Where we visit the countrys only surf and. We kick off our show in ghana in the capital to be precise like many other countries the corona crisis has crippled again as the economy and its not just the National Economy thats in trouble there are many who rely on their family members abroad to send them money but because these relatives have now lost their jobs they dont have anything to send back home we met a student who lives in a household of 10 people and who now has the find a way to make ends meet without money from abroad. Moments like this bright. Cant afford to not. Buy the last couple of months have been hard writes families facing a financial crisis both of his parents moved to new york so they could make enough money to support the children in their crimes. Usually send home 500. 00 u. S. Dollars a month but right now they cant send anything. That 21 year old student talks to his parents regularly over the phone. Rang the last time the sentiment was in march before the long gone and missed out money to buy food stuffs if he starts high finish i had to draw all the money from my accounts bullets my Bank Accounts and my mobile money while leaving only the minimum balance both of his parents were laid off from their jobs when new york went into lockdown put in a huge bedding and bright i was the eldest son he is responsible for the rest of the family the lack of money from his parents has hit him hard and many issues from the sentimental phone bills to thema and of my siblings interest. Many gunny enzyme the same type sports right now according to the World Bank Last year gun years living abroad sent home nearly 3 and a half 1000000000 u. S. Dollars since his parents stopped working right how to fall back on the Family Business the small eatery it is merely run by his and who lives with bright and his siblings but i call in a virus as how did the vesting thing impact even on this business. Oh my gosh i mean right here on the board. Before corona business was brisk. From morning to evening they could easily be between 90 to 100 customers but since the pandemic which the business has slowed down now we hardly get 10 customers. In. Brightest in the final year of university studying Public Administration his siblings are in school and often need to use the internet but its becoming difficult to afford a high d. Talk or alongside school and university. And need and want to drop out of school. Was a pretty high fees among my siblings. And i was the reason that this increase is going to decide because you need to get a lot from the perfect. I only hope and pray that this fundamental decisive that government lives. Writes from when it comes together during dinner time. Which we have received from him in. The leftovers from the families of the rights mom is particularly missed during these family gatherings remains empty but as much as he misses them bright knows the family needs his mom and dad to stay abroad so they can start sending money again he doesnt know how long the family can keep going like this if his parents dont resume work soon. So weve just heard how difficult it is for some families to get by without remittances from their relatives abroad but lets take a look at the other side of the coin the people who really want to send money back home but right now they just cant because the koran outbreak has affected them too some have lost their jobs and they still have to put food on the table and pay rent our reporter kristen moon met some Young Africans in the german capital berlin and they talked about the dilemma they are facing every day making ends meet in germany and supporting their loved ones back home lets hear what they had to say. Hello everybody the 77 percent is back in berlin and it is a beautiful spring where im standing now there would be people revealing beautiful spring where the but such is the scenario with acronis restrictions that a place like this is for his style but were having the conversation today about how coronavirus has impacted our lives and specifically the Diaspora Community living in germany right now im going to start off with my body see im slim just how have you when you find yourself and you still get to do your gardening you still get to earn your pay but talks about the unique position that you find yourself in right now how. Many do. I dont walk by example or my my friends from my homeland but im from they new hope every kids working and so forth beam goes well tehran from this. Really cut us off and this is a catastrophic situation we have to focus very well now run from. Was teach me something and the we have to go quickly to watch about this situation right right and i just want to talk to him right now because eric staal able to save money over back home youve not been employed at the point are you still having to hustle it out for people back home. You know a week weve gone from a Community Society and we have to support our. Close members of the family my mom my my mare sisters sore regardless of where theyre working on knowledge they dont. They still need that support and the hard to find a way so this conversation is bringing in that word about remittances the money that erikson so the money that that seems talk about has been sitting home how important is that and can you give us more insight into that yeah we can 1st of all look at the general picture we have like 48000000000. 00 u. S. Dollars sent in remittances to just to Subsaharan Africa alone and 29000 so. Its more than official Development Aid much as foreign direct investment. And on average like a migrant will spend 15 percent of his awnings percent back home and often it supports like 60 percent of the household in africa so you can imagine its direct its a very direct Economic Impact because of the pressure to send the money back home sometimes theyre not very honest about the struggles that you actually go through to send that exact money yeah and so that would be something i would like to throw in i think it would be nice if there was an opening up of the family discourse. In africa from hes basically what hes saying is they dont believe you even if you tell them its not that i havent tried it ive tried it several times they dont believe you think that you are lying you think you are hiding something you think theres a been as that conversation it is happening nobody believes it also just bringing back you into the conversation or so this is the position that we find ourselves in im sure its not unique to to to to eric and to dorsey what do you reckon we should be doing and what should perhaps governments like the German Government know about our hustle as a diaspora and how they can help us we have to establish systems well where we can. Unify our like the energy the financial incomes and put a little thing aside and this is things that we know actually since since africa has a lot of systems you know that everybody just just calculated and put a small part. On the site you know for Community Reasons but you know i wouldnt push back on that because you know thats bound to raise issues guys i mean do you really realistically think thats going to be like thats going to work and you know youre disagreeing so im just i mean you i mean is it really going to work is that the solution all of us putting money into one pot and hoping we can all be satisfied with how that money is going to be used ill tell you the truth when it comes to money. Friendship goes over people or something sometimes theyre looking for their own interests and we come from different cultures so youre skeptical ok so bring to fall back in so exactly this is why we really really really need change of mind you know because in the end its also its not deferring from what other societies are doing you know and for other societies is working out theyre getting really healthy through this i mean you know just. Saying if we want to get together theyre not embassies have to work more because if you try to reach out to the kind of embassy the nigerian busy times on a limb and you dont even know that you are in berlin thats a thats whats a start but shes she i dont know if that was your initial idea jamal shes throwing it back to the deficiency i suppose by the time introducing embassies youre talking government but isnt that going against what hes saying because hes saying as a community are you including the politicians and that of course of course because i mean but we cannot rely on them you mean we cannot rely on them because they are government they are people i know this so yeah i know but i mean youre already started with the missing point you know and i think that i have i dont know i have had a lot of experiences. In the embassy as well have been going and trying to bring things forward but it just took so much time on the people to. Take time to time what i want to observe here because of the german bureaucratic nature of the way things are done the embassies tend to follow the same suit ok so if you think you know germans a lot of the german im assuming so because. You have to wait in vain we do we know you want to be very interesting to him i want to come back here because here you are you find yourself in this country right you have been in a position where youve worked you studied going through what youre going through it all trying to get a job all of that. Its easy to. Or would you prefer to have made been going through this back at home what i see as a being no say because of money or going to africa but remember most of the money going home either are in the corrupt systems or its by the going to the actions that from europe so in other words youre telling me youre going with the money is going right so it goes back to cons and comes back and youre going to hang out here in germany where the money comes back to what you say in the sense dutch we think our Health Care System we have our yes these are this would be way better because you can have a good doctor to have a look at you that doesnt mean that we dont have good doctors i bought the resources we have right now limited so here we are we having this conversation has been great having you along but what we have learned as a diaspora communities we need to come together because Something Like the coronavirus happens and like some of the people on the panel today you find yourself in a very precarious position its been great having your Company Looking forward to engaging with you on social media we of course the debate continues. Thanks to everyone who joined that lively debate and of course we want to hear your thoughts on this topic so please send us your comments on facebook now look around a crisis is still the big topic in the world and every day we hear reports of death job losses and uncertainty but its not all bad news some people are using the pandemic to get in touch with their creative side for example have you heard the corona has style well here it is probably worn by the kenyan girls lets ask ill is so i catching that it sparked interest photography dawn will fund and it even inspired him to do an entire photo series lets check it out. Don jambo is a photographer from nairobi during the concert in 1900 make he stumbled upon something very unique. The corona hostile since then it has because 5 rich topic. Move something but no growth something about normal. Want to have to bear a president marble it tumble it took it upon herself to spread awareness about the pandemic through a simple have style. With a corona has style we would like to tell people to keep distance to wear masks wherever they go and to wash their hands regularly do sanitizes to protect themselves not only did it turn by design they has time in the shape of the virus she also used car lot for it 3 percent of the car less of the virus itself. Shattering. I told my stylist to incorporate the actual coronavirus image in my hair style of pink protein so the pink color represents the protein layer the marine is the fatty layer and the zigzag is the crown. Great schools in kenya have been closed during the outbreak so a tumble makes sure her doctors understand the meaning behind has time and the importance of hearing 2 measures to contact the pandemic ive been there. In that i like it because it shows that corner is so real so we should take it seriously. And. Marvel hopes to continue her newfound talent as a has time list even after the pandemic is over she is also thankful for don wilsons help in spreading the message of her hairstyle or although. The coronavirus has given me a new talent it has also made me well known i didnt expect that i used to look down on myself but now im even on television and i often get phone calls from people asking how the style came about. Not commenting models has started. Its been done wilsons highlight of the year and he hopes his pictures will give his audience a bit of china in times of. I wonder if that file will work with my hair too all right lets see now head to whats one up to the capital governor on one of the very 1st military pilots in the us want to Defense Force captain comet so. Getting there wasnt always easy for her and now she has made it her mission to inspire other Young Students to spread their wings and learn how to fly this is her uplifting story. In the life of. Has played a big role has village near the capsule gap a room was destroyed to accommodate airport expansion but from the ruins but zuma went on to conquer the skies is one of its finest 1st military pilots. Come back again. And leave the moments of the times that we spent here with my family after cattle went to school before it was than a part of me that i can just leave behind. A grant allowed put cement to leave the home instead to meet medics in gaborone she then joined a Training Program for the 1st female candidates to become military pilots if one curious had taken off after serving 10 years in the air force the 35 year old decided to help other young wanna to achieve their dreams at an airfield near gobbler on she takes lynas only. Her foundation dare to dream exposes young people to the evolution industry. Wants to leave the dream of flying. With you and. I think it means freedom is completeness it means. That these the low wall out there there are so many possibilities of anything in the war. On the airfield we also need to restore walk away in one off but seamless fest mentees both met at a military camp where walker when i lived with his parents but see most encouragement go team does pretty swings. Me to madrid. And i finished my high school and i started. Lot so i kept pushing and she told me to become a pilot today when it is one of the youngest commercial pilots in botswana is success motivated but seem to leave the military sit up her foundation and help more youngsters do it to dream is based in a vision. Here to see my hit team train School Classes from across puts one at 1st glance skills may seem to have little to do with flight but the focus is on an important element of. Coding and robotics. You will become close didnt interpret and problem solvers thats why you should learn coding thats why we want you guys to then how to code so that we can come up with solutions. Today the young boys and girls most bude in miniature airplane and program the motor in sensors to go along to run or to normalcy last year to dream trained over 2000 pupils. It might not be a very huge manufacturing of robotics all ive done by 20 want to prepare this young people for the wall so that they can be competitive and be able to work with others around the world who have this opportunity to. Captain puts his big plans to one sports one of the International Lego rubber to challenge with teams of young people across the world compete against each other and your team looks well on its way. Lets talk sports now whats your favorite sport that football net will work out in the gym well in sierra leone the latest popular sport is a 3rd thing the west african country has faced a lot a civil war and a ball up and damage and poverty but nothing can take away the beautiful beaches. With the wife and swaying palm trees and perfect way and the one thing in particular that i like about surfing in sierra leone the girls are riding the waves to. The period beach a perfect beach for surfing the waves break close to the shore and there are no dangerous currents and the water is warm just 2 hours drive south of sierra leones capital freetown the era of beach is especially good for beginners surface you can find sierra leone supposed. To be a great beach so. Dont hold Alex Macaulay is in the water every day as one of the 3 founders of the period Beach Surf Club he knows how good the surf unuseful the salt. Was morse to get us out of the pool when. You can think about north you need to. Plant it when if you have something on their mind set youre not thinking about it if you know because like its made People Choice on the 5 the highlights but surf equipment is scarce and expensive in sierra leone. Even the wax which gives the surface but to grip on the board is hard to find so the team relies on donations and a good reason to give the boards some extra t. L. C. But the Beach Surf Club is more than just a stack of surfboards. To keep. This thing it. For me off on. Impact in my life and soften off change my whole life. Its this weve gone off on i think ya know. Somebody told this is do we know my need to get on i cant one of his former servicemen teased to come on the 22 year old now gives surfing the sins of herself and is the only woman on the team but when it comes to technical skills. Is right up there with her male colleagues is it. So telling the boys doing what they are doing so is a big challenge to us so we know one there will be this these guys will not compete with the guys more like we are. What they are doing or do Something Like that at the same time i do. Yeah i want to see what the boys are doing yeah that is my challenge and that is my dream and. Many children come to the surf Club Straight off to school and since they are not enough surfboards they usually share with. Many of the girls to come are teachers console him yes so dry runs are on the agenda for today. The children idolized to come. On so be it listen. These are a long day when myself my buddy exercise and you live and will make us feel like. Youre a beach is still a hidden gem among the surfing community here but to come mara has big plans for herself and for her country. Oh we still be like the 1st one in the competition so ill come back in my calling to support my college me thats up all the kids so our able to send them. To we like to put soften up with sierra leone and they saw. In the war. For now though his main goal is showing to the girls that they can so just as well as the boys. Even if it takes a few broken bullets. Well i can 3rd but right now i kind of feel like trying it out myself. And that brings us to the end up todays show of thank you for much for joining us remember you can always get in touch with us you can find me on twitter all you can send me an email at the 77 at devalued kong as one final trip that we have not been to featuring country boy with their song let me talk with you for haley and it means that you invoke a great. Point. Dont let me. Tell you the question. Thank you so much. To say maybe the. Seeking. Missile. Im going to. Make a. Fortune. Whats going on here oh no house of your very own from a printer. Computer games that are healing. My dog needs electricity. Shift explains delivers facts and shows what the future holds oh yeah living in the Digital World shift. In 15 minutes on d w. 5 no the sound gives card goosebumps. Like claudio systems like trying to cars are way behind it was. We talked to some experts about how the cars of the future will sound. A little more. Than 30 minutes long. What secrets lie behind. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. P. W. World heritage 360 getting up now. Our car. Didnt armstrong really was going to move. In to earth really slash hafter all of those the government plans to close and. Conspiracy theories spread like wildfire on the internet. Some people are convinced they are true. Just here in the cause of small groups who shout louder than others and profit from a lack of interest among reasonable people. Scientists are studying why some are so susceptible to ideas that are obviously wrong and absurd and totally internet accomplice fires it all. Concerns the fairies can provide comfort deadline reality means another. Democracy of the goal of old starts july 1st on g. W. This is day to have a news line from the end of it 90. Surges in brazil the countrys coronavirus death toll overtakes that of britain to become the worlds 2nd highest but experts say the real total could be much higher also coming up china and lock down parts of the Capital Beijing and hopes plans to reopen schools after a large corona Virus Outbreak is discovered at a popular city market. And durbins contemporary art museum opens with a spectacular new and