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A Michael Oconnor thanks for joining us in the u. S. Several states that were the 1st to ease lockdown restrictions are now seeing drastic spikes in coronavirus case its large states like texas and florida are now shutting parts of the economy back down in a race to get ahead of the infection spread records for new infections are being broken across the country while the administration and some local leaders continue to downplay the threat of the disease. One step forward 2 steps back states like texas and florida have been left reeling progress towards reopening has been put on poor as an infection rates in both states in texas nearly 6000 new coronavirus cases were. Ordered on thursday prompting the governor to close boz and limit restaurants to 50 percent capacity its a similar story in florida 9000. 00 new cases were reported on friday nearly doubling the previous record set are made true days earlier. Many states are experiencing the highest infection rate since the crisis began in a sign the spark is being taken seriously by the white house the Coronavirus Task force held its 1st briefing in 2 months. We stand here today we believe weve made progress. But as we are reminded as we see cases rising across the self that we still i work to do and so we say to every american particularly those in counties and in states that are being impacted by rising cases of that now is the time for everybody to continue to do their part while there is the Vice President said that more than half of new cases are americans under the age of 35. 00 thats being complicated by the fact that many a symptomatic media family you have an individual responsibility to yourself but you have a societal responsibility because if we want to end this outbreak really end it and then hopefully when a vaccine comes and puts the nail in the coffin weve got to realize that we are part of the process. Experts remain concerned as the health this is Economy Today fueled by trumps insistence the country got back up and running. A look now at some of the other developments in the pandemic in india the number of confirmed cases has risen to more than half a 1000000 experts say the virus has not reached its peak there authorities in mexico or slowly relaxing the lock down from next week shop streak markets and sports complexes are allowed to open but are subject to restrictions argentina is extending quarantine measures in the capital going as aries until mid july the city is a coronavirus hotspot and the u. K. Is removing it too we quarantine restriction on travelers arriving from countries with low covert 19 risks. Meanwhile European Union officials failed to agree on whether to relax a ban on travelers from the United States and brazil but some parts of europe are dealing with the return of the virus in italy there has been a spike in new cases to the north of naples mainly in apartment blocks housing Agricultural Workers the city of mondragon e is on alert to try to stop the virus from spreading further. Tensions have been rising between the residents of these apartment blocks and the local people in undergrown e after the buildings were placed under lockdown due to dozens of coronavirus cases several residents trying to leave and defiance of the buddha and then these will be a big problem for us because. After they are going to close all the cd and then we say economic problem for us. Most of the residents of bulgaria many of them thought to be working in italy without proper contracts and for very no way to us now sentiment against the foreign workforce is mounting. On their duty from. Cultural as they come each season and then they move on to greece for the Olive Harvest of the newly. Before the seasonal walk has arrived there was no cold that hand. Unknown cerda is called the dead mans a number of believe. Now dozens of police have been sent to monitor goni to east tensions and stop residents from leaving the building to keep the virus contained the red cross is carrying out extensive testing hundreds of samples have already been taken. There would be to them undergo the thought of one animal i must say that munder goni is 1st funding bill very very valid that a lot of people are coming for tests and since we started this morning weve taken over 250 swatches will people understood here how important is to be careful about the virus. Now a National Protection agency is delivering food to the current 1000 residents they will not be able to leave their homes for the next 15 days. Im now joined by journalist seem a good to ins for longer around 50 kilometers from bhangra going to see my greetings why has the new corona outbreak happened among Agricultural Workers. Well these Agricultural Workers this essentially Seasonal Workers the comes easily in order to harvest crops at a time when the crops are ready and so often unfortunate as we also heard in that report the often explosion the half have full working conditions there very little and if we live in abandoned apartment buildings in the. Wheelchair unfortunately because sanitary conditions and so it becomes easy for the fire is just spread among all these particular groups and now this apartment complex where the living has been put on the orange team theyve conducted more than 700 tests on the people that theyre living then they found all the 3 positive cases of 19 thats mainly the Royal Caribbean the workers but also 9 italians that were watching in that building there have been tensions between the inhabitants of that apartment complex and their residence and one cant go in it was said about the fact that the town is in the headlines for this region reason and so thats why weve also seen that the Italian Government exacts and soldiers in to try and control the situation and make sure those who are under quarantine staying put for the next 15 it is clearly a developing situation there im curious you know or officials there also seeing rising cases among the other residents of the city. What theyre doing now is that theyre testing all 30000 residents of montana going in because they say they didnt want to put the situation under control the governor of the region jensen to look at who is the very vocal throughout this outbreak about wanting to control the cases in his regional command here as it that they are tracking down everyone including the a group of young arundel has who have decided to leave the area because they said they need to work in the to work in order to families in any case theyve been tracked down and theyve tested negative so theyre continuing to test and the governor has it easy finding 100 cases is the lockdown type town youd have to be living under a rock not to know that italy was central to this whole pandemic story here in europe in general how effective have the italian authorities been in containing grown especially now that the main travel season has begun. Well what the government and the authorities originals are season trying to do is to make sure that people stick to the selfprotection as are such as wearing those masks when youre indoors social distancing as well as you know hands and its eyes and gels being a beautiful so that people keep to those important center conditions and theyre identified just as like monaco new like another cast up north in the laundromat in the korea transport Services Company in which they found some 64. 00 cases most of them without any symptoms at all so essentially they have found some 10 towns in total now that have classed as a hot spots in that they are clamping down on those and make sure that they control the spread of that era and all the woman thats what they will consume in order to contain the spread but youre right its the travel season now its summer and so even more leaders and people have to be vigilant suma good to their inspired longer many thanks for that. Now to some of the other stories making news around the world u. K. Authorities say a stabbing attack in glasgow is not being treated as a terrorist attack at least 6 people have been injured in the attack in a hotel one victim is in a critical but stable condition the suspect was shot dead by police. Outgoing irish Prime Minister a leader of the red cross says his center right party has voted to enter a coalition with its smaller but historic rival the greens ending nearly 5 months of political deadlock the alliance will keep the research and republican shin fein out of power. Officials in mexico city say 12 suspects have been arrested after a gunman shot and an Armored Vehicle carrying the citys police chief 2 members of the chief security detail were killed in the attack Authorities Say the ambush was meticulously planned and involved dozens of gunmen hired weeks ago. Now india is confronting the krona crisis as parts of the country are still struggling to recover from cycling that tore through south asia a month ago committees communities i should say on the bay of bengal bore the brunt of the massive storm much of indias soon to bonds delta was left underwater many people there now fear the disaster could impact their livelihoods not just for months but for years to come as. Reports. A few hours from the bustling city of call gata. The landscape becomes transformed. Into the sunderbans home to a diverse ecology and 4000000 people. People who rely on fishing and farming to survive. But in me a massive storm vite doubt both options was these other fresh water borne is a new one i wonder used to fission the violence of cycling on breached all embankments killing the freshwater fish and sweeping out the prawns that could have survived the line water to seat thank you and what can we do we are dependent on relief now not once a lot down us live to reveal have to leave this in their bones to find there is nothing after. These islands in the sun the buns would evacuated before the cycle on. Preventing thousands of deaths. But just didnt return to utter devastation houses gone fields flooded crops destroyed. And even when the water drains away boss disaster assured that celine deposits goods and this land in for part of decade. The summer months is a cycle on for one region and were still recovering from the impact of cycling i like 11 years ago. It was worse and weeks after that this would mean land still lies inundated there asked on temporary solutions. A group called the quarantine students huge network is helping will this be for dreaming celine water from these ponds thank you when the rains come they will again be filled with fresh water allowing fish farming to resume at least the draining can address Serious Health concerns as well. Public health and hygiene are seriously destructive here and need to be restored stagnant water is dangerous as it can lead to gastro intestinal diseases as well as skin conditions and then there is the often ignored issue of snake bite thats a snake bite. While socially in the ship lives like this one are trying to bridge a gap in Emergency Response they are limited in their view. This has left locals and widening about dangerous gaps in health care. If you go to the water is contaminated and we cannot drink it you know if you do get sick and then getting to the hospital is difficult with all this flooding going on out there what you know you know youve seen that the roots are destroyed when a pregnant woman or one carrying a child balance herself while we didnt through these swampy waters to get to work clinic of these and. These what hes played notable as well. She says the repeated damage here has driven many people over a whole family dog has somehow managed to stay put she feels that if these embankments keep getting steptoe we home all generations will be lost to. You watching the news more news as always in 45 minutes. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona updates. From the covert 19 special next on d w

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