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Fury after police shoot a black man posteritys using tear gas and stun grenades. This seems to be new. Amid the chaos civilian use. Straight to kind of show them where we dont d. W. Correspondent staff and simon so welcome stefan bring us up to date. Why its so what you see behind me here is actually the scene of this shooting which we were mentioning which was in the report and which showed last night into a more tragic and. Vet least special night in the last 3 nights right there behind me as you said 2 people shot to death and one severely injured a few others as we hear from witnesses were also hurt but not severely probably released already from the hospital and maybe not. Well worth mentioning for the police anyhow yesterdays night to put this into context was in terms of protesting not so very special tear gas and rubber bullets slash pepper spray and fireworks towards the police all plastic Water Bottles this is kind of. Happening everywhere in the United States when it comes to those protests and he and kenosha to the chaos really and suit and the specialty of this night in terms of gravity and tragedy happened when people were shot here witnesses tell us and it is not official that is actually the man who tripped and fell walked 1st 2 was the crowd and started shooting even then we cant confirm this this is not official records yet but thats what we have people telling us however. It definitely puts this whole thing here puts kenosha on a different level puts the protests the b. L. M. The black lives matter protests on a different level in terms of. Intensity the tensions here are really really high at the moment there were high yesterday but now this took this to another level. And what are police saying about the shoot out and looking for this man. They are but they have actually no idea who that is so police is reaching out and. Trying to get more information about this man and trying to get to the public involved asking for videos for any witness accounts for any information to find this man or this group of man because there is a suspicion here that this man is not just acting on his own or acting alone and was part of a group of men who sported. A lot of weapons throughout the night yet we saw and the report these militias these groups of men with rifles and shotguns. The streets what are you seeing there. Well thats our experience exactly yesterday we noticed and clear up to call for more and more in the amount of people crossing our pathways in fatigues in in camouflage. Men and women all white though and heavily armed handguns not one not 2 sometimes 3 long guns m r 15 or fifteens and sixteens even kalashnikovs semi automatic weapons and they wish that well they defacto mingled with the protesters here and there and seemed to patrol the area here i do not want to be mistaken theres 2 types here this is this vigilante militia type of people who are roaming around here and then there is also concerned Business Owners who have a carry license who have weapons and who stand in the into their shops or in front of the shops in the parking lot and trying to said or give a clear sign do not come close you do not even think about looting here or putting my shop on fire while you get shot which is a totally different thing i might say so again this is. The id tend to find the tension here and makes this an entire different scenario for kenosha and black lives matter protests and for their cause if they now just not only protest against police and release their anger somehow in their frustration against police but now also have to kind of be on the lookout for militia vigilante groups who are roaming the streets with their guns and right possibly shoot people stuff and simons thank you. Disturbances unfolding against the backdrop of the Republican National convention after a competent Opening Night stay to supposed to strike a different tone reconciliation and unity. One was about the pending appeal. Of a democrat when from washington d. C. To the 221 hope you could national be good. Little evil deeds to to soften the image of americas most unpopular president in almost 40 years oh id like to avoid johns wife jamie to join us as a great john im not sure you know theres a fall part a pardon so im not one of his friends but for a former bank robber the theme of redemption set the tone for a night which cost trump as americas savior. Each family drafted in to sing his praises this is a fight that were in right now and it is a fight that only my father can win as a recent graduate i can relate to so many who might be looking for a job my father built a riding economy once and believe me he will do it again. Im speaking to you from beautiful jerusalem looking out at the oars the appearance of the secretary of state a figure normally kept out of Party Politics that rankled diplomats. This was the convention that group with convention money or trump delivered her headline speech from the white house in a breach of ethical norms offering a message of unity charged with the 1st nights warnings about democratic demons. I dont want to use this precious time attacking the other side because as we saw last week that kind of talk only serves to divide the country. The 1st lady then touched on her husbands controversial relationship with the truth. We all know donald trump makes no secret about how he feels about things. Total honesty is what we as citizens deserve from our president whether you like it or not we always know what hes thinking. Her remarks to the republican partys appeal to undecided voters ignore trumps malls and give him a 2nd chance. As take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world a u. S. Congressional committee has renewed its subpoena to Deutsche Bank for president trumps financial records the House Intelligence Committee is looking into whether there are financial dealings between the president and the russian government Deutsche Bank says it will cooperate with all authorized investigations. Are rick and laura is rapidly gaining strength as it passed down in the u. S. Gulf coast its expected to make landfall as a powerful category 4 storm with sustained winds of up to 250 Kilometers Per Hour hundreds of thousands of people in texas and louisiana have been ordered to leave their homes. The great coast guard says its rescued 96 migrants off the island of how in the east and g. And c. Theyve been traveling and a yacht was found partially sunk most have not been transported to the name of roads. Rescue teams are searching for survivors and bodies after flooding in northern afghanistan to rancho right cause flash floods and province washing wife thousands of homes local Officials Say at least 100. 00 people are confirmed dead the final death toll is likely to be much higher they say it could take weeks to determine the number of casualties. Journalist teeth. Copple ali can you give us a sense of the scale of destruction there. I mean if you look at the images coming out of this scene the city of china caught which is the capital has been completely leveled in anybody whos been there you know knows that its very much a hot city anyone trying to go from kabul to the northern provinces passes through it its a city known for its ice cream known for its cobalt and its Little Stores and eateries and things like that usually hundreds thousands of cars are seen through and if you look at the footage in the pictures now its just destruction homes are leveled stores are leveled the streets are flooded filled with mud and dirt and its just you cant even recognize the city anymore you know it was a small little city you know that had that commercial by it and now just look weve been devastated and just utterly destroyed and what sort of help is the government providing. The government you know since sent the flood started at 3 oclock in the morning today and now its 645 in kabul so you know the this has been going on for hours and the government is really trying to assess the level of the damage theyve given. Any necessary 8 but the problem is just the level of devastation earlier this morning when i talk to an official in. Every house every street every road theres water damage. The walls have collapsed have been destroyed there is really really nowhere that the water has reached. For the government to react you know its going to take a long time to assess the actual level of the damage. Quite often. You know what has to do with the rains we the river the geography of the one thing we have to keep in mind is that one is not alone provinces in the east and the north and even the city of kabul when it rains because of a lack of proper infrastructure and because so many houses are not part of the government plan you know theyve just been built in different areas along. In risky areas there my house is their brick houses theyre not theyre not in places they should be. Any level of devastation and even in the city of kabul you know when it rains too much you will see entire areas including the commercial. Completely flooding. That they have to have to get through the. Rains really comes down to an issue of. You for joining us. Just as you finally get used to wearing your face mask every day comes the new innovation from japan the handheld mask dinahs in kyoto tested them out this week holding them in their free hands and covering their mouths when they are not taking a bite and idea comes from the characters Saga University of arts and the prototypes are made of paper own known woven fabric with handles attached and students will use import from tuesdays test run to further refine the models. I said show up today more world news at the top of the al in the meantime of course as always the website the w dot com im going to. Come bearing the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour corona update. 19 special next on d w. A meal. The 2nd season. Its the back environment says about society its still about us on the brink he spoke to several leading experts in the field. Just the only thing. They could all be silent spread is. No symptoms like coughing or fever but they could well be pouncing on the coronavirus. Many doctors say only mass testing can break the chain of transmission. With the increase of cases in the neighborhood i think its good for me to know if i have the virus or not theres a chance im asymptomatic i dont know that day. That i live with my mother whos on dialysis and of course you dont know if you have the virus or if youre a symptomatic. But the u. S. Centers for Disease Control and prevention has. Manged its testing guidelines to exclude people who dont have symptoms even if theyve been recently exposed to the virus. Thats got alarm bells ringing some experts say many patients appeared most contagious right before the onset of symptoms models suggest half all transmissions can be traced back to people before they get sick if they get sick at all well lets talk about this with Health Care Expert John Campbell are retired nurse and academic who joins us from england john is this change in c. D. C. Guidelines dangerous. Well the New York Times certainly seems to think so the New York Times says this was done quietly and he said it was done to exclude people who had been in contact with him static individuals but if you actually go to the centers for Disease Control website its slightly more nuanced than that its still advising people with mild symptoms to be tested and of course its still advise in testing for people that are in care facilities or work in were working in hospitals for example what is actually saying is people who have been in close contact and the find close contact is 6 feet which of course we would call 2 meters or less for more than 15 minutes what its actually saying is they do not necessarily need to be tested now they can still be tested at the discretion of the nurses or their doctors or their clinicians or according to local guidelines so its actually is a change of saying its not necessarily that they need to be tested so its a bit of a new wants to change that but i still think its a problem because this means we could have people that are in contact with known cases who could then be developing the disease and we know that a large proportion of people are asymptomatic initially now about half of those people that are asymptomatic initially will go on to become symptomatic eventually but its interesting that late is day 2 a showing that people are most infectious and mediately before they become symptomatic and in the 1st date after they become symptomatic and of course the symptoms can start off as being fairly mild so what this means is you could have a lot of people going around who are shedding large amounts of the virus that we dont know about if we dont test them just in case the been exposed trying to talk about that i think that it is then if i can just when they go talk about a large amount of people ive read studies that show up to half those infected with covered 19 show no or hardly any symptoms doesnt that make this fight almost impossible. Yeah well that makes it more difficult youre absolutely right that i just met her Analysis Shows about 4547 percent of people might not develop symptoms but about half of those will go on to develop symptoms over time many will have a mild disease but it is youre right its very difficult its very hard to fight an invisible enemy and the only way we can make this enemy visible is by reporting symptoms or by testing we need to test people and as well as not we now know as well as testing those various other things we can test for in the blood to screen people as well that it would be a good idea to do anything we can do to make this virus more visible is going to help then we can target our isolation we can target quarantine its a new mcminn much more specific and targeted in the way were attacking this virus trying to tell me how do we even know how many a symptomatic people there are out there if they havent seen a doctor if we dont have that medical data if there arent even enough tests to do the math testing im talking about its remarkably difficult you can sometimes you can tell to an extent by the amount of people that become symptomatic in the future and the amount of people that become hospitalized and even the amount of people die but the main way that we do this is with anti gen surveys now Different Countries do this in different ways but in the u. K. The office for National Statistics will test about a 1000 random households throughout the country for the antigen and because the testing randomly in random areas they can extrapolate that up to the whole population so it is quite possible to give fairly accurate estimates so all we need very accurate estimates of how many people in the community are infected at any one time and thankfully in the u. K. In germany at the moment thats relatively low in spain its much higher and its also climbing quite rapidly in france as well john what about age does it play a role when it comes to being a symptomatic. It does its about 27 percent of children are genuinely asymptomatic and only about 16 percent of adults remain asymptomatic now many more has to be stressed many more are asymptomatic for a period of time and then become symptomatic but it remains the case that more children remain completely asymptomatic than adults 27 percent of children and about 60 percent of adults just because theyre asymptomatic doesnt mean things are going on in the body if you do x. Rays and c. T. Scans you can actually see changes that are going on you can see changes in the blood so even low people arent feeling symptoms there can still be physiological change but the proportion of people that are completely asymptomatic is smaller than we did think at one time john great to get you on the show today John Campbell Health Care Expert coming to us about a battle in england thank you well some blame young people for the resurgence of the coronavirus in germany they say theyre not sticking to social distancing rules is tessa vita. We are in the center of a possible corona hotspot butlins central this neighborhood popular for its bozza nightlife is now seeing a rise in infections we are still around but most young people didnt seem to be worried to some agreed to talk to us but want to stay anonymous do you understand. Scared to get infected. Well no not at all i would not go. In and we dont think about it at all we just want to go out they said that a 2nd wave would come so why would it be triggered by people going out we dont know how long time to skirt around us and the last so you can just keep being scared like. Yeah all the time so infections and domini are rising and theyre rising fast parties on the street problem the boss and best friends are in the spotlight were going to check out this iconic buy here in berlin before we go in im going to put on my must. Inside we see that germanys strict hygiene measures are being upheld people keep their distance and just khyber everyone wears a face mask when moving around inside the customers are allowed to take it off one seated at a table. But that seems to scare people off tonight only a few sorrow when coming in their guests who say next door i didnt have to worry of mosque i hear then they turn around and leave so my feeling is that as a bar you are punished when you stick to the regulations another rule customers are required to fill in these contact forms with then name and telephone number but thats also a problem. Call but it just doesnt i cant believe that mr donald duck with this weird address came to the spot but look for yourself. You have all. The district of berlin mr once to fight the quran. Virus by making more random inspections now but their resources are limited explains the name. We can only do so much that we have just under 50 employees they walk in shifts 7 days a week but we cant do more than just surprised checks. One of the inspectors come take everybody but that presence might remind people of just how serious the situation has become in the end things can only improve if guests show more responsibility. Over to Derek Williams now our science correspondent has been busy answering your questions on the coronavirus. Has not been any more research into people catching kovac 19 twice. This week researchers have for the 1st time reported 3 scientifically documented cases of people being really infected with sars cove 2 after having it once lots of anecdotal cases have been reported before but this time the Scientific Evidence that reinfection really does occur is strong because the researchers say they sequenced the strains that were isolated in the 1st and then the 2nd infections and showed that they were genetically distinct from one another now its important to note by the way that that all of these claims are unpublished and still have to be confirmed by other scientists but but if they prove true what does it mean while an interesting take away for me is that one of the patients had classic coded symptoms the 1st time around but was asymptomatic when he tested positive the 2nd time around which which could indicate that his immune response was keeping it under control so thats encouraging but the fact that the tests were able to. Detect measurable levels of the virus and him the 2nd time around also begs the question of whether people who get covert 19 again could infect others even if theyre asymptomatic that we dont know most experts say that this development while were a gang is not unexpected based on what we know about our room immune response to coronaviruses in general almost no one expects acquired immunity to sars cove 2 to be permanent but but until we have a lot more evidence of this happening to a lot more people the questions of if and when people on average can be reinfected and if theyre infectious if they catch began those questions remain pretty open. And a warning from the c. D. C. With winter coming in many parts of the world his director robert redfield. A bad flu season can really put certain hospitals into. Medical stress situation covert obviously has that potential were so important with flu and progress coming at the same time that we really try to take flu off the table as much as possible embracing the flu vaccine is one of the most important things we can do finally i leave you with these brave amputees in japan and paralympic athletes whove taken to the catwalk to raise funds for medical workers algae as all denies the appy t. V. Show before but says shes for it back to show how people can overcome the coronavirus allocate games are set to stop this week in tokyo that is until the buyers have been for so long sealed into. The you. Like dusty believes muddy tires and drums. We deliver urgent lifesaving boxes we give our everything to reach those who need us the most every dogs feeding their futures. Boxes full of hope of lifesaving food and theres so much more down roads with no names we feel asleep deliver relentless you know promise to make every delivery special. Not just next day but every day. Thousands of children are still waiting for their delivery sponsor approx today so together we can deliver inchers. This is d. W. News africa on the program today how the crown of rise pandemic is forcing people to migrate out of the city. Cynthia is back in her village after losing her job in johannesburg its a tough adjustment but shes thinking about settling there after all. And the story of 2 women who fall in love but struggled in a kind

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