Transcripts For DW Busines - News 20240712

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Welcome to the business i want to get johnsonville im going to have you with us now from home office to home schooling the coronavirus pandemic has forced many of us to embrace a digital working environment but what might work for not Companies Often doesnt work in the Public Sector city whole school so homes for the elderly what ill equipped to switch online and for some this has opened a new markets like based startup my old job tripe. And. Its total time in the nursing home garden stuff will send this picture of dollars paid to the base to her relatives via digital platform called me oh im a porky im happy i hope it turns out well the photographs videos and Text Messages a lot of clips talk to the base to keep track of how his mother who suffers from dementia is doing and how shes spending her days. This is of on the will for your kind of message she is consciously sending me its taken by the care workers so for me its just a little highlight trying to highlight. Stuff at the nursing home are glad to be able to share information and events over me. Many residents arent in a position to communicate on their own via social networks whats more im also interested because one big difference concerns Data Security by which i was up for example is a little bit ambiguous when it comes to this issue information and for me as a manager its great to be able to have an overview of the field i dont want to call it controlled but i can see who might need to be sent a couple more pictures. To founders of the berlin star so were primarily interested in easing the job of care workers who then felix coonass spent 6 months as volunteers caring for the elderly. The funds were people who were really struck by how hard they worked at how little of that is recognized by society or even the residents relatives we wanted to change fast or. Some 100. 00 clinics now use the platform for which they pay up to 500. 00 euros a month the market for the service has been growing during the coronavirus pandemic the company now employs 16 people. Thats where you try another berlin star so bored one day like to be. Their Online Service allows users to mingle and hop the tween different conversational circles much like you would at a real event like a work of the ring you can switch groups at any time all while keeping an overview of where everyone else is some 1000. 00 companies and event organizers are already using the platform. Itself and the reason you go to events is to get to know people to Exchange Ideas and to have random encounters and i think the moment you offer a platform like this you create a new market for events which before this point wouldnt have been possible. Coronavirus has triggered a boom in Digital Communication tools startups like yo tribe and meo hope the trend will continue post pandemic will go well thats the question for more im joined by claimants hes professor at Cologne Business School hes also of course an expert on digitalisation and social media good to have you with us so good 90 and certainly changed our lives and germanys think tank of the evil institute for one believes that a home office will be here to stay even in a post covert 19 era do you think that the pandemic has finally opened the door to a digital society. Yes definitely because now we know what were talking about c. 4 in the last years especially many people in germany are a little bit like oh no i dont want to replace did my my my normal life why do shoot has asia so its not a real conversation we need a real meeting us on and theyre calling 900 force us to think a new way and now we have experience now we know that not everything later on will be digital not every thing they dont will be nondisabled so we have a choice even though were talking about it there have more flexibility now for some people will be very attractive to work from home so its what director for companies because people are satisfied to work for a moment they dont need the space for the Office Spaces anymore and we are more flexible of this just not racing but its more flexible ok how well equipped is germany in order to be actually to allow this digital society. We are not a relic with so i hope it will be a wake up call for many so we see we are dependent on the many especially american platforms we dont have the infrastructure is Getting Better and better but especially tools and services they used it really depended on american flags on so we know this know and therefore you have some wonderful experience examples of startups so we hope that we will have a boom in that we will find our group you know our german way you see not that we do have something but you said something very important and our european way because so far when it comes to digitalisation the European Countries actually have had different strategies lets just take a quick look. When it comes to digitalisation europe doesnt appear to be taking a unified approach the study found that germany has been focusing on 5 g. And whats known as industry 4. 00 thanks mark homes and smart cities french president in money on my call has been concentrating on Artificial Intelligence and on supporting tech enterprise is tony as Prime Minister you rattles has injected his energy into digitizing Government Services but the studys authors did conclude that all you states have been neglect in the area of Digital Education and especially big problem during the coronavirus pandemic. So back with. You from the Cologne Business School how could europe pool all these different expertise already available. Yeah if we would use our common European Market in a good way to make to create an atmosphere of trying new things that would be perfect so far we have especially focused on data privacy laws like g. D. P. Are which was not very helpful to. To to to boost new european tools because their privacy makes it many times many tools not as usable as american tools for example so we should focus on this that then just that we have different standards but then we have to take our own people our people its cool in there and the companies and so on to fascinate for our ways our european ways because so far we did not get far in that now right so the pandemic is an opportunity but we really have to grab it and make the most of a claim and say ok theyre from the current Business School thank you so much for your time. And now to some of the of a Global Business stories making use. Tesla has announced its expecting to higham will than 10000. 00 employees for its 1st factory in europe which is being built we have been in the economy a fact of plans to have 3 shifts a day after opening next year. And im less this it will need to come to more jobs than the 15000. 00 previously announced the german all to make a told news agency d. P. A. That it needs to increase cost cutting as demand for costs slumps due to the pandemic. Well time to bring in our Financial Market correspondent in frankfurt to early diner is cutting jobs tesla is hiring and looks like thousands of jobs will move north. Whether they will move north physically i dont know germans are said to be chronically and traditionally shy of moving anywhere from the car to the bank book for example i dont know if thats really true when push comes to shove but certainly don where will also be in need to need to be creating thousands of jobs and its the electrical car Mobility Division and for autonomy its driving it will need many thousands of people the problem is it will be different jobs and most likely different people as well from those that are in the company now and so dialer is saying the head of personnel more than 15000 jobs are at stake are looking to be eliminated not only i mean it was sort of used to that the markets dont always necessarily reflect the real economy weve seen it in the past few weeks and this week again started on a positive note tell us whats behind that optimism on the trading floor. Yeah its certainly ignoring the risks that are out there the number of corona cases in the United States for example or the chance of a 2nd infection wave but certainly people one of the positives that theyre looking for this week is the Company Profit results. That are going to be rolling in from today from this week and the next couple of weeks and theyre looking for pleasant surprises not great news Everybody Knows that the numbers will be nowhere near last year but theyll be looking for a bit brighter picture than they fear and thats whats driving the share prices here at the moment with what clinging to strollers in frankfurt and thank you so much. Pakistans mangal gross a facing difficult times a hit a combination of coronavirus trade slowdown bad weather and locust attacks has created a 19 a year for grow us and exports in the main go belts in eastern pakistan many farmers say the cold winter and locusts attacks slash their mingle harvest in half the season and now theres more trouble finding markets for their main coast appears to be the biggest problem many flights freight trains and cargo ships have been suspended due to coronavirus restrictions. The chamber of commerce fears mango exports will fall by almost 80 percent this year farmers will have to watch the fruit of their labor rot. Look at that girl in a lie this all over the world down has been carried on so we cant even explore the mangles all over the world to be used to send a man goes all over the world no it is because events on the mongols soviet stock now. Selling the fruits on local markets or to restaurants and hotels in pakistan also isnt easy due to widespread closures and the few Logistic Companies that are still operating have doubled or even tripled their prices to ship goods to europe and other markets some say this is the worst situation for growers and generations of their family businesses. That are you going argue with us and because of the lockdown and border restrictions many x. Quarters arent placing orders back sporter say is there an increased cargo cost are being covered even if they dont take our products and we cant pay our laborers. Of good will not a lot of will to be ordered. Just a few months of the main go season remain if the situation doesnt improve many farmers fear the lose their fields and then. And thats the Business Update here and e. W. For me in the team thanks for watching. I bet im david and this is Climate Change brags that sex. Happiness increase books. This is the book for you. Youll get smarter for free to double your books are new to. Every day counts for us and for our planet play. The ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation players how to make c. The screenplay how can we protect have a chance to play we can make a difference to play the ideas the environmental series of little 3000 on t. W. And all mucked. Up. Playing. This week on the world stories attacks against refugees on the aegean sea and 93 year olds about the corona infection but we begin in the usa thats been hit full force by the corona pandemic with record spikes in new infections and more deaths than anywhere else in the world the virus exposes a divided society. Things look like theyre getting back to normal at lake allatoona just 20 miles northeast of georgias capital atlanta about boaters are back on the water and nobodys wearing a mask in downtown atlanta and across the entire state a growing number of shops and restaurants are reopening is back in business ended work by order of the governor but not so fast food for a deacon a county atlanta a food drive a fairly common sign these days were told that predominantly affluent. Live here however today long lines of cars from the parking lot again for a box of vegetables and a bag of frozen chicken breasts one her car and household. Was going to. Go to you know define that will give you this is john beals hes a chef and used to have a thriving catering business then called 1000 units on a corner selling barbecue feel says the

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