A responsibility of a few puts is all without risk limits that sort of demonstrations like those we saw of a weekend or health risk its an example its good it is the behavior of many demonstrators cannot be just a fight the chant is. Also coming up tonight Northern Ireland mourns the passing of john hughes the nobel peace laureate whose lifes work made it possible to turn the troubles into peace john hume genuinely was a political titan i dont think we would have to have really got the Peace Process going and. Implemented if he hadnt been down offering help and advice. Which our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the reality of the pandemic in germany and the people who refused to believe it on saturday the streets of central berlin were flooded with protesters who say the coronavirus pandemic is fake they demanded an end to face mass requirements social distancing rules and all measures to stop the viral spread when police moved in to disperse the crowds there were skirmishes dozens of officers were injured 3 were hospitalized now images of pandemic deniers marching through berlin have shocked the world germany has been praised for its early response to the outbreak the mortality level from the corona virus is one of the worlds lowest here but that success may not endure complacency and summer traveling have sent the number of new infections rising now at levels not seen since mid may there are warnings of a 2nd wave Public Health Officials Say those chanting crowds on saturday the people who insist that the pandemic is not real and they may have helped to spread the virus. Protesters called it the day of freedom without masks and without social distancing according to police 20000 people talked about in streets on saturday to protest against current if i ever saw restrictions which they say violates their rights and freedoms. Journalists and camera crews will say targeted. German public broadcast as that they have filmed the chance of shame on you and the league and on lying press. Here than it would if there was a pretty diverse mix of people from the file left to the phone right we met people. Here where i am t. Facts is people who believe bill gates is responsible then there were people who say there is no corona then there are people who said the measures proportionate. To me see how to say thank you on monday commentators were left asking can this be even allowed the debate on how to deal with mass protests during the pandemic is now playing out of federal level. Kotick was it in criticism must always be possible in democracy in this respect the attitude of the German Government has not changed at all but the pictures that we had to see at the weekend are unacceptable. And its forseeable from the beginning that the requirements will not be met or cannot be met then the question arises whether such a gathering can be allowed. The effect of the protest on the number of new cases is still unclear but the number was already ticking up ahead of the weekend prompting fears that 6 months of efforts to curb 1000 could go to waste in the blink of an eye. Or lets pull in our Political Correspondent simon young hes on the story for us tonight good evening to you simon theres been a flood of reactions to those saturday for us here in berlin i want you to take a listen to what the german president said today differ on 4 things the law is its a responsibility of the few puts this all out risk if we are not particularly careful now we will endanger the health of many and we will also in danger of a recovery of our society our economy and ill quote true life when those who are loons. The president calls the protesters irresponsible we have to say the protesters did have a permit on saturday it is their talk of doing anything to prevent Mass Gatherings like the ones we saw over the weekend. Well brant yes there is i mean as far as this demonstration on saturday is concerned the Berlin Police say that they are considering investigations of prosecutions of service once a bill for that demonstration and for the lack of face mosques and distancing but more widely some people are beginning to call for. Such demonstrations to be back and or at least only allowed under strict limitations if people refuse to follow the rules and up but i think the mainstream view there is that the right to protest is an extremely important democratic right and shouldnt be pared down except with extremely good reason so the question really is what should the police do well theres been talk of you know imposing really tough fines but it is very difficult of course to Police People who you know arriving on mass not distancing not wearing face masks it makes it extremely difficult for the police but i think theres a lot of feeling that you know something should be done to respond to this type of action you know so i mean the the images of these protesters chanting we are the 2nd wave i mean this shocked a lot of people around the world what do we know tonight about these protesters. Yeah a lot of these people would seem to be the kind of people you might expect to find their sort of vaccine opponents or conspiracy theorists a number of them all right wing extremists members of groups like piggy or the f. D. A. And some of these people of course opposed the state in principle they opposed to the specific measures of government in particular so perhaps its no surprise that theyre there i think a lot of people though at least demonstration and people are demonstrating against coronavirus measures around the country perhaps im just skeptical citizens many of them Business Owners who just expressing their frustration about a lot of these measures which really are causing a lot of distress the Vice President of the German Parliament said today and im quoting here the politicians have failed or we explain to the people exactly what the aim of all of these measures is is there a disconnect here so im. Well i think politicians have gotten extremely difficult task havent they because they are trying to get people to take action before the most serious consequences of coronavirus arrive and i think its fair to say that has been a bit of a spike in infections in the last week or so but in general most people in this country have had far more acquaintance with the measures to combat corona virus than they have with the disease itself so it is very difficult but if you just test take testing as an example you know the governments rolling out testing at airports and railway stations and other places trying to really ramp up that as a response but at the so far you know its a voluntary program theyre talking about making it mandatory very soon for people coming back from highly affected areas but you can see that this is theres a patchwork of different rules around the country and slightly Different Things that people are being asked to do so i think that does lead to a level of confusion yeah confusion there and you know a little bit of fear in ants too especially with School Starting back across the country the abuse i mean young of the story for us here in berlin tonight simon as always thank you. Well it is not only here in berlin where some are refusing to accept the realities of the pandemic last month authorities on the Spanish Island of majorca shut down several beaches after they discovered tourists most from germany throwing illegal parties in violating social distancing rules there were also online videos of German Tourists partying on bug areas Golden Sands Resort without face masks the images sparked outrage as well embarrassing images from our pandemic summer but have any lessons really been. Surest sin party mood having fun at beaucaire is celebrated golden sands in defiance of the coronavirus singer house he is also from germany hes happy performing here. But i doubt it today weve moved the stage outside so its completely outdoor as before it was only half in the open always circulated freely but its a lot better now theres so much more space but i got my coffee from bob at the entrance trans have the temperature taken and given Hand Sanitizer there are warning signs up everywhere. We dont want anyone to get infected with a virus. That would really hurt everybody. And it will show. Golden sands bowron is say that trying to maintain Safety Measures its difficult to in full social distancing when people are Drinking Alcohol and the un is constant the parties altogether without wrecking that own business. Because. Were doing all we can to keep people safe but they have to take responsibility for themselves as well. So. And many party goers agree with that. Once you get in theres a lot less distance saying its up to everyone to stick to the rules its the same for us we think its ok to come here in the evening. Many Golden Sands Hotels have decided not to open a summer does that have our round the 3rd full and is staying here with her mother and 2 children she booked in january and considered cancelling but decided in the end to go ahead. As if and the stuff all wear face coverings. He can maintain distancing from other people the tables are spaced well apart and its the same on the beach i do feel safe here. But its still a big challenge for the hotels manages as it would be late though this is everything is very different this year were completely really learning how we operate as a Tourist Destination with all the precautions we have to take to keep us stuff and visitors safe. The hotels that doing their best to offer safe holidays despite the pandemic and trying also to say their industry. A bridge to the future today italy opened a much anticipated freeway bridge in the city of genoa it was 2 years ago when the old bridge collapsed killing 43 people the new bridge was constructed in near record time and was designed by star architect rienzo piano today he and italys Prime Minister. Were on hand for the Opening Ceremony traffic will be allowed on the bridge later this week e. W. Charlotte pilled filed this report from general. A beacon of hope rising from the depths of tragedy this leak we structure now stands in place in general is in for this randy bridge almost 2 years ago to the day 43 people were killed when a section of the bridge collapsed sending vehicles plummeting on to the riverbed below this is my. Mima chance who lived under the bridge most of her life her home had to be demolished after the collapse. She still remembers the crack of the concrete crashing to the ground. Strap will be still a Police Complaint i mean if i open the window and saw the bridge had vanished then i saw those 2 large lorries one white and one red right next to my house and in that moment a wave of anger washed over me because i knew those few costs were coffins. William arkin made on. The scale of the disaster made the new construction a matter of National Importance designed by general born star architect renzo piano the 1000 metre long span was completed in just over a year well continued day and night even during the worst of italys Coronavirus Crisis its success is considered a model for the rest of italy. It was such a tragedy such a terrible scene but so happy to do the work you want to hear and so finding a. Show that. From the air also we can do anyway good things but to the relatives who lost loved ones the new branch is no cause for celebration a group of said his sister brother and nor and that 2 children were killed in the disaster she says the effort put into the construction is a fresh source of pain if each. Leg and it is tough to see the joy surrounding this construction. We would have been happy if this huge project was john earlier the old bridge should have been demolished before our families were destroyed premarket and those 3 family to force or at least through. A criminal investigations underway after poor maintenance was blamed for the disaster the egg lay this was a National Scandal one new construction alone wont fix the new bridge cant heal the wings of those who lost loved ones but it is a powerful step towards piecing together a city torn apart by tragedy it quite literally reconnect with west and offers this community a sign of hope and regeneration. They like. Its quite simple and light. Says shell never forget that day but hopes the new bridge will represent a fresh start for general. Because theyre not fit that this is a wound which will stay with us but there are always comes a moment when you need to move on to live in the present and accept the past this is the present that is in. The locals knew him as the dairy boy the rest of the world knew him as the peacemaker for more than today john hume the former Northern Irish politician passed away he was 83 and 99 to. Peace prize along with David Trimble for their efforts to end decades of bloodshed in Northern Ireland with what became known as the good friday agreement. Ireland is not a romantic dream it is not a flag it is 4500000 people divided into 2 powerful traditions those are the words of Northern Irish politician john hume to translate his lifelong commitment to reconcile the 2 arlens a diverse qatari can 1005. And and barry hume was one of the thunders of the Northern Ireland social democratic and labor party which he went on to lead he advocated for a United Ireland to peaceful reconciliation between cattle he sent protestants hume was one of the architects of the good friday agreement that would put an end to decades of sectarian violence in Northern Ireland in eastern 1998 the same year hes private a role in the agreement earned him the Nobel Peace Prize alongside then leader of the protestant official Unionist Party David Trimble hume credited the people of both harlans for the end of the violence on the island for the 1st over history the people of ireland north and south of overwhelmingly thought of this to hide their wish to live together by overwhelmingly voting for the good friday agreement therefore its a duty of all true democrats north and south that the will of the people. Tribute started to pour in was former british Prime Minister tony blair saying john hume was a political titan a visionary who refused to believe the future had to be the same as the past his contribution to peace in Northern Ireland was epic and here we have rightly be remembered for it while current british Prime Minister brace johnson hay the political giant irish Prime Minister may harm martin stated it is impossible to properly express this kaidan significance of john humes life he was one of the towering figure of irish public life of the last century his vision and tenacity say discount tree those sirens monder loss of a figure of peace. And for more i want to bring in brian dooley hes an irish author and human rights activists he joins me tonight from london brian its good to have you on the day we want to let our viewers know thanks very much youve written several books including black in green the fight for civil rights in Northern Ireland and black america the u. S. Civil rights icon john lewis he was buried last week today you tweeted this john lewis and now john hughes 2 civil rights icons taken in 2 weeks may they both rest in peace. Is is that how you see john hume as a campaigner for civil rights i dont think thats fair i mean he clearly was many things and i he played a. Very elite level of politics to the soup in washington and london but. Really he he started as a civil rights activist he wanted what was best for his neighborhood for the city for the north of ireland and opal it is a local to some degree but but mostly more so than in the north of ireland and john hume was heavily influenced by the Civil Rights Movement of the u. S. In the 19 fiftys and sixtys and he always stuck by his principles all nonviolent direct touch an all in a lot of resistance so you know i think thats what really drove him at heart he was a civil rights activist the civil rights leader would the good friday agreement wouldnt have been possible without john hume not. He didnt do it on his own but the nor the modern politics in the in the seventys and eightys was really stuck like a net in a in a great lock in a in a style way and it was thought to be politically impossible for somebody to come out of their own political trench and even talk to somebody from one of the other factions and join him did that he he went outside his comfort zone risked his political career was vilified demonized by people who otherwise had supported him when he opened talks with the Republican Movement they. In the in the the person gerry adams. Which also like john hume one cheatin and superficially on but were prepared to use armed force to do it and join him and his constituency when prepared to do that but coloring outside the lines like that going across that divide. Really was a very politically risky thing to do but actually if it broke open the whole problem it upset that equilibrium and right up the steps of the biggest thats possible im going to come back to jury adams in in just a moment but 1st id like you to take a listen to what the u. S. Senator Edward Kennedy said about john human back in 1997 when i think john hume was an. Indispensable and sort of awakening among american politicians in the 1970 s. That the most effective way that we could begin advance the course of peace is to reduce or terminate to the extent possible of the Financial Support for bombs and bullets so how important were his efforts to securing u. S. Backing for the Peace Process. Again that that backing which is crucial it didnt really come to fruition until the Clinton Administration in the early ninetys but throughout the seventys and eightys are a shipwreck a very powerful force in american politics was itself split between those who want to provide ammunition surely to the Republican Movement and those like kennedy to summarise of a c. D. O. Are american fit figures who backed you in trying to press for a negotiated a constitutional settlement around power sharing and both of those things actually seemed impossible in terms of ultimate solutions and yet hume persisted and persisted and persisted and really hes political career was one of insurance and if america you get rid of the decade after decade seemingly hopelessly but then again another piece of that equation changed when things are coming to power i heard tony blair earlier on that i think it was talking in attributes of about john hume same and john hume what were asleep apiece and thats just not true he wasnt targeted but exhausted a lot of the time but the point was he just persevered and cant go in any way much to the damage we dont help. But really he without him it couldnt have happened and he kept at it decade after decade least in our summer. Time i want you to listen to what gerry adams said today his reaction to john hume step. But the end of it all at war and of course not least because its only money orders but just because this is the start of this policy that smart said that it was not a problem with jonesy of our progeny of the united from our different perspectives. I agree. And he was singularly against the ira but thats a big fear about that. Event about 30 seconds years let me just get what your reaction to hearing that reaction to the death john. Adams is quite right it couldnt have happened without him quite right so i had to point out that he in was opposed radical attitudes and his methods and yet somehow managed to break through to refer to it to persuade not just the r. And the Republican Movement that just because somebody wins doesnt necessarily mean somebody else loses that the north of on foot 6 wasnt in the end a 0 sum game and he was an architect of one of the great peace treaties of the 20th century brian dooley irish author and human rights activists brian we appreciate your time its fascinating hearing your insights tonight thank you thank you very much for having me neal. Well the day is always done the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either news you can follow me at brant go off t. V. Every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow gives another day well see you that everybody. Kick off. To heart. Start and start with truth and morocco accent and royal blue and the young german stars seeks its way into the premier league 3 top talent 3 life stories and fairy journeys to the top Football League kick off. W. Mystery news murder displaced nearly a 1000000 ringa have fled their homes in myanmar and most are now trapped in neighboring bangladesh. Business plans and ethnic cleansing. And if so who was responsible for. Exactly measuring looking for answers. In 45 minutes on believe. The time and place captured in pictures. Images of cars on. The flue studios are kind of documents lives in bygone eras. And leads to those living today. They are guarding gazas past in a box. A legacy in black and white. Collected memories stories of august 14th on d. W. Thank. God. But in the service dogs rising to the top. West in my

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