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Rebecca riches welcome to the program the United States celebrates Independence Day as the country reports another record rise in new coronavirus cases more than 57000 people have been infected in the past 24 hours alone u. S. President donald trump kicked off the 4th of july celebrations an addon event in south dakota fireworks lit up the sky over the Mount Rushmore monument which in a controversial move trump chose as the venue for this years festivities in a divisive speech he criticized recent protesters against Racial Injustice as a merciless campaign to wipe out our history. Trump has promised a night to remember on the national more in washington tens of thousands are expected to gather to watch the flyovers and fireworks display in other parts of the country though 4th of july displays and parades have been canceled due to fears of a further spread of the coronavirus with experts calling on americans to practice social distancing at public and private gatherings not many feel like celebrating the national holiday. Has more last chance to enjoy an Mt Washington mall before the celebrations begin this is where a large crowds will cheer to fly overs and fireworks on Americas National holiday the loudspeakers are ready for tens of thousands of visitors but not everyone here feels well about being among masses of people at the height of a Global Pandemic and makes me anxious to be like around the crowd to be honest so thats what i want to be now but i think i think it its definitely is it sucks that you know we wont be able to celebrate the way we used to those past years but were going to try to make the most of it with you know family and Close Friends that weve been kind of with during the last few months. This year the 4th of july will be a completely different holiday number one because a security fence will set up youre keeping people away from the white tolls for security reasons us were expecting many protests potentially riots on the 4th of july and later on saturday this is where the president will deliver his speech addressing the nation. At the black lives matter a plus a t. Shirt vendors are hoping for a Good Business and a large turnout. Is all our. Liberties that we have achieved for over 200 years. Should apply to everyone and obviously. Demonstration sure thats problematic for everyone i just hope that more and more people will go. Because that is so critical at this point. Holiday under strain by the pun demick and racial divisions this year not everyone feels like celebrating. Thats cause im straight to washington way to reason as paul is standing by it is today is Independence Day a very symbolic and important day for most americans how is the country celebrating this year amid the coronavirus pandemic youre right rebecca in right in front of the white house here where the president is going to deliver another speech he promised the biggest fireworks in history so far i have to say it looks pretty empty and constitution avenue you see it normally there are hundreds thousands of people already waiting for the parade to happen but this year everything seems to be really different while President Trump mentioned the coronavirus only once during his speech at Mount Rushmore yesterday instead he accused black lives matters protest as of trying to quote wipe out our history lets take a quick listen to what he had to say there is a growing danger that threatens every blessing a recess for so hard for struggled they bled to secure. Our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history to fame our heroes a race of values and indoctrinate our children. And id like to get your take on what President Trump had to say whats he trying to achieve with that kind of message. Over burbeck of you have to keep in mind this comes this 4th of july comes in a moment when this country is fear facing so many problems this code 19 on the one hand many many hospitals are really like of kind of overwhelmed by the sick people then the they are these economical crisis is not only the United States is facing but also all the rest of the world but then there is more than ever before i think the big big question what the United States really is its a question of identity and donald trump didnt use the operative unity last night to unify the country he did actually quite the opposite he put fuel in the fire and its already so ive noted and now having this event this specific plays he also kind of threaten our native americans as well so its the opposite of a unifying joyful moment this very culturally with so Much Division in the country that you speak of a protests expected as well there alongside the celebrations. Oh yeah there are already more than 20 protests scheduled with might see more we had the chance to talk to some people on the ground this morning there are already some native americans here protesting Donald Trumps speech from last night and now were going to see i mean maybe there will be more prose to protest action on the streets than really like happy celebration. As paul in washington thank you very much. Well the wave of Racial Justice protests in the u. S. And elsewhere has reinvigorated vigor right to debate here in berlin about its own monuments and street Names Campaign is say there is still many in the city that promote racism or gloss over germanys role in african slavery and colonialism. Did reporter william blue cross live for us in the center of the city where change is coming to address one example of that william tell us more about where you are right now. Hi rebecca yeah im here in a very historic part of berlin and not in a positive sense i mean just around the corner was really the seat of colonial power here in germany German Imperial power it was in 884. 00 that the 1st chancellor of germany otto from bismarck invited western powers to a conference on how to divide up africa and to turn them all into colonies for the various western powers including germany and if you look over my Left Shoulder you have the the entrance to the underground station more than say over my right shoulder is the name of the street but you cant see it because someones blacked out the word more and one of the underground stations someones put or many people have put bumper stickers saying black lives matter and white silence is violence and thats because more than in german is an Old Fashioned and today considered discriminatory ward word against people of color and that is what campaigners have been trying to get change for years here in berlin both the street name and the underground station thats for the street name and now at least part of thats come true the b. The g. The Berlin Transit Company has decided to change the name of the underground station so it will no longer be more than. What why why is that. The Public Transport Company here in berlin decided now to change the name. Well they say its about symbolism in the importance of symbolism that they are a stand against racism and discrimination of all kinds they want to set that tone by changing the name of course they could have changed this name at any time in the last many years that theres been protest against this but of course much like other organizations and companies all around the world theyre getting on board with doing things that maybe they should have done a long time ago given the backdrop of the black lives matter protests and the Police Killing of george florey in the United States yeah quite a timely timely moment so whats next for the station and the area where i am. Well the b. B. C. Says that the name change is going to happen sometime this year this course a lot of logistics will take time will cost money to make all of it the name changes i was right in the here earlier and everything is still the same as it as it has always been but of course the bigger project for activists to get the actual street name changed that still to come they are still fighting that with the city and as of now although the the station name will change to the on the corner which is after a 19th Century Russian composer the name of the actual street is going to stay the same date every reporter William Green caught in the center of berlin for us thanks very much for your reporting. And turning now to some of the other stories making news around the world german chancellor Angela Merkel has paid tribute to the elderly saying they have faced particular hardship and loneliness during the coronavirus pandemic during her weekly radio address. To protect protect the elderly by respecting social distancing rules. More than a dozen people are presumed dead in southwest in japan after terentia will reign stricken flooding and landslides tens of thousands have been evacuated and troops are being deployed for search and rescue operations heavy rain is forecast to continue until sunday. A rescue ship in the mediterranean had this as declared an emergency after several migrants on board attempted to commit suicide the ocean viking made the appeal for help after it was denied entry to mull to and italy the crew says it can no longer guarantee the safety of the 118. 00 migrants on board who are becoming increasingly desperate to reach land crewmembers say there have been 6 suicide attempts within the space of 24 hours. Earlier i spoke to her shes the managing director of s. O. S. Mediterranean here in germany i asked her why the situation on this vessel is so dire. We have 180 survivors on board and many of them are already spending 8 days on board the rescue vessel which is not a place of safety and where those people shouldnt stay really any longer they are following very critical. Almost due to there could be 19. And they are not even able to call their families because one. Day it is they are still alive and they actually of work being libya they are being really really hard situations many of them up being the tension and they spent many days there and im terrible conditions on the rubble. For 5 days without any water and any any many of them. And now they are no more than 8 days in our rescue vessel and im not about to enter your. Safety which just candy is really at the moment we are in front of the end of the waters and asking. You. To allow. For the rest trying in that tank that we had larry you had which hasnt happened about 4 days before you know were doing rescue operations just because actually you know guarantee your safety your crew and the safety of. For in a pepco from s. O. S. Mediterranean speaking to me a little earlier in argentina football fans have been yearning for the return of the game after the season was abandoned due to the coronavirus pandemic social distancing means it cant be played in its normal form but some amateur players have got creative to ensure they can get back out on the field. Locals in argentina call this human table football its a byproduct of the coronavirus pandemic the picture is divided into 12 rectangles each player must remain within their zone if you leave your rectangle you get a penalty and its 5 a side versus the traditional 11. In times football is as important as getting together with friends once or twice a week for my. Human table football not only gives us the possibility of work but also a trance a gap which is as important as a vaccine the face masks and the hand washing. But the football isnt quite the same tackles are not allowed and players dont run as much the social distancing format has made it more of a passing and shooting game. Its a great joy to be back on the pitch it makes us feel good to have on our friends to get out it has its limitations its strange but we are adapting model we want to get back to normal as soon as possible. Until then the country has human table football its a new form of the beautiful game but any kind of football is better than no football at all. Youre watching daybreak news play written will bring you more headlines at the top of the hour until then check out our website dot com im rebecca races thanks very much for watching. All of. My gorgeous. Sued for the russians. In the street. So many different walks of life. Some want to. Try. To come straight from hard hit stores see. Dealers in the mosque or in china

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