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Released others disappear. Also coming up keeping up the pressure of mass demonstrations over racism and Police Brutality continue across the west are there any signs that this movement would result in a real go form as from crime boss to aid angel a former cape town gang leader distributes food to people hit hard by the corona virus pandemic g w looks at whether his operation is as innocent as it looks. Im sara kelly walked into the program we begin with a special report into the situation in chinas restive region where researchers estimate that up to a 1000000 people have been detained in socalled wi education camps the remote province in china. Far north west is off limits to the International Media the Muslim Leaders who make up most of the population there have long faced repression by the chinese authorities including in recent years lengthy imprisonment well now w. s Investigative Team has found that many imprisoned weekers inside of those camps have been forced to choose from a list of crimes and then sentenced in sham trials without access to due process the team spoke to those who escaped chinas vast network of repression in sion john. You dont have any freedom or your money says 247 they can interrogate you as any time even at night when youre asleep the women i was with ended up there because they had want to head scarf or praying over traveled abroad there wasnt a single criminal among. Thats the voice of a woman who spent almost a year inside a reeducation camp in china with keeping her identity a secret in order to protect her family and singe on a remote region in northwest china. Is home to the weakest a predominantly muslim ethnic group. Decades of state sponsored discrimination against them has spread into discontent and at times of violence including riots and terror attacks. In response china has cracked down and we go and built up a close knit Surveillance System to 47 prison more than a 1000000 people in internment camps across 10 jang the Chinese Government claims the camps were set up to fight extremism and provide leaders with cation all skills but detainees and documents contradict that narrative rather detainees are targeted based on little more than their culture and religion and are forced to undergo a draconian and often brutal brainwashing program. And now weve on earth even more chilling evidence of chinas for oppression of weak we talked to former detainees who managed to escape chinas last network of reeducation camps. One day they were handed a list of alleged crimes. It was one page of paper we had to choose one item i started reading it and it said wearing a headscarf playing owning. Kharab. Phoning all contact him people abroad they threatened us you will stay here until you pick a crime so i signed the paper and put my finger print. A few days after the woman was forced to sign the list official start of calling up people one by one for what amounts to a sham trial oh yes you were you. There were no lawyers. There were to read out the judgement and the cheney would have to say i confessed my crimes i promise i wont repeat my wrongdoings. Not. Just the course. So that. We analyze satellite imagery in publicly available material such as construction bids intended notices i managed to locate 3 camps where these trials happened in 2018 in 3 different locations across 2. After the trials detainees started disappearing some were picked up at night others led away from their classrooms never to return. But it seems that only those who had confessed to religious acts in the childs were picked up this is yet another indication that china is targeting weak a culture and religion. The woman and the other detainees we talked to managed to escape to neighboring cuz i stand as those with cuts that president seal family members were eventually allowed to leave china. Says my husband says i changed sometimes i get very angry so no reason its us who remains are in the nights im so exhausted all the times. Lets. Bring in now naomi conrad who is part of that Investigative Team working on this story and i only welcome to you we heard in that report that after the trial some of the detainees disappeared whats likely to have happened to them. Right well basically dont know for sure because theres no paper trail what we assume is that they will either send to a high security reeducation camp or prison which could be inside maybe even outside of the province to be honest there isnt really much of a difference between a high of high level security in reeducation camp and a prison camp detainees are kept there indefinitely so its pretty similar but others there is said we cant know for sure and its not as if the chinese authorities got back to our information request why is china conducting these sham trials inside the camps. Well thats a question we would have loved to put to them to the chinese authorities unfortunately they didnt want to give us an interview which assuming that it might be in part to legalize the whole System People are imprisoned in reeducation camps without a trial they sometimes basically just picked up off the street so that could be the one explanation another one could be that its for domestic audience that relatives want to know whats happened to them to their relatives they want to know how long their relatives have to stay in these camps or even in prison so it could also be you know in response to domestic criticism to relatives asking what happened to their loved ones but as i said we just dont know for sure because the authorities didnt want to talk to us they didnt want to talk but meantime they have claims that this year everyone who had received socalled education and training inside the camps socalled graduated that they were now leading happy lives but that doesnt really match the research does it. No it doesnt into dormitories says some former detainees working for factories i think you could call it forced labor because its not as if they can choose whether or not to work for these factories and some of these factories actually produce for International Companies including german ones but what we also saw is that the High Level Security Council are the ones with a lot of security that theyre actually expanding so its not as if all the camps as the chinese authorities claim have been closed down quite the opposite some camps are expanding so its likely that a lot of detainees are still being held so they werent exactly telling the truth there and there were there have been so many reports on the repression of we are in shin john tell us where is the International Outrage where is the International Pressure on tried. Certainly of this year there was some movement the European Parliament called for targeted sanctions the u. S. Congress has actually just passed a bill also quite calling for targeted sanctions but here in europe and here in germany it has been incredibly quiet officials are obviously aware of the situation they always say that behind the scenes they do they do talk about human rights they do raise the issue of weak as human rights but we have to remember that china is an incredibly important trading partner and that German Companies European Companies are active in china and also in jagging so even while politically there might be some pressure behind the scenes officials here politicians here on really coming out vocally harsh reality naomi conrad from investigations thank you. And we will have more analysis and reaction to this story throughout the day and you can also find more indepth coverage on our web site t w dot com in the meantime lets head to some other news to the United States where crowds gathered across the country over the weekend for more protests in the wake of George Floyds killing in Police Custody thousands flocked to the heart of washington d. C. To voice their opposition to racism and Police Brutality it comes as the majority of Minneapolis City Council members pledged to dismantle the Police Department whose former officers have been charged for their role in floyds death 2 weeks ago. And earlier we spoke with g. W. Correspondent Stefan Simons in washington we asked him about the momentum of the protest movement and what it means for novembers president ial vote that means that the sitting president is in more trouble regarding his reelection bid. The latest polls suggest that democratic president ial candidate joe biden is leading with a widening gap before President Donald Trump even those if you states where donald trump surprised everybody 2016 and took the states and one of the votes. And the president seems to be keenly aware of this now the Democratic Party would probably. Try and hone in on what the Africanamerican Community but others to experts and observers to call now became a movement and call now a movement so this is going to be interesting what the impact will be that it really have an impact is absolutely clear. Stefan simons in washington elsewhere in the world britain was among many countries outside of the us that also saw weekend anti racism protests while the rallies were mostly peaceful scuffles broke out between protesters and police in london demonstrators also vandalized statues including one on or a slave trader. For. An act of vandalism or historic moments he is this statue of a 17th century pressure slave trader in the southwest in the city of bristol was controversial as the global anti racism protests reached the city on sunday and found a vent in the 125 year old bronze figure of edward colston. That such a represents years of oppression represents years of hard. And just a lot of emotion and hatred has been built up inside of us starts weve internalised for years and that calming down today hopefully signifies change. In Central London clashes broke out between police and black lives matters demonstrators. A statue of former british Prime Minister Winston Churchill was also vandalised. To say the scuffles came towards the end of what had been mostly peaceful protests drawing tens of thousands to the capital rallying to condemn Police Brutality after the death of black man george floyd while in Police Custody and the west. The British Government condemned the violence as well as protests going ahead despite the current virus pandemic. You know we respect the right to protest but we do not respect and it is completely on lawful to participate in acts of disorder funds alyssum violence on the souls that we are in the midst of our health and right now and under the rules that we have put in place it is illegal for gatherings of 6 or more people outside an open air to get together and that is unacceptable. To these protesters at least this more than one Global Pandemic on our hands. And im joined now by our Political Correspondent emmanuel a chase you attended a protest yesterday in the german capital here in our land so tell us a little bit more about the turnout. Yes on saturday i around 15000 people gathered here in berlin and of course even in terre sorry a house minister has been was with very worried he voiced concerns because these protests happens in the middle of a pandemic but to be fair i was in the middle of the crowd and even if social distancing wasnt respected people the the majority of people. Wearing masa that was quite responsive bill it was a restaurant civil process also people were there to show their support to the us process and it was a very moving experience to see so many people gathered there is specially at the moment they know its for the time of George Floyds agony 8 minutes 46 seconds so of course many where we many were easy about the fact that the process took place during the pandemic that are so responsible process and it wasnt just about systemic racism in the United States was it you know it was also very much about systemic racism here in europe and they particularly here in germany and those so people gathered and he wanted to denounce Police Violence that also happened here there were many signs for example showing the name of xylem saeco henri jallow who died in Police Custody here in germany in 2005 so he was very much about racism not only in the u. S. But also racism that hes experienced here by the black community how is the German Government tackling it. Well last last week on thursday the bell and Senate Passed a law an anti discrimination also thats a 1st step to try and for example racial profiling by open lease in Public Institutions for example than in 2006 on a federal level so now show why there was a law that was passed to try and systemic racism you know employment for example all between private individuals emanuel or chase in berlin thank you. Lets get a quick check of some other stories making news around the world an iranian doctor who was detained in the u. S. For over a year has returned to his homeland budget to hear e was released in a prison camp that also free to a u. S. Navy veteran held by tehran he was accused of violating u. S. Sanctions by sending a Technical Team i dont excuse me to iran. Tropical storm cristobal has made landfall in the southern u. S. State of louisiana heavy rain pounded the gulf coast ahead of its arrival causing flooding and Property Damage across several states as the storm headed in lives the storm is expected to weaken to a tropical depression on monday. Of this one person has been killed in southern pakistan after a 5 Story Building collapsed in karate dozens of people were living in the building which was being evacuated when it collapsed several residents have been taken to the hospital with injuries. From today most people arriving in britain will have to self isolate for 2 weeks under new coronavirus restrictions the rules have been condemned by airliners including British Airways and easy jet which have launched Legal Proceedings against the u. K. Government over what they call a disproportionate step. A lockdown in south africa since the end of march has started to ease but its economic consequences have hit the poor particularly hard unemployment is soaring with millions out of work in one part of cape town a former gang leader has stepped in to help those in need his efforts have been met with full thanks and skepticism. Many charities in the cape town feed the hungry what sets this one a part of the fact that its borgen eyes by a former gang leader. On my i used to head the mongols one of the most feared gangs in this city. I know now most of the people dont have financial wise and start something. With. The slogan on his t. Shirt says the harder you fall a stronger you rise it could describe myers own life he was behind bars for 18 years for crimes including a martyr conviction this area the cape flats has a reputation for organized crime and Drug Trafficking keep terms hes an average of 8 murders every day but lockdown has led to a drop in gang warfare according to a local pastor hes been trying to mediate between gangs for 20 years. I like to think over the course of the listing of those guys. But at this really just really. Brought people together from all walks of life. In the 11000000 soon but you know when i get 2 of the gang leaders most of them will visit the pit increase with its like that over the top of it with these motives. How do you how do you explain that to a few. Days or we simon a mother of 4 says leon meyer has become a symbol of hope in the area since the last time she used up a welfare payments halfway through the month unemployment is rife here. Because these are people like that. To our people. And. We dont get anything that. Its tough you know thanks for the community to help here. But criminologist dawn pena is convinced gang members have an ulterior motive for helping out their community. Gangs in my experience oldham do anything for anybody else they they they its all about themselves its all about what they can gain so you know my 1st question would be if they distributing food parcels why you know what are they getting out of it and. You know that they might want to look good in their communities but they might be using that theres a lot out so you know how do you get out and distribute your drugs back on the keep flights leon meyer admits that breaking with the past is easier said than done. But this is never going to go away are going to be get something you know the dangers will always be there will always be gangsters in the way we stay in the way we love they put us all together i used to considering itself against the firms. Im against im a born against the im among all i was they were going through. Because the only way out for me. In truth. In the meantime does a resigned man is headed home. She says she doesnt judge all those priorities making sure her children dont go to bed hungry. And the pandemic continues to have impacts around the world on the economic front demand for chinese goods for example was hit last month by coronavirus effects anywhere surgeons and trade tension with the United States official data show chinese exports slipped 3. 3 percent in may from a year earlier that came even as exports from masks and other medical supplies surged and made efforts to combat the 10 so imports plunged nearly 17 percent which was worse than expected this year chinas economy is expected to grow at the slowest pace in than 4 decades. More we are joined here in the studio by Clifford Coonan from d. W. Business so i mean these figures they dont really come as too much of a surprise but you know. How do they stack up against expectations i think what theyre showing us now is just the complexity of the impact of this pandemic now. They were a surprise in the last month figures were a surprise so people are becoming accustomed to surprise but the same time they show that demand around the world isnt there so big exports are like china or trade accounts for a 3rd of the total economy is struggling in the face of and i think if you look at the figures exports of the us fell 1. 2 percent which isnt very much for the same time to india they fell 51 percent in brazil was also down by a 3rd so weve got a lot of. Theres a lot clearly a very mixed picture but the overall picture is pretty grim as far as chinese exports go is that just a question of demand or is that does that also have to do with the geopolitical tensions that were seeing between china and the United States right now i think thats a big factor i mean the fact that exports are only down 1. 2. Essentially the us is kind of surprising in itself i think a lot of that has to do with the medical supplies that you mentioned and i think thats going to get worse as well were not seeing a regime that in the us now john is turning into an election issue a major election issue and president from there will be will be keen to reinforce this country china message going into that and thats going to play out in trade with the trade talks that weve been having. Will possibly be resumed weve become so accustomed so used to seeing china as as one of the worlds growth engines you know posting spectacular results how can china now dig itself out of this hole well although it on the 100th in a strong position because its kind of ahead of the curve with the pandemic so its able to get things going again but on the other hand has nowhere to sell them to so what its doing at the moment is trying to build demand at home its issuing like some chinese cities for example or asian coupons to get people to go out and buy things theyre trying to get everything going again but there really needs for International Trade to pick up again and that means things like the trade talks need to come back in some form or other in order for us china relations to improve i think its going to be crucial and also the relations with europe are becoming increasingly important now so theres a lot of areas that china needs to to to line up in order for the worlds 2nd biggest economy to grow again so diplomacy should be a priority Going Forward clifford couldnt from the business thank you. All sports now head in german soccer news because ron with a wonderfully go when stretched out to 12 matches following a want to draw a weight on berlin coach david bag now has been heavily praised after leading the team to european contention before the midseason break and after another disappointing result in the capital hes fighting to save his job. Before kickoff both goony on and shocker showed their support for the black lives matter of protests Coaching Staff included. Once the game was underway it didnt take long for the huns side to score an anthony through ball sending rashad angry one on one ive. The germans finish gave alex on the new bow no chance. But shocking hit back just before the half hour mark englishman jonjo kenny rifling in from outside the books. By the on loan everton defender with a pinpoint drive to level schoolboys. The 2nd half short chances go begging with neither side able to take advantage 11 the final score another disappointing day out for shall cause now winless in 12 is in and i think were in an insanely difficult phase and we know exactly why that is we know where our problems lie and weve discussed them of course well discuss them again in greater detail at the end of the season we have various problems to solve feels. To me on safety is now but confirmed. Our top story at this hour and the investigation has found that Muslim Leaders attention camps in china should john region has been subjected to forced confessions and sham trials former detainees told you that they have to choose from a list of crimes many related to religious worship believe some 1000000 people have been detained and crowds gathered over the weekend at the white house in washington d. C. For more protests over the death of george floyd the demonstrators also rallied outside the u. S. Embassy is the europe and beyond calling for an end to racism and Police Brutality. Im sorry telling in our land and watching t. V. News thank you for joining us to care and feel safe. It controls our body could it soon operate our computers to. The brain the most fascinating the organ in the human body. Why remembering is hard work how software can read our thoughts and how the chaos in the brain can transform the creativity of the journey through the cosmos of our heads tomorrow today. Next on d w. The army. Did armstrong really walk on the moon. Isnt the earth really flat after all does the government use planes to poison us with. Conspiracy theories spread like wildfire on the internet. Some people are convinced they are true. And he gets to reveal part of small groups who shout louder than others and profit from a lack of interest among reasonable people. Scientists are studying why some are so susceptible to ideas that are obviously wrong and absurd and how the internet accounted for as it all. Up and it takes a lot more energy to refute rubbish than to covered it in the 1st place. Conspiracy theories can provide comfort you dont like reality create another. A film about knowledge and belief trust and deception. Coming into masi of the goal of starts july 1st on g. W. The human brain is thought to be the most complex organ in the Natural World it has over 85000000000 neurons. And a newborn baby actually has an even highly another. 3000. 00 Early Childhood the brain continues to develop does the memory. Even the most powerful computers cant match the human brain in many respects but computers are being taught to read brain activity allowing a human being

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