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Just made a promise to push for reform of the citys Law Enforcement also coming up if warning from germany just israel stops before you break International Law germanys foreign minister tells the Israeli Government that its plans and next parts of the occupied west bank is illegal and brazils battle for the truth about the coronavirus pandemic president wants to change the way kings has worked to bring the figures down but the Supreme Court says no way no chance. Im burnt off its good to have you with us tonights ad a dramatic congressional hearing in the u. S. The brother of george floyd has called the lawmakers to make sure that his brother did not die. They floridas death in Police Custody ignited protests across america and across the globe now the plead by george fords brother for a loan as floyd came as demands grew to reform policing and to avoid more cases of africanamericans dying at the hands of white police officers. The day after his brother george was laid to rest in houston texas. Alone as floyd was in washington d. C. In an emotional testimony he called on lawmakers to ensure that his brother did not die in vain when you watch joe big brother who you looked up to your whole entire life da da big applause mom. Im tired im tired of. Pain you feel when you watch Something Like that people of all backgrounds genders and races have come together to demand change on idiom on to george and make the necessary changes they make the Law Enforcement the solution and not the problem. In minneapolis where george floyd was killed the police chief is promising change he says hell withdraw from contract negotiations with the police union to push for reform i plan to bring in subject matter experience and advisors to conduct a thorough review of how the contract can be restructured to provide Greater Community transparency. And more flexibility for true reform. But many protesters believe true reform can only come through a radical change defund the police has become a rallying cry protestors want to cut funding for the police in favor of other Community Based projects. Police have also come under fire for using heavy handed tactics against protesters after floyds death and there have been dozens of complaints of Police Targeting reporters in one such Incident Police fired rubber bullets at g. W. Stephens siemens and crew they. Were friends with the birth 6. Of your yard in the middle of. The u. S. Has promised to investigate the allegations. I know there have been concerns from some countries of their reporters having been treated in appropriately or you should know and those countries should know we will we will handle them in a completely appropriate way George Floyds killing has put police in the us under intense scrutiny floyd supporters hope that his death may finally lead to real change. But he. Is now back in washington and he needs you stefan you know that was you in our report that we just saw under attack by us police with rubber bullets when you were reporting on the protests in minneapolis have u. S. Authorities had they been in touch with you about this incident and about an investigation. No not with me directly and personally but i am aware of the efforts of ella to be in touch with the u. S. Embassy in germany as well as with the state department and authorities and of course i know about the German Foreign ministry also talking to their. To the authorities here about this incident Minneapolis Police we understand theyve announced initial steps towards what they are calling transform ancient all reforms what can you tell us about that. Thats a really big word for. Tiny steps they have to make forward to they started with banning chokeholds they also now declared it. Illegal for any officer who is a company an officer whos doing this still beyond the fact that its no legal this officer then has to interject actively and stop the fellow officer from doing this and those are our 1st steps there are also measures are going to be taken minneapolis says to increase transfer parents see because this the problem here is that normally the. The narrative is in the hands of the police theres a Police Report the police comes out with a statement this is what happened and nobody then has a chance or sees what actually really happened nowadays this is all a bit of it more difficult and different because people have cell phones they film what happens and post it on the web so police us to adapt to this and then as i mentioned defunding the police means here. Literally taking money from. One pot in terms of militarization the police upping their their. Equipment away and putting it into measures or into a direction which police can then they used to actually police in the community used to fund the white house is that it is putting the finishing touches on proposals to reform policing across the country what can you tell us about that. You know were expecting the president tomorrow when he is in texas talking to police and Police Unions to come up with some kind of announcement to the White House Press secretary so far said only that the president was busy the last 10 days quietly to think and ponder about provisions and suggestions for Police Reform she also said and that is a salute important that she ruled out a president ial support to reduce Police Immunity that is critical because the democrats of course had asked exactly for that not just by asking for a National Police misconduct registry but. The curbing the power of unions and their contracts and of course a softening up the immunity of Police Offices which is assumed off the top 1 president probably not going to go for this. Stuff on the muzzle the story force in washington stefan thank you its a night in a where we view germanys foreign minister has warned israel that its plan to annex parts of the occupied west bank will violate International Wall foreign minister hi grandma issued the warning in israel just weeks before the new Israeli Government plans to make the move which has also been condemned by several other european governments would also be 1st on the agenda months and his israeli counterpart Gabi Ashkenazi signed an agreement on the German Government providing funding for the Holocaust Memorial yog the russian. Germany is a staunch ally of israel but the relationship has been overshadowed by israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hes planned an extension of the Jordan Valley and settlements across the west bank land the palestinians claim for that own state. But you know it was when the German Government and our colleagues in the European Union have serious concerns that they enix ations could make it impossible to achieve a 2 state solution we think this would be the wrong way to go but unfortunately. The e. U. Has considered imposing sanctions against israel if the annexations go ahead germany is unlikely to take such tough measures but then takes over the rotating presidency of the e. U. Next month and so i must must come up with a common strategy in the e. U. Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Saeed code on germany to maintain a hard line with israel you know how sensitive this issue is warry for germany while this un but others that our senses should not come back but open government and a lot this should not come at the expense of that but as you know vice palestinians have warned theyll proclaim a palestinian state if israel goes ahead with the annexation said. Earlier we spoke to our correspondent tanya kramer in jerusalem and we asked her whether they foreign minister had specified whether germany would try to prevent israel from annexing parts of the west bank. Well as a 1st meeting here with the new government and with his new israeli counterpart for a mistake obvious can now see for. The German Foreign minister a haiku mouse and he used this does it actually to stress that germany alongside the e. U. Is very very very concerned about its about its plans to possibly annex parts of the occupied west bank as early as july and he also used it to stress that this he would consider this as in violation of International Law i think what he was trying to say yeah as well is that he came yet as a friend he was trying to strike the very delicate balance. Germanys historical commitment to israel on the one hand but on the other hand him his commitment to International Law notice on ukraine where there reporting from jerusalem heres a look at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world as corona virus infection rates slow here in Europe Germany has announced that it will lift the remaining checks at its land borders on june 15th they were introduced in mid march but berlin is extending a travel warning for more than 160. 00 countries outside europe until the end of august. Swedish prosecutors have named the man they believe killed Prime Minister olof palme back in 1986 but they said that they are now closing the case since the suspect stieg strong died 20 years ago thoma was gunned down as he left a stark home Movie Theater with his wife. Mourners have been paying their final respects to brunis president peer into. The government says that he died of a heart attack in the world sees it was said to step down in august after 15 years in power 15 years marked by repression and political by us. In brazil the shops are opening again even as the number of confirmed cases of corona virus continue to surge the most populous states are paolo is the epicenter of the pandemic there and it has just reported a Record Number of cope with 19 deaths for the 2nd day running but there is uncertainty over how accurate those statistics are. More and more clued in 1000 patients arrive at some powders temporary hospitals the true number of new coronavirus cases is the subject of heated debate on 33 trying to do more testing but can often only administer rapid tests which dont deliver reliable results experts fear that there are many undetected cases in the slums of your vision naida thats why local residents have started keeping track themselves. But many of those infected by the virus werent registered by the Health Authorities there are cases among people we know. The controversy over the true number of cases has also reached the government president bush sinatras commence the official numbers are too high and has banned publication of the figures last mostly we want to return to normal brazil must pick up speed with all the most sonata wants to change the way the figures are compiled but his plans have run into fierce opposition you know exactly where the old counting method and transparency need to be maintained one can just make the numbers look prettier. Brazils Supreme Court has now ordered a return to the previous practice but the debate rages on and brazil still hasnt reached the peak of its coronavirus crisis. Are the balls german cup semifinals now by in munich have set up a chance for a double this season the possibility of winning both the cup and the bogus league by and defeated pesky frankfurt club to reach the final and you see right there scoring at the 14 minute mark but by are needed Robert Lewandowski 2nd half goal to win it to what byron will play later whos in for the german cup championship next month. This is a reminder of the top story were following for you the brother of george floyd has made an emotional pleas of the u. S. Congress to make sure that his brother did not die in vain as he spoke to the police chief of minneapolis where floyd dies the promise to push for reform of the citys Law Enforcement office. And watching the news flying from berlin ben is up next with business stick around well be right back. Every day. For us and for our planet. Google ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. How do we make cities streamer how can we protect our

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