A recent battle between its own troops and Chinese Forces in the far north my guest this week from new delhi is sudan she travailed the a member of the opera house of parliament and the National Spokesperson for the ruling b j p why does his party seem to show so much tolerance for those who found the flames of communal hatred. You got your very very welcome to conflict zone. Lets talk about indias response to the pandemic 1st of all various aspects of your governments response have been massively criticized both inside and outside india a much the 24th your Prime Minister mr modi gave indians just 4 hours notice of a lockdown something that one indian writer called the most punitive and least planned lockdown in the world what did you expect 100000000. 00 Migrant Workers spread out across the country to do with just 4 hours notice. If you want to understand what very high status is the situation. In this issue of. Cycling keep up our china now we are the biggest nation in the war but under little to fight a war. With 70 percent of the People Living in google area. 27 percent is still illiterate but what percent living below poverty line you know your indian various every day 25000000 words everybody in your. Thought also every saying that war dying should have been given a lot if you can see that the fort is number one well the sand billick broke out in the month of january there was only one letter. It must have been up doing that now we are under so so all time you are not that much it could be seconded and dined there were a lot more actual kits because there were a lot for lot for actual they were used only in the hospitals and the diggle care unit section now. The. Second day there were the less number of ventilators. So look i understand i understand mr trevanion but millions of workers were left stranded in city choice with no food shelter money or means of transport did nobody in your government think of that when the announcement was made. It gives you have military i would like to say this is the totally wrong. Robert would have been but why did all those weary i did it are even for those who why did those who were not having any idea. Second thing died and money is being transferred 1000 rupees to every farmers 500 rupees to every woman and daughter who are living below poverty line they were or why did caste still not seen once the offer was yes im talking about the only double edition well i want to see and im just telling you that that the u. N. The u. N. Did not by your comforting assurances u. N. Experts said just 3 weeks ago we were appalled at the disregard shown by the Indian Government towards internal migrant laborers especially those who belong to marginalize minorities and lower costs they said youd failed to address that by humanitarian situation subjected them to Police Brutality and failed to stop testing my ties ation as virus carriers. Telling you telling me they dont know what theyre talking about at the end i did nations one thing. First i would like to complain of up to 1000 people like that but deny her or. If your horse if 100000000 farmers what i get. In there is due at dolls. So there was nothing of this sort and imagine the relation are if one took millions if they are living in rule it out what would that mean a situation the government. Do in effect i would like to see on the International Media there are certain elements in our system which try to give long information to them there are certainly lets talk about some of the bodies within india because some of your leading medical bodies also trashed the governments response didnt they the Indian Public Health association the Indian Association of preventive unsocial medicine the Indian Association of epidemiologists they accused you of incoherent and often rapidly shifting strategies and policies relying on the predictions of modeless they said well way off the mark i view out of that charge. Now i am those who are saying this we are the biggest democracy of the word and we do it a sect i would like to see from Eastern Europe and japan we are the only surviving i mean democracy the Prime Minister is to get in and search and of all the up with. All the chief ministers of the state and then the love doll to others started ride percent of what went to the arms foreign minister if they want to be an al damato and the name of paul in a stiff wind up but then up with the sovereign by the opposition government so it was the other Political Party in you it was realizing that it is a wild men walk down like a mulatto the still having the 2nd 5th of what they are so if what state you closer to each other about what is. Right it is an insult to the explodes but i just as conservative even if i was there im certain that it was there. And a little justice heart doctor would have a hope not to trivia if that was all true one by the 2nd week in june was the Supreme Court ordering the government to transport workers back to that homes within 15 days it also told the police to cancel all that charges against those who went able to get home by themselves its something of a disgrace isnt it that the Supreme Court actually has to order your government to do the decent humane thing that most other governments would do by themselves so who looks after the interests of the poor certainly not the b j p is it the law not only they stepped up its 100 percent a 3rd subject Central Government at least go. To the feds object centered only controlling the center units. Though on the stand it was the primary responsibility of base governments to look up to that sentiment but i do support them but many of the sources unfortunately because of some misguided and some mysterious im not accusing all summer State Governments one and it will do all that much as i have action that has created a little bit of an excited State Government of the day that they have be if it wasnt. An 11 or my good neighbor. Give it all i have and press and then the sun when i think men are never coming back we will wither by bus it really will be managed and the Central Government has the ear or if the 5 percent of the cost of the image ticket if you want to say what it was they said government so if there is any thing to be said arm up while the government as foot has done my bit limit. Its fall at the bottom to still government because finding out what is the less said government when he says something yes i think that is you know heres something that is your responsibility talk to have a lets lets talk about food by the end of april the Food Corporation of india had 77000000 tons of cereals in stock but instead of giving it to states with very little money or ruling party tried to sell it to them at market rates something which shocked economists rita kara from the Indian Institute of management for instance said the governments unwillingness to relent and give it free to the states is mind boggling i couldnt understand why you were trying to profit from this grain instead of giving people who not you dance of the lead on the moment has given free of cost you millions of those who are not having ive been to god but then the government has given free of cost like a jeep all. If i get your rice some elses and ill double back and say i saw that it just died it wasnt whether the stuff or didnt cost but not only did. It just been provided me of course my government and the cigar but also so do respond im saying well say when you say you dont like jet and get a wider perspective. On when his is a statistic from the Financial Times which reported that of the the money most of the money that was given in extra funding it was less than 12000000000. 00 or about no point 4 percent of indias g. D. P. G. D. P. Thats one of the lowest levels of relief provided by any asian economy you proud of that on the contrary the government of india has well why did it. Well it took 21. 00 lakh rupee if we just dont put a cent of the g. D. P. Just 10 percent of the g. D. P. By that figure isnt filtering through to International Experts thats not filtering through and and also dr trevenna lets look at the special fund called the Prime Minister caspian cast that has also brought a fresh deluge of criticism from around the country the promise to launch this fund with great fanfare in march received some one point 27000000000. 00 in funds which the government matched why so few details on how this money is being spent and why no official audit from the government know what it is the c. A. G. What have you got to hide here again i would like to say. One difficulty to get in the month of march and the audit is done better than the financial you dont need who said in the 2 months of course you. Did you can barely even they didnt you thought oh really. 50000 mentally tears by called the news that a cleveland given by young kids fun and it is a government fun in the Prime Minister is the chairman home minister is a member of the defense ministers a member nobody from any of the other parties nobody from the other party why why arent all the documents related to this fund made public why the lack of transparency with the question of lack of trust and an issue to get any and anybody. Thats what was there. And bet it was done and if its not sure anybody in on the question at the time cant meet and then its too late and then its too late why dont you release the information now people are giving money what because workers have been asked to give money government workers have been asked to give money why shouldnt they see where this money is going now the government has already given it well. It is by 2000 or 5 months ive been given to this separate details have been given which secondly general audit and that was when they were. Funded expenditures and done but why did as you know theres been considerable controversy over the fact that all all the people in charge of this fund are from your party and if its public money tell the public whats going on with it thats the point that people are making to you you know perfectly well its been well reported in the indian press you are misled it was not done by the members of it by peter them by the members of the government exactly thats my point its meant run by members of the government only theres nobody from any of the other parties involved in making the decisions on this in this body nobody and nobody why not get here get me any financial body in the government of india. In which a member of it might be their identity learn to duck to trivia its not just your response to the pandemic thats attracted criticism agency after agency has highlighted the falling levels of democracy in your country i noticed a few months ago you were highlighting the fact that your country is a democracy this years report from he that Freedom House spoke of the Indian Governments alarming departures from democratic norms under the Prime Ministers b j p it also warded you the largest score decline among the worlds 25 largest democracies and its 2020 freedom in that so you proud of that can you tell me only one fact on this the most criticized aspect of your decline has been the passage last december of the citizenship law which uses religion as a criterion for deciding which Illegal Migrants can be fast tracked for citizenship the measure favors members of all south asias religions except islam which just happens to be your 2nd largest faith thats hardly a coincidence is it i will give dancer in number one if you are the oldest. All of the artists. And the particulars of lawlessness will is very much there but it was incumbent on the i purposed to be the secular and the Democratic Caucus that the should give shelter to those who are religious liberty we are not selected and welcomed yes there are in those states. Bullis why does he stand secular un high commissioner for human rights doesnt agree with you he calls the law fundamentally discriminatory in nature and he should know shouldnt he deals with human rights abuses worldwide in italy. And actually discriminatory in nature yes that muslims are well suited in their country then we can consider that it was you have given 500. 00 muslims its a little shit but you walk just love what i just come and openly say they just didnt see muslims also or dont even consider that is why does your party why is it so brazen in attacking its perceived enemies and why does it tolerate so much hate speech we have your home minister ahmed shah referring to migrants as termites to be eradicated in or to protest the b j peace chief minister yogi and thats promised revenge against those who protested against the citizenship amendments act and said they should be fed bullets not biryani why are these people never rained in by your party or disciplined by your party and allowed to say these these things. Again i would like to say if you go by the reports was that our. Biggest abuse is being used the words of it being used against the Prime Minister and they are saying that they are not. The last dr words have been frequently used openly or later nationally only in the us openly on this to both nor no. Other country you lot a lot of political agenda of the country the public t. V. Would. Be held by police and question what just was shown to a political one. And other journalists had to see you know dozens of the why are you put a single instance in the. Journalist who says that you know to be a preventive why does our Capital Capital mishra for instance of the be j. P. In delhi he led a demonstration calling on people to shoot the protesters why was he allowed to do that knowing it is wrong yet nobody in the world through i can kind of a 2nd 5 years use the word though he wants to tell us what you wind up or illegally or one month he has used the word or i am saying that well didnt you remove this illegal occupation otherwise we lost your. Thought and you are i mean if somebody might be beagle their reward in front of your house and if you still didnt read every one. Of the book by police then you decide whats important to what it doesnt become to translate it them to trade it in the aftermath of the february riots in which more than 50 people died and most of the muslims in the aftermath there was one of the most telling episodes when the Delhi High Court heard petitions about the riots in the city and asked why the police had not filed cases against b j p p politicians who had advocated violence the presiding judge dr marandi da warned the delhi police of serious consequences for not investigating statements by b j p politicians he said im really appalled by the state of affairs of the delhi police the court had earlier watch videos of 4 be j. P. Leaders capital mishra and the faca abhay vama and partnership them which the truck described as hate mongering hate mongering how do you get away from that. I would like to correct i think you were that upon one instance that she didnt say its whats up english. But she didnt want d us in the context of iraq but what of your what you said you didnt just look ill do the traitor to the country people said to them yes i admit that meant this type of slogans but really you should have a friend and he stopped us but he had not used the word shoot them yet shot the judge the judge called it hate mongering and you know what happened of course to the judge days later where he receives a transfer order at midnight to a completely different part of the country and the federal law minister says it was routine and a great by the Supreme Court routine transfer at midnight do you seriously expect anyone to believe this you managed to remove a judge who was asking questions about your politicians thats the sum of it isnt it i want to i want to be for you and make a point number one sometimes slower but i guess if its not done by government it is done by golly gee im of the course that its 2nd thing how convenient how convenient that it was just after he had us all could questions Electric Company does and then suddenly the time for order was done there before and ive died in question had also given that consent. Then before it was done but it was not exist you git if youre going to do what he should have been believe much of. I dont im saying it was done rather than the full after lancing this is miserable little bit like going on in the short time that we have left up to evade it id like to just talk about the recent battle between indian and chinese troops in the Northern Light that region once again this has raised questions about different versions coming from the b j p government where exactly did the fight take place between indian and Chinese Forces we know that some of the Chinese Forces died we also know that 20 indian soldiers were killed where exactly did this fight take place specifically on whose side of the border. Prime minister a little bit here niger chinese too but it will. Not allow any of our coast is under there and. Thats not what i asked i asked where the fight had taken place there are light snow defense in the line effect so light on military control is there. And in between there are several kilometers of it which is a lot less so than the understanding in that is the pacific defenses. Who can come and what they will not you know. But the bottom line and. Our troops are going to be find out that the head of the at elysee in the that is the op there try to find out it everybody so they have decided to force them back so where the battle took place well on whose territory in the no mans land are you saying if it happened on here that the chinese in the chinese site in the chinese medically country are lying about the west this is where the battle took place with your forces yes we have for your forces were in chinese territory or in no mans land where were they. Why is this so difficult why is it so difficult to tie down. You might get deadline off military and king because if there are several kilometers of. This deadline and imminent that people are fired and young you do not do any art youll i. P. A. D. And you do not any dont believe the subject im going to hold up a moment when our troops are really there follow that in that no mans land ahead of their line of there was something pretty structure so that yeah simple but they didnt know that despite that the structure and then brought him back and they were. So this all happened in the no mans land is that right is that what youre telling me it didnt happen in chinese territory and it didnt happen on indians territory the clear implication from all this fudging is that the chinese did cross into what you regard as indian territory but you wont admit that because you dont want to appear either weak for letting it happen or worse being asleep on the job and not reacting until it was too late which was it no it was very clear that the chinese troops were there the whole shock and still is essentially there and. The troops of the equally shoving your troops just exactly there as they were before and in that in which theres an agreement that nobody should come by to come over. Why not just say clearly the chinese violated your border or they didnt we had 2 different versions we have the Prime Minister saying no no one has intruded into our territory or taken over any post and we had the foreign minister who said the chinese side sought to erect a structure in go one valley on our side of the line of actual control on our side in other words 2 different versions from 2 leading figures in your government no there was no difference at all as far as the chinese in the land distance and yes of course in tucson and there since 1000. 00 they have captured a certain if you are over it only in 1062 years of us there you know what but now the fight will be shown if their military vote but if people so loud out there. If you say that the i dont know what theyre going to be just the out there you know what it. Is yes and what the militant group will jump doesnt it is not order and its what the answer to that it thank you very much im not sure that youve cleared up the simple question of when it happened but thank you very much for your answers thank you. True. Group is such. A sum from within the motions to. The trying to escalate the tense situation. Something is occurring. During bad weather it seems emma is in 7th heaven. Shes a hunter caption under some images he sent sound at the 1st sign of the story and then straight to the rumblings and lightning bolts in the food use images of stunning energy. 30 minutes. I was here when i arrived here i slept with 6 people in a room similar it was hard. I even got white hair its the. Language head. This gets me and they go to nicky to instruct with the saying you want to know their story my friends her fighting and reliable information for margaret. This is some notes story a stubborn rice farmer from thailand. His problem tests. His credo no chemicals. His wife thought i was crazy. And i bought ducks. And his plan was. To. Step in. Step no. Wonder. The students are good pests that stand a chance. The rice is rising the farmers free. The finest egg production to top it off. Being successful. Starts june 27th. This is day w news and these are our top stories u. S. President all trump says the country is on its way to a quote tremendous victory against coronavirus after the u. S. Broke its own record for new cases of covert 19 trump was speaking on Independence Day celebrations and much of the country subdued because of the make

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