Transcripts For DW Auf Den Punkt 20240712

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A black father in direct contrast to president Donald Trumps rhetoric on law and order. And the evil of modern day slavery why the pandemic is leaving factory workers in asia more risk and open to exploitation. And public folios welcome to the show nato will convene on friday to discuss chemical weapons and the poisoning of russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny germany says it has been in on a political evidence that the volley was poisoned with a deadly nerve agent from the novacek group moscow is denying any involvement but germany and its allies are calling on the kremlin to come up with some answers what its well germany and the International Community wait for russia to answer questions only it can surrounding the attempted murder of anticorruption activists Alexei Navalny kremlin critics are already pointing the finger at one man. There is only one person can be named as one of them or put them because will he be older or more than 20 years in power socalled power vertical were they actually nobody dares to sneeze with his permission save. A major putins political opponent no one else could have done it there is 0 possibility that social parisian could have been carried out without personal inspiration over the years the kremlin has been blamed for poisoning political foes something it denies denounced continued on thursday as it rejected accusations of russias involvement and poisoning. The opposition figure has been a political thorn in the side of russian president Vladimir Putin and his United Russia Party for a decade drumming up a vocal and growing opposition against putins 20 year grip on power here in avani is pushing for change shortly before hes poisoned in the siberian city of tarbes. Because im traveling around the country to declare war against united russia its clear that this play should be one of the 1st its sorely needed in this war. In the footage a recently released by his team and a volley challenges United Russia Party members in tomsk calling them corrupt bloodsucking creatures and urging the community to both him out and the september 13th local election if his supporters hope the 44 year old will be awake to witness the outcome of my. Birth in the. Us democratic president ial candidate joe biden has been campaigning in the key election battleground state of wisconsin and brought a message of healing and unities the troubled city of culture which has been shaken by often violent protests after a Police Shooting left a black father paralyzed bidens approach was deliberately measured in contrast to president Donald Trumps more confrontational visit to 2 days earlier. At conneaut is grace through from church democratic president ial hopeful joe biden met with local politicians and Business Owners as well as members of Law Enforcement his stated goal to try to unify this fractured community after the Police Shooting of jacob blake that sparked days of protests before arriving at the church biden and blake talked on the phone. As i got off the airplane. Had an opportunity to spend some time with jacob on the phone hes out of i. C. U. We spoke for about 15 minutes he talked about how nothing was going to defeat him. How were they want to go to not he was not going to give up by then went on to the level of finley veiled accusation of President Donald Trump book for encouraging race based hatred i thought you could defeat hate. It only hides only hives and when someone in authority breathes oxygen out of that rock. It legitimizes most folks to come on. Didnt stop here comes just 2 days after trump says that it can. Mean contracts to bud in the trump did not meet with blakers family but rather threw his support behind Law Enforcement down some protesters as domestic terrorists well but now its been widely supportive of the black laws matter protests he made a point of condemning looting and violence none of it justifies through the burning or anything else so regardless how angry you are if you lutie you burn you should be held accountable as someone who does anything else period. A small group of protesters was also on hand to welcome but aside from blocking traffic there were no signs of. Well lets bring in dave with us in whos standing by for us in washington d. C. So joe biden met with the family of jacob blake and spoke with them on the phone tell us more about that meeting. Yeah pablo a very different meeting them that we saw when trump went to konoha shah earlier this week the bidens did meet with the family privately jacob leg joined on the phone from his hospital bed biden says the jayco blake spoke about how nothing would defeat him and even if he never walked again that he would never give up and that was certainly an emotional conversation the familys attorney also released a statement about the visit thing the blake family felt that joe biden and his wife jill has extended a sense of humanity during their visit that there was empathy and understanding there this of course is in sharp contrast to trumps visit earlier this week he did not meet with the family he did not talk about social justice he didnt even mention jacob blakes name pablo certainly a very different kind for them why was it important for joe biden to go to a no show on thursday ill be. Yeah there are several reasons that he ought to have made this trip he may have been looking to differentiate his response to how the current president is handling the protests biden in a Community Meeting as you mentioned at a local church earlier praise the black lives Matter Movement but he also said that any kind of violence would not be tolerated now trump for his part fully focused on the pockets of violence earlier this week he has not addressed the social injustice thats causing the protests in and across the country and of course republicans have been attacking joe biden for not being visible that hes hiding in his basement this is only his 3rd trip in the pandemic of course given that there is a covert 1000 outbreak in travel has been restricted but this is really allowed trump to dictate the conversation and focus it on the pockets of violence as opposed to other major major issues that the nation is grappling with right now like the pandemic and the struggling economy so biden definitely wants to drive home his own message that these difficulties are being faced under a Trump Administration pablo all of this of course happening under the umbrella of an Election Campaign and election day is 2 months away 4 years ago when Hillary Clinton was running for the Nations Highest Office she did not go to wisconsin once and she went on to lose by less than a percentage point to tromp its a battleground state and the democrats do not want a repeat of that of 2016. Correspondent in washington d. C. With some kind somewhat for that update. Now lets have a look at some other stories making news around the world the mayor of rochester new york has suspended 7 Police Officers involved in the suffocation of an unarmed black resident Daniel Pruett body footage shows them placing a hold over the victims head and holding him on the ground his family is calling for murder charges. Used the number of coronavirus cases in brazil has topped 4000000 nearly 125000 people have died only the u. S. Has seen more cases and deaths brazils right wing president has said vaccinations wont be compulsory when they become of age. A u. S. Federal Appeals Court has ruled that the Controversial Surveillance Program exposed by whistleblower Edward Snowden was illegal the National Security agency harvested data on millions of people around the globe including prominent political leaders. Really think. Emergency crews in beirut say theyve detected signs of life in the rubble of a building that collapsed after the massive explosion in the lebanese capital a month ago nearly 200 people were killed and thousands injured rescuer has reported signs of breathing and a pulse. Well police here in germany have found the bodies of 5 children in an apartment in the western city of the youngsters were aged between one and 80 years old their 27 year old mother is suspected of carrying out the killings and then fleeing to nearby just a door with another child who survived police say she tried to commit suicide by jumping in front of a train shes being treated in hospital. W. Reporter jesse when guard has been at the scene of the killing insulting the failed suicide attempts the mother has been admitted to hospital in a serious condition and remains under police guard. Police say they get to speech the mother to find out a possible attack. Politicians came to the apartment complex to lay a wreath and 5 minutes of silence one minute each of the children. Are in disbelief and the shocked the such and such a tragedy could happen in their normally quiet street. The risk of modern slavery in asian manufacturing hubs has surged according to a new global index. Very risk make bill crofts conditions are deteriorating in most of ages manufacturing countries the Garment Industry alone employs around 60000000 people across the continent the dangers they face at work has increased in recent years and the economic full length of the pandemic is likely to mean more vulnerable workers being exploited. Reporter Katie Stephens is here with more hi katie break this time for us what exactly does this index show popular well this is a global index that ranks countries according to a variety of indicators including labor who is in place to protect work is strictly those noise in force and how frequently that violated some of the worst offenders topping this list and not a surprise north korea north or italian regime or countries like yemen and syria web workers are more likely to face exploitation but whats quite striking is that the indexes find this year that many of the asian manufacturing giants have seen an increase in both the severity and the frequency of violations so bangladesh and india have now been categorized as extreme risk for the 1st time with. Analysts saying this is you we can enforce them and have also been in abuses in vietnam cambodia china and indonesia so you know the impact of the the coronavirus pandemic is evident yes absolutely and there are several factors at play here so in the one hand we see that travel restrictions and other measures in place to cut the coronavirus have made it more difficult for companies to carry out or dates to ensure that fair working conditions are being enforced but the big issue is the Economic Impact of the coronavirus so as shops around the world closed they saw a corresponding drop in sales retailers then counts and billions of dollars worth of orders from the supply is those supplies have factories in countries. They in turn shut those factories and laid off workers we could take a look at some images now from june this year and these protesters in Dhaka Bangladesh they work for a company that supplies Global Retail giants including h. And m. And prime are 3000. 00 of those workers were laid off and those that remained were not paid when the factories were closed for several months now analysts who put together this index have said that these kind of conditions are forcing people into informal labor which is more likely to be exploitative less regulated and some may even have to send their children to work to make up for lost wages well obviously you know were several months into the pandemic now are there any signs that maybe theres going to be an improvement in these conditions as the economy picks up well the clothing industry is rebounding orders are going up again but this is a longer term problem some countries have bought in specific legislation so the u. K. And australia among others to force companies to be more transparent about their supply chains and set up the steps that they are taking to combat modern day slavery lets not forget this is a global problem its not limited to countries that are often referred to as developing countries or economies weve also had allegations of modern day slavery in countries that u. K. In the us and ultimately comes down to the demand for fast fashion at low prices and thats something that would need to change Katie Stevens thank you so much for the. A reminder of the top story this hour russia has rejected claims that it was behind the alleged poisoning of Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny on wednesday germany said it has proof that it got me was poisoned with a nerve agent no feature. On pablo phony abs and this is d w news dont forget you can stay up to date with our website thats you talk common you can also follow us on twitter and instagram the news well for me and the entire news team see you soon take care. And form. One which of course is. Video. Anytime anywhere. Been. 3 years ago i came from germany to Fort Mcmurray at that time the only thing i knew about the place was that it is to biggest Industrial Projects and the 3rd Largest Oil Reserves on the planet be all Major Oil Companies i hear. People from all over the world live and work in Fort Mcmurray to extract the oil from the sand. I came to this place to understand who these people were and why they had decided to be here back then i never would have thought that i would decide to stay in Fort Mcmurray and that the fire would end my time here. The. My name is Robert Picardo i run the i love all sense campaign and i believe that the all slams are the best thing this is happened to aboriginals albertans canadians and potentially the entire world. When i say. My name is Robbie Picard and i run the i love oil Sands Campaign i believe that the all signs are the best in has ever happened to Aboriginal People albertans canadians potentially for everyone in the world a bit of Fort Mcmurray for 13 years i have 2 wonderful dogs boston and shada and im awesome. Yeah for me because. I dont imagine living anywhere else and. Its definitely the best place ive ever been its its i love it here. The best are is. That. There is nothing that i saw or will feel like im better or theres just people that are very much like theyre successful the 1st down didnt exist yeah theyre giving. My. High. School so yeah but what youre a good couple together a couple of the yeah yeah and its only right that you know its 1st yes just friends you know casual work. Right all your boyfriend is gone and hes out of town and they are never going to have the time. I go. To. The beauty of it is the same question you establish yourself and youre willing to be part of the Community Like its its made me ive tried never had better friends in my entire life i really missed my connections everywhere. Please. Who knew to get just me he literally my feet go out and they use so much for me out and i really excite you almost used to be but 1st i had to take him away to introduce to you my heart and if you came here albert the honorable ph thank you. Thank you im not very pleased to hear it. All sounds even better if it 2nd organization that stands up against the negative and false misinformation that is said about the oil sands in our community. A little we dont have an impact on Global Warming here its not us and never has been or whatever concerns about pollution from other countries. Was. With. The. The good news. The bad. And the sixtys fought mcnairy was a sleepy place with a population of just 2000 cuckoo for a few years later it had grown 2100000. The funny it was a very lonely place. I the heart of the city is any our minds but everyone works 12 hour shifts and returns home only for eating and sleeping. Well you happen you know all the new indie movies typesof the good for being here with us here man who doesnt stink confidence in the mom and leave of my you know what if you are high in math and are frightening with young girls and toys or this was the worst. Thus. You have to tell always yeah i think up and i can tell the joke is a girl. Right. If youre probably into his fun kind of going altman type how you want but. You kind of. Want to. She said who the fuck was it you dont know nothing missing all. Who has worked up their own i didnt. Know that against the virtue of many. Shots at the time of them doing. What is needed what is done to screw up from scheffler of. The us a geography thing i didnt see this on its. A clip. Art much less these are the points i. Have also made. Our just one chart that i treat seem charts i. See charts i cant see. If you can move time i was on the spot. Its like next 10 in terms of stuff. Thats. Just. Something you might not like a little gossip site. Or asking its its. Like sports fans for trying to tell us. That our thoughts on. Sex on. The sets. You know its you know what. It is easy to mock me and the minute i was moved to see. Where it goes to from out of it. Lets do a lot of this when they are its fun to talk by using the shared hot zones on the small not from say told better its or you wouldnt. Place thats basically. The only work thats out here for us. To do and she you know we dont have no paved road here. Anything. No feeling like theres no nobody wired me. Theres no people working at a shelter and its basically a way of the Road Construction so steel field work is done. And youre going to see. Unemployment when people depended on welfare that. Even if they need to get that now. And i thought i would go down and thankfully. I. Was. I. Why do people stay so long here. Like chemicals and on some days it can take your breath and. I stayed because i met michael who worked for the theater he was different from the other people i met here michael thought i was a crazy german who wanted to make an impossible film about dion and this tree. He was convinced

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