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Many germany was their preferred destination and initially they were welcomed with open arms with chancellor Angela Merkel famously proclaiming her mantra this isnt us its happened we can manage it so 1st there was euphoria but then came harsh reality. Now the Largest Group of refugees making their perilous journey to germany and other European Countries were syrians desperate to get away from the murderous civil war in their country they included the superman family who we met up with 5 years ago as they headed for burlington and the question is now how are they fared since then. Well its just after 6 am but the still a mans day has already begun we brush your teeth and. You know yet. Most of us will a man and his wife of beer are getting their 4 children ready for school and daycare a good thoughts on where. Ok 5. This is a month into germany 5 years ago after fleeing the war in syria the parents came with their sons jude and a rom and daughter a llama their youngest child sam was born in germany. Theyd imagined life here would be easier after 4 years and countless moves they finally have their own flat. In my house we gradually our situation is improving and we feel more and more comfortable. But i still cant see that this is my new home while. There for who im growing more accustomed to life here. And now understand the country better and be a one man hijacks someone around on the way to school in berlin standout district give me your hands to me were going to cross the street. Likes going to school. Because im doing better in math and slowly its become my favorite subject things. Im dealing with this school and daycare is a full time job for mustafa and out here they help their children day and night integrate into their new environment overnight you. Know now. And that requires great fortitude after all theyve been through. Back in 2015 mustafa saleman was in turkey preparing his children for the perilous journey across the mediterranean in a rubber dingey weeks later the family reached germany via the balkan route their odyssey was captured in a torch of the documentary. I mean. The war and their flight from it inflicted wounds that have yet to heal most of us with a man was injured by a bomb hes lived in fear ever since and is now undergoing therapy. You know mr sulaiman please come with me. To. Have a seat. Today your appointment is with me as your regular doctor is on holiday is that ok if this is ok no problem. Mother died in syria 2 weeks ago hes haunted by the fact he couldnt be there with her. She was very ill. And then she was taken to hospital. I tried to speak with her but she could no longer talk and didnt recognise me anymore and that. My daughter for me well actually. Hes very close to his family in syria is father died when mustafa was just 14 so as the eldest child he assumed responsibility early on when his mother raised 9 children on her own. And she must have been a strong woman. A very strong woman very strong. This is the sam sifton this is from india and you have experienced a lot of terrible things in born a lot of pain. But i think youre doing well now to sound good looking to the future and concentrating on yourself and your children think. You can be proud of yourself something. Mostafa is still having a hard time finding his place in germany many of the syrians he knows here have jobs or started their own businesses like 109 now who runs the branch of a restaurant. But it takes time to develop something called our restaurant is now very well known and has a good reputation ask anyone and theyll tell you wow the police is great and its going well so yes its known for its good food. And good service. 500. 00. Mustafa hopes to find work soon too but he needs to improve his german 1st his children found it easier to learn the language and berlin is now their home. And he was going to leave. Jude wants to become an engineer in berlin but also help to reconstruct the familys house in syria less would have fun and it was hit by a missile. So i want to help repair it. But have. Found a way you want to love me. I love both of you i love you all. Well theres no doubt about it the summer of 2015 brought huge changes to germany and the rest of your hundreds of thousands of desperate people were heading for a prosperous Northern Europe and that in turn prompted a grow. A number of countries to try and curb the migrant flow by building border fence what was called the southern balkan ruth also for instance passed through croatia and slovenia and slovenia joined the countries putting up those barriers and as we find out now it was a decision that has continued to poison relations between the 2 neighbors. The 1st grapes are almost ripe so the harvest can begin. It seems like its going to be a good year for mark and page of each. He has about 5 hectares of vineyards in the whites carney all a region on the border between slovenia and collation. But a 3rd of the mine in croatia this area is on the socalled balkan routes used by migrants the slovenian authorities are planning to build a further border fence here. I hope that it wont happen to be a lot of slots as it would go straight through my vineyards in japan all theyve talked about it. Is since the borders zigzags here. It would be really quite difficult to build these it was. Just a few kilometers away a fence has already been built along the river called. Slovenia has already closed off over 200 kilometers a 3rd of the border with croatia is sealed. Police patrol the fence several times daily as a deterrent. And i meant by the aim is also to warn people coming into our country illegally market that the areas where they are trying to do it are dangerous but it will be in their voting as a meek. However refugees continue to arrive but not as many as 5 years ago at the height of the refugee crisis this year there have been about 1000 illegal crossings in this area. The police use Surveillance Drones day and night to track down illegal activity. The police say but the majority of refugees are held by human smugglers in their course of the Illegal Migrants are from afghanistan morocco tunisia algeria bangladesh and pakistan their pockets. In metz leka a small town on the border locals are divided about the border fence the missing plan is that its all here and there arent so many its a kind of protection. Does that doesnt keep out refugees like you. Got that. They had its good that its there in one way but its also not because of tourism is the view that they go by the by the modest martin linda church who runs a camping site a few kilometers upriver says tourism is suffering. He and his wife and drea organize canoe trips on the river culpa. But now the view along much of the route is spoiled by the fence. He says they sometimes have to wait for hours before the police open a gate for them need thought neato which will continue and of course its not like it was its a problem in authority it shouldnt be a fence here in this landscape to square deal or to its hard if were talking about tourism squared barbwire like in a concentration camp or everyone who calls asked about the fence and the migrants. Brush where the sheets or cries me get on. The culture valley used to be unspoiled area very popular with holiday makers. They came to go hiking cycling and canoeing a place where you could relax these days its not quite the same. Tournament its not normal to build a fence like this in such a Natural Environment its mad theres something wrong and you can orbit you more adventurous in this untouched landscape going on that it is if that will rescue europe you know doctors it was our double duty she level up for. Another border in europe the 1st of its kind in this region the government says that the fence is only temporary but that is something nobody in called the valley really believes. Now since the beginning of the war in Eastern Ukraine between Government Forces and russian backed separatists in 2014 detainees have been subjected to systematic for some of the abuses allegedly taken place in a secret prison in the eastern city of donetsk called. And the ukrainian journalist stanislav assaf is among those who suffered terribly in that building so just let me warn you that many details of his story profoundly disturbing. Street of the illuminated way number 3 this is the address of your lotsa burning bush isolation. Once insulation material was produced here since the beginning of the war in 2014 pro russian separatists allegedly detain and torture people here. Neither the red cross nor any other International Aid organizations have regular access only testimonies from former prisoners remain. And then theres a lot that will be heard that is a lot syria was drug and the issue of you went through all the cells both male and female cells. Peter bradley won and he beat me up to what ships in the chicago muslim like for 2 years journalist and his life as i have reported undercover from separatist territory for the ukrainian media until 2017 when his cover was blown and he ended up in the hes a lets see if this thing with them gives you the procedure is the same for everyone a cell or if a metal table in that they remove peoples clothes and tied them tightly to the table with it he says tape which and then the electrodes are applied usually one wires attached to the genitals a 2nd electrode can be inserted into the anus because this is the cruelest part we all heard the screams of what they could even tell from the scream was with the wires were placed over the air theres no convinced that his fame and a campaign by his supporters saved him from an even worse fate but he was well aware of what was happening in the prison the suffering of his fellow inmates left its mark. The guards didnt hear that he would be able to tell the world about it later one testimony shocked even experienced witnesses of the conflict. And the thought i doctored is always present during torture and also takes part in it either he had ministers in objection of circulation stops my supplies smelling salts if the president has lost consciousness or doctors i was not only present he also pretty. I suppose its the torture other than that says stanislav as the doctor was never seen it was only the cell mates who took care of the sick and exhausted torture victims as i have remembers his fellow prisoner lady matthew sink who in particular. Well you know i should be valerie was beaten up before i was with him because im very proud to melt into the corridor. We heard him scream at thats how you scream after electric shocks issue because you dont confuse the beazley then they brought him back to the sun but when you fail broken his ribs and you think you could leader sits for stand with the whole family so as an exception they let him lie in the bunk bed during the day. Just like. It was transferred from the school at c. R. To an official Remand Prison in autumn 21000. 00 after more than 2 years shortly afterwards he was found guilty of extremism in espionage for ukraine he was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Then a few weeks later just before new years eve he was freed as part of a Prisoner Exchange between the Ukrainian Government and the separatists. Allegations are supported by those of other prisoners the un has also reported the systematic use of beatings electric shocks Sexual Violence and said that there was a continuum of torture and abuse in the detention facility. The socalled human rights officer of the pro russian separatists in donetsk refused to comment on the allegations he did not answer our questions. The fact that the. N. G. C. A wont provide regular access to prisons to the i. C. R. C. Or to the un or its other you know authority of institutions means that the onus is on them the burden is on them to prove that these allegations are false when they dont provide access means that they have something to hide. Before the coronavirus pandemic tens of thousands of people used to cross between the government and separatist controlled areas at the your check point. Today this is a close as valerie met you. Can get to him. Then and you saw it last i live in hope. That this conflict will soon be over and everything will be like before me of the before we move that ill get my husband back well show you and my son will be able to hug his father. But it will never be like before so consciously avoid it. Who was kidnapped in the separatist controlled area in july 2017 his wife says that he had never made any bones of it is proof you korean stands it to her mums to find out what has happened to him. Once out of all was that i was immediately taken to the easel but he was in such a bad state that the other prisoners thought that he would die but then the abuse started but ive been told that the prisoners were forced to sing with separatist him at gunpoint or beat each other out if i dropped all the. News that her husband is no longer in its a lot see a detention facility is reportedly still in bad health but the separatists refused to release or exchange him for another prisoner she thinks only foreign pressure would help but this has not been forthcoming. As you know this is the 21st century in europe is just watching on silently but there is no reaction Europe International organizations arent doing anything to close these torture chambers you know theres a community. How is that possible its terrible because im still. And its important to point out that Rights Groups say there have been similarly shocking abuses on both sides to this better conflict. Now on a very different note london has long had one of the most profit hungry real estate markets in the world but the corona pandemic has changed all that persuading many londoners to skip the commute avoid downtown and work from home so can you believe it sway the prime office space a standing empty. Many people can only dream of working in an Office Building like this. James brincat is one of the lucky ones. His company trains Bank Employees in this line of work having an office in a prestigious building is seen as an important start of simple. But since the coronavirus pandemic thats not so important to him anymore. As time went by everybody started to really enjoy themselves productivity was just as good and we continue to flourish so everybody was very comfortable with 7 for us to to move out of london per minute. That saves them a lot of money so much that at the end of the month you can register 15 percent more profit working without an office is a totally new business model. And one thats here to stay provided his 50 employees can cope take on your ocarroll who is no sitting at her dining table like most of the staff she lives outside of london now bring cats only sees her during video conferences. On your car and will save some 550. 00 euros a month on train tickets she no longer needs to travel into london to work. I definitely like the lack of commute. She still sees her colleagues every day just not in person so thats one disadvantage. The best approach is to have the majority of the time working from home but then have. The option to go into the office maybe once a week maybe twice a week depending if people need need to go in an office its also important to keep the kind of social interactions to boost morale some are heralding a real estate revolution one thats being especially felt by people who are earning money with real estate at the shard londons tallest building. Agency is trying to rent office space this modern office costs 15000. 00 euros a month. I dont think its a crisis so i think theres a correction in the market a slight reduction in the amount of space required but the key point is walk but space is useful its no longer going to be about rows or upon row of best people processing email because we know we know we can do the home of actively so actually its about using the office space to bring people together to collaborate to educate them whether thats formally or informally but a radical change in peoples working lives is evident. Center businesses in london have now given up their offices entirely change is exciting and it gives people more opportunity to have a better Work Life Balance weve been talking about that long enough that we still have people coming in an hour on the tube into the center of london by not oclock in the evening leaving at 5 oclock with the other half 1000000 people who come in and out of the square while thats not Work Life Balance this is giving us an opportunity of really addressing i think its tremendous the elliott is trying to book this trend stressing the benefits of having an office he says it offers something working from home country place. Spaces that really invigorating Staff Support their staff in their wellbeing and in their creativity so spaces like this at the very highest end of quality still many businesses are taking a different topic and calling the very valuable officers into question change is definitely in the air in londons working world. Now strange things happen as high altitudes heads get dizzy in the shadow of the legendary matter whole mountain that lies between switzerland and italy in the alps one country gets bigger another recedes they take away your past and offer you something called rusty instead what is going on well its a border dispute with a common every dimension and the only thing that certain is that this man lucho trucco is close to dispair. Its all about rocks rubble and ice and a mountain refuse. To true cool runs the refugio good to achieve you know its located in italy up until now anyway because Climate Change has shifted the National Border in favor of the swiss and as a result swiss italian relations have turned frosty up here in the mountains. So. According to the swiss you know the border runs right through here and it would be this would be the very small italian particularly on this side would be the swiss part with i guess thats the cash register. Bar the border has moved. Believe it makes easy for the mountain refuge was clearly built on italian soil. It was common sense tells you that it has not moved neither has the mater Horn Mountain its a passion why a way of life i pity those who want to harness. This from the swiss office of topography carried out the new survey the borders have shifted because the glass years have melted. He shows as exactly where the new border runs from here it runs to the next point over there from here it goes on to the next point over there. The old border ran right in front of trickles doorstep for generations it has always run along the glass here but now not much remains of the class here. The borders are constantly changing not only here. The border between switzerland and italy runs for several 100 kilometers across new and ice. Is Little Switzerland getting bigger and bigger then follow ups in this case with the line clearly 1150 meters but this was done all along the border which means that switzerland sometimes won and sometimes lost and that balances things out. And if not planned this was. The swiss one rocks boulders and ice in exchange for part of the marriage along. A completely normal procedure between italy and switzerland. But when it comes to true cause mountain refuge italians insist all border remain this isnt a discussion about bare rocks true ku is also fighting for his little piece of italy in the mountains yet it works because we have traditional italian cuisine we still talons like but which is also a very in which appreciated by foreigners there is the expression of the swiss re 30 there are enough we are more we surpassed our carbon aura and italian express and just small little but very good to want. To chew true cool also has a suggestion to keep everyone happy the swiss italians could share the refugee quickly then he would serve italian pastor and swiss wristy. Well thats a tough choice to chew over past old rusty i personally like both if you have like the show to come back next time around until then bye bye and. The adjutant. Was totally. You. Elaine. Absolutely. Im going to. Enter the conflict zone confronting the powerful 4 months to go chill the president ial elections in America Donald trump is sinking in the polls and those form a National Security adviser says he isnt fit to be frozen the day what john bolton food my guess this week from washington how much damage trumped. Going to america and the rest of the. Conflict so for 13. 00. The journey. Still of days in the desert of the mediterranean the abuse i didnt want to believe it. When i saw it for myself and i almost went crazy. They are exploited and abused and forced into prostitution. For many refugees the journey she ends with death. 75 minutes w. Passion drama competition while marketing numbers happens here by that time and tradition lost money millionaire fans problems 5 spams i found. Because we sort of. Come. To call on you tube joining us. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when will all this. Just 3 of the topics covered and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the crawl on virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us and dot com slash science. This is c w news live from berlin a storm that could trigger. Surges hits the u. S. State of louisiana hurricanes are almost doubled in strength as it approached the gulf coast half a 1000000 people have been forced to flee their homes. Also coming our troops. Wont be safe from joe biden. U. S. Vice president mike pence warning voters head of novembers election and making his case for another 4 years of president

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