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Fervor yet they keep up their tradition. To that of the king its our only thought time during a year but well never give up our homeland we were born here we live here the evil. Patil is on show and his friends are happy not to have to think about the new tensions between hungary and remain at the competition because its all about their hearses sheer physical strength and skill and not political controversy. Its a sobering fact every single piece of plastic ever made still exists today in u. S. Citizens produced 25 kilograms on average per capita each year and only a fraction of that number is actually recycled the rest is burned or shipped abroad while a many see a hopeless heap of plastic he sees attentional dutch man dave hakons invented a machine that turns a waste into wares and he hopes his creation will inspire others to do the same. David harkins makes good use of the things we throw away in his workspace and he invents machines that construction panels from waste design based on plastic like a little thing. Like a big part of it but another technique so were going to use this for like i dont know. Now we always more looking into did techniques and then sharing it online and hopefully it inspires people maybe to want to bore maybe to make it into a lamp i dont know so its for us always very exciting as well to see what the community makes with the cakes we provide. Carvings the idea is for everyone to be able to recycle their Plastic Waste to themselves anyone can download his online instructions welcome to a new fresh plastic construction video today were going to build a plastic shredder. The Plastic Waste is donated to dave and he lives from crowdfunding hes baffled by a Worldwide Community with some 300 recycling facilities they all share dave hawkins enthusiasm. So from. The way michael rusts away but plastic last super long so i think because of that its precious its just such a long life but we use it to make very disposable items so thats also why we call the project precious plastic to show people its actually a precious valuable material. Recycling gives discarded plastic a new lease on life its the idea for an environmentally friendly world. But weve still got a long way to go through own into the bin out of sight out of mind in the European Union a total of 26000000. 00 tons of Plastic Waste is thrown away every year less than a 3rd is even recyclable for the most part it shipped to countries in asia their plastic ways does either incinerated or simply pollutes the environment. From 2021 onwards the e. U. Wants to. Implement tougher rules and regulations like compulsory recycling of textiles the right to repairs on Electronic Devices and a radical reduction of the use of nonrecyclable Plastic Packaging vivian dunellen folks person for the e. U. Commission for the green deal believes that production methods must change we need to make sure that we have less waste in our households in our industry one of the important elements for example is the Product Design legislation that we would put forward next year if we make sure that these products are we use to be generating less waves can be used for longer can be really used and so on. But for dave hawkins thats not enough as plastic objects are not all the same. So i rather stanley for you they come home because i just want to ask you why you can what is still less than what you can use or just recycle because a lot of things arent. Here so you have different types of plastic basically sure you have a lot of different ones and a lot of it is actually recyclable. But friends if you have a bottle cap theres a different plastic down the transparent than the foil so youre going to separate the different materials into the different plastic but some products like lets be fair fight. More annoying because it has a foil on the inside with aluminum and im a perp rest on it so this is almost impossible to recycle because they will use everything together. In separates the different plastics from one another which costs them time for industry that also costs money but its not always easy for manufacturers to avoid combining materials they often need to use different kinds of plastic. Theres no point recycling existing plastics we need to use plastics that are biodegradable we no longer needed plastic was never developed to be recycled and the current strategy on plastics is by no means a real solution. It just leads to much higher costs of course. Ground guard recommends switching to nylon. Using nylon for packaging would make sense nylon has some unrivaled Barrier Properties groceries can be packaged much better with my lawyer and its endlessly recyclable and sort of thought given. How ever now on his expense of which is why its not used more widely and organic materials have nothing on cheap plastic dave hawkins knows this which is why hes busy working on his recycling machines to make our waste of valuable commodity during the coronavirus pandemic an additional problem with plastic has arisen this is something people use a lot at the moment and i was thinking if i can use the law of the i have a lot of pressure of this opportunity but didnt. These face masks become residual waste in our incinerated. In germany alone theres a need for up to 12000000000 masks dave doesnt have a solution for this but he sees the way we use face masks thats reflective of our behavior more generally we just to use a lot of plastic we produce a lot of it but we dont realize that were actually also making a lot of of mass. Even though we dont want to see it so i think within europe its more about the show our mindset about consumption that needs to change a lot. Dave hawkins is clearing out his work space says hes moving to portugal to start a commune of sorts its purpose. Of course. Whats the secret to happiness well the answer could depend on where you live for years denmark has been rated one of the happiest places on earth a small country is even home to the worlds only Happiness Museum and the danes have plenty of reasons to smile they have Free Health Care education and they take amusement very seriously. You know what i dont like things in copenhagen take part in a bizarre ritual. And christoph is 25 and isnt married yet. For some reason as buddies tied him to a street so obviously right like this hes baptized with a generous portion of cinnamon and beer having fun in life is part of what makes the danes happy. To live on the phone this is just producing the proof. Its real. You deserve to live with that but but but the happiness of the day is the only mostly i dont know theres no specific answer i cant live my life were just enjoying life. I dont have. The danes cant really explain why theyve been among the top nations and surveys for years now either other northern europeans like the finns are also highly ranked. Of course there is an ebb and flow of emotions but somehow you feel a special flare in life so theres a lot of smiling and celebrating no matter if it rains or shines. The Happiness Museum in copenhagen is looking for clues as to what makes someone happy and what makes that dana particular so happy. It quickly becomes clear there are many factors that cause happiness including simple ones. And stick to one of the things i experience differently here on a daily basis as opposed to living in germany and in berlin are the faces you see on the street nobody here is ever deserving of a scowl and when people smile at the cashier in the supermarket or the cleaning staff that has an impact on society as a whole musician. The museum offers some surprising insights earning more only has a positive effect up to an income of 4000. 00 euros a month an interesting fact for those in search of happiness were going to know you cant look for it you just have to catch the right moment and realize when youre experiencing. In denmark time seems more important than money here its common to take time off to care for the children there are less hierarchies at the workplace and everyone is on 1st name terms. Working well is more important than long hours at your desk for instance and business. Is more important than working hours. In denmark working hours can be accumulating its just another piece of the puzzle that helps you find the answer to true happiness. Well there are even happy with coming in 2nd place to finland on this years World Happiness report thanks so much for watching focus on europe and do let me know your thoughts about this food show on twitter but for now. Electric emission free assistance to Sustainable Future of mobility the wheel is much. More least it was so that 19 appears to be fitting the place on the elemental ordinary cars for which the mormons are back on the block there really no alternatives. Need. To come on dont you come. To the point to strong opinions clear positions International Perspective such. Things are getting increasingly strange between the e. U. From china the 2 sides have been hoping to sign a landmark investment deal in reality though theyre hardly on speaking terms why find out onto the point shortly. To the point. 8910 minutes on d w. N you know yes yes we can hear you and how last years german chancellor i want to bring you uncle a man called as youve never cared to have a home surprise yourself with what is possible who is magical really what moves that import of who talk to people who follows her along the way admirers and critics alike how is the worlds most powerful woman shaping her legacy join us chemicals law stops and. Sometimes. What connects people is stronger in the mid summer its the. New low so strong that it can be a challenge. We celebrate the 30th anniversary of his regurgitation october 3rd on d. W. The brain is over in new zealand is kicking off in the most. Common place to sleep history. Going back to. The old. Normal. This. Started. On d. Dont be. Silly. Theres did every news live from berlin more than 5000 migrants move into new camp on the greek island of the next boss just a week up to the area of migrant camp fire left them homeless many a weary what will come next also coming up israel prepares to enter the 2nd major growing of ours locked down just as the jews jewish new year begins cases have risen sharply along with anger at the governments response and fears of a 2nd wave in germany to us the number of new daily cases hits 2000 for the 1st time in months tops just. A critical element in fighting coronavirus is coming acacia. Its all aboard the wine shop in south africa which is running again after idling and locked out. I mean if i must and welcome we sat in greece where 5000 migrants have moved into a new temporary camp on the island of les voss more than 12000 migrants have been sleeping out in the open since fires destroyed the island. Where they have been staying many have been reluctant to enter the new camp as they fear they could be detained there for months to come. To a correspondent has meant. One man who was set up a makeshift soup kitchen in the wake of the lhari a fire. Its 2 hours until lunch time cost us policeman openness and his team have to hurry theyre cooking for about 2000 people today outdoors and with the most basic equipment not an easy task. But its what is the no i often have difficulties with the high winds and we need more helpers to come here to join us for today he thought aki is on the menu creek noodles with vegetables the meals are provided by a volunteer organization they set up his mobile kitchen in the ruins of moria just days after a fire obliterated europes largest refugee camp this place used to be somebodys home over here a gas bottle next to a kitchen utensils people used to cook here next to it another home with Water Bottles completely destroyed by the fire more a camp was home to 13000 People Living here in crowds unbearable conditions sound. Is well aware of the extent of this catastrophe he founded his organization during the financial crisis and he and many other people in greece lost almost everything 1st began cooking for people on the streets of athens and when the refugee crisis hit the greek islands in 2015 they got involved here and lesbos since then their mission hasnt changed. At all but i met me but i think it will not we decided to come here firstly because we have an urgent need for food and secondly to calm the people down take some of their anxiety away and show them that we are with him to show that not all people are fascist or racist and that we care for the people next to us that if they dont want to its not all much. Volunteers and refugees cook and eat together trying to provide a sense of Community Among people who are left with nothing but one another thank you. Very much i wasnt the same situation as the others are in now i understand that. Let me share those you know with the. Most former camp residents have been sleeping here out in the open on the streets of less boss. Those Security Forces started to move people to a new provisional camp the majority of refugees and migrants refused to go there fearing conditions might soon become as unbearable as they were and moria. Girdling aid organizations are warning that the situation among those displaced by the fire continues to deteriorate at a rapid pace. Theyre basically lacking the same things as they were electing or the 5 years ago only worse meaning that the axis of food is even worse than before the axis of clean water is worse than before the axis of health care is even worse than before meaning that everything that we saw that was bad before is worse now. During his time on the island. Has noticed any improvements either he says its frustrating but he can only hope for some positive changes just like the people stuck here. They dont have the hope they will die all they have left is hope to make a new beginning for themselves and let their children live a better life. Finally lunch is ready and the head chef thats missing out on the opportunity to serve this has been an intense experience for him but today will dishing out new member 1500 he says hes still on top of his. I have a lot a lot more to do we have barely even begun to feel that. His volunteers are determined to continue as long as needed serving food. Of somebody or. Woman at a time. Lets take a look at some other stories making news around the world colleagues of russian Opposition Leader alexei now vali have released a video in which they came he was poisoned and his siberian hotel room at the airports as previously sauce traces of the nerve agent overtalk which was used to poison ricin detected on an empty water bottle at the hotel. Severe flooding in nigeria northwest. Left several people dead and many more homeless and spocks fears for the nations Food Security kerry is the countrys main producer of staple crops like rice maize and millet the states Emergency Agency said the floodwaters had submerged about 500000 hectares of that. German bio Engineering Company by. On tax says production of 750000000. 00 doses per year of a covert 1000. 00 vaccine could stats in the 1st half of next year the drug is being developed in collaboration with pfizer and biotech will purchase a Production Facility in the german city of marble from the family. This. Israel is going into a nationwide lockdown later on friday the 1st country shutdown a 2nd time the new restrictions come into effect just hours before the start of the jewish new year russia shana on this on the eve of the holiday worshippers gathered at jerusalems western wall for the traditional repentance prayer the lockdown is set to last through the young poor and so of course holidays israeli Authorities Say the measures are necessary after coronavirus cases sort just a few hours before the country goes into its 2nd prolonged Lockdown People in this market here in jerusalem are rushing to get their shopping done the lockdown comes at the start of one of the most important holy days. The jewish new year starting friday israelis who only be allowed to vent to 500 meters from their home the final list of restrictions and exemptions published on thursday is the new lockdown comes as the country has seen infection rates rise dramatically the new rules will keep israelis at told me except for going out to cover basic needs to go out shopping or to go to work school small sports and be shuttered and restaurants will only be allowed to do deliveries. This follows weeks of erotic Decision Making by the government its handling of the crew in a crisis has been sharply criticized in recent weeks i think its going to be hard after one lock down i think most people are just kind of tired of it they see it as mainly political more than Public Health issues. And especially now with the whole days it seems that you know just a lot more people are not going to. Not going to follow the rules. Which are here to be rude and everybodys and rage and theres a sense of confusion i feel it is a mistake it wasnt prepared it was no exit strategy from the last look down and now we enter another cycle of my god its a matter of. I think its unnecessary mostly because a lot of loopholes not to keep. And i dont know if my daughter will be allowed to work or my husband i dont know whats open. But. For now the lockdown is expected to last at least 3 weeks leaving israelis worry that the country could be in for an extended period. Lets take a look at some more developments in this pandemic the number of covered 900 cases globally has passed a 13000000 mark figures released by Johns Hopkins University Total deaths at 943000 World Health Organization says more than 170 countries have signed up to its Global Vaccine Allocation Program countries have until midnight on friday to make legally binding commitments to the plan and number of latin american kind nations have asked for and attend extension and australia has reported its lowest total of new covered 1000. 00 cases in 3 months 35 new cases were reported on friday the bulk of them in the state of victoria. Germanys top fire ologist has warned that the country could face a further rise in coronavirus cases and a possible return to risk. In other countries across europe the government has earned praise for its response to the crisis so far its also launched a 750000000 euro fund to support Vaccine Developers but all germany can depend on now for prevention is peoples behavior. Wear a mask wash your hands and maintain distance people in germany are accustomed to following the safety in hunting guidelines yet despite this the rate of infection is climbing with more than 2000 new cases in a single day the highest count since april. Germanys most prominent virologist Christian Droste sees the development critically he spoke at a conference in berlin on thursday and detailed some of his concerns in an interview with deutsche of l. And. Look at other countries look at france the u. K. And spain what we are seeing there is what we will see germany. If we dont react very early on. In in a way that needs to be adjusted that needs to be. Lets say bearable for the economy and at the same time targets and this is a very difficult task to find the right point of time. Justin has praise for germanys coronavirus policies and the response by the countrys leadership to the pandemic maccie says germany has been efficient and measures have softened the pandemics impact but he also says the government could do a better job of explaining why certain decisions are made. It is not sufficient to impose rules that people dont understand so the corporation off the population especially in the coming weeks and months to. Over over over autumn and winter. Is probably one of the most important functions in the whole concept 2 to intervene justin says from a global perspective current developments in india are particularly worrying the virus is spreading there almost uncontrollably and he says the situation in many western countries could also become more threatening. There are areas including in europe where there is little control where countries already go into autumn with a high. Background incidence i believe. There are countries including in europe. That will have to impose stricter measures very soon trust and like many others is hoping a vaccine will soon be available he sees it as the only clear way out of the global state of crisis to go visit of flocking once again to south africas wine country and theyre touring it in style the wind has finally started running again after a lockdown and used halt so its all aboard and cheers for the countrys wine lovers. The socalled wind tram is back on track south africas strict lock down had put a stop to the tourist attraction but now passengers can enjoy the views over the video its just an hour from cape town its also a great excuse to try plenty of wine. You know the good 19 people who can do work its the difficulty because you in and out at the end work. So being on technically do wonders with the phrase you know escape as much as we can so its very busy and slowly opening the economy so it can oh yeah i would watch. The tram whens its way through the historic french oaks valley south africas world famous wine region unlike before most of the passengers are day tripping locals foreign tourism is yet to see a revival here but the owner of the tram line david bleich expects a steady turnaround in the coming months. In february was a 1000 people a day. Today. And said they were doing 250. 00 and its the 3rd said. So the numbers are going up winemakers and Restaurant Owners are also hoping for an uptick in visitors for 6 months the entire Tourism Industry came to a standstill a lot of jobs here are dependent on the wineries as well as the tram that brings in the tourists without though i try weekends would be a lot quieter as you can see its very very busy so. Were very very grateful for them its not quite full speed ahead for the tram line as its serving just half its usual timetable but its a start one that symbolizes south africas journey back to normality. Here watching did every news live from berlin with 900 special is up next in just a moment dont forget you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our website thats. You can also follow us on twitter and on instagram thats good have a nice and new family style thanks for watching. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and. Our corona update. From the covert 19 special next on d w

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