news and if you are part of a news story you can also use the view out to send us photos and videos of what is happening where you are. Coming up next our environment show eco asacol join kenya its a must science they embrace farming and we visit a project to save penguins in south africa. A. Small acts can inspire a big change in the people making up moscow africa fantastic right. Join them as they set out to save the environment learn from one another and Work Together for a better future. Many caught stealing all but sitting in the comfort of. Next on d. W. Conspiracy of the saudi consulate. A body that will never be found plot connected to the highest levels of government why did journalist Jamal Khashoggi have to die. Was threatened by his work 2 years later and the reasons are still unclear the case of jamal. Stern september 30th on t. W. Female emancipation. Most of muslim women choose between their face and self determination. As to why a rebel to the militant feminist to do i dont want anyone to tell me what the right. More of his stuff or not. Going to. Women are striving to reform their islam. Traditional prejudices. Start september 24th on t. W. We have to treat each one is based on the size of our shoes and the ad that is measured by the amount of Carbon Emissions we call for that we know we are not welcome to this special edition of eco africa or pan african environment show this week we will be focusing on Sustainable Living but before we get started lets welcome my charming colleague in kampala hi there sandra hi hello everybody as youve just had on todays program we want to take a closer look at just how much the idea of Sustainable Living is catching on here in africa and how much more we can only do yes you and i to make these a better was i am sundra to know and he is what is coming up shortly. Going to go on nugent leaving the country going dont look encouraging residents to make the green and. Were going to move on income or do in Lagos Nigeria talk about how promising important things going to be moving. On to finally being done are we find out how to get the wrong people for wind up and about when we call them. We start in may bring kenya grazing land becomes even harder theyre more on moment people are looking for. Any room i think were live. On that. Doesnt mean they dont need lots of money for that and there are no money. Later forest is a great place for wild bees to leave there are no fields or pesticides and very few people. The members of my site people who do live in the area traditionally collect wild honey in the forests its a boreas and dangerous activity but last year about corn and 14 other men went into the beekeeping business setting up 10 hives in the forest they dont take up much space and they are environmentally friendly. And i think well get we get money and an income generating activity and this helps who live. The life. Like no greater number of. Young men yeah around. Their kids to school and getting. Money. Through this. And. It has become very hard to make a living the traditional way and some in a magic pastoralist some men still have as many as a 1000 head of cattle. But nowadays they are the exception more and more looking for other ways to make a living. With a major reason is frequent periods of drought that means dried out pasture land and less for the cattle to eat and drink another reason is that the land where they graze their heads in strength it also has to be shared with wild animals. Patrick property has been observing this development for years now he is himself from outside and the local Community Official and has close ties to the People Living here most still observe centuries old traditions but they are being forced to change in order to survive. Biggest challenges the loss of life and loss of land is your land is going to be subdivided that would reduce the number of less that we rely on because that is the only thing that land can support very few. Number 2 is the Climate Change grains that are predictable. You cannot plan you cannot invest because of the future is not clear for us. Climate change and lots of it a couple of 100 kilometers to the north east in nairobi African Beekeepers only commercial company devoted to the development of the beekeeping and Honey Industry most of the 20 employees make cards for 2 beekeepers. And he only runs the from his skin to see Honey Production in kenya grow current 3 percent of the honey consumed in the country is import. From tanzania wanted to take time to build up a network of suppliers marketing china has more people need to go in to be keeping. I think its a challenge is getting enough money. We cant get enough and thats the challenge because the market is that its not the show market its the challenge is getting enough and this more amount of time is so far produced in lead time is not Center Tonight or before it is sold in nearby villages but if production is carried out and if movie keeping project size top just the future of the industry in kenya made proved to be sweet. Well before we get into more examples of Sustainable Living we thought it would be good to get a better sense of what Sustainable Living outside the rules in africa i think you can help us with out we have to indeed i can sandra and in order to find out more about what factors fully evolving how sustainable our continents communities can be i met with identity care. Of the Green Institute here in lagos. Finally we get to see how you dont just need some of them we talk about this myself Sustainable Living and sometimes i wonder how many people where or even understand the idea of sustainability in itself and of belief let me give an example like im a lecturer and when i was teaching my students about 400 a few times. And i simply asked a question like what does that mean. And youre looking at me like you know go green you know. What are you talking about so i just give a very simple example of. Writing a bicycle. What do you think that he said said some will say oh im just writing my soup but basically its for poor people its not necessarily if paul meant they think about bicycle as a means of you transpose yourself when youre campers by daddy doing or you could be fits you know yes i mean cost of i think the kicking up it so that the school you know and youre saving money so its a win win situation and thats when they start thinking and the nights of the night you know going green is that when we situation is adults in the skews the attributes that its necessary in also money guy resources that we can have a habitable planets and achieve ship prosperity a lot of people still dont understand what it means to drive with the environment in my to leave would be environment by dissolute so trucks everywhere how do we get the people to buy the most simple in the country at the bottom of the crowd was so trying to get food access see clean water security what it wants and what were looking out to you being on the on the top of the pyramid actualization so do people have access to clean water who have access to basic needs is way of excess of those things they start thinking of ok my environment. So 1st we have to stop with the basic needs you know is. Ok and this 2nd we have to take it from the grassroots from Elementary School and thats like a mild musician with from like the grandkids so this is a club suit promotes questions nasa social responsibility they go home and they tell mommy and daddy and under their wind down the window and true you know someone if you try sometime the kids was like newman you cant do that you can do thats you know hes against you know. Your diction theory of making developments lets clean you know those little kids theyll go home until the appearance and the price of a reflection and say ok you know i want to be the change but what do you think is it even thinking or taking hold we need to start looking at the youths and we start giving them reason he senses my senses and i see you just the money but you have to let him see that ok you know what you can be an intrapreneur you can do stuff like kids that are making plastic using it for maybe like Oil Production is only for beauty and things theyre making money they can because those bricks and then they make money from meats theyre taken off. Nonbiodegradable plastic from the environment and socially down honey is also helping the local economy nigeria africa and the rest of the world coming together to assist in the beginning you see any synergy or are we having people pouring in instead of coming together were all on this one globe so whatever happens in china is going to get to nigeria and weve just learned from that so its its a collaborative effort is a shared vision we haul up to come together thank you so yeah russia has bought. A shot is art. We had to send a go now to meet some more individuals dedicated to helping the planet and n. G. O. S greening the suburbs of the capital of the car by planting trees and more importantly theyve drawn the local residents into the projects thats crucial because its only once people have discovered the benefits of trees that they can protect and take care of their. Planting trees is now days some days favorite activity. She and a group of volunteers want to make this sandy parking lot on the outskirts of the car more hospitable. Im planting a salmon and. Its a shame tree that can grow up to 20 metres. A large square full of shady trees a place to hold celebrations and festivals somewhere to meet the neighbors that the vision of a local n. G. O. S managed to win over the local residents. Living on i. Do love the most important people need greenery and as i see it those who respect the environment respect themselves. So we must do what we can to combat desertification by planting trees all over the city. But its not enough to just plunge trees you need to nurture them as well day after day. Its imperative to involve the local population thats what guarantees the survival of the trees or. The n. T. O. Actually took its name from a tree in a bed a is the word former in the wall of language its a versatile tree its leaves and food can be eaten or used for medicinal purposes. Scientists have proven that trees bring rain by contributing to a valuable transpiration they trigger precipitation in the clouds more trees mean more rain and the more we cut down the less rain there is one that what they say deserts advance but they dont its humans that make it possible so things must change we must plan. Big cities are growing as a graph taking speed in senegal. In the past 60 years the country has lost around half of its forests to urbanization. Tens of thousands of hectares of woodlands continue to be destroyed every year. Yet in fact this one that theres a lot of pressure on centers the population is rising theres more construction and fewer green spaces and trees were neglecting nature and thats why desertification is growing worse in our country. The result source or nature and more irregular wet seasons in the past the rain began in june and lasted 3 months now and things have changed. Everyone knows the trees are useful but we dont give ourselves the means to plant them as a result with operation 1000000 trees and what were doing in the neighborhood we are introducing people to the importance of trees the importance of greenery and one day these trees will provide much needed shade offering city dwellers rest bite from the burning sun having planted 750000 trees last year nobody is aiming for a 1000000 in 2021 way to gauge how well we are doing when it comes to Sustainable Living is by looking at the health of wildlife populations penguin colonies in south africa suffering as a result of overfishing in their habitat to the point of putting them on the park to extinction there are plans to lure them to other regions where this plane so fish for them to heart how find out in this weeks doing. African penguins inhabit just a few select locations along the coasts of namibia and south africa in recent decades their population has plummeted due to human interference ranging from people stealing their eggs to fishing fleets depriving them of their primary source of food. Conservationists hatched a cunning plan to lure the penguins to better fishing grounds on the coast of south africas to hope nature reserves are disproved dolling creates decoys out of cement theyre intended to trick the birds into thinking there are already penguin settled here. When we went to site 3 install them we also had to look at the site from many different angles and trying to visualize the way penguins and the way of being would think the idea is to entice the endangered birds to start new breeding colonies one of the Biggest Challenges we faced is that no ones ever done this before for the african penguin so weve had to learn a lot so as we go along the project organizers hope that penguins will take the plunge and relocate. And how about you if you are also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website or send us a tweet. Hash tag doing your bit. We share your story. Those decoys looks so real i want to our

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