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Is not true when people say theres no racism in the league and the clop its not true its everywhere really stepped in. To each other of course youre always worried that it can happen again that scares you up and bombs for bosses to nazis always stink but you have to recognize them even before you can smell them. We all have a responsibility lots of people arent aware you have to take a stand on things like this. Much notecards disciplinary cards fans whistle got it all. Its saturday morning in time for china to take off for the day. For the next few hours this referee will devote his time to. It instead of we see each other before and after. But during that time im pursuing a hobby and following my passion most of my life not. Me so this and that its not like hes only gone for one and a half hours 1st he has to get there and then again eventually starts and then theyll be a family like to talk to then they take a shower have a snack and so by the time he finally gets home at least half a day is gone by. Thats not always enough family time because he regularly referees even despite some bad experiences hes had on the sidelines being right up close to her wrestling fans. The higher the score was the worse it got for example id hear whats that blackguard doing there on the sidelines he should be cleaning in the kitchen meanwhile my young son is running around and i hear people calling him offensive racial slurs saying whats that limbo boy doing there hes getting on my nerves so i keep hearing stuff like that which gets me very very wound up and disappointed so get us down is like that is totally unacceptable but he was called an offensive and racist term so he was totally upset and asked me mom whats a bimbo thats for cabaret he hadnt heard before and hed also never been exposed to racist comments. That upset me more than jamais not because since jermaine is dark skinned hes had to confront racism not more but i hadnt. Heard just as has a few after as the mother of a dark skinned child i was confronted with it for the very 1st time hudson can this be had a gets estimate confronted. Look vicksburg possible practice with constantine congo former captain of the Bundesliga Team during a match last season he suffered quite a shocking experience. Thats all this is important in the 3rd quarter i wanted to take a throw in at the baseline my back was turned to the fans of n. B. C. And when i went to throw the ball i heard a bunch of monkey sounds in my direction. It was clearly. Meant for me. I was furious and disappointed so i really cant put it into words i think i was more angry than anything else conason both of us looks now as a white person you just cant imagine what that slice as thats what was missed and that was partly just because of my surname not even my skin color or some other reasons i was missing is a sense of kind of thing that i would follow telling them so much until recently constantine coming his name was constantine trying to since 2019 when he married his german girl friend elisa he uses her african sun i. Do not know many african surnames went last year in colonial times and her name was very important and i dont think that makes me any less manly by taking her name and is finished in a minute on the. September 2900 and way game that n. B. C. Whistling and constant monkey sounds directed at congress. Anything that isnt is no escape i would have preferred to respond physically but i think i took the wise a step i then made the referee aware about what was happening and he said to me that at the moment he couldnt do anything he said he would take a note of it after the game. Looking back i would have preferred for the game to be suspended for 5 minutes and that the guy who did that was sent home and i and it is now the sick. The culprit later received a fine and was suspended from attending games for 3 months miss out on knocking back what was also really disappointing was the reaction of the other fans and that no one tried to do anything against it i think that they are all to blame and not just that one person even though he was the one who made the monkey noises when did the awful edge of the mouth a little. Come that publicize the incident on his instagram page. Nichols we all have a huge responsibility lots of people arent aware that they have to take a stand. Front for annual general meeting of sports club untucked franks january 20 twentieths the club celebrated reaching a new membership record 88000 members. Peter fisher has been the clubs president for the past 20 years longer than anyone else in the league. The explosive growth in membership makes him proud. Does it bug you can tell that were a cool club because were compassionate we play good football and we have a cool Sports Department but weve made our values clear and we defend them and stand by them thats attracted a lot of people who say id like to be part of that is before the bench good luck hes on dab issues are just hes. Got enough studs it makes me proud in fact im proud every single minute and anyone who would like to drive this club into the gosho act fishy well im someone whos going to take them all i just should at least keep. Fisher also refers to the far right a. F. D. Party 2 years ago he announced that he didnt want their voters in his top. Charting i mean did you get socked as name i said in an interview that no one can be a member of frankfort get his votes for this party meaning the f. D. A. 50 be it the saw how would that work he got on the one hand you willingly professed to the values of our stock chances. And that was same time you profess to the beliefs that the leaders of the a. S. D. Propagate but it seemed i can tell you loud and clear they are incompatible. This is. For sure 199 percent of the vote that was then sued by the f. D. A. And received constant threats. Threats show there are a whole files on it and then court cases people wanted to pin on me. And of course threats to my wife and Children Family who suffered like lets rebuild the ovens of auschwitz just for me guns inclined and stupid and everything you can think of and then the stupid rhetoric besides all the threats to life and limb. All because of unbelievable stupidity. Thank. You. Thank you. President different he himself was not to ted but that he was more mad than anything else and never once said i dont feel like doing us any more he never said that and wouldnt do that. And from that spicy this hour when it 1st happened i didnt want to take him with me anymore it already was bad enough and i didnt want him to always associate that with being on a football field with a car but i basically said that he should come along and also see the good sides of football. Are we there yet and will be there in 2 or 3 minutes youll be able to play around. Ok. Thats what you like that right. Youre always concerned that if things dont work out the way the fans and the players want them to that it might happen over and over again. So youre always worried that i give it my best so that they dont have any reason to be mad oh get upset. But miles i was i was awfully. Expensive starts off in im very proud of him hes got this grandness about him and its such a positive person that he can laugh it off and think its a shame that people have to be that way he thinks im not that way and ill show you that things can be different and that im just a referee up and. Back in the drinks book luisa congar has travelled from s. And she and constantine have a Long Distance relationship with her and i know when im alone i dont really have a problem with it when im with her i noticed the daily rice is a go get this time her husband was directly affected the stomach almost as it is but still. It was a strange situation because i never expected it and i dont really expect such things that Something Like that could happen and i also found it strange because it was the 1st time for me that a white person could somehow end up on the receiving end of a racist situation and and a vice president. N. Z. And i guess us to. Both quickly agreed on how they would react. Still sky think it came from both of us luis i said i should publicize it i also wanted to find it really important to discuss it this fight and it shouldnt be treated as if the problem doesnt exist here in germany if we dont speak out nothing will change and thats when in 4th incident i made it clear that i absolutely have to do something if i want a professional basketball player you wouldnt be talking to me now in this interview would never be made public so its all the more important if you have this chance to publicly talk about the issue so that other people can see and think about it to the fullest how could they ever get on. The congress had their message has a large outreach even to those who want to wreck the affected. Pete officious daily routine is always packed but disappointment was especially important to him he was patron of the project week at lessing high school the school in gauges its peoples in the battle against racism and discrimination. While the other. The so called yes i. Did was make them go. Frankfurts president immediately accepted the invitation. Let us know when im ready to present our guest of honor a piece of fish a president of im tough on foot i. Wish he embodies acceptance courage and Solidarity Community is happy to join him in the fight against discrimination so if you. Theres been violence before im extremely happy to be here not just because i have a certain reputation but rather because whats important to me is also what you stand for. Or against ray. This is a school with courage the size this is the sun shows a clear commitment from the oldest here youre saying yes im committed its im part of this something i want to belong to this actually yeah if you stuck to one test and that certainly stands for something this means that you are actively concerned. Thats whats important to me when i say car Radio Station oh after the federal election i was openly furious and defended myself because at the end of the day about 13 to 14 percent of the people voted for none other than not since. Today they all camouflaged a bit wearing ties im not uniforms but they were wholly fitted and smelly suits the nazis always stings but you have to recognize them even before you can smell that. Such statements often make peter fish a target of the right wing and especially the f. T. But that doesnt stop him. And the person he wont keep quiet is constantine Congress Even a year after his incident on the Basketball Court continues thinking and talking about race or some. Says every day racism when people make common so give you a strange look and there are people who arent hired because of their last name or their looks these are all prejudices and they shouldnt exist as i often hear why cant you say that any more than we always used to say that i think whats your problem just because something was ok to say before things change and then theres. To basketball pros convinced that the effort threshold of peoples inhibitions to get into society or in school it continues to sink. Well thats and so when the especially now in connection with germany and the f. T. They simply say things that a plane and clearly racist or sexist or what have you noticed that suppose on people who think wow thats pretty crazy what that policy said but since a politician said it that means i can too and to conquer the antidote for this Alarming Development is to listen and lighten and discuss. Each business i think you have to teach these topics in school initially for example that germany also committed crimes in colonial times which is something i never learned about. A lot starts with education and you have to explain what racism is what institutional racism is whos affected and what you can do against it and i try to educate myself and advise others to do the same its really important stuff into assume its all to. Do so cool piece of fish at once to warn admonish and shake people up. Of our days we have a responsibility to be on our goddess wants to defend ourselves to keep

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