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Says president bush claims landslide victory despite a strong challenge from an opposition candidate results given 80 percent of the vote. Clashes in lebanese capital as thousands take to the streets to get rid of the government 2 ministers have quit but thats not enough for the protesters angered by last weeks devastating explosions killed more than 150 people. Well im terry martin good to have you with us china has again cracked down on democratic freedoms in hong kong with the arrest of media tycoon jimmy lie hes a prominent prodemocracy campaigner and to nonsmoking critique of beijings policies in the territory an aide said life was being held over suspected collusion with for a. Forces under the tough security long posed by beijing in june 71 year old the popular tabloid newspaper detailing. Well for the very latest lets cross over to hong kong where our correspondent phoebe kong is standing by this is the most hope high profile arrests of 4 under the new security law imposed by beijing what more can you tell us. The operation is wide ranging today not only stimuli what that was and the rest but also on them both to me a man is now well rested well what charges relating to committing fraud so while we would know how much details about the at the station the operation today if he was up police have deployed his number of offices to conduct a raid office oh i know what came inside the media have order and its expected to last for a while but the rest of the day and also outside the premises we heard a number of media including foreign media like like many news agencies. By the police reporting. Side the shooting and also 10 percent so what can happen when Something Like how intense atmosphere would have been it today and essentially many think this could be allowed to in the past. So this sounds like part of a wider crackdown on the media tell us more about who exactly jimmy is and what his arrest is so. To watch him is for me to have my. Talent at apple daily newspaper wishes to launch a local media all the nice asian which just put a call on the government and also not only the hungry governments and also the beijing government so that you know i can tell us no. Only. About you but if it was on hes off and i attended a rallies and protests on his own capacity he has always he has also been about the. Conscious relating to a protest and demonstrations before but this time he was arrested and the National Security you know and hes the most high profile that hes so powerful and but for the apathy of the all the nice a shiny house along the criticized by the state media outpacing and authorities that they are. Choosing the government and blaming the government for many social problems they have definitely and i thought that case not so well i dont. Know the police raid on jimmy lies offices were live streamed or people in hong kong reacting to the news of his arrest. But this is definitely a shocking play a piece of shocking news to many hong kong though oh why expected that to me that i would be caught at it and that a National Security law at beijing up north you know they need to have already stated earlier that came you know i expect ill let committing some of the offensive and the district which it all but today we see the the back home and the go all the operation that shocked many people and a child on a solicitation to the station in hong kong the chairman of the m. B. Operation to say that it was and im with you is killing in fact a walk across the city especially if you travel this even but those who were not arrested today but they may be afraid to speak out and. To be thank you very much that up to our correspondent in hong kong. Now the protesters and police have clutched in major cities for sundays. Is eventually action a Human Rights Group says one person has been killed Electoral Commission says preliminary results show president Alexander Lukashenko won 80 percent of the vote despite indications of strong support for an opposition challenger before the vote Electoral Commission says that challenger. Just took just 10 percent of the vote. This streets of minsk bella who says capital filled with protesters. Chance of change and along with belarus resoundingly through the city. Riot police pushed back against the demonstrators deploying water cannon and firing tear gas and rubber bullets. Incumbent president who gushing call had warned would crack down on any unauthorized rallies. 7 will follow the law and any talk of repression will disappear the law is above all else if you break it we will respond and weve been like handed in our response so far to be honest with you ive always held back our Law Enforcement joe i told them theres no need for a heavy response you know. The protests kicked off after a state exit poll said look i was far ahead many of those in the streets believe the government rigged the results their concerns were echoed by opposition candidates. Who rejected their early vote count. She said quote i believe my own eyes are the majority is with us. Long lines formed outside polling stations on sunday with many voters sporting the white armbands that are a symbol for to come off so yes supporters this election poses the 1st serious challenge to. Those 26 year rule with support for taken off sky yet growing over the last few weeks she emerged as a leading opposition figure after her husband was barred from running prompting her to stand as a candidate she is now refusing to accept defeat despite official numbers showing you look at shankar with a huge lead and is the termination to keep a firm grip on power. For more on this lets bring in marina rock Eastern Europe analyst at the German Marshall Fund in berlin were you know what do you make of the Election Results being reported by bill routes. These that official results fortunately what did we have expected all the signs who are lections to. Indicate that its going to be. Another if you can see 3 is the. However theres not much we know for sure what happened last night. And that and move connection. Can only reach people who buy and landline and just basically continue and what happens next Electoral Campaign looks very different i guess. Protests have erupted around the country do you think these protests pose a real challenge to lucas shankars grip on power. I think i do. The question if it is if theyre going to continue to date what weve seen yes it was extraordinary. These wacky through protests the more than 70 towns across the country. Excessive force was used on part of the police it was not just tear gas and what the cannons and rubber bullets these were also standard mates they have then you to have belittles human contact is fashion is that they have been officially used to. Sing send a message that its that way again i want to underscore that they have peaceful. And im not sure if theyre even the coldest that would continue and what is going to be their response and of the military. Do you believe that the u. S. And the e. U. Are doing what they should to coax bellerose away from a system of government that many describe as dictatorship. I mean i had a hunch would be that its a difficult game both for the u. S. And for europe because in the one hand they should. Send a very strong signal that they disapprove of what has been going on in belarus for the last month and this specially of what happened last night on the other hand they should be careful of not pushing into the arms of the kerning mode but what is most important is the signal to the billows in society to this whole thing. Nation who wants to take that its destiny in back into its own hands that the west space remains solidly and sunday behind this and people are and i thank you very much for talking with us that was a rock plaque from the German Marshall Fund it. Some of the other stories making news around the world today u. S. Health secretary so far has met a time when hes president sighing when in taipei this is the highest level u. S. Visit to taiwan in 4 decades so he was there to convey a strong message of support from u. S. President dont troll visit has been strongly condemned by china which claims taiwan as its territory. Government in new jack have killed 6 french citizens along with their tour guide and a driver the group had been visiting a wildlife park east of the competition im a. Brother prince president i will not call on you condemn the attack and said french backed efforts to fight jihad ists in the region would continue. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he is hopeful the codifying team cases are stabilizing in victoria state hotspot city of melbourne recorder to drop in daily infections at the same time the state marked the countrys highest single day rise in fatalities with 19 deaths. Well on the way to peace negotiations between the Afghan Government and the taliban are expected to start within a week according to the government the government sources 400 taliban prisoners are to be freed following a vote by the an assembly of tribal leaders known as the loyal jirga the peace talks could lead to the end of the war which began when the United States and also the taliban from power in 2001. Not everyone on the traditional Afghan Council was ready to free the detained tell about members many of the delegates have lost relatives in attacks or clashes for them the fact that the government is now going to release those responsible is hard to take but in the end a desire for peace prevailed. I thought on this some days decision has removed the final obstacles to these negotiations and god willing we are on the verge of these talks are going well for months on the surely must. Be. One of the goals was to bring about a cease fire and its desperately need it on sunday another attack in kabul left people dead and some injured the taliban control or contesting around 70 percent of the country the Insurgent Group has agreed to start peace talks within days of the release of its detained members back in february they committed to the United States that they would reduce the amount of violence but observe this belief the upcoming talks of the future of the country will not be easy. Question you have completely different political ideas and participation Civil Liberties freedom of speech media pluralism all that i saw all sides are facing marathon negotiations tom. Kong nobody on the grand assembly is expecting a rapid result but the decision at least paves the way for peace talks aimed at ending almost 2 decades of war. Youre watching g. W. News still to come. Come with a credible or its just chilling the Indigenous People of brazil benefiting those clearing the amazon forest for agriculture have especially for. The 1st just been rocked by days of unrest admit clashes between protesters and Security Forces 2 government ministers have stepped down and response to the growing anger sparked by the huge explosions last tuesday that killed more than 150 people and left hundreds of thousands homeless demonstrators blame the countrys political elite for deep rooted corruption and negligence. Another evening of anger in beirut violent clashes with Security Forces as people protest for a 2nd day hes on raised with sit off by tuesdays mass even devastating explosion these protesters like the blame directly on what i say lebanons corrupt latest sunday saw a number of government officials quito over the crisis in 130 says the point of no return the people are hungry the economy is collapsing the economic financial and monetary crisis is escalating how family children relatives and friends are harmless consumed by grief despair and frustration. Authorities have had little involvement with the cleanup so far instead its been left to volunteers to clear the debris lebannon was already struggling through a financial crisis when the explosion hes making the recovery from. These disasters. Have some compassion where we feel pain we cannot stand these people from by root from become from the north everybody is hungry were not just here protesting to take a picture and post it on facebook people are hungry and when people get hungry well thats whats going to do it hollow. Lebanon faces huge challenges dish reconstruction costs and the welfare of an entire nation on to trish finale being on wrist off the last few days looks it to carry on into a new week. For more on the situation in beirut lets bring in our correspondent ross solomon ross on the people of beirut have been venting their anger at the government whats the situation there now and you terry put us through a took in the streets last night in the 2nd consecutive day of protests of antigovernment protests and there were clashes between the Security Forces and the protestors that put the stones were hurling stones at the Security Forces and the Security Forces deployed tear gas to disperse them even after there is a commission of 2 ministers and of 8 members of the parliament this could not i call on the anger of the few things and as you were talking to people yesterday and which is the number of trees ignition is expected to rise within hours or within days and as you were talking to people yesterday they were saying that even all of the critical needs they sat down they would not leave the streets before those who are responsible for this blast that took place and they do the floors are has accounts of them. Bill the Prime Minister has offered to hold fresh elections do you think that would bring about the change that lebanons people are demanding. Well action even after that Prime Minister has and that statement on saturday that said that the only solution for this is a new and to an election there were concerns among you have put the stories that in the torah know and based that i think its them in lebanon when not to know and defend that candidate at the 16th and the elections. International donors have pledged nearly 300000000 euros in emergency aid to help lebanon on with its immediate needs following huge blast at the port will this money do you think help the people or the government. Well actually after the statement of the International Donors conscience. This statement actually said that the money would go to the need these people do you and agencies and other and at and it would be strictly wanted jury as president in my view and my close visits would have been on keeping they expressed that they have no chest in their government and they dont want their money to reach corrupt hands as they were spanked president thank you so much that was dubious reson solomon in beirut. Brazilian president. Has lashed out at his countrys most viewed t. V. Network globo for suggesting he was to blame for brazils hike of a 1000 death toll also norris remarks came a day after the official number of deaths reached 100008 grim level only surpassed by the United States Indigenous Peoples are among those hit hardest by the pandemic. A red balloon tethered to every cross a symbol of morning on the copacabana put up by relatives of covert 1000 victims as brazil passes another tragic milestone. More than 100000 deaths thats humiliating for brazil culture has been exposed and people should take pause and reflect on not. Feel sorry. For sills Indigenous People are especially vulnerable a medical aid from the government isnt reaching everyone chief are a tonnage of a lucky t was admitted to hospital with respiratory problems at the end of july tests for corona virus were positive the environmental activist died a few days later illegal loggers and gold miners are partly responsible for transmitting the virus to indigenous areas the criminals are also responsible for the current wave of fires in the tropical rainforest president jaya both now as government has stripped back environmental legislation. And years of environmental controls have left many people weary. Its been that way since 2012 thats why were seeing this increase in logging for years more and more land has been converted to agricultural use thats cutting into Indigenous Territory as the relatives of the victims release their blooms they face abuse by coronavirus deniers the pandemic has deepened the already deep divisions in brazilian society. Western europe is baking in a heat wave and to stay cool people flock to the beaches this past weekend but authorities are worried they have been sunbathing too close together theyve warned about a potential uptick in coronavirus cases as people let down their guard. When temperatures are climbing past 35 degrees celsius theres nothing like a quick dip in the sea to cool down but this is what many beaches in western europe looked like this weekend britains southern coastline was packed with visitors many had been forced to abandon holidays abroad because of colvin 19 travel restrictions but it seems like the risk of getting infected also exists closer to home. We would get a decent space for us out. We now happened sure. People just. Steps from the top. And she was just too busy. Its the same story across other parts of europe to control visitor numbers the belgian coastal city of austin and introduced a reservation system for the busiest stretches of its beach. Authorities in germany warned that some beaches. And lakes would have to close if there were too many people but how are they surviving the heat wave without a refreshing dip. Its a fee to drink. Drink plenty stay in the shade normally im someone who loves the sun but that its a bit too much for you. High temperatures are set to continue in the next couple of days and it seems like a trip to the local ice cream vendor might be less of a risk than going to the beach. Sports elenas let it go to dread say 2 unnamed members of the travelling contingent for the Champions League quarter finals in portugal have tested positive for corona virus spanish club are due to play at sporting lisbon stadium against germany squad leipzig on thursday and say they are in touch with authorities about further steps the tests took place on saturday and the results were announced on sunday Champions League had previously been suspended for 4 months because of the pandemic. Mercy failed to win a formula one race for the 1st time this season red bulls max took the checkered flag of britain silverstone which was hosting a grand prix race for the 2nd time this month for. Formula 170th anniversary grown prix was a creative name for the 2nd silverstone race in as many weekends organizers are limiting travel due to the coronavirus pandemic in the sadies had won every race so far he bought us and teammate Lewis Hamilton both cut away cleanly at the front but behind them red bulls max for stop and quickly move past surprise 3rd place qualifier nico holcomb. There are isa past infection spawn on another awful day for the german. Dutchman for stop and managed to go in front of potus following a pit stop and promptly sped away his tired choices were looking superior on off day in britain. Hamilton then overtook both translates on to move 2nd and to limit the damages ers a record equalling. 7th title. The victory was 1st stop and ending a run a full straight wins them. And this corona virus affected season. We have a lot of places ive been really out a lot of tolerations at all. I was just. An incredible result of course the women are. Pushed up and goes above but us into 2nd in the Overall Standings behind hamilton. Now in an age of social distancing in quarantine taking part in one of the worlds biggest dances might seem unwise but in tibet more than 3000. 00 people attempted to break the world record for the largest string dance show the traditional folk dance in tibet usually features men playing a show type of stringed instruments the women then take center stage showing off their colorful culture. Youre watching news stream out of the top story were following for you here today beijing has intensified its crackdown on democratic freedoms and hong kong with the arrest of media tycoon and leading prodemocracy campaigner jimmy lie at his offices hes accused of colluding with Foreign Forces under the tough new security law imposed by beijing. And there have been clashes across the room after president lukashenko claimed a landslide victory in sundays election the Electoral Commission said because they go to 80 percent of the vote all of leading opposition candidate took just 10. This is t w news coming to you live from berlin coming up next weve got some Business News for you take a look at. What a 2nd pandemic might mean for the economy and course you can find all the. Its news and information on our website any time you want thats it d. W. Dot com im terry martin ill be with you the next top. Model. Action blockbusters from nigeria you know thats what money would. Come. Often takes. Up and successful beyond belief. The following this is the way we do it. The book. Would. In 45. 5 minutes on d w. What secrets lie behind these walls. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. T. W. World heritage 316 get kidnapped now. The time and place captured in pictures. Images of cars on. d the phone to studios archives documents lives in bygone eras. And leads to those living today. They are guarding gazas past in a box. A legacy in black and white. Collective memories start of august 14th own d. W. New worries about a 2nd coronavirus wave as australias top measures for no success in containing an outbreak hotspot what price will businesses have to pay to stop the virus from spreading again also come china cracks down on Small Traders managing their stalls so the edge of town but are communist leaders underestimating the incorporates of

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