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Its not even the fray that likely to be a relief well to me that i feel safe at some point in the gutter itll become built up. There to protect the police serve to bring back the government of the world number one. Theres been too many people that are getting shot that is continuously happening. Theres no say so but really its my constant. Also coming up tonight as the Coronavirus Crisis subsides here in europe it leaves a medical system fighting not to flatline why we were taking care of patients we had to stop Everything Else and Everything Else is what brings money to us. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the superpower we all know and the superpower we hardly recognize it has been a week since a black man named george floyd died in Police Custody in minneapolis minnesota. A week to watch over and over the final moments of floyds life a video showing a white Police Officer using his knee to pin down floyds neck to the streets and the audio of floyd pleading i cant breathe well across america the air has been thin ever since from los angeles to atlanta every day people have marched angry over yet another black man dying at the hands of police and those peaceful protests have descended into violence stores set ablaze looters pursued by police armed white soldiers and that anger is not only american here in berlin yesterday demonstrators marched to protest the death of george floyd the scene was repeated in london paris vancouver and toronto that dismay matched by International Fears over americas vanishing moral authority in times of crisis the u. S. President usually offers words to calm and collect the nation u. S. President donald trump has posted tweets blasting the radical left and the news media today he lashed out at u. S. Governors calling them weak telling them to crack down on protesters trump himself spent part of the weekend hiding out of sight in the white house bug we have more tonight beginning in Washington District of washington. In washington flames flick it up in the darkness just a stones throw away from the white house. Tear gas canisters flew as Police Patrol cars burned in boston. In some places unrest gave way to violence and looting like here in san diego. There were countless arrests here in phoenix arizona. And the tense standoff in seattle echoing scenes in dozens of cities from coast to coast a Clothing Store torched in Long Beach California the United States has been set ablaze by the killing of george floyd. He died in Police Custody one week ago. When he remarried a black man pinned to the ground under the knee of a white Police Officer Derrick Sjodin he was charged with lloyds murder on friday. I think. That in miami protesters demanded justice for george floyd saying his name they chant. That shot. I cant i cant discipline you without putting my hands here but this is where. The americans supporting our children. Across the country many Police Officers also felt compelled to show their solidarity on that on gutters and other cops in the United States and when you see that you cant justify that and when i look at that all the good that we do in a community Police Officers across the nation can be your destroyed in one act like that President Trump has reacted by blaming lefty script for the violence hes also a state governments to get tough on protesters but after a week of deepening unrest that has brought fire to the gates of the white house many a calling for the president to stop stoking the flames. Just before more tonight im joined by karen thats here shes a global Opinions Editor for the Washington Post she joins me tonight from dallas texas karen is going to have you on the program 2 years ago you wrote an opinion piece in the Washington Post today had the headline i no longer have hope in White America what would the headline be tonight. Interesting question i get asked this question a lot actually about hope and i think my response is somewhat similar to what i wrote back then which is taken from there osteen sharing and its this notion that. I dont work or operate or write out of hokie right out of the shadow. It could be that in my lifetime i dont see these issues go away. Just like you know black slaves without their children and theyre going to live would be slaves. So i would operate in this shadow of hope that i. Work anyway. I dont think hope is quite the right question i think that is a question more so for White America of the reason we should hope things will get better and. Let me ask you about something were seeing right now were seeing Police Officers across the u. S. Male taking a knee to show solidarity with protesters what do you say to them. You know i wish all that solidarity about seeking uni happens and 2016 and calling to burnett the n. F. L. Player to continue during the National Anthem to protest all these issues that were seeing now and many around the country black students way allies also made the same action and what happened they were blackballed kicked out of school jobs threatened even catholic is effectively. You know prevented from playing in the n. F. L. And right now personally for me when i see those images of Police Kneeling it doesnt move me that much to be honest with you but i would see ever like to see police surrendering some of these military as weapons what id like to see is police saying we hear you are standing down. Lets organize a way that we can have a dialogue in a room i would like to see the police not arresting my colleagues in the journalism community. There are people who are posting bloody injury. And. You know i dont feel much of anything when i see these youngsters right now a few days ago you were a piece on how western media would cover minneapolis if it happened in another country and in that piece you imagine an 18 year old liberian Student Activist saying this about america lives dont matter especially not black lives its like the americans are living in a failing state if you care and are you living in a failing state now. Well i think as as a black american as the daughter of immigrants if you look at what a state is supposed to do a state is supposed to protect you the state is supposed to deliver you Adequate Health care. A state is supposed to protect your life and i think right now. If those rights it was protections are afforded to. People of color and means that the state has failed us honestly and so i think whats happening now with the pandemic with. The Police Brutality were seeing how much value we put on lives and so for all of this to be happening at the same time as were seeing more than a 100000. 00 people dead we are the epicenter of the current of errors and we havent even had it. We hadnt even had you know any sort of and knowledge many of how how disastrous something is happening what is going on so. It feels bleak i wish i had a better word to you feels weak. So well just have to see with this summer the summer brings estimate for we run out of time you and i spoke a couple of times after the murder of saul the journalist remark of show you back in 20 teen you were his editor at the Washington Post and we spoke about this lack of accountability about being able to kill with impunity because shogi and george florey they were from completely different worlds but would you say that their worlds connected in their deaths. That is profound i mean this. This phrase and camry. Aragon when he was choked out by police in new york and george floyd and then with those reportedly being one of his last words i. The connection that i see its all about is a complete disregard for human life and the ability of state forces of police of people who have been given the power. To be able to snap out lives like that and not receive accountability and so. I do see that in the i think i think. He cared very much about the dignity of his people just as you know so many of us i do care about the dignity. Lack of all our people and so thats what our this is about its about our democracy its about a fight against the ability to take away lives whenever they seem inconvenient to us so that its connected care on a tear the global Opinions Editor for the Washington Post joining us tonight from dallas texas karen as always we appreciate your time and your insights thank you. U. S. President donald trump he lights to pick a fight or to air his displeasures publicly especially with european allies nato and International Organizations such as the United Nations and the World Health Organization well over the weekend the u. S. President through the g. 7 into disarray trump invited german chancellor Angela Merkel to attend the g. 7 summit in the u. S. This month but merkel declined deciding worries over the coronavirus so trump canceled the june summit he postponed until september he called the g 7 outdated and he said it should be expanded to include australia south korea india and that russia should be brought back in the mirror putins russia you may remember was thrown out of the group of leading industrialized nations after russia illegally and next crimea from ukraine back in 24 teed russia seems to have been blindsided by trumps announcement to journalists on Board Air Force one a spokesman from moscow was unsure if this is a real suggestion trumps western allies they were clearer a u. K. Government spokesman said russia was removed from the g 7 group of nations following its an exemption of crimea and we are yet to see evidence of change behavior that would justify its readmittance we would not support it being readmitted as a member of the group and canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau added russia has yet to change the behavior that led to its explosion in 2014 and therefore should not be allowed back into the g 7 well admission to the g 7 needs the unanimous agreement of all of its members thats the u. S. Germany the u. K. France italy canada and japan. Well lets bring in derek chilly derek served as assistant defense secretary for International Security affairs under president obama he is now Senior Advisor for security and defense policy at the German Marshall Fund of the United States he joins me tonight from washington d. C. Derrick its good to have you back on the day. I want you to take a listen to how the White House Press secretary just last week was trying to sell the g. 7 summit in the u. S. In june take a listen to the g 7 president wants to see this take place as america real opens as we try to approach a place of normalcy where people go back to work where people do you Recreational Activities but socially distance while they do it the president thinks no greater example of reopening i mean its transition to greatness would be the g. 7 and the 7 happening here i mean happening probably more towards the end of june or it reopening with the g. 7 i mean derrick was was troubling expecting his european allies to give him a photo op to show the country yes we are back to normal well apparently so you have to recall this g. 7 summit has has had. Somewhat of a troubled history trumps hosting of it as because remember the initial idea that he floated long ago was that he was going to host the summit at one of his resort hotels in florida and that was quickly squelched as an idea so now as the press secretary suggests last week the idea was to put it as another marker in the unveiling of the reemergence of the United States but then of course that has been put aside and now the earliest they would have it is in september but even that i think is very much up in the air right now and thats up in the year theres another plan thats up in the air and that is the plan from mr trump himself he wants to reinvited russia back into the g. 7 what do you think of that. Well i think its a bad idea we have to remember why russia was kicked out of the g. 8 which was when it was in it was called the g 8 and that was after its an invasion an illegal in excess of crimea russia had been brought into the g. 7 that became the g 8 in the 1990 s. As an effort to bring russia into the community of nations. Over time particularly as lattimer putins. More authoritarian system has taken hold that became a more troubled relationship and then a 2014 i think for good reason the Obama Administration and its partners in the g 7 asked russia not to attend anymore has been determined to bring russia back into this grouping. Hes floated this idea before hes also let his frustrations be known what about with the g. 7 of course with several years ago that he got into a spat with. Prime minister Justin Trudeau after candidate hosted a g 7 and trump refused to sign the leader statement the 1st time the u. S. Had ever done that so you know it seems to me that your fairly transparent attempt to try to stock this grouping that hes never really been entirely happy with with some of the believers he feels more congenial towards do you think that also explains his suggestion for expanding the g 7 to include india he did have a good meeting in india with marines remotely earlier this year. Yeah i think so i dont know i think its Important Note the g 7 is an imperfect. Organization of leaders and in fact president obama tried to elevate the role of the socalled g. 20 as something that that he believed was more reflective of Geopolitical Realities of the 21st century the g 20 of course still exists one wonders if President Trump actually remembers the g. 20 actually exists the saudis earth are supposed to be hosting the g 20 as it stands later this year so i dont think its necessarily a bad idea to include other countries into the g 7 grouping i just think its a bad idea to include russia. Considering the state of affairs in the u. S. Right now i mean do you expect that there will be a g. 7 summit in the u. S. This year and im wondering does President Trump does he have the credibility among his counterparts to head a summit at this level well his credibility among i think all most of his counterparts in the g. 7 right now is was was not starting very high and has been diminishing quite rapidly in recent weeks and months. But you could you could conceivably do a g 7 at a place like camp david which of course is isolated i think a lot of the questions will come down to the logistics of this how the travel would work the massive amount of preparation that normally goes into this g. 7 meetings to ensure that there are not just photo ops and i think his fellow World Leaders are very aware of what his true intentions are it seems to be with this meeting and theyre going to want and they should ask for a substantive agenda and so far as far as i can tell theres been no discussion of what a substantive agenda would look like in a g. 7 meeting whenever it takes place. Do you explain trump asking uncle americal to come over to the u. S. In june is he tone deaf when it comes to the pandemic or was he simply advised poorly. Hard to tell it could be one of the other or both. You know look its hard to know how much thought has actually gone into some of these pronouncements about the g. 7 clearly trump wanted to do it to show as host that hes in charge that america is back and open for business again but as we saw reality quickly settled into the idea that it was going to be hosted at the end of june or to the into june as quickly put to the side so now ron of the fall were going to have to see where things are in the fall where the put the pandemic looks like and what the situation here in the United States looks like folks here in washington are settling in for what many fear is going to be a long long summer yes speaking of the fall me ask you to buy if he becomes the democrats nominee and then wins in november will you be back at the white house or the state department. And the idea you know ive ive ive worked in washington in and out of government long enough to know that. Its a fools errand to try to predict that stuff all i can say is this countrys got a lot of challenges that folks in and out of government are going to be working together to try to solve in the future none of this is going to be easy for anyone. Come november all right well if your plans change there keep us posted there actually joining us tonight from washington we appreciate your time tonight dear thank you and you know. New york city today reported its lowest corona virus infection rate in or since the outbreak began and spain reported no new coke with 19 deaths for the 1st time since march belgium too has seen a decline in new corona virus infections but as that emergency subsides a new one threatens patients suffering from other ailments have not been seeing doctors and those diseases have not simply gone away the w. s georg reports tonight from brussels. Law of a ball is happy to be finally treating patients again the eye specialist at the hospital in brussels has only been seeing 2 or 3 people a day another corona lockdown a drop of almost 90 percent even though the surgical medical retina team theyve seen a drop in the in the surgical problem for chest retinal detachment for example. Nearly no cases in a book is actually not possible for people to stone so people are scared of contracting the virus in hospital like pascal live long she could lose her eyesight if she doesnt get regular treatment its took her all the courage she could muster to come here today more personnel mostly crippled or not im very afraid of catching a virus apart from my eye problems i also have a spare trishas so yes im afraid. Not usually not though their copy doctors say theyve never experienced anything like it belgian was among the countries worst affected by the pandemic but infection numbers are now in decline this hospital has only 30 corona patients down from 120. 00 at the height of the crisis and they are strictly sekret. Since early mate belgian hospitals have been allowed to offer a limited number of nonurgent consultations but people are not taking them up on the offer the consequences are dire not only for patients but for the entire Health Sector says the director general of some pierre hospital 1st and foremost describes is. Has really put the hospitals all the obstacles in the country under the water financially speaking so we have lost dogs of 1000000 euros. Just because we were taking care of patients we had to stop Everything Else and Everything Else is what brings money to us the director expects the hospital to be 40 to 50000000 euros in the red this year he wants the government to step in and compensate hospitals without state health he says his hospital will have to cut all investments to stay afloat that would mean not maintaining and modernizing equipment scores of medics turned their backs on belgiums Prime Minister during her recent visits to the hospital one of them was julia best stay he says stuff has been shouldering the enormous bottom of an already weakened system. To form and to educate new nurses you know so we in all 6 of the priest are with we have a lot of employees so everybody says under pressure everybody is. The stress and money isnt the only problem restrictions in the ongoing emergency plan leave a hospital operating at just 30 percent capacity we would like the government to relax some of the rules completely understand the worry about the 2nd wave and the fact that we still need to be ready and we will but we also need to take care of all the noncoding patients who are also suffering from you know so years diseases for many of them and diseases that could have been sequenced is as bad or even you know worse. Particularly if these patients all come at once. That a wave of people desperately seeking treatment could be on the way to avoid that shes encouraging patients to come now she says that the hospitals are safe and whats more waiting times for an appointment all shorter than. Reporting there the day is almost done the conversation continues online join us on twitter you can follow me and t. V. And remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then everybody. Lots of Homeless People come out the scene on the streets of japan. In tokyo below the 1000 people is used to spend their nights in internet cafes. Among you keep the democrats names had to close because of the coronas lives. So one can imagine how to be fine. 3000. And 30 minutes on d w. The power forwards. Where i come from and i never saw the sun the way it did. Everyone going up in brazil and the sun was always the man since the point of his word 1st son is masculine when i moved to germany as a 10 year old i wanted to come to him on t. V. And that would change how i see the world because in germany his family can. See me now but the side of a girl is so much time in a ponytail instead of a deep voice exterminate the guy seemed absolutely incredible. I realized how the language shakes thinking how definitions far not only mentality may just put our whole 1st half of the role. Inside save my life and was one of the reasons i became i joined a list im a storyteller and i use my words to how quick Intercultural Understanding my name is and im acquainted and they were going to tell people. Im not nothing after the germans because sometimes i am but most of the. If. Im right join me. For the major issues of our society. Season the founders. Its modern day heroes an. Inspirational people who take on the challenges of the world with. The case through with. You look at those 2 problems and move them one solution to a new season of sounders valley. Starts june 13th. This is. The family of the. Peace and. d the country. From minneapolis also coming to hear. People showing their

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