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Migrant. A math me how broken historic peace talks have begun between the Afghan Government and the taliban in the hope of ending 2 decades of bloodshed the 2 warring sides meeting face to face for the 1st time in the gulf state of qatar maybe ideas including the United States pushing for agreement but the rival parties have vastly different visions for the future of afghanistan. Occur on this occasion to start the event many afghans have been waiting for for decades face to face peace talks between the government and the taliban United States secretary of state might compare flew to the Opening Ceremony in doha qatar and urge the warring sides to seize the opportunity. But the choice of your political system is of course yours to make in the United States weve found a democracy notably the principle of peaceful resolution and rotation of political power works best. Democratic systems for the choices of the majority while protecting the human rights of everyone everyone that includes women and minorities their rights have been largely neglected by the taliban its just one of the several points the 2 sides disagree on. The use of violence is another the chair of the high council for National Reconciliation calls for an immediate humanitarian cease fire we huff come here with good will and Good Intention to stop the 40 years of blood should and achieve a country wide and lasting peace. That the taliban have long worried that reducing violence could give them less leverage at the negotiation table in their Opening Statement instead focused on their desire to include tenants of islam and any future Afghan Government in this. Request and the boot saw its. Provisions of. The warring sides offered to dramatically different versions of a postwar afghanistan but the leaders meeting today stressed that violence will not help build a harmonious future. While journalist t. V. Is following the talks from kabul where i asked him just where the main obstacles to a deal might lie the biggest sticking points will obviously be around a ceasefire because you know taliban are hesitant to declare a nationwide long term cease fire they have declared

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