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A long title the cast will share about the actors life and likes of. Roleplaying Holocaust Victims are to talk to the Auschwitz Birkenau Museum says these video creators are trivializing the tragedy but others are using the Popular Video plot more just to educate young people about history. Im max foster thanks for joining us and we begin here in berlin where police have officially disbanded the huge protest against germanys coronavirus frustrations they say the participants failed to wear face masks and were not following social distancing rules but after the main rally was broken up a smaller crowd remained on the streets to continue voicing their anger against the governments handling of the pandemic. They came from all over the tammany to express their anger. At the governments measures to tackle the coroner virus pandemic for many the measures go too far because they believe there is no real danger. Global because you really show recently i dont believe that as a pandemic i do seeing the disease exists but i do not think its a pandemic that the low difficulty on for according to the new definition of pandemic a tease indeed a pandemic but while it has yet to spread from then on it has nothing to do with the danger posed by ellen closer to many among the crowd refute any affiliation to defy our right but the protests are supported by both conspiracy theories and right we need to missed something easily visible given the number of nationally splog chance and slogans. Past the party. Yes there are some German Imperial flags but theyre not forbidden this is just like the Confederate Flag in the us which isnt forbidden either even though it is no from the pan and well this is a discussion that doesnt this subtly have to take place now. With all that if you didnt want to condition set by authorities to allow todays protest was that if demonstrators who werent Wearing Masks they should respect social distancing rules as most of those attending the socalled anti car and i really didnt comply with either of those rules to believe in police moved in to disband a protest early in the afternoon. And for more now im joined by our Political Correspondent emanuel shastas been following the story so whats actually happening now well quite early in the afternoon weve just seen in the report a 1000000000 police is banned in the process were talking about around 30000 people who took to those trees they came from all over the country and so there arent about to just leave when the police told them to do so so police say they were theyve arrested around 200. 00 people there are still people in the streets but he says to say that some broke into restricted areas around the parliament some barriers of police those have been turned. So thats the situation right now she said are a 30000. 00 people who are there well thats a bit difficult to define thats a group of people what unites them if you will is come on the hatred to come on distress distress to come on dislike of how German Government ease handling death pandemic but they come from all walks of life there are conspiracy theories and to vax is not so core and i skeptics apply to a mixed group of people. Also the thing is that we can actually to talk about citizens here when you see German Imperial flags neo nazi flags white supremacist class being waved. Oh so theres a use of slogans and off chance and symbols of another time theres been some people are wearing a star baby they get all star won by jews during world war 2 so they likened the actions of the current German Government to dart of the nazi regime theyve also used a slogan of the as in thats folk which means we are the people which was used against the eastern German Government another day using it as a rallying cry though it is also used by rightwing parties has been used for some years now so its a very very Diverse Group of people but also wearing wearing me theres a lot of far right elements in that group that have been joining the crowd and youre just mentioning germany is actually doing relatively well which is of course true compared to many other European Countries so. Well thats probably a paradox of that situation of what were witnessing today germany has fed quite well during that 1st wave we counted 241000 people infected but relatively few number of deaths less than 10000 its better than france or spain for example if you look at other European Countries however perhaps theres a lack of awareness in the majority of the population to what has been happening because they havent been affected personally. Already a matter shows from his political to barbara thank you for that insight. And we have some sad news now from the world of entertainment black panther Actor Chadwick Boseman has died at the age of 43 been Won International acclaim playing the king of war conduct in the box office at it passed away after a long and private battle with cancer. This year. Before finding famous the regal black panther in the film adaptation of the marvel comic bushman played historical figures such as funk soul musician james brown and get on up and Jackie Robinson the 1st africanamerican to play in Major League Baseball in the film 42 Jackie Robinson. Black and white grays i want you to know them all i think about the abuse hes like. Your enemy will be out in force and you cannot meet him on its own know. What youre doing one of these pictures probe your head. Bozeman was a vocal critic of the endemic disadvantages facing black actors you have equal if not more talent at times in which you dont have the same opportunities you dont necessarily have the same doors open to you the same nepotism to be young gifted and black is is all of that its its is to have. Everything but not quite be able to grasp it to be able to person via through that though weve been relegated to playing the psychic or the sideshow or. Backstage or not here altogether. But it was his role playing king charles in the blockbuster black panther that his family said was the honor of his life we like to know. What happens. To the rest of the what its. Like paying for ones free Academy Awards in 2019 the film was a Huge Box Office success and was widely seen as a defining moment for representation in Hollywood Bozeman had been battling colon cancer for 4 years his family said on twitter that he died at home with his wife and family by his side he was just 43. So you know lets take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world authorities in china say at least 17 people have been killed after a restaurant collapsed in the north of the country rescuers have pulled dozens of survivors from the rubble more are believed to be trapped however the 2 Story Building came down in shanghai countys sub 630 kilometers southwest of beijing because its still unclear. Thousands of people have protested in the mauritian capital for the week against the governments response to an oil spill that is wreaking havoc on vironment economy a month ago a japanese ship ran aground off the island nation and later spilled a 1000 tons of oil into the sea dozens of dead dolphins have since washed ashore. Italys coast guard has evacuated 49 migrants from a rescue vessel sponsored by british street artist makes. The operation came after the crew used twitter to appeal for help saying least one of the over 200 migrants on board was dead and several others. Joel delroy is here with more on this story who exactly are these tick tock users well is one perspective about his necke which is that these tick tock creators are insensitively using the holocaust as content in their videos in order to gain fame and follows right but theres another way to look at it and that is that some of them are genuinely trying to be empathetic but that this is a matter of intergenerational miscommunication so we can take a look at some of these videos now. So here we can see that the creators are basically acting as Holocaust Victims recounting how they were captured by the nazis and how they died in concentration camps and some of them have fake bruises or theyre wearing striped inmate outfits or yellows and this is basically part of a wider tic toc trend which is called point of view videos in which the creators act as characters from a 1st person perspective and i have watched many of these clips and ive got to say i do feel like some of them or even the majority of them are genuinely trying to convey a sense of tragedy and create some kind of empathy but it is being done in a way or a style that could be seen as disrespectful or self aggrandizing now the Auschwitz Birkenau Museum was also acknowledge that these young people are trying to tell a personal story is bought that some were not created to commemorate anyone but to become part of an online trend and that that is very painful sure the museum also said that these young people should not be shamed or attacked however that has happened online we did try to reach out to a few of them to hear their side of the story some of them have deleted their accounts others have been quoted as saying that they didnt mean to offend anybody and what is the tick tock company its also about this will tick tock has now banned searches for the so called holocaust challenge but i think it would be a shame if they block all holocaust related searches because the platform can also be used as a way to educate people about the facts of history and ill give you a positive example as one ticked off user name brook public and she is a High School Student who has created hundreds of clips on tick talk explaining historical facts and we can have a look now at one of her one of the many his holocaust related history videos to do i want to talk about a little of my own heritage on my fathers side he is czech and roma many bohemian row are also sent to auschwitz where they were exterminated these 2 bohemian around here were sent to auschwitz a lot of the bohemian rola culture was. Completely exterminated in fact the bohemian roman dialect is completely extinct here to other bohemian roma and the holocaust was a cultural extermination that killed off so much jewish and roman culture and that cant be forgotten so thats High School History student antic talk she has over 3500000 hearts which are similar to life on the platform and in the use of comments on the videos some remarked that they think they want actually aware that the roma were targeted alongside the jews in the holocaust so we can actually see that this platform can be used as a really powerful way to educate a whole new generation of young people about the holocaust ok i thank you for the. Source l. I mean sort of football and germany general manager all over beer hoff has left the door open for thomas minute return to the National Scene there was among 3 senior players dropped last year as coach tried to freshen up his side but despite insisting the focus was still on use their hoff told the w that you can never say no football. Bye and mean it for Thomas Miller has really turned things around in 2020 from being sidelined by club and country hes been enjoying a new lease of life and buy in a key part of this seasons travel when its been exiled from the Germany National team could he now be recalled in a d w interview jim the general manager all of a big hoff said it was unlikely but not impossible he feature again under coach yogi love. Luthers a coach really. Made a hard decision to put our. World champions like months almost always work. You can never say no or wait for. That moment here we want to give the Young Players a chance and i think we can go to the 2 most. Behalf scored the winning goal the last time germany won the European Championship in 1996 he says the current crop of players are even better something that bodes well for next years tournament experience wise. 9 to 6 we were going to do better stuff. Now we have much more talented group there so we still have a low but i think this young team. Have to get experienced find a. Way to be able to compete on. Behalf things the coronavirus forcing the perspiring minutes of euro 2022 next june could prove advantageous for germany giving this young team more time to gain not valuable experience. And you are of course watching didnt you news from berlin coming up our program reporter looks at the lives of Syrian Refugees 5 years after arriving. More news on our website interviews dot com our next peiser have another update for you in 45 minutes so. Up to date dont miss our highlights w. Program online w dot com highlights. My gorgeous love was sued for the russian soul. Steve. So many different walks of life. Some are pumping and oddly tried but all of this comes straight from the heart to foresee it even when theres no more delusion the mush will in trucks come up. From the logs to their final resting place the russians on g. W. Documentary. Must have a son a man on to his family fled to war in syria and came to germany along with hundreds of thousands of other refugees 2015 was a challenging year but chancellor Angela Merkel was convince the country because. Weve managed so much we can do it but many refugees have struggles to build a new life. In 2015 we accompanied the sunday months on their long journey from syria to germany now we want to find out more about how. Its just off to 6 am on the sunday monday has already begun. To sit. Still needs to brush his teeth mustapha son a man and his wife getting their 4 children ready for taking am school. Says hes come his hammer reading. 5 years ago the sunday months fled the syrian city of record mustapha and came to germany with their sons jude and daughter lemma their youngest child sam was born. But even now most half a son a man is still finding his footing in germany we look at our situation is gradually improving and we feel more comfortable here i still wouldnt call germany my new home but im getting more used to life here and im starting to understand better how things work now that. The family still depends on Financial Assistance from the state of b. S. Ole man is surprised at how long it took to settle in they struggled with the german language the bureaucracy and finding a place to live and. Sometimes it feels like weve been here more than 5 years weve been through so much and this time. We spent 4 years looking for an apartment moving every few months and it was hard but when i see our children going to school it seems like time has passed more quickly than that. Time to get under way the children like going to school. And. The solomons had to move 10 times before they found an apartment of their own like many Refugee Families all they could get what temporary subplots. The constant moves meant they didnt have as much time to study german as theyve hoped but they didnt give up for the sake of the children. Thats why they left syria to give their children a better life. Their home and was destroyed by a bomb many were injured desperate to leave in 2015 they decided to flee. We met up with a family in turkey where they were hoping to make the dangerous journey across the mediterranean at bay i was afraid but determined a little bit of me died every day in syria especially after our home was destroyed. I died a 1000 deaths every time i heard the fighter jets in the end i said if we die trying to cross the mediterranean at least ill only die once and i hope will die together my husband my children and me. Was wrong nothing sweetheart. May god protect you make up protect you. Like thousands of syrians not summer months had hoped to reach europe but found themselves unable to enter the new images of stranded refugees made headlines around the world the German Government decided to take them in and when the record 890000 refugees arrived in germany. The saleman grateful that they are in germany but getting here was an ordeal they wont forget anytime soon. I often think about our journey. Especially when we couldnt get an apartment or when we have a hard time with the german language. Then i think we got this far but gives me hope. Appius pick a number and jute up from school theyd like to get to the playground but m. P. s says its too hot right now. Its just after lunch. Abby is proud of her children. Theyve settled into their new lives quickly making friends at the Daycare Center and its called and. Then they learn in their places that. Yes. Im practicing my handwriting. Im going to surprise my teacher that was my moms idea that. My mama doesnt know how good my german. And my handwriting is and the others are not as good at that im also a bit better at math but my mom doesnt know that either. I can help his study german a bit. But not math because i dont like it too much. And in much. The top of the. Book in the help. And i can help you practice german. You can help a lot more than you know. But they didnt have to work today school let out early because of the heat but later they all go to the playground the children of that to. The sunday months have many friends in the neighborhood who help whenever they can like jessie a neighbor as of and. My needs help at school send her over to us my girls and i were happy to help each and one. Of the. It. Is another not im not theres no i have never had such a nice neighborhood or. I just had a baby and a beer brought some food down every evening so i had some time to relax and that was so sweet. And with the kids things have become much more lively since they moved and. Not everyone has been this welcoming since 2015 and far right and anti immigrant parties have gained influence. But most germans still support macros refugee policy and tough of all refugees who arrived 5 years ago but found. Thanks in part to the billions of euros in aid programs when you arrive also finding a foothold. Mostafa is still struggling to learn german he has a hard time studying the syrian war inflicted invisible wounds that have yet to heal. 5 years on he still traumatized today he has a therapy session with professor mary i am sure. That mr suleiman please come with me. To have a seat. Today on your appointment is with me as your regular doctor is on holiday is that ok this is. Ok no problem. An interpreter helps him share his feelings. Mustapha says his mother died in syria 2 weeks ago. Hes haunted by the fact he couldnt be there with her. Goodness what mother but a. Huddle in recent weeks she was very sick. And then she was taken to the hospital and i tried to speak with her but she could no longer talk and she didnt recognize me anymore. When i thought of me willacy mustapha was just 14 when his father died as the eldest child he took on a lot of responsibility his mother raised 9 children on her own. She must have been a very strong woman. A very strong woman yes very strong. Hes experienced a lot of terrible things and borne a lot of pain but i think youre doing well now keep looking into the future and concentrating on yourself and your children you can go he says come out of the were going to smile and you can be proud of yourself dr we have something. That something mustapha struggles with he still hasnt found his forte many of the syrians he knows here have jobs who have started their own business. Like now who runs a snap. But it takes time to develop something present god our restaurant is now very well known and has a good reputation ask anyone and theyll tell you wow the place is great and its going well. Yes its known for its good food cleanliness and good service. Back in syria moustapha was a lawyer here in germany hes planning to start work as a taxi driver soon hes already passed the german driving exam. In the evening the solomons want to catch up with their family back home in syria. Theyre deciding who to call. The boys want to call nora but then they decide on uncle caffeine free. And what. Many of my staff as brothers and sisters fled syria now live in dubai in turkey and lebanon others a still in syria the only way to stay in touch is by phone. To face and they can get a. Theyre trying to make a video called. The islamic they make it then i got out. The kids are excited but no one is picking up. Theres no connection theres no internet in syria. Little sam is still hopeful but today the call was 3 for the son a mans their children all their pride and joy best a little but they have to pick plans for the future. Wants to be a dentist. Wants to be an engineer so he can help rebuild the familys house in syria they are home was hit by a rocket so i want to rebuild it with dad. And i think nation from houma. Mustapha has been through a lot but there is a lot of love and joy in this family. The solomons children have found a new home in germany but it will still take a bit longer until their parents feel theyve truly overawing from. Africa. Its an invisible thread thats been depicted in many ways. The coronavirus this man knows exactly what it looks like thomas. Is a scientific illustrator. Aided by extensive data gives the virus a realistic face and helps scientists better understand. To morrow to do. Next on t. W. Theyre the latest craze for a billionaire. Luxury yacht party and. Whether its sailing on the high seas. Like a 5 star cruiser. Or partying on a megadeath theyve got to be glamorous and extraordinary. Yachts. In 45 minutes w. In the height of Climate Change. For. Whats in store. For their future in the books. Come for to make a series to go to insight. Culture. Kings of a virus this scientific illustrated makes the invisible visible. Something all too visible all the traces of Climate Change in german forests. Not so obvious but the connection between muscles and mind

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