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The islands National Holiday shes donning the National Dress of the pharaohs for the 1st time. So everybody. So for in their regulates there were. Tears tears. Tears. Antonette has created a new life for herself. To be with her great love reagan and kong she left the philippines and all she knew behind her for the last 5 years the Faroe Islands have been her new home. Coming from the tropics adjusting to life in the chilly north atlantic was a real culture shock. It rains 300. 00 days a year in the farrows. At the height of summer temperature reaches just 12 degrees celsius. And didnt winter its only light for a few hours each day. I know how it feels to me i know because the 1st time i had fire island i thought there are no going to be north or going to beat us in the far right so i was just like going to grad thing that. I love and i am thinking well how can i make friends they dont understand my and im ways i dont understand their language. Antonette and reagan 1st met on cyprus she was working in a hotel there and he was a guest on holiday for 2 years they wrote emails and phone one another then on to net talked up her courage and follow drink into the pharaohs a year after they married their daughter was born. On tonights mother has come all the way from manila to the pharaohs to meet her 24th grandchild. The whole family is looking forward to the babys baptism but naturally shell be wearing the National Dress of the pharaohs. Fits right this time. Say hello. How are you watching. The baptism has proved a bit of a challenge for antonette theres one fair always custom she still struggles with yes he already had the name but the follow the through the fire while its the secret we are not allowed to. Sell it to anyone not less. Youre only allowed to say. We are ready to give her and him being the prince when you get pregnant you already thinking of a name i do the same i was so because i can love you i feel like i can. But antonette has resigned herself to waiting until the baptism. In the meantime she makes the most of the few hours of sunshine. Her husband rake in is a pharmacist. He spends most of his free time working on the house and torch on the capital of the fair islands. The 1st time reagan told her where he lived until it had absolutely no idea what to expect. Shed never even heard of the farrow islands. I dont fire im on this air fire part of egypt so i was thinking i youre leaving. So it thinking of. The stuff. But he said this part of denmark and i need to google. Denmark. And looking very spiral i love it kind of trying it and then kind of what they go far i learn. Then mark of the end then i guess you know mark and i tried to go off there are away from denmark i phone. And even farther away from an internet home city of manila the capital of the philippines boasts some 13000000 residents barely 20000 live and her new hometown. The pharaohs comprise 18 islands made of paul cannick rock. Some pity 1000 people call this european outpost home. But living on an island surrounded by a unspoiled nature can get lonely at times. Especially for the men who far outnumber women on the pharaohs for years young women have been leaving the pharaohs to study and start a new life abroad the men left behind practice traditional professions and abide by traditional gender roles. At the port of tortious malta new honasan sells his catch of the day. His father and grandfather were also fisherman its tough work for the guys but thats not what fair always women are looking for these days. Pay a call you know so just dont go to. The times of change well you knew him but its not you know when i was young it was totally different but i spend a bit of spending today young women are mainly looking for excitement in the farrows doesnt have as much to offer them as Denmark Germany or france for example with. More 10 son andreas is also a fisherman his generation in particular is affected by the shortage of women on the pharaohs on trances single but many of his friends have partners from southeast asia. To one of the most of them are the old often enough these days its easy to find a beautiful young woman you sit down on the computer enter and theyre right there on the floor and theres a big difference between welfare always one with a filipino you get all around circles loaded she cooks for leaving school and does laundry for involves going. Wild many fair always women are leaving the islands philippinas are arriving and taking their place. Langley thomas among them. She was one of the 1st filipino women to come to the barracks. My 1st day i was told by jetlag and. Bark. Im like when. I been seen so much maybe that time i didnt plan to stay here for just the tribal war. But also for my ex. For 12 years bang lived her dream life she found love security and started a family. As the mother of 2 daughters she enjoyed her life on the remote pharaohs. But when she discovered her husband was cheating on her on able to accept this she worked up the courage to separate from him since then why it hasnt been easy the house is so much memories thing again ill just stay in the house so i does well for a guy i like driving alone and. Then. My life my locks now. If you know her resume. If youre in the army. You. Bang wasnt prepared to give up the life she made for herself on the pharaohs. You. But she refused to stay with her husband purely for financial reasons so shes found work to support herself and her children. I didnt regret anything maybe as some changes i would do but i dont think that they would. If i could then i would. I dont maybe something you. Know i dont regret and its good that im satisfied right now no. Bank has only ever returned to the philippines wants with her daughters kareena and you ana thats because bank considers the fire rose to be her home. She supports her parents in the philippines whenever she can. But never for a 2nd did she consider returning there after her separation. I missed my parents but on this journey. I dont know. I dont mean. I think im here with my children my. My children. By contrast and she do indeed have since truman wanted nothing more than to leave the parents. Like many paralysed women of her generation she headed for denmark as soon as she finished school. After attending university in roskilde she landed a job in copenhagen. It was more exciting than life in the farrows. Thats why many young fairlies women never return. Though in she loon has. Yeah. Out just to save a life here can be very constraining compared to the big cities its completely different here. I just wanted to get away and leave it all behind me. That was the main reason why i left back there like everything was just too small but after time i realise that no matter where i go the life here will always be a part of me. And i guess so when she was 24 and she luhan decided to return. She was homesick and long to raise a family on the ferry. 3 years ago she and her fair always has been tied to or moved back. Not long afterwards their son when he was born. In june is striving to be an independent and emancipated woman in this traditional society. So thoroughly that was the problem like in the past it was a huge problem that the women left and didnt come back how their basket got to be upright but i think that things are slowly changing here that someone like me has returned to the islands in their mid twentys is actually quite unusual if a teacher with a mother. Now shes on a mission. And you know when aims to become a role model for a new generation of selfconfidence there are always women. Thats why shes running for parliament. She aims to make the pharaohs a place women no longer feel the need to run away from a place with opportunities equal opportunities freedom ever. 32 after being away for so long it was really important for me to return to the farah. Protonic flirting here i realized i can make a bigger difference here than i couldnt copenhagen or elsewhere. I come from here and i know the place and i know how things work now i want to use that to change a few things on the islands there were not back off. Her goal is to become the 1st woman under the age of 38 in the new parliament she says its time to do away with all gender roles. Today shes taking to the streets of the capital torch on to get her message out and you know when is the face of a new generation and a new era. You know what it was that she was. The remote islands are starting to move with the times. This is a pharaoh pride parade held in torch on. Not long ago such an event would have been unheard of here for angelou and the parade is an important sign that mindset search changes. Yeah yeah yeah its a fabulous sign that so many people are here to show we dont want to go back to the last century and we want the fairest to be an even more open era colorful country and. Thats a great feeling its fantastic yeah. Colorful weird and modern. Angelou ones hopes for a more diverse future arent shared by all for obese people. And reagans house things are more traditional. Soak up the National Holidays just around the corner when antonette where the traditional dress for the 1st time. Means a lot seems absolutely beautiful wearing that ive always felt that tireless women look better than the federalist men but especially the foreign women see you my wife wearing those skull so. I think of for fell in love again when i thought that for antonette the National Dress is more than just a garment. I feel so proud because everybody. In the. So i thought for in there i feel regulates the way national costume. You feel included in this and i think if youre wearing it. Its very important for me. Feeling you belong and are part of society. That was much tougher for the 1st filipinos who came to the pharaohs some 2 decades ago. I think. They are used now we. Were not invincible anymore because we are growing. Around 200 filipinos now live on the pharaohs. They form the Largest Group of newcomers many have also brought relatives or female friends to the islands. The Filipino Community here holds regular get togethers which are very important to antoinette. So sometimes its lonely not to have i believe you know. Although we are included in the fire with this i still. Feel very. Feel home to be with some believe me you know you here is a long ways there is thought here is the same food that you miss. Those kind of us so its really nice to have a community. All of her girlfriends have paralysed partners. Today they come to me to answer thats new baby girl. I would love for you because i like the life of. The libyans i really do not feel safe for her to go out. In the night time i am not sure if you come back a lot of those. In the car islands you can go anywhere and. The war is still out even if you dont know why because i know its very safe. Its a good. Race if im going to my right. Meanwhile bang is raising her children on the pharaohs without relying on a mans help. Shes found work at a facility for children with disabilities today shes training a new colleague brain has worked hard to get where she is today she studied to become a social educator at the university of the parent islands and was the only philippine a student and role there. And its very common for foreigners to work in fish but its not necessary. But then i get my dream. Big dreams thats why i havent studied. After separating from her husband bang knows that marrying a pharaoh hes man doesnt necessarily guarantee a secure future. So shes learned to stand on her own 2 feet it helped that she didnt just have friends in the Filipino Community but also mixed with the locals you can love being integrated if you dont want to learn which. Child ends in a good thing for me challenge because here i have do you sort of thing or islam wage also in the right but they are very michael biggs. I think i really i just. Theres a step. Forward but im probably where i am now what i am. Its the evening before the pharaoh hes a National Holiday thing has invited her colleagues to dinner. They love the filipino dishes she prepares. Them for the vain hope for. And i think its so many where i think. I feel like im in favor of beads its good that we are able to make forward the before its so. This but now you could if i thought initial stores here are live on. After 12 years of marriage raising 2 children and separating from her husband bangs creating another life for herself. For many years on the pharaohs have made her into a woman knows exactly what she wants to say no longer feels shes just another filipino on the pharaohs. Shes become truly fair always herself. I won the war for you. I want to grow old. I was. On. The internet and raking are getting ready for the National Holiday. A special delicacy is on the menu whale meat. And naturally enough arrows slicing it is a mans job. Even after spending 5 years in the farrows im so that still finds some of the islands traditions hard to stomach. Right. There for. You. And anton that still isnt entirely sure what they celebrate on the National Holiday. Just theyre celebrating famed all out. There for saint paul nothing you can call the king of st if youre going over him our way out and this is that they won he was killed so they are actually living right so you are celebrating when he was yes this is that they won the. Point the high end of july. Or not so go which means st olaf sway is the most important day of the year in the pharaohs everyone comes out to celebrate this National Holiday. Its been a fair always tradition since the 13th century. I. Come. To you you. Owe you. And your thoughts here to the before she felt obliged to attack but since her return to the pharaohs shes glad to come she sees how the islands are changing. Their day here everything. Else theyre just seeing here today is Something Special for. I came home specially for the National Holiday everything in our 1st because they know that im heading here again its just different and it feels right i absolutely want to stay here. For it was. This is the 1st time mountain that has worn her fair always National Dress in public. Shes been waiting for this moment for days. After so happy and the weather through the nicer day. If i had everything thats happened. But theres a Beautiful Day here were going to be more lucky with the weather and having my wife and my daughter with me is just. Fantastic but i dont see anyone else yeah. They reached the city center just in time. For the big parade is about to begin the highlight of the festivities. And tonight thats right at home. Theyre always men and women have come from all around to see and be seen. And to celebrate together. Used to be the day when the marriage minded would i perspire to spouses. These days people flock here from around the world. There always are opening up. One of europes most remote regions shows how integration can work. Mainly tongue has also found her place and fairly society. This is her 18th all of sitka and she plans to take part for years to come. She has other plans to. I was planning film get the nod there really then i can apply for another job with a more. Its better for our future. If i must i will be along with my kids and i have to have more or. How you say its more extra i can offer you. What about a new husband. But im not looking. At the. A hot commodity whose trade is strictly prohibited yahaan. By free. Market for this Company Material is. Its been a good. But Animal Rights activists and politicians are coming up with new ideas to battle the good live great. 15 minutes on t w. Like. A mug or just smile. Love food for the russian soul. And beer runs deep. So many different walks of life. Some are. Oddly tried but all of them come straight from the heart of stone or cd or even when theres no more delicious the mush 4 inches. From the 1st of the walls to their final resting place the russians are g. W. Documentary. The same for your 5 keys to safer food. Keep clean to prevent contamination. Oh. Great draw and cook foods to avoid cross contamination. Cook thoroughly to kill microorganisms. Keep food safe temperatures cold to prevent bacterial growth. Use safe water and safe Raw Materials to avoid kentucky. Food producers are the ones primarily responsible for the safety of the food. But you can protect yourself and your family from diseases in a home by plying the 5 keys to sea for food use them you also have a role to play. Here. In the studio we have news line from berlin close serve but still not close enough for a deal better negotiations are under way and brussels as a leader is haggle over how to parcel out a 750000000000 Euro Coronavirus Recovery Fund the summit went into overtime last 9th but the main sticking points remain unresolved also coming up

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