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He shot my son. From punk rock he didnt matter. But my son not that i. Know. That. Given that. Im not a fall im not. Gonna fall. I stopped trying years ago. Im not. Out to watch the road or people dont reply. Also coming up germany the European Union the u. S. The u. K. There is growing International Pressure on russia to investigate the poisoning of its loudest kremlin critic. You really have 2 authors of what is going on here and i think what we want to see is a fool for a transparent investigation. Into our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day after a deadly and violent nights in the u. S. State of wisconsin 2 people were shot dead in the city of konoha tuesday night in what police say was a vigilante attack a 17 year old was arrested today police calling him a teenage fugitive of justice despite the presence of police and National Guard troops in connection with a teenage suspect was able to run freely down a city street armed with a weapon which he allegedly used to kill twice and it has the attention now of u. S. President Donald Trump Trump tweeted wednesday afternoon today i will be sending federal Law Enforcement and the National Guard to connote wisconsin to restore law and order it is important to know does the us president has not tweeted or made a comment publicly about sundays shooting by police of the African American Jacob Blake Blake was shot in the back at close range 7 times in front of his 3 children he remains in intensive care and is now paralyzed from the waist down our 1st report tonight takes us to the wisconsin town where it all happened. Chaotic scenes on the streets of commercial. Violent protests broke out again wednesday night despite a curfew. Police used tear gas and flash grenades to try to disperse the crowd. Then young men armed with long guns appeared believed to be part of a local militia. Video showed demonstrators trying to disarm one man then he starts shooting hitting several people and wounding 2 of them fatally. The alleged shooter then approached police with these hands up it was not a risk to the next day. Has been rocked by protests since the weekend after police shot jacob blake an unarmed black man in the back. Jacob blake survived the shooting but his family says hes paralyzed for life his 3 young sons watched as police shot him blakes mother has called for peace. The violence in the destruction. He would be very on leave. Wisconsin is home to many private militias state laurels people over 18 to openly carry a gun with no license required. Are joining me now from. Stephane ximenes good evening or good afternoon i should say to you there are several moving parts of this story tonight 2 people were shot dead last night police say theyve now arrested a 17 year old suspect what more do we know. Yeah the 17 year old suspect was arrested in illinois and upon a request by police here in wisconsin that is a intentional 1st degree. Murder or homicide charge which is brought against a 17 year old teenager he is sitting now in a juvenile Detention Center in illinois the request from wisconsin forwarded to illinois and the suspect is expected to see a judge on friday. And this suspect was allegedly able to shoot and kill 2 people in the open on a city street despite the presence of police and National Guard troops i mean is that being discussed. Here i dont know if this is discussed already or right now but it real be discussed so 1st things up but this suspect is 17 years old legally he wasnt allowed to carry a gun here in the open carry state wisconsin because you have to be 18 furthermore in illinois you have to be 21 year old to have a gun and to get their permission you cant just buy a gun and carry it open like here in ways in wisconsin when youre 18 years old in illinois you have to be 21 years old and you have to get a permission a permit card for that i dont know if he had one i dont think he can have one when hes only 17 so this is a little bit of a legal mumbo jumbo there but it is important however more National Guard stroup so there already yesterday were about 250 National Guard troops with police also in the numbers of about 250 Police Officers trying to quell the unrest when i say on rest this was Water Bottles thrown against police and of course no. Adhering to the curfew which was issued for 8 oclock local time here today by the way one hour earlier curfew Just Announced starts at 7 pm so it is not that those were hand to hand combat between protesters and police that was fairly organized the resistance to leave the place where police say that you need to leave because its a curfew and to Police Action actually have to say i have i have been in you know that in the minneapolis when george floyd was killed by a cop there and when we got actually shot on by the troopers in minneapolis and here we heard that the police out of their speakers in their technical vehicles in their Armored Vehicles asking fairly politely protesters please leave these dont make our job complicated and then thinking of them if they actually when they actually move so donald trump i send fats in and. More state troopers and more sorry more National Guard to the national god aspect of this the governor agreed i am not sure of this point is if the governor of wisconsin also agreed to mr tom sending in more federal troops yet and we have on the president s wrong when he says he was descended more federal agents hes talking about states that are led by democrats was gone and has a democratic governor he says those types of states are where you see riots looting and murders happen i mean does the notion does it need reinforcements on the ground tonight. Im not really in my view and that is clearly to some very last to greater degree subjective not necessarily so National Guard troops can only do according to the law the following they can protect properties they can man checkpoints they establish security perimeters they do not police work they do not arrest they do not. Engage with the protesters in any active way if you will now when it comes to police that is a different scenario the local police here is when National Guard troops come more National Guard troops come in more freely and they have more bodies on the ground and to do each of the police work to engage the protesters looters arsonists and whoever looks for trouble and arrest those people so thats a good thing federal troops most of the time as we saw in portland you know knowing seeing the no i. D. s no way to tell where those guys are coming from who those guys are there is where its getting a little bit if you there is clearly in my opinion and what i see here intel another real big need for d extra the Law Enforcement beef up that is i think some political spiels donald trump the new sheriff in town demand full law and order it fits very nicely to what is going on the Republican Convention anyway as you say that the convention is going on this week that the timing is interesting here stephens imans on the story for us in wisconsin tonight stefan as always thank you. Always concent is an open carry states where civilians can legally carry a weapon in public as long as it is not concealed police into notion of wisconsin they say that they were armed militia like people patrolling on tuesday night protecting their property from looters or was there another motive in some u. S. Cities right wing activists openly carrying weapons have been patrolling antiracism demonstrations with the blessing of local Law Enforcement our correspondent all over salad met with members of one militia known as american will. Target training with the Armed Civilian Group Americans wolf somewhere in the state of washington. This is one of peter dio says favorite rifles the tory is a k 47 or kalashnikov originally made by the soviet army but now a weapon of choice to defend American Values as he says. Pretty good classic so they dont make them like that anymore right dias believes it takes armed men like him and his group to keep america the way it is. They fear freedom is under threat in the wake of the pandemic and countrywide protests but theyre also led by conspiracy theories. Their government is in the midst of a coup. Theres certain members of our government who are actively working to change this government from what its designed to be the land of opportunity theyre trying to turn us into some sort of socialist government a new form of government humanitarianism where the group is on what they call a mission to portland in the past they have acted a self declared peace keepers tonight they want to get firsthand impressions off the Portland Protests that have been going on for more than 80 nights running for you the refuses to wear face masks protesters attacked them immediately they were Walking Around as a group of people into a group of people surrounded by a group of people while not wearing face coverings despite that being the law understandably so because they were in the middle of a pandemic i believe like some of it has to do with our president. Let that kind of behavior and that ideology just orosz and i think that now they think that they have power. When they get here for black lives matter and theyre all here for White Supremacy so theres a clear. You know theres a clear difference of opinion and their opinion is not welcome here. But dia is insists his group does not stand for White Supremacy he wants the police to take tougher action against what he sees as a violent black lives Matter Movement in what is. In my opinion when it gets to this type of. Mob mentality it should be dispersed thats where i stand with it. Police hanging back i understand that theyre worried about the numbers growing but i would handle the situation differently if. Manpower and equipment. Critics say im civilian groups like american wolf are inciting violence just by their presence but in the end it was they who had to retreat. And america the political left and the right are drifting ever further apart. Once and the russian Opposition Leader of all the remains hospitalized here in berlin in a medically induced coma hughes recovering from what german doctors say was most likely poisoning but the kremlin has rejected this diagnosis saying german doctors were too hasty with their conclusions now this today from a spokesman kremlin spokesman we are categorically against someone labeling this Current Situation a poisoning which is something that is not confirmed yet this is a russian citizen who was in a coma and we would like to find out the reason for this coma russia is under increasing pressure to investigate the vollies illness test it confirmed and all the hallmarks of a nerve agent attack germany is demanding a full and transparent investigation a call thats backed by the European Union the United States and the u. K. And squints at least forced the act would have been the reaction of the German Government is based on the clinical findings of the treating physicians and of course these findings are made without any political influence. It is a given and the German Government expects the russian authorities to provide transparent and speedy clarification and has full confidence in the work of the medical team treating mr novotny at shop at a hospital. For more on this im joined now by andreas nickys a member of the German Parliaments Foreign Affairs committee hes also a member of german chancellor Angela Merkels conservative c. D. U. Party mr nick is in want to be our in western germany tonight eastern its good to see you again germany germany was 1st to call one russia to investigate the European Union the u. S. And the u. K. Are now doing the same thats a lot of pressure in unison is it enough to make the kremlin do something. I think that remains to be seen the jury is out we have been very forthcoming in offering medical treatment to mr lavani 1st of all with. Complete and full recovery and it is a matter of versions the measure of great concern it is not a one and also its. Another one in a serious of dubious killings and as a nation tends over a russian opposition politicians over the last couple of years and i think it is there to send a clear message that being an opposition politician in russia is a very dangerous road. What leverage does germany have with putins russia at this point today you would sit Russian Diplomats home in protest before but even that seemed symbolic and nothing more do you do you have real leverage. I think may remind you that the European Court of human rights was an interim measure and of last week which was instrumental in getting this live on the out of russia and into the Charity Hospital i think what we can do at the moment is clearly call upon a full and transparent investigation this has to be conducted independent and effective we are clearly looking at that with as as a measure of urgency it is as he is also for me to see his made clear this will not free remain unanswered and we keep oil options and instruments open as we speak you mr you before the election of only was medivac out in siberia and brought here to berlin the story was mainly about a german in geo trying to help a russian political dissidents as soon as mr an avanti landed here though that story quickly became political is that what you and your fellow lawmakers in parliament did you want it to be that way. I think our government has taken i think the necessary measures that someone whose families all scheme for medical treatment you know a country in berlin in the charity gets access to that and clearly it is over symbolic also symbolic of very practical nature that the personal security of mrs avali in the charity is secured by federal agents. Of the federal police department. I think we have no interest to politicize this in the 1st place i think this is about human rights is about the rule of law i think it would be a mistake if we were giving. Additional. Feeding the action that this is part of a cheap political structure structural or d. C. s and this is about a very fundamental rule of law issues that russia will so as a member state of the council of europe has to comply with were you surprised mr nick to see how quickly the United States also came on board and demanded that russia investigate. Well i think we have more question marks about at least the role of some representatives of the United States when it comes to specific issues regarding russia i think this mills we not to consider that this is happening now in the run up to the u. S. Election and in the context of the better was protests. We will we will see i think again all of us think will be well advised not to frame this or to support framing this into part of a geopolitical struggle but its a very fundamental issue about the rule of law and fundamental human rights in the Russian Federation i know i mean im sort of fresh on this when we have time germany and the us are united in this case but when it comes to the north stream 2 pipeline for example youre not a Trump Administration accuses germany of making itself dependent on russia for energy do you sometimes feel mr nick that germany is caught between a a russian rock and an american hard place. I think we dont think that. You do that from sanctions as london threatened by the Us Government increasingly are at all helpful i think they are counterproductive. We strongly advice from refraining from this kind of action against. The like germany and respecting the Political Economic sovereignty also of a nation i think is one of the core elements of our alliance millis what we have issues with regard to the Russian Federation where i think we are hopefully in broad agreement that we. Come back to the peace and security or that has been that has been agreed in the cause of paris in 1990 which is in faustus still a key point of reference of living together. And dreams nic member of the German Parliament Foreign Affairs committee as always mr nic we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you thank you well the cinema for Peace Foundation has played a key role in bringing russian opposition activists here to berlin for treatment in the shower its a hospital they did so with a pussy riot activists in 2018 and it met in fact alexina vonnie from siberia to berlin just last weekend now the groups chair yaka b. s ill told the w. C. Political editor to kill a company or how the arrangements were made that have been you are the head of cinema for peace but most of all at the moment you have a man who pours out if they know about me to 70 how safe do you feel right now. Well the been a few threats but ive experienced this before so i dont really feel unsafe i think thats what happens when you deal with Opposition Leaders from countries which are not a full democracy. Where did you call fast because its not easy to just get a permit to enter us at us like that where 1st so called show richie and procyon open press their card to find out if there would be willing to help again like they did 2 years ago and was kind of a bit funny funny because the officer said like oh youre calling finally weve been expecting a corelli since this morning since weve seen the news so they thought it could be a similar case possible how much the sisters did you get from that 1st moment from the German Governments. Actually we informed them of what things that we were doing but the very 1st moment was more of the logistical work obviously we were aware of the fact that the american and my current will be giving some statements and theyre offering medical help in their countries so we felt like there should not be any obstacles from that side how has the last week changed your view of the political reality in europe well i mean what we are proud of in the west is that we have socalled western values of democracies and i think after what has been happening with donald trump where hes been having with corona it felt like that theres an erosion of democratic values. And also if you can unity i think if the west wants to stay the west it needs to take a clear stand for human rights and democracy. And it also needs to prove that in relationship to the rest of the world whats your biggest hope and your biggest concern right now. Where my hope would be that the patient will come back to normal fully i saw last night by chance as well if you will again she seemed kind of like. Ok. I have to feeling that one of our army. Could be doing a little bit better now by now so my hope would be to actually all thing will be resolved in the sense that he will be able to do his work again and then maybe the whole case can also remind. Our countries to work on russia to protect us john lists and opposition politicians and not to be a country where people are gonna put Boris Nemtsov of on the vote no vonnie have to fear for their life. Thank you very much for talking to us thank you. Rescue teams are searching for survivors and bodies as original rains in northern afghanistan at least 100 people are confirmed dead after flash floods in the countrys par one. Time was of the essence for many families in pa one province getting the injured to hospital was their highest priority there was a scarce hand a few ambulances in high demand and desperation people carried loved ones and there are those able to get treatment for with worry about their families i cut through barbed wire to get to the roof of my neighbors house i wanted to get my family on to the roof top as the water approach to save their lives but suddenly the floodwaters swept everything away 7 members of my family a missing. Torrents of water and deborah rushed through the city of sharikov destroying homes burying people in the rubble many were asleep when the deluge struck. The more collapsed and water poured into the house i managed to rescue 7 members of my family but i couldnt save my mother. Rescue teams are using heavy machinery to dig through the mud searching for bodies hoping against hope to find survivors floods are no rarity in northern and eastern afghanistan they leave hundreds dead every year. Is almost on the conversation continues online join us on twitter at t w news you can follow me at brant off t. V. And remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then of. The. d first sentence they gave whole. Discussion to us this a layman family fled syria 5 years ago and came to germany. Caught up with them. How are they doing today. Was that hopeful promise fulfilled. Focus on europe. During the 90 minutes long d. W. Theyve been robbed of their soul thats what a people experiences when their heritage is taken from them. Countless cultural artifacts were brutally stolen from africa by colonialists and carted off to europe. These thefts left wounds that have yet to feel what should be done with the stolen north from africa. The stolen soul starts september 7th on d w. Above me jenny is full of surprises. But all out last abuse themselves want to be above the footsteps of the break we observe. Must sound the fleet street. The boss. The big screen. I want to feel very much alive. Travelling to specialists in germany. Where exactly. It was fun to learn a lot our culture history. Detail travel extremely worth a visit. Like. My board says. For the russians so. Steep. So many different walks of life. Some are. Awfully strong but all of them come straight from the heart to proceed here and when there is no more delusion the mushroom inches. From news of the law to their final resting place the russians d. W. Documentary. This is g. W. News why the from berlin tonight a teenage fugitive from justice is charged with murder in the shooting deaths of 2 protesters in could no show wisconsin a 17 year old allegedly opened fire with a semiautomatic rifle during a 3rd night of protests over the Police Shooting of a black man President Trump says hes now sitting in federal agents to quell the violence also coming up americas 1st lady makes a rare public speech at the Republican National convention declaring that the American People deserve total long esteem from their president and dozens are feared dead after torrential rains calls flooding in afghanistan thousands of homes have been destroyed trapping people beneath the rubble. Im burnt off its good to have you with us we begin tonight in the u. S. With the ongoing fallout from the shooting of jacob blake authorities have now arrested a 17 year old for allegedly gunning down 2 people during a 3rd night of unrest in the city of can no show was constant the gunman was caught on video running through the streets of the city opening fire on protesters who were trying to disarm him the violence capped a 3rd straight night of protests unleashed by this shooting of blood on sunday the 29 year old africanamerican was shot several times in the back by police as he attempted to enter the s. U. V. Where his 3 children were sitting his family says that he is now paralyzed sed are at our correspondent is Stefan Simons is in the connection of worse good afternoon to you stefan so whats the latest there what more do we know about this arrest. Parody the arrest happened early this morning in illinois in antioch illinois as you said 17 year old teenager arrested by Law Enforcement in illinois on a arrest warrant issued by police in wisconsin now it shots with. With intentional homicide that is basically murder in 2 cases he is at the moment in a juvenile Detention Center in illinois they is of course a transfer request from wisconsin and can osha and as soon as this. Young man sees the judge its possible that he will be transferred to Law Enforcement and to jail here in can osha where im standing here is actually where this all went down and yes the day after we talked and deny progress. My cameraman and i stood right there at this gas station and where i am now this is where those shots were fired which we clearly heard of course 2 bursts of 67. 00 shots at the time and then people running towards us and saying somebody got shot somebody got shot and then police moved in and rushed to it after they were asked basically pleaded with behind demonstrate by protesters to rush to the scene. And here we are one day later suspect in custody. But you know thats part of the story is what happened last night you had what police are saying were vigilante attacks militia groups armed citizens running through the streets last night who are these people. Yeah absolutely right we witnessed this all day yesterday an increase an uptake all foot in numbers of people men women white men and women in fatigues in camouflage heavily armed with multiple handguns on their on their belts or. Legs and long rifles an ar 15 s m 16 so the kalashnikovs they were rolling around here they were kind of mean killing with the protester crowd and i think the protester crowd actually didnt greedy take them too serious as they were just like going with the flow until this happened so who are those People Police as well as officials and people we talked to here witnesses say that this is actually something they see a lot here and which is fairly common there are vigilante militia type groups loosely organized. No hard structure as far as we can tell to them but loosely organized white folk. Who apparently have a neck for weapons and for a mission to protect businesses. And their communities and theirs we see if necessary with the force all for weapons and we know also that the u. S. President is sticky with democratic governors like wisconsin or places where you see this type of violence in the u. S. President has no tweeted that hes sending in more National Guard troops and federal enforcement agents how will that affect the situation on the ground there were your. Good questions so you have sort of a ride for the governor had apparently asked the federal government and that is to trumpet restoration for the allowance to free more National Guard troops this will be happening now after it was increased the other day already and now more National Guard troops will come to town now they are bound by law to do not police work they are not the guys who are arresting people or following pushing demonstrators down the line there for protection of properties of federal property state Properties City Property Center the security perimeter the federal troops is a totally different matter those are the guys which we reported you were a member in portland to nap without insignia without identification no name no nothing you can identify them you dont know where theyre from really and they can go around and actually never people off the street as we have witnessed in in portland so if theyre here coming you know this is the governor a democrat by the way in wisconsin has to. Yasser agree to it and i guess he did because he i think he feels a little bit this is slipping out of hand now after what happened yesterday its definitely still a fluid situation well have to see what happens tonight for students arrive. In wisconsin thank you. Well the disturbances in show are unfolding against the backdrop of the Republican National convention where later tonight Vice President might pence will take center stage tuesday nights lineup featured a speech by 1st lady maloney a trump who sold to strike a note of unity and to offer a softer picture of her host. If one was about the pending apocalypse of a democrat. From washington d. C. To the 2020 Republican National convention then moved east to west to soften the image of americas most unpopular president in almost 14 years now id like to avoid johns wife jamie to join us as a great john im not sure you know this is a full. Pardon so no one of his frames but for a former. The theme of redemption set the tone for a night which casts trump as americas savior. His family drafted in to sing his praises this is a fight that were in right now and it is a fight that only my father can win as a recent graduate i can relate to so many of you might be looking for a job my father built a riding economy once and believe me he will do it again my problem there im speaking to you from beautiful jerusalem looking out of the office the appearance of the secretary of state a figure normally kept out of Party Politics that rankled diplomats. This was the convention the group with convention. From delivered her headline speech from the white house in a breach of ethical norms offering a message of unity job with the 1st nights warnings about democratic demons. I dont want to use these precious standing attacking the other side because as we saw last week thats kind of talk only serves to divide the country for a farce lady then touched on her husbands controversial relationship with the truth. The only knowledge donald trump makes no secret about how he feels about things. Total honesty is like being a 0. 60 this is from our president that there you like it or not he always know what hes thinking. How remarks. For the republican partys appeal to undecided voters ignore trumps malls and give him a 2nd chance. To look at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world police in bellerose have detained dozens of protesters rallying in central mince its part of a widening government crackdown on demonstrations in the aftermath of the countrys disputed president ial election the all this 9th polls all president Alexander Lukashenko with a 6th term in Office Protesters say the result was rigged. E. U. Trade commissioner phil hogan is resigning amid allegations he breached the lockdown restrictions in ireland a week ago hogan attended a golf dinner with over 80 peoples a National Outcry the Irish Government says his actions undermined Public Confidence hurricane laura is rapidly gaining strength as it bears down on the u. S. Gulf coast is expected to make landfall as a powerful category 4 storm with sustained winds of up to 250 Kilometers Per Hour hundreds of thousands of people in texas and louisiana have been ordered to leave their homes. Rescue teams are searching for survivors and bodies after flooding in northern afghanistan durance rain caused flash floods in parwan province washing away thousands of homes local Officials Say at least 100 people are confirmed dead but the final death toll is likely to be much higher they say it could take weeks to determine the number of casualties. Time was of the essence for many families in power one province getting the injured to hospital was the highest priority vehicles this case had a few ambulances and high demand and desperation people carried loved ones and that. Those able to get treatment fruit with worry about their families i cut through bombed wyatt to get to the roof of my neighbors house i wanted to get my family on to the roof top as the water approach to save their lives but suddenly the floodwaters swept everything away 7 members of my family a missing. Torrents of water and deborah rushed through the city of sharikov destroying homes burying people in the rubble many were asleep when the deluge struck. The rule collapsed and water poured into the house i managed to rescue 7 members of my family but i couldnt save my mother. Rescue teams are using heavy machinery to dig through the mt searching for bodies hoping against hope to find survivors floods in the raritan and know within and eastern afghanistan they need hundreds dead every year. For you know hollywood youve heard of bollywood now theres no only would thats the Film Industry in nigeria where a controversial new movie is being released online to evade the countrys censors its about a love affair between 2 women now geria is a deeply religious country where millions reject homosexuality and homophobia it is rampant. Outside of a Lagos Court House a lineup of alleged lawbreakers gay men heading for their day in court 47. 00 charged with public displays of affection in a country that criminalizes same sex relationships elsewhere in that same city filmmakers prepare for an intimate scene between same sex lovers discussing relationships to. The films director the actors all face prosecution if censors decide their work promotes homosexuality in the past nollywood has depicted queer characters as mentally ill or deeply troubled but the crew of the movie see their work perpetrating normal life for a sizable percentage of nigeria i feel like for a very long time weve been told one sided. And the story is not complete it does not represent all of the groups in a society so what i wanted to do until the full story by representing l. G. B. The people in 1000. The face trailer was released online last month it advertises a film that touches on a shared theme in some nigerian families being forced to choose between family and happiness. I understand where theyre coming from in that in nigeria its not accepted and so doing Something Like that puts you where you feel like its not its not the norm but but but i dont feel that its bold i feel that its ordinary i feel that its my life just being shown on screen but its been beautiful beyond family and stigma same sex relationships in nigeria are in theory punishable by up to 14 years in prison and depicting such relationships on the Silver Screen or on you tube or netflix may be considered just as unlawful. Well heres a reminder of the top story were following dissolve a teenager has been charged with murder for allegedly gunning down 2 people during a 3rd night of protests in the city of the news of wisconsin rez was sparked by the Police Shooting of a black president jacob late on sunday President Trump says that hes now singing federal officers to quell the black. Youre watching news Stephen Beardsleys of banks with deja vu business stick around tell me. What secrets lie behind. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. World heritage 360 get kidnapped now. Set. To go beyond the obvious. That were live. As we take on the world. All about the stories that matter to you. Whatever it is. Running now for. Made for mines. Its among chinas most popular messaging and Payment Services and American Companies are about to lose access to it the cost of a planned u. S. Benefit we chat are starting to emerge. Postal coming up will hit the road with a romanian truck driver whose work could be shaken up by a new e. U. Rule. And its the wedding guests that no one wants to coronavirus has made tying the knot more difficult and put a crimp on chinas lucrative wedding industry. Blue and welcome to the show im Stephen Beardsley in berlin its good to have you with us cocacola starbucks walmart just a few American Companies that could be hurt by us then if we chat the chinese payments and messaging service thats according to a new survey from the American Chamber of commerce in shanghai 9 out of 10 firms have banned what her communications with staff and customers for out of 10 fear for their bottom lines u. S. President donald trump has given us companies until september 20th to end all transactions which we chat citing security concerns the companies owned by tencent one of chinas biggest firms. And lets go now to our financial correspondent in new york younes korda the ins we are hearing more feedback from Companies Regarding this decision to ban this very popular app will it have an effect on the decision makers. Well it might get tricky because its election time and u. S. President donald trump tries to make chili the show that joe biden saw his competitor is the big friend of china in 50 years tough on the country and then if you look what happened in the past couple of months lot of companies were also not happy for example with certain travel bans in place and the president did not really listen or react to this that have been having that said if you look at it there are still a couple of issues that we do not know about it is theoretically possible that reach it only gets spent internationally but not in china so that would also be crucial and thats what u. S. Companies are pointing at that it would be crucial for them that they could use a wheelchair in china otherwise they might have a competitive disadvantage. In critical questions still out there you just touched on this that theres talk of decoupling the American Economy from the chinese economy is this just election banter and how much damage could be done in the coming 2 well let me say. Sure but i mean you talk about decoupling you could also call it a full blown divorce and actually the whole decoupling lets put it that way it did not start under u. S. President donald trump even if it intensified the already barack obama actually try to isolate china for example with is surface ific trait alliance that he was looking and aiming at even if that did not happen and its not just the u. S. Decoupling from china also if you look at the europe there are also tendencies to bring some of the production back to europe for instance when it comes to the pharmaceutical market so it doesnt really matter that much what happens in the next 2 months this decoupling or even full blown a divorce is underway either way but clearly if u. S. President donald trump wins the election the attentions might be a good bit tougher than if joe biden wins on november 3rd all right yes quarter with latest from new york thank you. Staying on the subject of china the crown of ours has made tying the knot see even nuttier drastically curbing weddings and their sizes the consequences have been profound profound rather for the wedding industry including chinas socalled wedding gown city. The day has finally arrived away when in a few hours shell begin her new life with her new husband coronavirus already delayed their wedding in shanghai by 6 months and still wont be the day they dreamed of. We are worried about the health of our guests and many of when johns classmates are in beijing they wont be able to come its a pity. Wedding ceremony means less to me because so many of my friends cant make it. Delayed weddings are one of the reasons why dresses are having to be stuffed on to the rails in chinas fright all down capital to suit joe brides to be normally come here in their thousands but restrictions in recent months have meant many dresses going unsold wholesaler to one says sales are down as much as 90 percent. Had that has had a huge effect. Weve basically had no clients coming in since the epidemic began because everyone has been closed in this country weve been staying in touch with our clients online but most of them have closed down. With us this have the. Garment makers to the period has been a disaster the city is one of the worlds biggest exporters of handstitched dresses but a truly Global Pandemic has turned that strength into a weakness. Now there are much fewer overseas orders not even 10 percent of the epidemic of broad can get under control and allow Wedding Dress studios to reopen that will help drive consumption again. Happy couple wage are when pan when are among the 1st to take advantage of chinas loosened restrictions on weddings the day may not be exactly as they hoped but at least they can see out the rest of the coronavirus pandemic together. Right now to some of the other Global Business stories making headlines. Cinema goers in london are turning out for Christopher Nolans new film tenet the 1st blockbuster release since the pandemic london movie theaters up to 200000000. 00 film one ties audiences back after months of closure to the corona virus outbreak. Japans shinkansen high speed trains are making up for low pandemic passenger numbers by using empty seats to transport fresh seafood the 1st 140 kilograms are being served up in tokyo station only 2 hours after leaving the yagi thats 24 hours fresher than by truck. All right just when you believe youve mastered the art of mask wearing here comes the latest innovation out of japan the handheld mask diners and gave them a test run this week holding the masts in their free hands and covering their mouths when not taking a bite of food just the idea comes from here otoh sov a university of arts and the prototypes are made of paper or non woven fabric with handles attached students we use and put from a test run to further refine the prototypes. Right and now to the roads of europe where a new e. U. Rule will require truckers to return home every 4 weeks sounds good its an effort to improve working conditions for the close the 3000000 Truck Drivers moving freight across the block but many hauling companies arent happy especially in romania and that could come back to hurt their Truck Drivers. The turmoils dont get any easier with time. But if im down means family came to send him off from the rumanian town potentially the truck driver is heading out on a journey through western europe Long Distance driving has been stiffened amins life now for nearly 6 years. I really enjoyed doing it even though there are moments when i would like to be home. But every job requires sacrifices. That Truck Drivers like him now worry that the new new trucking laws could mean even more sacrifices starting now drivers have to return home after 3 to 4 weeks on the road with their weekend rest will have to be spent in hotel p. From bed to company no longer in the cabins of their trucks these measures are intended to improve working conditions in an industry where drivers often spend months in the room but many of the roughly 60000 remaining Truck Drivers working in western europe feel discriminated against not only does distance separate them from the western markets tonight the hungarian Border Crossing illustrates another disadvantage. The mania is part. The e. U. But still not a member of the schengen zone which allows freedom of Movement Without border controls across most of the block each time romanian Truck Drivers leave their home country they find themselves here waiting in line for hours and hours on end with mandatory return to their home country now being imposed this line is likely to become a lot longer in the future at the transport ministry in bucharest worries are great that these evil laws could change not only the face of the industry but of the entire remaining economy. Of him when he says were facing a major risk that these companies will relocate their trucks and families and taxes from romania to the west with all that stephan is not going to make the crossing in time and prepares for the night asked about what his future might look like he becomes thoughtful if i work a shorter time then obviously the money i earn more be much less if not have to live so im really thinking if this whole effort still makes any sense or going to fizz vos is already looking into packing up and branching out into spain steffen might have to follow foot for now its lights out hes got a long journey in the morning. All right its optioned off sneakers and handbags in recent years and now southern bees in new york is featuring 120 lots of hip hop artifacts jury fashion and fine arts to look at this center piece of gold colored plastic crown worn by the notorious b. I. G. On his last ever photo shoot it could fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars the sale is the 1st ever by a measure auction house devoted entirely to hip hop the artifacts traced the growth of the genre from the late 1970 s. Through to the mid 1990 s. All right and thats all from me and the Business Team here in berlin as always you can find out more about these and other business stories online at the dot com slash business to check us out on facebook and twitter as well im Stephen Beard as always nice to have you with us d. Sentenced they. Listen and then family fled syria years ago and came to germany. Caught up with them. I mean. How are they doing today. Was that hopeful promise fulfilled. By europe in the. 60 minutes out of. There and david and biz is called amateur brags that sex. Happiness increased books. This is the book for you. Youll get smarter for free you know weve got on you tube and. Were going to start rewriting the software of sample but through also. Word our 3 years ago our growth were rewriting to have brought the song were all green all over so all we could rebuild zion though theyll have Different Properties i dont have a clue or will get in on changing their being a lesson off the earth the pope could give us better proof bluegrass job using fossil fuel. To bake plaster. If you have ordered those samples so the ball girls would like to go but. Were just learning this is a new field. This is d w news africa on the program today how the chrono guys find they make us forcing people to migrate out of the city. Cynthia is back in her village after losing her job in johannesburg its a tough adjustment but shes thinking about saving the austral. And the story of 2 women who fall in doubt but struggle in a country that criminalizes same sex relationships but all nigerians get to see this film

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