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Legendary nightclubs have been forced to close because of the and one entrepreneur has found a way to give frustrated party goers a quick fix without risking that. Have a false welcome to the program a Police Operation is underway on the greek island of les boss to move thousands of migrants and refugees into a new temporary tent city many have been sleeping on the streets after a fire destroyed their refugee camp with ortiz say the operation has so far passed off peacefully but many migrants are reluctant to move into the new facility. Packed up and on the move again along with their few remaining possessions. Early on thursday police on the greek island of les bos started moving hundreds of migrants to a new camp thats after a fire at the overcrowded morea camp left almost 13000 homeless. But offices want to avoid violence and have been easing their powers of persuasion to convince migrants to move to the new camp peacefully. The u. S. Refugee agency has also been urging migrants to relocate from sleeping rough on the streets. As long as it is peaceful we believe that it is a good move considering that. Here on the street it is a risk for security for public hope and. Its not dignity which we will. Everyone. But despite the squalid conditions on the streets many migrants have said they prefer to stay there than risk being detained for months and then you cant. Go no one could be the look that comes through not on a good one but we want a free life weve come here to live we are human we are not animals. They put us in a place where theres no life and its like a jungle. A human cannot live in such tense. Greek Authorities Say the place was started by some of the camps residents angered by locked on restrictions in the overcrowded morea camp in recent days migrants have been protesting demanding to leave the island and seek asylum in other e. U. Countries. But while several european states have offered to take in migrants from less boss others say they will not their office extend to providing more aid and even more tense but no further. For more on the situation. Journalist francisco. Police operation is on the way to move the migrants and refugees into the new tent camp how is that situation unfolding. Well as a man people are moving because its really broken lot of people didnt have any Running Board sufficient Food Supplies in the last 8 days no no sanitary facilities no water to wash the children and all of it so at the moment really. These last days of starvation and also dehydration are making people really go quietly into the camps now however there is still reluctance to to really approach that sides but as you say theres still some reluctance but probably conditions inside that you can do better than out on the streets why are so many reluctant still to go into the new camp. Well the people are really highly toolman tie is strong and the use of monks in moria where there was no medical supplies that it was no legal advice where people would really surviving every day and this big fire that broke out last week was kind of happening every day subsequently for the last year or so and theres a lot of people with chronic diseases like asinine to seize any and. Medications and over 170. 00 days in the lock downs of people all fearing to be put in the military so it would stay think is a prison at this point. And what do the refugees that youve been talking to say they want to see happen. Well most of the people i talk to at the mandate just need to duck said everyone is a medical case by now and said they want to go into safety to whatever cost that is yemeni people just want to tell their children to have some kind of plan for the next days and weeks and at the moment to stick shane and from just because over 60 percent of family so mainly what i hear is safety and safety as a. Journalist francisco trying us from and i suppose thank you francis. Think you. Know were joined by one phenomenal prezza hell out of me is the chair of the European Parliaments committee on Civil Liberties justice and home of fast thank you for joining us weve just heard the situation of maria its a serious issue and it looks like its politically created to keep migrants away to scare them off is that official in new policy now. Absolutely we had a debate just today in the European Parliament spit shit media on times this tragedy was predictable and was announced throughout the debate in the leave a comedian. Its absolutely intolerable its unacceptable that there has been 30000 then 20000 no 13000 people completely homeless with no sanitation facilities with no roof with no access to medicines its absolutely incompatible with European Values as it is incompatible the narrative which allocate that migrants are a threat to the European Security or to the european identity there has to be a more humane approach which is precisely what we have been asking for more along the way we are waiting for a socalled new pact on migration as item which is a whole new package of pieces of legislation but one thing is sure the European Parliament stands for binding surely directly as it is proclaiming the lisbon treaty shared responsibility european search and rescue and of course legal pathways so that those who are. Addressing the European Union dont have to reach their lives by exposing themselves to the Illicit Trafficking of human beings with the catastrophic results that we have seen about the committee that you took personally chairs responsible for put press waiting member member governments to at long last agree to a common policy towards dealing with my when so its like you have the chief botched up here. The committee which i chair is the heaviest workload when it comes to law making in these European Parliament and this European Parliament is a law making house we have actually made laws on migration we have actually made also an asylum but you know what theres an increasing members increasing number of Member States flag rankly violating european law and of course they violate the reception conditions directive and the. Directive and the qualifications directive when they practice pushbacks or they deny human rights in the external borders of the European Union ok who are all these who was in the staff in wasilla asking asking them not us. Well all Member States who practiced bass of pushbacks in the external borders of the European Union would disregard of the Geneva Convention and the european law on asylum and many who have a copy of my early european law and while there has to have been allegations that that is the case not only in croatia in greece in excel or borders but the point im making is that it is not enough to ask the Member States who have vulnerable borders of the European Union behaving and respecting european law it takes also slowly directly from the rest because one thing is sure its absolutely unacceptable that those countries who do have external borders to the European Union like it is the case of greece malta cyprus easily and spain with thousands arrive into the Canary Islands from the west african coast field that they have been left on the wrong that they have been left alone and facing all the responsibilities of the problem there has to be a shared responsibility and that shared responsibility is really dirty is a monday of the treaty of lisbon its not a Wishful Thinking its a legal mandate how can you asking for solidarity is one thing cant you force them the whole the whole the whole of the European Union has to respond the commission has to launch infringement procedures and it has the European Court of justice has convicted those countries who denied shared responsibility when he came to read occasion programs for instance hauling them poland poland and hungary which have been convicted for denying the recent reglued in the 4 years visit our group denying all shared responsibility not accepting a single a Single Person being relocated to the territory where it is a monday that they have to be part of the relocation programs because they are binding law of the European Union once an antelope as a chair of the European Parliament committee on Civil Liberties just as the home Affairs Thank you very much for joining us today. Thank you for having me thank you for having me. For the struggle continues for a european solution for the migrants on lesbos the next refugee drama is already in progress at another european external border the Canary Islands some 4000 people have arrived by boat since the beginning of the year hundreds thought to have died while making the dangerous journey across the atlantic many of them are fleeing their worsening security situation in the sorrow boats setting off from morocco and the territory of Western Sahara theyre also departing hundreds of kilometers farther south from or attaining and senegal while arrivals to mainland spain fell by half compared to the same period last year landings in the Canary Islands increased nearly 7 fold. A calm sea after a harrowing journey. And his friend you got him to read a 3 days on the atlantic in a rubber dinghy on whats considered the most dangerous migration route in the world. Its estimated that one in every 15 migrants dies on the way. And you suddenly we heard and leaking from the reporting at that moment everyone was scared to death i had the feeling that this could really be the end for us and i thought about my little sister who would then be left without me because. I thought about friends i would never see again i was in a state of shock and i couldnt move anymore. They made it just 2 of 1000 margrets who have arrived in the Canary Islands in the past weeks. Many islanders feel abandoned by the rest of europe. And Officials Say fuerteventura cant take anymore people. New arrivals are sealed off in hotels thats attracted criticism from human Rights Groups who say the migrants have no access to asylum procedures and lack the most basic necessities and then theres the islands Tourist Association or. Some we didnt put there were currently working to promote fuerteventura as a safe and clean island thats in the best of health nobody likes to see hotel full of migrants now thats reality. Adding to the stress the government sees growing concern over corona virus infection rates immediately upon arrival people reaching the island are tested in one of the last groups half the test were positive many newcomers like camera and 2 re want to leave the island as soon as possible and move on to the european mainland some where they can find work and are safe from deportation back home. Lets take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world a video released by colleagues of kremlin critic i would say in the claims the prominent political figure was poisoned in a siberian hotel room and not to the airport as previously so. Of the chalk a nerve agent used to poisonous an advantage was detected on an empty water bottle at the hotel. German bioengineering specialist biotech says production of a covert 19 vaccine could start of the 1st half of next year at a capacity of 750000000. 00 doses per year for that biotech will purchase a Production Facility in the german city of marble from home a suitable giant novartis the drug is being developed in collaboration with pfizer. Who hand once the hardest hit city of the covert 19 hour break in china welcomed its 1st International Passenger flights on wednesday the resumption of cross border flights comes after an 8 month shutdown the south korean capital of seoul is the 1st city to be reconnected with weekly flights. To india knowledge on tuesday became the country with the 2nd highest coronavirus caseload in the world after the United States with more than 5000000 cases reported and daily increases of 900048 week there is no doubt that infections are surging the government though is pointing to indias relatively low fatality rate as a sign that the government has stepped in to control things and breathing difficulties he tested positive for the corona virus but you wont see his name on the list of coronavirus fatalities a muscular disorder was the official cause of death the family are confused. I feel that they are hiding death records otherwise why would they take my father so far away for christmas. The government is saying my father died of my esteem but they had created him according to cope with 19 protocol for the blue sea its not a unique story and could explain why india has only had about 80000 covert 19 deaths in a country of 1300000000 people. Experts are warning that these figures might be misleading saying india isnt counting many deaths a claim that the Health Ministry has strongly denied. A certain degree of undercounting no doubt but certainly not to explain. To lower number of deaths if for example if you look at deaths per 1000000. Kids for tell you to rate their current number is about 60000000. 00 and the United States its about 4 times less population 8 dont do that a 1000000 so you cannot really explain that youre only on the basis of undercounting. Death statistics were already unreliable before the pandemic in india with many in millions dying at home without the presence of a doctor. The lack of data can make it hard to identify where spikes are occurring as the economy begins to reopen leaving many worried that a certain deaths could be following the latest rise in cases. Lets take a look now at some more developments in the corona virus pandemic new zealand has entered a recession for the 1st time in more than a decade its forced Prime Minister to send down to defend governments Pandemic Response ahead of next months general election a report by unicef and save the children says the pandemic and related lock down measures have pushed more than 150000000 children into poverty the report warns that the situation will likely deteriorate further and germany has recorded its 2nd highest daily increase in cases since april the countrys Public Health body reported more than 2000 new cases. For more on the coronavirus situation in germany our correspondent you know has a has been speaking to one of the countrys leading viral exists christiane boston developed the 1st diagnostic test for the new coronavirus which was then adopted by the World Health Organization he also regularly priest the German Government. Coast and austin how much longer do you expect this corona pandemic to go on still globally well as its very difficult to to make global projections we have very different difficult situations. Countries around here in europe. The winter will not be easy one. We will have back scenes during the next year to come. By i guess it will last until the end of the next year until significant parts of the population can be provided a vaccine so we wont get rid of moss anytime soon so even while we stop vaccinating the population not just parts well have to wear masks in countries like germany where incidences no there will be nothing like a Population Based protection and this is something we probably you should consider for any country in europe. In other parts of the world the situation is very difficult to to judge for instance enough for a car we have signals of no war. Lets say disease or presentation less severe presentation this may be due to the way profile but we we need to consider that what were looking at now is urban areas on the african continent where the population composition is particularly young with all that you know which regions around the world are causing you the greatest concern at the moment. Well india is just the current biggest concern. India also has a big population density and the virus is spreading. I wouldnt say in an eye. Controlled fashion but it is almost like this. Then of course areas in south america. And i already spoke about africa so the african continent is is that a little bit off of a mystery of the time being. But also in the Northern Hemisphere winter is coming and there are areas including in europe where there is little control where countries already go into autumn with the high. Background incidence and where the trust in lets say the rigidity of the medical structures but also. The power off Public Health intervention is low. Many countries around the world have looked at gemini as an example west things went fairly well what did we do right here. So the Decision Point probably was stuff john germany reacted very early on so this is not in terms of calendar date but in terms of the relative. Point of time when contact restrictions sometimes called a law were imposed. Last compared to the Actual Development of the epidemic so we. We knew about our epidemic based on the border testing and this white spread. Availability of Water Testing is something that discriminated germany from other countries. One reason of this being that we were really fast on the lap level to react another explanation of our epidemic started somewhat later youve already said that we will have to live with masks for a long time to come still even with a vaccine in place so when will we be able to hug each other again grandparents but also strange is that this will be a very original question so in. Parts of the world i wouldnt be surprised to see population protection during the next year to come. But this means they. Will have undergone. An epidemic that may not. Appear such a severe epidemic based on their age structure so we already spoke about africa where this could happen. At least this is what i wish. African populations are protected because of the younger age profile that would be a very good. Good expectation. In other parts of the world we where the concept is to. Avoids widespread virus transmission 2 to wait for deployment of a vaccine we can expect to wait until the end of 21. 00. Years i would expect. Its impossible to make exact projections but the next year. Will be a year in which we wear marks. Thank you very much. The german capital of berlin is famous across europe for its wild and very diverse nightlife but since the. March majority of clubs just closed part of government measures to contain the virus one businessman though has come up with a new way to Party Warning this next report lots of flashing images. Berlin night life is once again open for business well kind of introducing the tele disco a phone booth disco his popularized fame in recent weeks is perhaps a sign of the times but corona why is it maybe it is or can you say its great its the best thing i know. You may come party any time. Many of the citys famous clubs are on the verge of bankruptcy. But the inventor of the tele disco is escaping the corona crisis he bought a dozen telephone booths back in 2016 and converted into many nightclubs. And its a business that makes people happy business this was all you have to do is put into heroes and choose your music. And tourists alike i grateful for the chance to experience if but a slice of bread lends club culture and the pandemic because even if you think its magnificent what its great this little dance did make it also puts. With no reopening date in sight for many of berlins clubs for the citys raving urges the telly disco will have to suffice. Now if youre looking forwards to big bargain this years autumn sales this might be for you next month. Christines is planning to sell one of the largest t. Rex skeletons ever found. Known affectionately as stan its nearly 4 weeks as high and 12 meters long so this is one prehistoric pet whose owners will need a lot of space to keep him but prospective buyers of this king of the dinosaurs well saw the deep pockets christies expected to fetch between 6. 00 and 8000000. 00. Thats a lot of money for a couple of old bo watching the news heres a reminder of all top story. On the greek island off less books have begun transferring migrants to an emergency tent after a fog destroyed the previous come. Been sleeping on the streets since the fall of been reluctant to move into the new facility. Doesnt it you can always get your news on the go just download from the playable for up stories that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking and if you happen to be part of the news story you can also use the d w to send us your photos. Thats it for me and the news team conflict zone is. To go get all the latest news information also on our web site. It. Comes. To the conflict zone the circle of. The years for lins Foreign Policy line has been dialogue 1st keep talking no matter what but as much an Opposition Leader alexina vali recovers in a poll in hospital after an apparent poisoning colin is under increased pressure my guest this week is germanys Deputy Foreign minister ismail sachs. Conflicts. On the. Beethoven incident just how soon did to do did do. Did is it does about a 16 month p. P. To. Project. So many wrong brands of stolen beethoven. And of course the subconscious always one thing is clear the beethoven just want to look popular. I see a sure i see a song i feel sure. But how would the world sound without the biggest composer of all. I cant even begin to imagine a world class one player single religious on a musical journey of discovery. And without being told. This week john. Im very very disappointed of all of that where you dont exactly have them shaking in their boots. Trying to get that doesnt sound like even if you had more of the dialogue with russia but you need to be very clear and thats for real for years berlin Foreign Policy line has been dialogue 1st keep talking no matter what but as russian Opposition Leader alexina vulnerable covers in a german hospital after an apparent poisoning inside period berlin is under increasing pressure to respond with unprecedented strength by canceling or pausing the nearly completed north stream to gas pipeline with russia my guest this week is germanys Deputy Foreign minister and meals on it is it time for a tougher stance against authoritarians in russia and beyond even if there is a financial cost. German minister of state meals on and welcome to conflicts appear to have few tests confirm that alexina volley was poisoned with the military grade chemical weapon you know who took the german chancellor she has demanded answers from russia she says the following there are very difficult questions that only the russian government can answer and must answer the russian response has been defiant will there be needing full sanctions. Well i still hope that we can prevent this but this is entirely the russian governments decision and i have to say i want to be very clear very very disappointed about that reaction because instead of making clear what happened and to cooperate in an investigation we are seeing the old scheme you know of misleading information of counter accusations so if that is the spirit of the russian government then im afraid were going to see this so were still in a negotiation so you say its an in the russian governments hands and in fact youve called for an investigation in russia but the foreign minister says there are several indications russia was behind the attack youre asking russia to investigate what do you expect well look there is the procedure here and you mentioned that indeed it looks like we are we are certain that it has been a poison from them of a truck group. And actually right now its not only a german investigation and we gave the probe also to laboratories in sweden and fronts and we also gave it to z o p c w so it is quite obvious that this is a breach of International Law so i think we are talking not only about the tragedy involving mr no values this is as an International Dimension so russia is in a position and has the ability to clarify what happened but but we also in in our intention to defend the International Procedures i think we need to have that process here and the process is not over but in that process mr annan theyre not taking you seriously are they i mean just lets just look at some of the rather record coming from the foreign minister which i think we have an International Reaction so this is not reduced to draw many theres a clear statement from the European Union the world takes notice so i dont think they dont take a serious i just things that they are falling back into what we know is the typical russian here are their words foreign minister lavrov accused western officials of quote putting themselves above the law with and since to unsubstantiated accusations against moscow over the poisoning of no volley we also have a statement from the Foreign Ministry saying berlin is bluffing serving a dirty political agenda you dont exactly have them shaking in their boots look that but but this is just confirming what they tried to tell you is that we have very disappointed to see you know the all the way of reacting to accusations instead of really engaging and i am sure it is the russian credibility is that we will be be infringed by this so we are united in the European Union we feel very encouraged by the International Reaction and we are not only. Talking about this case and not the only case of poisoning off an Opposition Leader we are talking about a serious step to the mining what have been a more or less Successful International coal mine in chile chemical weapons so i was saying we are not at the end here and the exact same thing i should might be violating the russian site needs to know that clear saying terms are on the table lets talk about you you mentioned an old way of doing things from from the russians and talk about the way that you have been doing things i asked you about meaningful sanctions because we know that sanctions are already in place of course since 2014 since the russian invasion of crimea but since then we have seen further aggression from russia weve seen the hacking attacks on the German Parliament 2015 weve seen the assassination of a Chechen Rebel in broad daylight in central berlin last year following that murder your Foreign Ministry you reportedly submitted 17 requests for assistance in solving that murder and received not a single response. Is just sanctions really going to pressure russia in the way that you need to know what look im very happy indeed that you mention those incidents im sitting here as a minister of state but i am also a member of the drum in parliament so what happened there was the hacking attack is a serious serious violation of our weight deal among countries that should have a friendly relationship and many other incidents also see its a targeted use you know of measures of fake news to troll factories that we are seeing settlers are part of the reality but its also part of the reality that we dont have we dont have a Remote Control to influence russian policies decisions are taking in moscow not in berlin but what is important here and the sink we are making progress that the European Union speaks with one was that the russian side now said to their surprise to page but said we also need to be realistic we need russia to solve a great many of issues concerning our own neighborhood our stability so i think our approach to do both to be very clear but also engage washer i cannot really see an opportunity to that lets talk about the voice that youre speaking with because you have the nearly completed north stream to pipeline which is set to bring more russian gas to germany and id like to ask you do you think that putin really takes your threat of meaningful sanctions need in full consequences seriously when you have such a profitable economic project right on his doorstep so i look at that only shows how complex our relationship is. I want to be also a little provocative of my answer here because i am not so sure of stopping that project last winter but which by the way its not an initiative of the German Government it is by its anointed by the German Government it is by definition of its i wanted by the terrorist government now lets put that aside but you know would we do something that really works. Make russia pay a price or would we also somehow do some things that goes against our own long term interests so thats why im not so convinced i understand this is that it has always been a controversial issue but its maybe too easy just to reduce our Political Tool box on the question of whether or not we should continue nosferatu i am with all respect not convinced that this is the only so that we should get so youve turned to your partners now your partners including in the e. U. Including also the United States and youve asked them you want to put forward a joint response but theyve always had problems with this project havent they many among them have had problems with this project partners have expressed security concerns that north stream too would allow putin to cut off gas supply to former soviet bloc countries without affecting flows to the west cut off ukraine potentially where 40 percent of the natural gas imported by the e. U. From russia flows through north stream one to neglect your own partners concerns look there are 2 things i want to tell you for one thing if that maybe surprised you and our viewers that European Union is much more united on this and you maybe think we had a number at all this Prime Minister well we say this reaction should leave your starts with a stoppage of work of nordstrom to with strengthens russian power not 6 n. E. P. Is that absent 1018 but you can insert so you uniquely lead me to choose the european way but not the germany way for that you need to lead and you dont feel like you know that you need to let me complete that sentence because we had 24 european Member States supporting a political the march on washington raising concerns about the american reaction which is threatening with extraterritorial section our sovereign decision. About our energies just for a 2nd cent about the European Union would put in place a law century American Companies just that bethany pick one example for example the z a stunning fact that nobody speaks about dizzee americans right now by oil from russia almost and the war you mean that were buying gas from russia so you know we need to look at the factory and the 2nd part is German Government at the top the chancellor and the foreign minister. Have been engaged and are engaged to safeguard ukraines core interest he said the deal that we signed with the European Union broke up but de facto it was brokered by our government between ukraine on the one hand and the Russian Federation on the other hand make sure that key concerns of our partners within the European Union and in kiev have been implemented so as i said its too simple just to say my closing austrian too will solve the problem i think dont hassle it if if if anyone really believes that youre going to take a hard line on russia the ultimate lead when push comes to shove even when it does come to ukraine because for example you and the foreign minister michael moss are both s. P. D. Politicians and probably as p. D. In the s. P. D. That there are many who are strongly opposed to halting the construction of this pipeline for s. S. I. They have when i was there i asked her of the other there are a lot more that. Also says the following all of it more its a pipeline from russia to germany should not be used to punish moscow over the poisoning of a kremlin critic Alexy Novelli the subject to cite on has called the s. P. D. The north stream party they have a point dont they know they say that they say that youre motivated by a traditional empathy with russian that they dont have a point and id like to remind you you know were used as social democrats that were pro sobering here in our positions were somehow getting used to this kind of accusation but that doesnt make them correct you know and a true policy of course is highly political we need to make sure that theres a clear mix between the renewable we need reaching technology gustus much more efficient and less harm to the environment we have to address an elephant in the room because we were talking about the s. P. D. Were talking about your party and its relationship with russia the elephant of the room of course when we talk about north strain. Is there hardrada former chancellor former s. P. D. Head chairman of the project the wall street journal there are strode out putins most important all of our work the the what do you know how feeble what that do you feel comfortable with that it is that putins most in the horten goldberg wall street journal has traditionally been maybe not the most sympathetic to the social democrats but that tell you something i have been maybe the most vocal critic of theatricals policy and you know he is somebody who needs to accept that public criticism for private decision he takes but hes a private to the citizen hes not sitting in an alley buddy of c. S. B. So the esprit de cannot be blamed for what your truth is it really realistic though that hes a private citizen haphazardly it is ok so hes a private citizen so we were talking about meaningful sanctions part of the meaningful sanctions was that they would be targeted sanctions against individuals correct you know sports so therefore its just a private person working for putin should he be among the individuals who might be targeted in ascensions regime gets what as a result is out of the poisoning look like seem like a steal were trying to get me but im not going to defend the private decision by a former translator who in other parts by saying this has been very successful and important for germany we always knew that if you want to its very dramatic similar fracture on russia maximum russia but but this is what he is doing with not stream is hes feeling a seed. For the European Companies so you know theres always that network you know theres that narrative that this is only a german project there are actually companies from other European Partners also involved so i get really saying were now spending and its your questions im trying to answer thats ok with me but were. Spending more time talking about the last room to right now then were spending time on talking about our difficult relationship with russia and i also want to again we most are of the relationship with russia of course and i said youve got your own placing reaction on it ties with russia it is a complex relationship you know our american friends have an ocean between them and russia we dont we have to join and shared history russia is not going to go away and the decision about russia citing may be influenced by us but the russian position so we are talking about peace in libya you need to talk with russia were talking about peace and syria like it or not you need to talk with russia and there are many other suspects so we are trying so dialogue that we dialogue no matter why we dialogue or not very much to the causes no matter what russia doesnt know we this is very important to me because its really what i believe in is that we are in a world where

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