Single post can reason massive audience mark respected our founder of the german web portal nets politic dog sees this as a huge opportunity or its a tiger balm and i now adays you really only need 3 people at most to get a protest started on social media feeds its millions of people hold up a banner one person and youre all set and done. Is it really that simple finding the right moment to target the right social media platform with the right hashtag is that all you need to start a worldwide can pain how and when does a single event spark an entire protest Movement Online and how does it spread across the globe lets take a look at the black lives made a movement thats currently receiving overwhelming Global Support it was sparked by a video that showed the Violent Arrest of george floyd that led to his death the video went viral and the hash tag last matter was used about 3. Point 7000000 times a day the following weeks the movement that started years ago. This is the Facebook Post that started. It was a reaction to the George Zimmerman and 2012 the Security Guard had frankly shot Trayvon Martin and im a black teenager be killing inspired the activist police to an emotional response to fellow campaign up patrice commented with the hash tag matter and the movement was born. We developed black lives matter spots both love for black people but also. For the ways in which our system has treated black people. Activists joined and together they started a twitter and tumblr account here they encouraged others to share their experiences of racism and Police Violence on Facebook Twitter and instagram they used images rife with symbolic meaning the hash tag black lives matter was often combined with other hashtags to reach more people in the following years it was used about 17000 times a day. By the hash tag always helps because many people can rally around it but it improves visibility and most importantly it sends out a message like a slogan lives black lives matter is a great hash tag and its also a great slogan they can be chanted on the streets. In may 2020 George Florence black and was killed in a violent terrorist video documenting the brutality went viral and sparked outrage since then protests have been taking place on and off line the demands put forth by black lives matter even reached from platforms like i believe we all that are right now much bigger matter celebrities are also simple. Because online under the hash tag share the mike now selena gomez and Hillary Clinton amongst others have lent their social media profiles to black lives matter to give a message of why. We need more than black people to show up for black lives that impact when we when we free black people when we really deal with the issues that plague black communities we set the ground for everybody else to get a little bit more free. Even if theres still a long way to go black lives matter thus draw attention to the issue of racism around the world and has led to some changes in several areas in the Tech Industry for example i t. Corporations are fine tuning their vocabulary to be rid of such terms of black list and white list but lets back up a little if theres an issue im really passionate about how can a spring into action to start my own campaign here 3 expert tips. If any protest needs a certain momentum when youre lacking momentum if carnahans our social inequalities havent led enough people to believe that this kind of protest is useful in this particular situation then youre pretty much on your own. And shipments in july that i. Know he wants and without a moving story and without communication skills in general its hard to bring a message across and even harder to start a march movement by. Long at any motional tale encapsulates a message in a totally different way than just the facts and can capture an audience. Factitious on just. You know i have to be visible on all outlets and use all the opportunities they offer in the audio i need to be on instagram with visual elements and on twitter with hash tags and short statements and with needs you ever want because of course theres. The tricky part is finding the best strategy for each platform to reach more people mobilize them and just get my message across and will be easier for many teams at times but here but even if youve got all the necessary ingredients for a Successful Online campaign that doesnt guarantee it will work on the campaigns also require an engaged audience there are Different Levels to this step one noticing or reading a post on social media that catches your eye step to liking then sharing the post with friends which basically makes you part of the movement already the next steps are posting something about the issue itself starting a group of platform and finally taking to the streets on the issue successful campaigns often have interlinking online and offline nativities that mesh together smoothly as the need to have movement showed it can also take some time to catch on the around the world how many times toronto burke and im the founder of the me too movement. We founded me to over a decade ago to support young women of color in the community we live who are survivors of Sexual Violence. To movement started in 2006 and was originally a local outreach project in the u. S. Only in 2017 did may also become a hash tag as charges of sexual abuse were leveled against hollywood producer Harvey WeinsteinActress Alyssa Milano had called upon others on twitter to share the hash tag me to see if they too had experienced Sexual Violence then and this among ana and to run a burger joint forces and a new Global Movement was born. Since the expansion our explosion of me to 2017 we have a unique opportunity to expand our platform and continue a National Conversation around Sexual Violence in this country and countries around the world to start a trend in more than 85. 00 countries it helped uncover many other cases of sexual abuse and spot debates around the world Harvey Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in prison for price and the criminal sexual act. But its quite clear from the Online Movement to bring about such change in such a short amount of time symbolic awareness campaigns in the real world can improve their reach where the mass demonstrations of climate change. Posters about racism. Or projecting images onto the statue of christ in Rio De Janeiro to want others about the coronavirus. Protesting on the streets remains important online your subjects the constraints of each specific social media platform and their interests profit driven. Off facebook when we use a bank to create a page for our campaign in our completely dependent on facebook making bad anytime and we dont know to what extent our issue is perhaps being repressed it was only to. To the streets then we are protected by the right to protest and to freedom of expression. Specify minus both of them. That might be true for a nation like germany that is governed by the rule of law but in other parts of the world its a different story there the internet can become an important safe space. Were in an arms race for Surveillance Technology 10 tools for digital self defense im on the move with. Me to visit if you put in the effort and know how to you can still cover your Digital Footprints and make it hard to track your online enough. Many people rely on and in order to avoid their opinion or raise an issue we need to. Take hong kong for instance the Chinese SpecialAdministrative Region has seen a shop rise in protests defending democratic rights its a risky undertaking as the number of protests committed has been steadily decreasing activists could be in prison for life interested they use social media to share plans and information and use encrypted messages such as telegram to cover their digital tracks but the new security law has put activists even more in harms way. And. I think very obviously the purpose of the law is to change the rule of law to rule of fear so every day when people go. Wake up they have to think what should i say today should i come out tomorrow. In other countries protesting on the streets is hottest you know this social media can offer a safe space for activism mozzie only mission and the rainy live in exxon launched the campaign my stealthy freedom in protest against irans law obliging women to wear hijab she posted a photo of herself on facebook without one soon many iranian women followed her lead. There is a daily war in iraq about my lifestyle. They have guns and bullets we have facebook to a Church Instagram and our social media they can not be silent thats something that i never. Testing on social media can also help people facing completely different struggles the campaign immy action raises awareness to people with the Chronic Fatigue syndrome and many who suffer from pains and sudden feelings of exhaustion and me is still quite unknown so patients are often wrongly diagnosed in some cases even as having a psychological condition bedridden patients are turning to social media to raise attention to their plight with the hashtags immediate action and not enough for me theyre demanding more funding through research on the disease is. Posting a video photo of yourself holding a piece of paper with a message on it as plain as that may sound it can still make a difference even if that difference simply means raising awareness for a certain issue but can online protests also lead to real change or does the movement then need to shift into the real world with demonstrations for example what do you think what issues have you fought for online or out on the streets that is now on facebook you tube or d w dot com thats it for me today see you out there soon. Its no place for young women who want to break with tradition the pharaoh of. Where men are men and women are meant to behave accordingly. Such realities and lonely hearts slowly things are starting to change. Totally. Hot commodity trade is strictly prohibited to be healed. Hydrating. The market for this comforting material is moving even though its illegal. But Animal Rights activists and politicians are coming up with new ideas to combat the deadly. 45 minutes on d w. Im nothing out of the jetsons because sometimes i am but i said nothing with the gun to the german thanks deep into the general culture up here you did see ridiculous dramas down to you thus its all that after a no time i shall join me i mean to get down to the lowest. Bar out in the north atlantic. The Faroe Islands surprisingly filipino women comprise the largest ethnic minority here some 10000 kilometers from their homeland i dont know how they found the car and its raining fit because how come they get. On to net found different traditions the love of her life and a new life awaiting her on the pharaohs