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And in many countries. That has exposed. Historical social injustice is. Also on the day as the u. S. And russia open arms control talks in china declines americas invitation if you support small to reach agreements were probably going to make a deal with russia our arms treaty and china will be maybe included in the. Welcome we begin the day in brazil the latest official figures say 50000 people have now died from conflict 19 more than a 1000000 people have been fantic making brazil the worlds 2nd worst hit country after the United States president jaya both sonora has repeatedly downplayed the pandemic warning that the fallout from the economic shutdown will be worse than the virus itself but as the bodies pile up Many Brazilians are increasingly angry at what they see as the president s failed response. Thank you both so narrow out there rallying cry at this prodemocracy protests in brazil the capital brasilia tensions have been rising in recent months as the coronavirus pandemic has worsened and right wing president ial your boss has repeatedly downplayed the Health Crisis here theyre calling for his impeachment. But that we are here in defense of democracy and asking for. This president we use up the peoples power and is committing atrocities he does not deserve to govern our country. By. Over 50000 deaths more than a 1000000 confirmed cases brazil is currently the number 2 hot spot in the world Health Crisis some experts say the real number of cases is higher because many are missed through a lack of testing and in addition to the governments poor response to the virus brazil is a patient with preexisting conditions. Coronavirus 10 demick has left brazil naked in front of the world it has exposed all our social inequalities historical social injustices and the incompetence of public authorities it is the responsibility of those who have governed the country in recent years there is no way to associate these figures with the behavior of the president of the republic. Book but its thanks to the people. According to the ngo Doctors Without Borders nurses in brazil are dying of covert 900. 00 faster than any other country in the world almost 100. 00 per month since brazil confirmed its 1st case of the Novel Coronavirus at the end of february 2 Health Ministers have left Office Following clashes with the president on was fired while the other quits after just 4 weeks currently the government has no permanent her. Minister. But clearly the president still has a lot of support even though according to the w. H. O. Brazil had at its more than 54000. 00 cases in the previous 24 hours. Straight to brazil then will we join the correspondent thats in Rio De Janeiro a welcome to the day how is the presence of perry dismissive attitude to these Health Crisis apparent in day to day life whats missing. Whats not missing are the masks we can see really almost 100 percent of the population Wearing Masks especially in public transport and in supermarkets we can also see Many Brazilians and going out more than before since last week people are getting together at the sea from people are at the beaches and they are drinking beer having barbecue even in the night so were in the last days police dispersed several times some party folks out on the seafront so brazilians are trying to get back to normal life which is really worrying for many experts in this at this stage of the crisis so whose decision is that who actually controls brazils lockdown is it the president. Its the president but especially on local and regional level the mayors and the governors who are more responsible for these issues here on local ground on the level here in region narrow and in some poll and real on both mega cities weve seen in the last days the reopening by these local authorities the Shopping Centers opened and the football the local soccer cup is back on track ever already been to matches so people think now with the with the reopening of some parts of the society that they might get back to the life they had before this crisis and this is really a risk lets be honest the brazilians i can see here is in a way they are not as disciplined as we can see as we saw in many parts of europe so if states and city is are responsible for these the lockdowns why its a president being blamed for the timing of this crisis. Because both an hour as a president setting the the way lets say hes hes giving the guidelines and hes trying to yes certainly no pinion and this is really Important Message to Many Brazilians when hes talking in the evening and national t. V. And he already always downplayed the crisis and the risk of the danger of the Coronavirus Crisis so hes responsible as well and he can act as a president sending along ventilators to some affected regions he can send doctors he is he has a lot of money and can help affected and were in a regions and he did this really. Late and not to an extent which many regions would have needed. If the economy is that seems to be the president s a big concern about about various this pandemic and the lockdown give us an idea of the effect the pandemic is having on brazils economy experts estimate that the recession with this year will be at around minus 8 percent and we have to remember and to remind us that brazil wanted. To be back on track economically they wanted to forget the strong the heaviest crisis in the last 10 years theyve had in the last century so the country is now back in an economic crisis its really. Not a good situation for Many Companies for people on the ground because theyve suffered a lot in the last 10 years and it will be one more last year for many Brazilian Companies and for many citizens supposed citizens are caught between a rock and a hard place on the one hand. The economy is going down the tubes are presumedly best is increasing employment so of course they want everything to reopen so they can at least try and put food on the table. Yes thats the Strategic Point of whats an hour he wants to be popular among everitt brazilians and we can estimate that around 30 to 40 percent minimum are on this track they want to go back to work they have debt to pay back they have informal jobs you cant imagine how many millions here in brazil are working in formal jobs from day to day and they have no income so far and some of them cant get a hand on the Emergency Assistance which the government provides so its a really really difficult situation for many of them so yes many are hoping that economy is getting back on track even the crisis being still not. Being sort of ending in these days which ok thanks for joining us mathias eberts in b. O. T. A. General. Here in germany more than 30100 people as a meat packing plant have tested positive for corona virus thousands of people in the western town of goods as well have been quarantined leaders in the state of north rhinewestphalia say theyre doing everything they can to avoid reimposing a white a lockdown. Its an outbreak that has shocked germany day after day the number of infected 10 u. S. Employees has risen to over 1300 today but there are indications that the planned to may have ignored warning signs ahead of the outbreak. This video shows the Company Canteen in april of this year overcrowded despite germanys supposed social distancing restrictions and this widely circulated recording and employ you can be heard voicing her concern about the situation this is tenuous she says in the video that was leaked online how are we supposed to protect ourselves. 10 years as one of germanys Biggest Meat Processing Companies its clients include german supermarket giants algae and. The mass outbreak has sparked protests and heated debate about working conditions at plants. Will do anything in our power to shed light onto the darkness in the sector. And will certainly trying to keep the virus from spilling over to the general public. The outbreak at tonyas has raised fears of a super spreader event in the countrys west where germanys 1st major outbreak happened over winter the latest developments have put north rhinewestphalia as premier i mean lush its on the defensive he is now signalled hes considering a larger quarantine in the area to control the outbreak. Doorstep this can be found at this specific company but we still cannot rule out a wider lockdown. Look the moment. The plans call on or has promised to take full responsibility for the outbreak but confidence is dwindling and the science management whose team many blame for what has become a major crisis. Well d. W. Reported safe talk to us from outside one of the residences where workers have been quarantine lock down the quarantine here couldnt be any more strict what were seeing what youre seeing behind me is a large collective housing unit for the workers from the turn yes the tourneys factory and they are surrounded by a fence just like the houses across the street and here in this residential area just 20 minutes by car from the slaughterhouse bed accounts for about 6 to 700 workers and like i said the conditions of the quarantine are very strict they have food delivered to them by truck it seems like once a day from the turn just company and right now medical workers are doing tests on all the residents are trying to knock off every name from the list that they have to test everybody who works at the factory the people who live here cant come out of this fence there is no gate has to be opened by with a screw and so its very secure here but on the other hand a lot of workers dont live in these collective Housing Units they live rather in smaller apartments theyre harder to locate. And its hard to know if theyre coming going out of the house theyre more under self quarantine in the region the government is confident that they have they have this under control that the virus is only spreading among people who work at that factory here the tourney is factory so they think that its remained within the community hasnt spread to the Wider Community theyre doing the. Test as you can see here to make sure that that is the case they want to know exactly how many people have the virus and if they can keep it contained within the community then they dont have to lock down the regional schools and kindergartens have been closed down here but otherwise people can go about their daily business and locals told us that the community of workers here many of whom who come from romania and bulgaria are so segregated anyway that they feel confident they havent had contact with them at the same time there is a lot of discrepancies here in where the workers actually live at 1st 30 percent of the addresses of the workers couldnt be located so theres a lot of questions that remain whether or not this virus can be contained. The Northern Region of lombardy was the epicenter of europes corona Virus Outbreak one point the more than 16000 deaths one of the hardest hit towns was buggy locals say every family has been touched by tragedy now many are calling for those responsible to be held accountable t w Marina Strauss reports. Images that are hard to forget military trucks loaded with coffins. Doctors and nurses as frontline fighters in an overloaded hospital. Which travel to battle a city that is still in mourning 1st stop the old town usually a tourist hot spot here we meet. A Community Worker things have calmed down now unlike at the start of the crisis. After a few days some of us started breaking down emotionally they were sobbing like babies but it was partly the pressure but also because we were dealing with people who had seen 2 or 3 of their family members die one after the other with. Caring knocked down by lewis among the founders of superbad and initiative to help those who couldnt help themselves 200 volunteers joined him vigil of food and medicines to cover 1000 patients relief for our suffering city everybody in bergen one knows somebody who died of 19 the mural you can see behind me has become the symbol of the crisis a nurse with wings Holding Italy in her arms italian artist franco to volley dedicated it to Health Workers from the wall of bargain with Public Hospital the image that spreads across the world. At berga most men cemetery visit the graves of people who died of 19 father tells us the number of fatalities was so high that many bodies had to be transported to other cities at the peak of the graces more than 130 coffins were stored here in his church or in their own body and. It was unsettling because you know being here like the. After a week or 10 days i started smelling not only the smell of pine trees and fur trees but Something Else that i stopped seeing mass by myself among the coffins. Commune are the. People and are grieving for the loss of fluffed ones but theyre also beginning to ask questions they want to know why their region number d. Which is one of the richest in italy was so hard hit stefano fuscus grandfather died in a care home hes now collecting the stories of other covered 9000 victims we just want to know the truth we want to know if it was just a fatality or if there is a high level of power in the heart is not the doctor or sort of nurses that have the possibility to contain this feeling or even to avoid their school and others say the worst affected parts of the region should have been closed down at an early states they criticised the regions far right president in milan for putting profits before people. Before we find out whos responsible we have to understand whether or not we made mistakes from the regions point a few i think we try to give all possible answers and take all possible preventions at a time when we were confronting an extraordinary situation at a time when nobody knew much about the virus. From back in bed again will kyoto bio says the citizens will have to take things into their own hands his initiatives superbad again will start organizing concerts to support local artists. We have to be careful we cant be too cheerful because were doing this in a city in a province that is in mourning or project wants to be a him to life not just going back to work but a real new start a new start based on human relations. Bailo is confident that over time his city will manage to recover but that optimism a stamp and buds a fear of a 2nd wave of infections. Senior diplomats from the United States and russia are in vienna to discuss arms control 8 months ahead of the expiration of the new start weapons deal between them the u. S. And russia control more than 90 percent of the worlds Nuclear Weapons with each possessing war than 6000. 00 warheads china which declined the u. S. Is invitation to the talks is far behind with around 300. 00 European Nuclear powers france and the u. K. Have 30200 respectively and the other countries know to have Nuclear Capabilities that israel India Pakistan and north korea each have fewer than 200. 00 warheads so heres a look at how the u. S. And russia arrived at this point. This state of u. S. Russian arms control negotiations today makes the cold war look congenial by comparison the intermediate range Nuclear Missile treaty or i. N. F. Was signed by a us president Ronald Reagan and soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987 it was considered a cornerstone of euro Atlantic Security it eliminated land based missiles and launchers with a range of 5025500 kilometers those considered most likely to target europe if coming from russia but decades later in 2014 the Obama Administration produced evidence russia had violated the treaty with a longer range missile and last year the Trump Administration quit the deal we can no longer be restricted by the treaty while russia shamelessly violates nato allies agreed russia had breached its obligations but they worried abandoning the deal altogether would mean an unbridled build up on both sides it is very easy to start that we see the demise of the honesty today but i still believe it is possible to reach agreements with her show on control however just last month again citing russian violations the us pulled out of the open skies treaty which allows signatories to fly over each others territory and keep an eye on military movements this move casts a shadow over negotiations on the last remaining u. S. Russia arms control treaty new start which expires in february unless washington and moscow agree to continue it while russian president Vladimir Putin says hell sign it u. S. President donald trump has ranged from being ambivalent about extending the deal to being extremely ambitious about expanding it were probably going to make a deal with russia or are pretty sure it will be very serious loaded at that but experts say even if china expressed interest will. It hasnt theres far too little time to forge a broader agreement before new start is finished. Well the doubloons teri schultz is monitoring those talks has her assessment of the 1st round of meetings the 2 negotiators when they left this round simply said well see on the russian side said well were always hopeful they do have another day of talks tomorrow but it wasnt clear coming into this round how much hope either side could really have with the trumpet ministration demanding that china join the talks in fact they went so far as to set a seat at the table with the chinese flag today even though the chinese had made no commitment whatsoever to come to the talks so that doesnt seem to be a way to talk them into joining arms control talks and by shaming them in this way so its really not clear how much hope we have at this point but again there is another day that they can try tomorrow with the u. S. And russian sides and as you heard earlier the u. S. And russia each have more than 6000. 00 Nuclear Warheads and china has just a few 100 so they keep saying that once the u. S. And russia have reduced their arsenals to something more in the range of what china possesses then it might be time to actually sit at the table and have trilateral talks on a more equal basis at this point though china says its not interested. Finally something personal from us here at v. W. News 5 years ago today we launched a new channel this channel for this studio the 30000 new shows weve produced since then have covered all the major world events so heres a look at some of the most dramatic developments we witnessed in 2015 months of rather less serious moments. This is g. W. Doos live from berlin a night of terror continues to unfold before our eyes and shootings and explosions continue throughout the french capital paris this is such a or. Theyll biter at the moment a result that most of us frankly did not see coming the United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union thats the outcome of the referendum held on thursday and we now have breaking news coming in we have a winner in the race for the white house. And that is republican republican candidate donald trump he will be the 45th president of the United States people you are under shock and you can only imagine the how quickly a very lively and happy place youre churned into the scene of sadness was. That he was going to take some time trot along to bounce back from jimmys was willing to come to terms and times. When its a new coronavirus actually come from her governments response to the coronavirus and Democrat Current a virus is sweeping across africa on. The brand her. Corner are on the market for things like the tax reform plan passed last year and the strong state of the u. S. Economy theyre hoping that this will all blow over soon. But. This is t w news live from brazil the ride from live excuse me. Scuse me im waiting for the teleprompter maybe the teleprompter can go forward thank you thank you there you go those dilemmas you mentioned this for us from brussels thanks very much a lot of that guy who. Is a guy. Says warner speak brooke. Clearly you love it the 1st time in fact i thank you so much. Well the day is almost done with a come session continues online you can join a song on twitter hiding out in the few years old until i would think after the 1st refusal hushed im going to have a good day im going to watch. The. Digital surveillance news. Journalists and critics are under threat. As tight censorship on the books this is china during the coronavirus endemic. People hope to return to normal business but is that even possible. Close up. Next on d w. Ah im going to crane big thing in full time. How to handle our new lives in times of the corona and then x d w reporter keep your job or is it just like everyone else and shes looking for answers and thankfully with the help of jamie ex but few of them. Thank you. Is not life as we know it. All together our new web series. Innovation. But can we conquer the major issues of our society. Sees no founder sally. Bianculli oh see its modern day heroes in. Inspirational people who take all the challenges of the world with their you know ideas from. The person with a face off from you know your own minds you look at those 2 problems and make them one solution to a new season of sounders valley. This week called double. Digit. China is still dealing with the effects of corona virus. The pandemic has changed everyones lives. Theres now a new normal. It includes frequent digital tests for the virus. First to scan this barcode. Thats automatically opens a health up. And when i take a look at the screen

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