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For years. Sometimes and less sunny climes to bring this day and i thank each and every one of you thank you. Ladies and gentlemen mr president this day is a pivot of history it heralds a new dawn of peace for thousands of years the jewish people have prayed for peace for decades the jewish state as prayed for peace and this is why today we are filled with such profound gratitude im grateful to you President Trump for your decisive leadership you have unequivocally stood by israels side. You have boldly confronted the tyrants of tehran youve proposed a realistic vision for peace between israel and the palestinians and you have successfully brokered this storage peace that we are signing today a peace that has broad support in israel in america in the middle east indeed in the entire world im grateful to crown prince muhammad bin side of the United Arab Emirates and to you foreign minister abdullah bin. I thank you both for your wise leadership and for working with the United States and israel to expand the circle of peace im grateful im grateful to king comet of the rain and to you foreign minister abdul latif of the any for joining us joining us in bringing hope to all the children of abraham to all of israels friends in the middle east those who are with us today and those who will join us tomorrow i say a solemn will awaken peace on to the shallow. And you have heard from the president that he has already lining up more and more countries this is unimaginable a few years ago but with resolve determination a fresh look at the way pieces done this is being achieved thank you mr president. Ladies and gentlemen the people of israel well know that the price of war i know the price of war. I was wounded in battle a fellow soldier of very close friend of mine died in my arms my brother jani lost his life while leading his soldiers to rescue hostages held by terrorists and on to my parents grief over the loss of your knee was unrelieved until their dying day and over the years when ive come to console the families of israels Fallen Soldiers and victims of terror i have seen that same grief countless times and this is why im so deeply moved to be here today for those who bear the wounds of war cherish the blessings of peace. And the blessings of the peace we make today will be enormous 1st because this peace will eventually expand to include other arab states and ultimately it can end the arab israeli conflict once and for all. Second because the great economic benefits of our partnership will be felt throughout our region and they will reach every one of our citizens and 3rd because this is not only a peace between leaders. Its a peace between peoples israelis immoralities and biharis are already embracing one another we are eager to invest in a future of Partnership Prosperity and peace weve already begun to cooperate on combating corona and im sure that together we can find solutions to many of the problems that afflict our region and beyond so despite the many challenges and hardships that we all face despite all that let us pause for a moment to appreciate this remarkable day let us rise above any political divide that has put all cynicism aside let us feel on this day the pulse of history for long after the pandemic has gone the peace we make today will endure ladies and gentleman i have devoted my life to securing israels place among the nations to ensure the future of the one and only jewish state to accomplish that goal i work to make israel strong very strong for history has taught us that strength bring security strength brings allies and ultimately and this is something President Trump has said again and again all to mostly strength brings peace. King david expressed this basic truth thousands of years ago in our eternal capital jerusalem his prayer immortalized in the book of psalms in the bible echoes from our glorious past and guides us towards a brilliant future. I dont. Know youthen i dont know if it will move the showroom may god give strength to his people may god bless his people with peace mr president the string wish guess this week is russian or the jewish new year and what a blessing we bring to this new year a blessing a friendship a blessing of hope. A blessing of peace thank you Benjamin Netanyahu speaking they ceremony at the white house to mark the signing of that accord between the United States and between excuse me between israel the arab emirates and bahrain listing and on that in Washington State of new correspondent i think a half a sad whats jumped out at you from that speech having. Hi phil i mean weve been waiting for this moment 1st quite some time now and as we just heard donald trump speaking there followed by israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bent who said that this was a pivot in history and donald trump referred to this as a dawn of a new middle east so that certainly the image that they want projected not only in their home countries around the world that this is a Seismic Shift in the way that the middle east will be because of these deals but of course critics will point out that is perhaps more symbolic than shifting relations certainly the way that theyre looking at this now the documents we dont know what is exactly in them and the way that this will unfold in the coming months and years we did hear about some of the economic steps that theyre hoping to take in terms of enhancing trade and tourism but again how this might help the Peace Process with the palestinians is very much unclear and again critics will say this is in fact hurting the palestinians who are definitely feeling betrayed by all of this was interesting was that mr netanyahu did push the piece on very much that was his number one message but number 2 was definitely about expanding the economic benefits to be not only between the 3 countries there but eventually hes talking about expanding to states and the arab israeli conflict and for all the if we believe them theres a theres a lot riding on this. Yeah i mean he said that strength brings allies and strength brings peace and this has certainly been a longstanding israeli position while the arab nations have always said we will not recognize the state of israel until theres a solution for the palestinians until there is independence for the palestinians and israel has held strong with donald trump in the white house pushing for this to happen it seems that now 2 gulf states have moved towards israel and so certainly Benjamin Netanyahu can count this as a win and he can tell that at home which is certainly something that hes looking to do and for donald trump hes also heading into an election and he wants to show particularly his event jellicoe base that hes now bringing israel further all along on the world stage particularly in a region where it perhaps feels a little bit isolated and certainly with the u. A. E. And the bahraini and the israelis when they look at what commonalities that they have they look across the gulf and see iran as a threat and want to build a Stronger Alliance in dealing with iran briefly but what was the u. S. Role in this deal. Well we know that trump has been touting himself as a deal maker and he definitely wanted to tick off some Foreign Policy victories of particularly at home so theyve brokered this deal of course this comes after the failure to broker a deal between the israelis and the palestinians fill. The water times thank you so much for. So just to. Read out whats been going on over the last a few minutes weve been hearing from your u. S. President donald trump is ready for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the Foreign Ministers from the United Arab Emirates and behind were also out there signing ceremony at the White House Well have more at the top of the hour could that. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Our corona update. 19 special next on d w. Ws crime fighters are back africas most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech cholera prevention and sustainable charcoal production all of a sows are Available Online and of course you can share and discuss on africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms for. Crime fighters tune in now. Ok. Case loads have been lower than forecast but the pandemic is hitting africas economy hard disrupting tourism and other crucial sectors. With work at a standstill for many theres less money for food and shelter d here in the Lavender Hill section of cape town volunteers are ever present to feed the homeless and children. Fictions are on the rise and lives are becoming more precarious. The pandemic meanwhile rages across the african continent. Cases in algeria and egypt are on the decline but theyre taking up in morocco in tunisia. What would another wave of covert 1000. 00 mean for region already so hard hit. And welcome to door she goes cold in 1000 special billon its good to have you with us 3000000 people in south africa have lost their work because of the pandemic and as a result many have lost their homes correspondent. Takes us to one of the many shanty towns now popping up across the country. Khayelitsha the largest township in cape town more than 1000000 people live here including the leak of feeling a month ago she could no longer afford the rent and simply built her own hearts on a vacant lot next door. To the. Groups of others to the same and christened the new neighborhood covered 19. Because everything just happened because of this covered there were lost jobs there with nothing for us to my me anything then thats why we have to take that covenant in name only car shows us the makeshift heart where she lives with her boyfriend and 3 children. This place is too small of one bed so we have gone to sleep you see my house is also leaking. I dont have anything to solve at the moment. But. The family pays no rentier but the lens doesnt belong to them. People are setting up their shacks all over the place here a lot of construction have been in and many here are saying they dont have a choice because they cant afford to pay rent any longer but the city on the other hand says these illegal and invasions are causing huge problems city officials tell us there have been more than 30 new locations with massive land occupations in just the last 6 weeks law and order are in danger cape town lost 300. 00 hectares of land in the last year whatever the land was made for is lost whether it is all spittle or screw clinic if a piece of land is standing open its because there is an intended Community Use for that and there is in the case of these big invasions where i will tell you that Community Leadership in cali just stood up this is not a fight to be invaders against the state or land invaders against the city of quetta this is a fight of land invaders against a city of character and local residents since june the city says it has torn down some 60000 hearts in some cases resulting in violence this man was pulled out of his hat make it a court has now ruled that the city needs a court order for eviction and must offer alternative accommodation to squatters. Structures for the city cant afford that 400000 people are already on the waiting lists for social housing that housing waiting list doesnt get shorter and the reason it doesnt get shorter is because this constant the people pushing in the front if you were standing in a queue in a bank or at a cinema with theatre or something and you never got to the front because people were constantly pushing in the front you would become very angry and enraged. Plan for everything annie and her family have also been hoping for an apartment from the state for a long time so far in vain. The government will provide our needs because we need Something Like toilets or what. We have to get the we have to get them from the government. If we have to. We have to. Because when we need to go to oh you want to do the number 2 you have to take the bucket and then you dig the so the place is going to be full of all those things. You can go to the. People who are building they are. Convinced that she will continue to live here in the future a court order for eviction takes up to one and a half years the police are not intervening for the time being and around this settlement continues to grow. Not just shelter thats been thrown into question because of the pandemic food is also becoming scarce in parts of africa the central hell region is among the continents hunger hotspots more than half of the populations of mali burkina faso and share suffers from Food Insecurity defined as the lack of regular access to the food they need in mali the trend is even getting worse and for more on this im joined by David Beasley the executive director of the World Food Program he joins me from berlin dave its good to see you as always when we talk about Food Insecurity this term help us understand what that looks like on the ground for someone in mali or saber faso. Well its not good at all i mean did it was already bad before code we had economic deterioration a lot of serious issues with the sri mr druce terrorist groups trying to exploit the situation and not to mention the Climate Change moving down and millions of people being displaced and all of sudden totally comes right on top of that and so globally were seeing from and im not talking about people going to bit hungry im talking about people that are on the brink of starvation that number was 135000000 before code now we see that number spiking to 270000000 by the end of this year and you break that down into places like mali Burkina Faso Nishi or in other regions of africa it really is a bad situation there were facing and and we are facing it literally as we speak it is unfolding as we speak david in what ways is the pen to make itself affecting Food Supplies it doesnt really involve sickness necessarily does it. Well its a combination of factors i mean you know what were seeing to give it a good example in nigeria when they had a 5 week lockdown they had about a 1000 people die from code but we had a 1000000 people go into Food Insecurity because of the lot down is still where she an economic deterioration were seeing a spike in food prices throughout africa lack of access economic theory ation loss of jobs you know if you do a lot down in the city in berlin people get food in their pantry for a week or 2 but a lot of these places they live hand to mouth day to day so if you do a lot then youve got to make certain that we have a Safety Net Program in place if you dont and we dont address this right you will eat the head master mason mass destabilization or mass migration in a salon cheaper to go in and help the people who need help during this extremely difficult what exactly is needed to improve the situation talk about going in what kind of resources do you need and how close are you to getting it. Well youre not talking about a few 100000000. 00 come of billions of dollars around the world but particularly in africa if we get the right money right now we can come in because were actually the supply chain for covert at this point in time you know with the airline interest shutting down so were moving copa supplies moving in food doing what we can do to make certain that we dont have export bans shut down a distribution points because if you do you might not get seeds in or or fertilizers or food or whatever the case may be now what is critical is economic recovery and i know countries like germany which has done an amazing partner with us an economic stimulus package is also helping us direct monies on the ground in these strategic locations because if we dont come in with a Strategic Support you can have the stabilization in migration people dont want to leave their home area but if they dont have food and they dont have any degree of peace they dont do it as take it takes to do to protect their family their children the little girl the little boys enough they had more mothers tell me said my husband didnt want to join isis or our products but we had that our little girl in 2 weeks is to be easily please help us is so thankfully the people of germany the people around the world are stepping up but we still have a lot more money we need over the next many months and this is not going to play out just in the next couple of months i am really concerned about 2020 but i mean shrink the concern about 2021 because the Economic Impact that code is head is going to play out i think in a devastating way with Economic Opportunity in africa so its not a short ball game were talking about its a long run weve got to be really prepared for all right an urgent appeal there from David Beasley executive director of the World Food Program thank you very much for joining us thank you now its time for your questions to our science correspondent there williams. Does smoking and the spread of covered 19. Smokers have had it pretty tough during this pandemic and as far as i can tell there is still not absolute watertight evidence of a direct link between smoking regularly and worse outcomes if you catch covered 19 but i wouldnt wait for that proof i mean come on this is a potentially severe respiratory disease and we know that smokers are hit harder when they catch a range of other pathogens that cause similar symptoms but if they have covert 19 does the act of smoking also make them more contagious to others could there could their 2nd hand smoke pose a danger of infection to those around them well we dont really know and its extremely hard to prove one way or the other but theres enough evidence it might that some regions in spain banned smoking in public last month and and other public spaces like some casinos in the u. S. Have done the same the smoke that comes in a cloud out of the smokers knowledge when they when they exhale forcefully is basically a mix of particulates and aerosols thats exit being from deep within that persons longs and the evidence has grown pretty convincing that aerosols can carry the virus so while theres no conclusive evidence on whether Secondhand Smoke is is more or less infectious that aerosols exhaled by by nonsmokers a lot of experts think it makes sense to err on the side of caution after all many are now saying that if you can smell what someone had for lunch you can also potentially catch covert 19 from them so it seems to me that the same would hold true for inhaling someone Secondhand Smoke. Derrick williams there and finally to mexico where a tattoo artist in the city of monterey has come up with a novel way to deal with pandemic only to go is giving away free tattoos to those who have beaten the disease edging coated 1000 survivors on their arms he says the survivors have a 2nd chance at life. And thats it for us here at the govan 1000. 00 special thanks for joining us. Now and gemini with demi at any time any place names video we have the benefit of the missing along theme seems to come from soup. For. Interactive exercises. Everything is online metafile an interactive gem interfering with a demo you. Can be of Climate Change. Her name is so. Much most people. Want to use today the future of. G. W. Dot com for the major cities in the making this could turn. To beethoven chooses to do did. Did is he does about a 60 minute. Rock n roll. Many rubber bands of stone beethoven. Of course the subconscious always one thing is clear. The beta is wildly popular. As she assured. Google would sound like the biggest composer of all time i cant even begin to imagine a world class one player singer willers on a musical journey of discovery. 2 without a child star september 16th i want to tell you. That. This is the lovely news africa yes whats coming up on the program bringing imagination to life through 3 d. Animation we need a young man from ghana who is changing hearts and minds one greedy oz projects another time and not to be in the cone of virus fandom a counsellor or his fellow. Deal as well as to see country a left

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