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Following his disputed election when. Top Police Officials in the u. S. City of rochester new york say they will retire following the suffocation death of a black man in Police Custody earlier this year the incident has triggered days of protests state prosecutors are now investigating the death of the departing police chief has accused critics of trying to quote destroy his integrity. Sedan has announced a 3 month state of emergency after record floods left more than 100 people dead and destroyed thousands of homes the Authorities Say rising water levels in the now river are also putting the countrys historical sites at risk. This is news from berlin follow us on twitter and instagram at the news overs at our website dot com. One by one the leaders of the political opposition to bill roos are being detained or disappearing on Tuesday Morning at the border with ukraine Maria Kolesnik ovah reportedly ripped up her passport and prevented her own deportation kolesnikov is one of 3 women who joined forces to become v. Opposition in bello roups another is former president ial candidates that lana scalia tonight her plead to europe to help the forces of democracy in bello reuss before its too late im brick off in berlin this is the day. My country my nation my people now meet. These 8 International Pressure from this regime on this one thing to be doing this very quickly in front of this news its nice to look a certain does not have an eulogy to me seeing as the president. And founder of believe this you will not last long to do the research i am now fighting for the bill use these and in this issue is treated just like. A human rights democracy and theyre all oh no. Also coming up the west coast of the United States is on fire the worst is in california more than one and a half 1000000 acres burned in 3 of the biggest by. Uses ever recorded in the state our number one priority for this fire is the protection of the Light Property situation that we are right now is. Life threatening situation with the Weather Forecast that we have for the next 3 days. And to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day as a country tries to dispose of its political opposition for 4 weeks the streets of the bella russi in capital minsk have been filled with protesters demanding an end to the 26 year rule of president Alexander Lukashenko last month he was declared winner of a nationwide election but the opposition claims that that vote was rigged ever since they made that claim the leaders of the opposition in bello ruse have either been detained or they have disappear one by one the latest Maria Kolesnik over on monday she was seen being thrown into a van and driven away this morning she reportedly prevented her own deportation at the border with ukraine her whereabouts tonight remain unknown kolesnikov is one of 3 women who came together this year to leave the opposition and another is former president ial candidates for atlanta the home of scalia last month she lost the president ial election but she says the vote was rigged she then fled into neighboring lithuania a decision she says she was forced to make in order to save her childrens lives today she delivered a plea to europe to help the forces of democracy in bella reuss she says before its too late. I refuse as the militants though during a sense to accept that they were out will simply stand and why should this congress abuses of human rights this blatant disregard for Human Dignity this come to it in here ration of any basic respect for human distance and i refuse as the militants of burma since to stand down and give up my country my nation my people now need help we need International Pressure on this regime on this one to the do all this perfectly clean and on to power we need some actions on individuals who issue and exhibit your criminal orders that violates International Norms and human rights we need an Immediate Release of all Political Prisoners and to start to see the civilized in order to find ways for our country to move forward only yesterday one of the leaders of the peaceful protests medea kindest nicola was kidnapped also kidnapped they are undone a new war and iran crafts so all of them remembers of the team of the body. Who is in jail for simply daring to run for president my husband said to him whiskey is in jail for the same reason where there are 2 versions tonight of what happened to Opposition Leader a memory or kolesnikov a bill of russia says as she tried to leave the country Tuesday Morning and flee to ukraine but the Ukrainian Government is offering a very different account. Kolesnikov bravely preventing valerie special forces from expelling had to ukraine 2 other opposition members were forcibly expelled valorous now they are on ukrainian territory. In an attempt to provoke and discredit her as if she had failed to flee valorous was said to have been detained during that attempt Alexander Lukashenko. Is responsible for health and life. Oh for more im joined tonight by all good friend over with the Research Center for east European Studies at the university in braman she is following developments in bella ruse organs going to have you on the program the leaders of the opposition in the roots detained and disappearing what does this do to the protest movement and the calls for president to resign. Well i think were here to make a difference if its an industry and i was you know of people protesting in this case and other leaders of their position disappearing and each disappearance or arrest of kolesnik of her and her team and its i mean its not the 1st case of such methods by the within us laura has well also locked. Up a member of the opposition like one. Or the pilot who were also forced to leave the state so its kind of not supplying when you know the state just continues to use the menus and get it and use it for but you also have to remember that even kolesnikov are not equinox that actually our Cultural Group to some people still so organized themselves to receive the crudest must employ me for weeks its quite a president who had a history of going to see and i really have been question that people and learnt to ogunnaike this time without any Political Center as well i would not leave that short to death or to those who would reach they just simply didnt realize and didnt he beat people but is he. In his 1st interview since last months disputed president ial election president lucia hes signaling that even he realizes that he has been in power to law he spoke with russian reporters and he was quoted as saying i may have stayed in power a little too long but only i can really protect bella ruffians now im not going to leave just like that ive built up bill ruse for a quarter century i will just give it up besides if i leave my supporters will be slaughtered and president lukashenko he various that his supporters would be slaughtered by whom is he accusing the opposition if it were to come to power of being prepared to murder. Well maybe not to murder but to you know some aggressively action conference societies and i think its also nothing new because its you know part of this official and narrative its not approved as im not really that peaceful and they seem to be and there will just this kind of thinking out why does this society prove question going on to the question so i just gave its also tried to organize a number of poll on look i shant go plus state revenues as well where their position didnt so i think its do you know what this kid message to show people those who still support who question can but also International Public in specially the it department in russia and yet hes been the only person so to say sure its killed controlling the situation in the country which is not actually the church because weve seen how how many people when needed to go onto the street so its kind of a Party Official narrative and that. To push it also take it to say you know its a kind of a police state narrative of the president i dont fit into the city limits. What he does more to make about the protests having staying power im wondering if they do continue with that provide president lukashenko with a reason to ask for the Russian Military to move into the country. She was actually one of the biggest questions for the time being and again here is actually a dam but we have to remember that i mean that there are some subtle agreements to embarrass the Russian Military agreements but only public use of external aggression and we have not seen any external aggression until now also have seen gets the protests up peaceful so they have been also some statements by woodson that there you know they are ready some of the police force has prepared for this case in valeries thats wonderful the case of. Expressiveness guy at residence coming from the group just isnt also a big case when for example prove just as would come sometime to washington which is also not going to castel now so its quite a cynical if syria is you know if they could do that legally without any other you know in connection from the birds how realistic is it do you think that president lukashenko will convince russian president Vladimir Putin to say yes to a closer alliance with bella ruse theres talk about him even giving up some of bill ruses sovereignty over to moscow. Well i think its just exactly the other way i mean the question should be asked like this anyhow why is it possible that actually putting beautiful blue jean jacques. Well octave a print from the question because its actually it has been happening call for a number of years already so just this whole conversations involved you know gaps in union states especially belarus and about giving up their sovereignty economics already political slower to 6 actual want to name names of russia not the whole question and its also quite dangerous not to belarus i have to admit because president has lost legitimacy within his own society so his extremely dependent now throne from russia from trying to change it economically important to golf course is the engine still there i would expect if you see what made this tactical deep integration with russia these consequences i think that will have as a consequence would have even you know at a higher wave of protests within the recent society illusions are tired of the question though that he doesnt mean you know that they would like to become part of russia so is not present. In the closely Public Opinion so she would just become an album with and its not over and over with the Research Center for eastern European Studies at the university of breman are we appreciate your time in your insights tonight thank you thank you. Well here in europe governments are facing pressure to act as new corona virus infections go through the roof hitting levels that have not been seen since the darkest days of the 1st wave of the pandemic spain has become the 1st european country to pass half a 1000000 cases with these 7 day rolling average now higher than it was when the virus 1st hit britain which has europes worst coronavirus death toll is also seeing cases rise mostly among younger people and germany it too says that a high number of new cases are being reported among the countrys young. Well thats good news and bad news as young people are less likely to fall ill and die from the virus but they often show no symptoms meaning they can unknowingly infect those who are vulnerable despite the statistics many remain skeptical some who reject government regulations or even making their outrage public here in germany mass protests have erupted worse skeptics now find themselves marching alongside neo nazis right wing agitators and conspiracy theories d w news met a man who took part in one of those recent berlin demonstrations he says that hes just an ordinary citizen not a political extremist. About you know was at that big demonstration against the coronavirus measures here at the earliest Brandenburg Gate hes 50 years old lives with his family in berlin and does freelance work in advertising frank but good does not believe that the corona virus is especially dangerous he says the infection numbers are low and that coronavirus mortality rates are similar to those of influenza he feels the restrictions are excessive given those things will move us as him with his mind up less if i go some way to ate my i have to leave my address behind it makes no sense if i get up to use the toilet i have to wear a mosque as Everybody Knows that these totally upset regulations that i think are in themselves pointless based on theory that actually doesnt justify this. Thousands of people demonstrated in central berlin against the policies to tackle coronavirus such as social distancing in mosques black friday protestors question the Science Behind and. Believing in the claim that were all alive because weve won mosques simplistic thinking of the thing that something we should have left the. Mind after the age of 5 or 6 its as if we were to say someones wearing red jim serious and has a headache and then i stand there and say oh man i read gym shoes calls headaches. Frank but not described himself as a democratic citizen for him the people protesting the coronavirus measures come from all walks of life. As it isnt mentioned. These people stand for democracy for freedom and so on i found it all very peaceful as if it was a very peaceful demonstration it was a huge gigantic and it showed me that there were many many people who think this way for saving similarly to me. We need streaming scripts among the demonstrators called for the German Parliament building to be stormed. 300. 00 radicals breached the barriers and got to the steps of the bundestag symbolic images that made the news around the world the entire coronavirus demonstration was tainted by this action frank says that he had nothing to do with it. This president decide to distance myself from any kind of violence i distance myself from any kind of right wing extremist ideology he doesnt appeal to me. But does it not bother him the far right radicals also took part in the demonstration that. It was a handful of people what else can i say imagine that youre writing a train and a right wing radical gets on to get off the train. Frank says he accepts that his protests will be joined by right wing extremists he says that wont stop him from attending the next demonstration in berlin. A controversial decision from a controversial president philippine president gore. Has pardoned a u. S. Marine convicted of killing a transgender woman to tears he issued the pardon on monday to Lance Corporal joseph scott who had been in prison since 2014 for the murder of jennifer well. Has served just over half of a 10 year sentence for that murder. And the public is here with more on this story a public brings up a speed on what this story is about well pemberton met jennifer in a bar back in 2014 now they decided then to get a motel room and it was during that encounter in the motel room pemberton found out he says that. It wasnt fact transgender and then what happened was he assaulted her and he said that when he left the room she was still alive in fact she was found the next morning. Apparently strangled subsequently he was sentenced to 10 years in prison and this is where we are right now just last week a local court decided that he should be released early from prison for Good Behavior which of course jennifer allowed as family were outraged by. The lead to an appeal process and this is where we are up to the start of this week where the government decided to intervene you know the government have other ideas about how to proceed exactly and this is where president detent the decided to pardon pemberton for the crime and in fact it was announced on twitter surprisingly it was actually the secretary of Foreign Affairs who released this statement essentially saying pemberton was going to be released early from prison and used the word justice which was something that was also being used by president detect there when he spoke to the media whats also important to say about this is that pemberton actually didnt even spend his prisons. In a regular prison in the philippines in fact he spent in solitary confinement in a military facility in the nella and thats because of the visiting forces agreement which is an agreement between the United States and the philippines with regards to u. S. Military personnel which is angered many people to ok what has been the reaction of the all of the president ial before obviously the family are absolutely outraged and in fact their lawyer virginius what it said that the decision was a mockery of the countrys judicial system and weve seen a lot of outrage online were seeing here some tweets saying that the government is transphobia and that they deem a white murderers life more important than that of our trans sisters theres also another tweet in which they say that this pardon is an affront to the suffering of jennifer loud and her family and rewards criminal behavior so brant it comes as no surprise that of course this is causing a lot of upset and its interesting the cause of that for many Different Reasons is renewed a feeling of antiamerican sentiment in philippines as well for. Former marine has been treated and the fact that hes going to be released early it also comes at a time the president to take at the interesting need back in 2016 very much distance distanced himself from the United States and sort of shifted the focus of the philippines towards china and most importantly this is once again a murder committed against a member of the Transgender Community its you know it highlights the fact that there are a huge number of assaults committed across the planet every year and also there are many many murders over 300 in the past 18 months alone against people of the transgendered brings into question how many justice systems are there one for certain people and one for. Us as always public thank you. I really need to Pay Attention to the instructions on evacuation fire is likely to move. Port 6 community. Lot of people a lot of property that is out of this fire right now. And so were very hard with all the Fire Department them on board to make sure that were prepared is a liar in the. Dramatic images there from california where wildfires have come early this year destroying at a speed never recorded before my next guest has been called the worlds leading authority on the history of fire in the latest edition of his book fire a brief history stephen pyne addresses the importance of fire in the 21st century and he contends that our fire crisis is morphing into a fire epic which he calls the piracy im happy to welcome back to the day tonight Stephen Pyne Stephen joins me tonight from phoenix arizona steve its good to have you back on the show weve spoken several times the last time i think was last october we were talking about wildfires in california now were talking about them in september and theyre worse than they were last year why are these wildfires getting worse. Well there are a number of reasons certainly Climate Change is a part but its also led us how we live on the land how we manage our forests landscapes in general on fire is that like a driverless car it has no single sort of hands on the wheel it integrates everything around it and Different Things loom larger it at other times i think what were seeing now that was an extraordinary outburst i mean california is built to burn its built to burn explosive believe lets build into its physical geography but for years running of serial conflagrations and fires of this sort happening at this time of the year all of this is. The whole system has been put on some kind of performance and hits are in there faster than worse the more damaging what is there anything that can be done then to reverse this process if that can we take the fires off steroids if you will. Well we administered the steroids we can quit administering and we can start some kind of race. There are a few fairly simple things we can do. Likely relatively quickly and that is get a better control over some of the ignition in this case were talking about lightning some of that thats out of our hands power lines. Gender reveal of ants where you have exploding targets just idiotic stuff like that we can control we can also harden our houses and communities theres a lot of research that points to the main vulnerability in structures as being from swarms of embers coming in and its pretty well identified what you can do is relatively simple number of things to prevent those from taking out houses then houses taking out other houses those are things we could do within a couple of years a handful of years the deeper the deeper issue of course is getting getting control over fossil fuels. Slowing if not stopping and ultimately reversing. The Climate Change that is exacerbating so much of this and also coming to some. Point of resolution or at least resolve of what to do with our larger landscapes of the countryside public lands weve been locked in to yet another form of political paralysis over how to respond to these things fire isnt listening it really doesnt care. Otherwise its like a virus see behind it unfortunately were out of time but the talk with you longer but we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight and come back again stephen pyne thank you. Actually immigration the days almost on the conversation continues online there we will see you tomorrow. Feel the Research Going on. Despite the fierce and Uncertain Times of months to come democrats with innovation. To solution. Progress. Come along want to. Change comes to the happy tom. The meanest is a basic crisis in. The country has known stood against the forces of globalization on the modern trickling in. Smartphones Business Ideas and very new trains with that. Food movement to deliver good. Life. The 1st one is a coming and. A gigantic coincidence. That theyre all previously the earth was just in messy chemistry someone told me she saw him. Where the improbable but ultimately true the answer was the creation of our solar system with our planet is a bit like winning the lottery that there is a little bit of. What is earth more unique start september 18th on t. W. The eve. What a great novelty it was to work from home for the 1st time to be able to plunk a cell phone the sofa in front of your laptop and just get down to business but it didnt take long for the reality of the situation to sink in for many of us occurring a virus pandemic has changed our professional day to day

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