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Fresh. The suspect. A sad. Welcome to the Program People in europe are on the move again. On their borders following the nationwide. The continents freedom of movement has been restored many countries like here along the border between france and germany and a high speed train. But largely closed in march following the put on of august break some restrictions on travel remain in place. And im joined by deed of a correspondent bant riga hes in the german city of carol now the german French Border bent this is a moment people have been waiting a long time for isnt it people here in the fence german border region are actually very relieved and happy that the restrictions have fallen after 3 months and many people are coming over the bridge that connects kiev and strasbourg in france and i spoke to them and they told me that they are very relieved that they can shop again in germany because things actually cheaper here and also things like cigarettes because texas hello this is only one aspect at its best can go over the rhine river again to visit the ny city of straws but for the Tourism Industry that is hoping that German Tourists will come back and for many young people this is also an emotional moment because they never experience actually border controls in their lives the schengen travel area was established 25 years ago so they dont know anything but no borders. Its all its a joyful moment for the rest of the you because 23 of the 26 chiang and countries are back into business the shaken zone is life again so the shingles on comes back alive one small but all europeans not slightly concerned about a possible 2nd wave of infections with all these borders opening up and travel allowed again. But infection rates here in germany also on the other side in france a fairly low if they rise the mayor of stress were told me yesterday you have to come up with a different concept you need a regional concept to find the hotspots closing the border may not be appropriate again and 60 percent of european travelers say they want to travel again even this summer in this circumstances and thats the result of a new survey so people are eager to cross the borders again to visit their neighbors and they say dont take away from us again a cautious reopening for the. Band from the german French Border thank you very much however one e. U. State that has not reopened its borders yet is spain but the government now says trouble destructions for most and chain going to area tourists will be lifted 10 days earlier than planned on the 21st of june but in a Pilot Project the Spanish Island of my oka ease welcoming a select group of German Tourists to test new Public Health measures in the age of corona virus the 1st visitors took off from distant 0 this morning but jails are limited to running a 50 percent occupancy and will test guests body temperatures. While not having to deal with crowds on the beaches and in restaurants the visitors will find a new can economy hit hard by the pandemic lock down. Up to now may your concert have the beaches for themselves but the tourists are returning although much of the island is still closed the beaches are open. This is an important phase its a nudge towards economic recovery and it means a return to normality for palmers tourist sector. But for many hotel years normality remains a distant dream within a week the rio chain has reopened 2 of its hotels for the new guests thats meant renovations cleaning and ensuring that coronavirus regulations can be met the distance requirements in the dining room and at the Swimming Pool mean the hotel can only take half the usual number of guests. Commonwealth you were going to have more thrown were not earning anything so theres no financial incentive but its still worth opening because were able to show customers that they can return to me york or they can book a trip here again. Sort of out on the. Local restaurants wont benefit much from the 1st holidaymakers most people will dine in their hotel the head of new yorkers Restaurant Association says many in the sector will lose their jobs. Many restaurants here remain closed. We estimate that tommy york or alone around 2240000 jobs will be lost even if we only earn 40 or 50 percent of what we did last year will still be very pleased. That we will be a success people are all too aware of the importance of tourism here it makes up around a 3rd of the economy but theyre also not willing to take any risks. They dont know what theyre down so i mean the border is its too quick they shouldve waited it out. We need to be very careful. And that means taking the temperatures of those arriving at the airport and again at the Hotels Anyone who shows any symptoms will be moved to a special corpsman tain area a court in the philippines has convicted a prominent journalist of the crime of cyber libel but not faces up to 6 years in prison shes vowing to appeal the verdict watchdogs have called the case a serious erosion of press freedom under president roderick go to ted text. Award winning journalist maria ressa arriving in court in manila to learn her fate. The verdict guilty of cyber libel 482012 article her website rappler published linking a businessman to Human Trafficking and drug smuggling. Ressa once worked for c. N. N. And holds dual u. S. Philippine citizenship she says shes been devastated by the verdict which she sees as a part of a Government Campaign against her and her publication. Next year will be my 35th year as a journalist i began as a reporter in the 6 and i have worked so many countries around the world. That threaten but never this kind of death by a 1000 cuts the case was closely watched as a test of press freedom under populist president. The court heard the libel complaint even though the article in question was published 4 months before the cybercrime law was enacted russia and rappler are not the only prominent Philippine Media to face problems with the authorities last month one of the countrys leading broadcasters was shut down Rights Groups when the country is entering dangerous territory it is indeed a very. Early this sends a message to every journalist. Who wants. Or youre going to be a net russet now faces a prison term of up to 6 years in spite of the verdict she vows not to be silenced. And spoke to me. On been bending her have been the 1st asked what she thought as the judge found a guilty. It was an unexpected if you look at it in the context of the 8 criminal charges might face i had to post bail 8 times last year just to remain free. And a slew of attacks against journalists that has intensified with the shutdown of the largest broadcaster just last month. I suppose i walked in feeling in no way that there could be a worse Case Scenario that would is even worse than this one and so what i listen to it i just say i tried hard not to get angry and then to figure out how do we continue doing our jobs better to give the. This is a unique moment in history and were seeing a rise of all surratt area populist style leaders corrosive National Almost and youre seeing the attacks on media yet i dont think ive lived and i this is my 34th year im going to be a im an old journalist you know and and ive never seen anything like this ive worked in war zones i covered conflicts but this is is a different time period and i feel like in my country at least were standing on the precipice and we must do all we had to protect press freedom which protects our democracy unless maybe every so theres been a quick look now at some of the other stories making news at this hour a russian quartet sentenced former u. S. Marine fall victim to 16 years in prison after finding him guilty of his for knowledge he was accused of having obtained classified state information we did has dismissed the trial as a sham and says he was framed for it. In india authorities have sent out vehicles to spray pesticides on to huge forms of desert noticed the insects have already destroyed almost 50000 hectares of crops devastating farmers already struggling with the impact of put on a lot of small towns and locusts also destroyed harvests in neighboring pakistan in april. Germanys contribution to the. 40 percent according to a report. This week discussed the blocks. For the next 7 the hole in the budget left by breaks it is one of the reasons for the extra 13. That germany is likely to have to contribute. To. This month the u. S. Government tried to gain access to. Provoke a backlash from. Lets bring you. Some other developments in the. Almost 8000000 people who have been infected more than 433000 have died thats according to the tally by the Johns Hopkins university in the u. S. More than half of all u. S. States are reporting an increase in cases with many seeing record spikes and hospitalizations it comes as most states. Lifted a nationwide curfew after more than 2 months and allowed restaurants to resume selling alcohol its not reported any domestic versions of the virus for 21. 00 days. Chinese authorities have reported another daily rise in new Coronavirus Infections offered an outbreak in the Capital Beijing linked to a food market the city has been posed some locked down measures including closing schools sports and Entertainment Venues police have set up security checkpoints and several residential compounds that have been put under quarantine as workers have stepped up testing with almost 9000 people identified as having visited the market where the need just a break occurred monroeville official says beijing is in wall mode to contain the spread of the virus. Lets bring in our correspondent mathias building in beijing mathias good to see you how big of an outbreak do authorities believe this is. This is quite a significant outbreak there are several dozen people 100 that house be found so far in fake fam us to. I believe in my to lost connection with the material as were trying to get back to the story when you have. A connection with mathias my father says for all that disturbance youre watching a d. V. D. Of the news still to come up ahead in the program the kind of record you dont want to have despite the weekend drop. In 13 but just begun measures. In the clubs history. The county medical examiner and the u. S. City of atlanta has ruled on the death of an africanamerican at the hands of police was homicide ratio of brooks died of blood loss and damage from 2 gunshot wounds inflicted by officers they could face charges as early as wednesday brookss death has caused further outrage in a country already in a state of upheaval off of the Police Killing of george floyd in minneapolis. The charred remains of this Fast Food Restaurant is the scene of the latest incident fueling nationwide protests it was set on fire on saturday night dr Richard Brooks was shot and killed by police in the parking lot of. The anger still summers atlanta residents on sunday gathered at the restaurant for a vigil. For them brooks dot theres only one of many examples of excessive use of force by the police. Anyone oh but thats how it really felt like to assure me dont like this so after all i tried it personally i try to keep away from the police much is lost because id probably shoot the cue brooks resisted arrest after a breathalyzer test found him over the limit. Too much the trunk of the. Brooks managed to wrestle free and ran away after snatching a stun gun from the Police Security cameras show he was gunned down by an officer after brooks pointed the taser at him. 3rd the lawyer representing books family argues the officer should not have used deadly force ive had cases where officers have ins tasers on victims and they all get with us in court that citizens are deadly that tasers are hopeful thats the case law here you cannot have it both ways you cant safely ran off with a weapon that could kill somebody when you say its not dead. Yet. Since the killing of george played by a Police Officer last month the u. S. Has been ruled by protests mike brooks death has given the black lives Matter Movement fresh impetus my legs i know your luggage what they. Say i. Live in los angeles the annual gay pride parade was recast to carry a broader message. You know were living in the new Civil Rights Movement were respecting Civil Rights Movement and also between history with stonewall so this is an extenuating its a continuation of what our forefathers and foremothers have done for us you have to you have to keep pressure you have to fight for what you know is right and george floyd is not the 1st and as weve seen just since his murder hes not the last full intil real change happens you cant let up. Most americans are now in favor of Police Reform with each protest the momentum towards change that was stronger. Its also been a weekend of protests against racism and injustice in the german capital and across the country there was a human chain through much of berlin on sunday but the proportions for meaning and force participants have to keep their distance and wear face masks. Many germans of color feel they are under represented in the country especially in public office. In this constituency of he talked about how he had experienced discrimination and what changes he would like to see. In 2013 he was one of the 1st 2 months to be elected to determine parliament in january d. C. Where an attack was shot at his office in the eastern german city of hadera racism is something to snake at least politician has to be for his. Jarome in the last few years to tone has changed and many people have experienced hostile tendencies coming from mainstream society. That. This is very worrying but i must say that personally i experienced a very very big wave of solidarity. Following the attack to german chancellor Angela Merkel gave gabby her full support while he refuses to be seen as a token of diversity within german politics to recent events have him considering what could be done in germany to improve the situation for people of color as this to face discrimination and remain under represented we havent. Had before a quarter of the population in germany has a migration background. But if you look at the German Parliament to be only 8 percent in the news images around 60 percent and in other public offices thats also a very small number. Of incidences. Just getting. Home by debbie has closely followed the recent protests around the world but for him mobilization needs to extend beyond the streets to give people with the migration background more of a voice. If. I ask myself why are people with migration background not asked to share their opinion on various topics. For discrete data and often it is just about the far right but i would appreciate if they were equally asked to share their perspectives on other topics as well. Some germans argue that they dont even notice peoples skin color but that too is problematic. And there are. A good many of us that are only one way to deny reality when you dont acknowledge the diversity of society whether its appearance religion culture but those so if it is transsexuality vigil tarion isnt difficult for all those aspects of the society that are represented here and if they get that as i did and if you deny it down then youre simply not ready to face the challenges it entails it is my mr bet id written had all of. Those who have seen the german end to discrimination just published a report showing us talking crees in racist attacks throughout the country in fact such attacks have more done doubled over the past 4 years peaking out to well over a 1000 for 2019. Mates has just passed an entry discrimination law at a regional level in order to shut our people off color for racial profiling but other regional states are failing to follow suit so far despite increasing demands coming from say this society. Mexico reported more than 4000 year Coronavirus Infections on sunday along with 269. 00 fatalities that brings its total confirmed cases to more than 146017000 deaths but even the government says there lumbered of infections is significantly higher we followed one 1st responder and the challenges he faces in big soko city. He can hardly breathe. He had said 8 to grief a father he hasnt been able to stand for 3 days. Taking him to. Another tough day for the Red Cross Team in mexico. Its one of too many. But getting the patient to the hospital when tappan gets in or their employers im sure they take him away he may never come back. The word would go leaves the man with a heavy heart. Is set up a world of service to family ties are strong in mexico they prefer for someone to die with their loved ones even if they could be saved in a hospital up or some other committee the buffalo. Pandemic has likely been at its peak here for nobody knows for sure theres not a virus testing. Most of it its just stressing not knowing how many are really infected so we wont know when this is going to end and i heard about. Another case of large families crammed in a small space are relatives afraid of catching the virus to. Diego explains that the man has pneumonia. If you do since hospitals are overcrowded diego can only take critical patients. If performance this one is stable. But fountains of mexicans are losing the battle for the crime a turia working at full capacity well it if they have minutes to say goodbye. Charlie hasnt taken a break for weeks. In mexico mortality rates are above average. I get caught up and ive never had to deal with so many dead people before its risky im scared because i have family. What enraged is charlie is that many mexicans deny the coronavirus exists. Lets look at all one must been some why dont people switch on their brains if this keeps going on like this i dont know when it will end at that one as mexico battles the virus charlie and diego are each playing their part but they worried for the features of their fellow citizens and their teams a quick look now at some spots. In sundays theyd been as they are again leverkusen were looking for a win against to stake their claim for the 4th and final Champions League spot and they did it but not before a fight from shelf or turned out to be surprisingly tenacious. Came into this one desperate for a change or fortunes after a 12 game winless streak in the bundesliga but later houston are hardly any easy opponent to face especially with star man have a back in the starting line up. Just 2 minutes in the 1st major chance belong to the royal blues but western mckinneys shots were stopped by the straight skate and made protrude you could only fluff the rebound and early let off from 8 years. The guests were held in check until the 40th minute when lucas a lhari are not home from a free kick but the scores state level as the linesman rose to show his wrist. In the 2nd half another stroke of luck for the hosts when the hand tools anyone even appealed for was picked up by the video assistant referee and punished with a penalty. The penalize defendo. Caligiuri. I knew after 51. 00 i cough an hour later when Labor Conditions when they charge down the left wing and crossed. Im back with the late. One the final school. But the fight for the Champions League place looks set to go down to the wire. The 1st. Up on sunday with american winning the Charles Schwab challenge no spectators were allowed inside the country club in texas and thats. What successful. Playoff a missed. The 1st. 3 months. This is. Eco india people in bangalore who want to get to work on time write code like cars or crime going to market points on the internet like home cycle to work based on the number of kilometers shes written. Having fun during your commute its good for your health and for the environment and the cyclists who end up with the most points get an award. W. C up to date dont miss our highlights. Programme on line d. W. Dot com highlights. Were going to an official estimates more than 1200000 venezuelans live in colombia needy and illegally. A wide return to vast. To visit friends is that i dont think id ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i dont know so im not sure. Witness global news that matters. Made for minds to kick off. Ghost town atmosphere. Listless play. From the. Looks of guns and the mentalist 5 senses. Nonstop excitement to the final match to. The. W a. The normal code on a widest pandemic has forced most of us into that a few will people driving or not or to study and that has meant that relatively less the pollution in the last few months can we keep this up in a school with an adult practices when it comes to our mobility thats what we need to talk about today a little bloke

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