That that scene. In the in the far end here theyre here to to make sure that potentially in i really dont have the time at the moment but in some time the curfew will start. Going about an hour and a half and then those gentlemen there in uniform will probably try to enforce the curfew again as they did yesterday successfully. And thats probably same the same thing in the same tactic they will exercise today stefan i fuckin you know i think only im not trying to figure out what to do a great job of the us youre explaining the same to us with 31 minutes past the hour were going to keep live with you if we possibly can we know the situation is incredibly difficult just wondering if there is anyone there you can spank. To try and get a witness account of what went on. You know lets actually they were thinking alike i like this because i actually wanted to suggest that. If anybody of you guys was anybody there ok oh easy easy easy so i would love to have a witness account where life listen to me for a 2nd were live on Television Worldwide this is the w. World white ok 165000000 households around the world so i need to know what you if you were there. Ok or case ok now at least tell me what you have seen we were doing a peaceful protest on the bridge then a sim i came through going like 40 or 50 miles an hour trying to run us off to caucasian manville on a war going to hit a girl stop because all of our people jumped on her trying to rip him out trying to get our he kept going we return however trying to reverse an almost hit somebody then our people jumped on him anyways its instinct so he got to the infield start leaking over there so we try to push all our people everybodys frezza running the police came down so we spoke over here i say i came up has a slow talk to him they say leave your people up the bridge i go to leave people up the bridge they got squad cars zooming down. And masing not not just coming in but mason so i said what is this what is this you told us to go to sway did he said of miscommunication so then we saw your back in. The front. Let me let me let me bring you back to the incident of the truck just one for one second so you say he hit one person only and nobody else was hurt one person one person only thats amazing how is that possible everybody was started moving everybody started scattering and the growth i got her we had one we only had one vehicle in the whole thing and we put her 2 in a truck and we drove her straight to the hospital it is amazing i have to tell you i stood on the spiritual but then i saw it happening i heard him honking his horn and i thought hes going to slow down and he didnt slow down he actually felt like he sped up. And. That is without a doubt i have words for that that was deliberate that was not an accident and and but just one victim this is amazing because from my Vantage Point it looked like hes moving over dozens of people cause everybodys are spreading everybody spread going car was right next to lets heres the thing as 1st of all im not from this community but i am of the Community Like everybody else out here. Here p. J. Has been doing a good job as an ex athlete and as a representative of what a true minnesota it is trying to put on a peaceful protests our number one agenda besides that was to get justice for george floyd but then when everything started occurring you cannot control the natural human reaction of feeling fear and anger boiling over for years because of consistent injustice so all were trying to do now is you saw it and instead of luring it in being in living up to representation of what our president called us being were thugs i saw no thoughts out there for the for the march i was there and all we tried to do was just move the crowd and get people out of the way and they started coming from that side suman of course as you do here one more thing one more question we got to go to your last question go here we got to go there go ahead and walk in with you and i want to get a little so this is what were going to do were going to just want to walk with those gentlemen and then we will ask the question we wanted to ask. And certain ones that were walking with you but i need to ask you still so we saw what the police when the police came. That. We saw. Them going down the way into the windows yes and starting to mace people yelling to give on the other hand i have of course also to say that with the understandable rage and anger here yet they were immediately peddled with posters and Water Bottles is that or is that of course right of course were not going to say that we didnt have. That we didnt react because we did but the plan was for us to exit the bridge so when they went away from the play and then our people know that were going to do this like this and then i people reacted so we didnt react on this but we were back into a corner to react they went back on to where with us yeah. Since i have you here and its not just about this incident were just tragic and horrible enough. Tell me about what is happening in the last weekend when you havent we are here since thursday and we have talked to many many many people all all all all races ethnicities africanamericans why so often protests and they all say one thing. They absolutely support because they understand the rage meaning with this the looting and torching of buildings but they dont condone it for sure so you im saying the same thing if you go on my instagram mr simply im saying the same thing i understand peoples feelings i understand anger the rage i have that sadness for george and his family. But i do disagree with your doing a city and burn it up but like i always say theres a time for now comics kind of reaction which means burn the city down so we can get peoples attention and then now theres a time for Martin Luther king we try to do today were transitioning as a people to be to do peaceful protests but if a trucker comes and takes everybody out or if the police lie to us and do this what can we do what can we do to the relationship between africanamerican. Community and call he says yes. Means how is this why is this what this is systemic is this is i mean yes its society how they have done us as africanamericans and they kill us and then no justice ever notice i mean that you had the list is long and were tired were tired its not just convict these guys is we need a long term change we need change in a Minneapolis Police department systemic change we need our people to be policing our people and its not all cops because i know some great cuts nathan polk. William right yeah tony adams germy randall these are great cops but we need more of them we need more of them it starts at the top 11. 00 what are you going to do in the one knowing a half an hour when theyre curfews dogs if you think those police were just there now to protect the scene of this incident they are going to come after us theyre going to come after us but unfortunately got to go ok i got people thank you thank you very differently. So. That they have a just a room that was incredible to be able to get those words from the gentleman who was there at the time just to go back to the start of that interview with him he was talking about the moment that the driver was captured and you talked about how incredible it was that how this is a lower level of or a large number of casualties but also the draw. The moment where the dr was taken from the vehicle and we believe he is ok. The lawyer yeah in that privilege you have the finger on the right thing there. Yeah you have youre absolutely on point there you see heres the interesting thing remember we talked to the Police Officer 1st and he said we have for him that the i said did you have for head i asked him did you have her hand to the person the driver know that we had to rescue him so. And now after he what this gentleman said who was right there. This this white officer. Is in his mind seems to be locked that he that the 1st thing he did was actually rescue this driver from a mad crowd that maybe so they were mad 100 percent you have hurt the man there were dozens of people jumping on the truck trying to pull the driver out which is in itself unbelievable. But the thing is that it is painted this see this sis moment is very much painted differently here from a white Police Officer and a africanamerican black Community Leader who organized the march which was supposed to count 10000 people which was way beyond that and which was taken he taken me so against Police Brutality against systemic racism institutions like the police or other government institutions in society if you will that is the interesting point here so yes driver apprehended rescued. And now in the hospital seems to be ok i dont know where he is and what hospital and amazingly and i take this fully from my Vantage Point it looked like i was never i would have never guessed that only one person in this is that enough but only one person according to this witness was injured not. Killed injured just injury from my Vantage Point and i saw the whole thing happen it looked like this truck driver deliberately deliberately went for the crowds he was there to kill people he sped up and he honked his horn so everybody would Pay Attention to what hes doing to the next 2nd. And just one Person Injured from that and then this very very. Justifiably Angry Community here frustrated community filled with rage jumping to get this truck driver to stop what hes doing after he what we her try to reverse and run people over again vile he reverses. That is amazing and i gladly stand corrected if this only took. And again this is bad enough one person to get to get injured i stand corrected with my early assessment that this is potentially a mass casualty event if its not wonderful and the most important thing here is i guess for me is that i am. Absolutely impressed how this is a community actually reacted he and some others here they were quick to realize that there is danger not just from the truck driver which they had neutralized off some sort at least it seems like this is what im hearing out of what he said but also of course they knew that the police would arrive soon they asked for the police to come we had people coming in to its all screaming where is the police where is the doctors where is the ambulances the e. M. T. Says that there is a pro they arrived and and again i have to say and i saw it that was in my mind im sorry this is opinion but this is was despicable to roll down the window and mace people who are in this frustration. And again now we having another story on top of this horrible story and that is that this curfew is crawling upon us he a very very very quickly and people are now have a choice to make stick around go somewhere else protest and risk to be tear gassed hit by rubber bullets or or else because police and Law Enforcement still massed opp there on the highway is there ready to enforce this curfew. Stephanie were going to ponder that exact question we are going to give you a break to get some water incredible job so far youre proud of. The people in minneapolis and we are of you get a break you and max the cameraman incredible job we plan to come back to you when we can if we can. As soon as we can in a couple of minutes time good job stay safe and we will talk you measure it on the streets of. That was stephan simones live on the streets of minneapolis ok moving on russia has been easing its coronavirus restrictions but restaurants bars and cafes remain shut the hospitality sector has been hit hard not least because many restaurants were already struggling to survive now some miners have joined an unusual Internet Campaign to raise awareness of their plight. Young naked and desperate in this photo shoot nudity does not represent sex or erotica rather vulnerability and fear the action is called. Naked hunger. Posing before the camera are waiters and bar and Restaurant Owners know facing financial ruin because the coronavirus shut down their lives. Just enough. We are so desperate. We feel this is the only way to make ourselves heard. Conventional protests with placards wouldnt change anything. Bars and restaurants have been closed in russia for more than 2 months the government is helping some enterprises by extending tax deadlines and offering interest free loans so that wages can still be paid but Small Businesses like this but are not eligible for aid. Many on t. V. Irish restrictions have been loosened. But gathering in large numbers is still credited. Some russians can no longer bear the social distancing under partying doors. And it was a bit of a few days ago. 400 young people answered an internet cold dance through the night despite the assembly ban which remains in force until the end of june. One participant who wishes to remain anonymous said he knew he was breaking the law. But that is normal he continued we need to have fun and cant just sit around at home all the time at least once a month. Asked why he risked his own health by doing that the young man admitted that he wore a mask. The same evening there was another party. Young people got drinks and snacks from the surrounding bars. Face heavy fines. Of up to 6500 euros. Its a bitter experience through which others do not want to go even though theyre desperate. My name suggests. We have lost 95 percent of our revenue. We are delivering a few of our products to our customers at home but thats not enough to give bars a solid fitting to survive it goes against the entire concept of a bar. They can hope for no is that the naked Hunger Action will spread to other bars across russia and that the government will hear or rather see their cliches. Rwanda has registered its 1st official 19 death the east african nation has around 350 confirmed cases to minimize contact between patients and Health Care Workers hospitals are using medical robots in the fight against the bars. You know all. These robots dont just stand around and look cute theyre ready for action. Followed by youre ready to you are immature service. Hello good morning i am here to take your temperature and off he goes. We go through. Here at one of one discovered 19 Treatment Facilities only a short distance from the capital kigali the robots will be used for mass temperature screening to monitor patients status and to update their medical records but thats not all they can do if you program them they can take a train to a patient we do you want to go into the patient they can bring them but for now we are using them for those those tasks. This leak robots can screen people 1st symptoms much faster than human doctors and they minimize contact between doctors and patients for example courting video messages. Before you have them or visit. Between 2 to 3 or 4 times a day. Per patient but not least. We are now up to 2 times a day so that tells you how hopeful day her body the 5 robots were donated by the United Nations Development Program for the increasingly tech savvy you wonder and government they are a welcome addition to the drones it already uses in its fight against the virus. Were going to go by back to minneapolis now where around 45 minutes ago maybe 15 minutes ago we heard from our reporter stefan seamounts in minneapolis that a truck tanker had plowed into a crowd 1000 strong of protesters on a bridge in minneapolis stefan are you there can you hear me can you start by recapping perhaps what what youve seen this afternoon. Of course of course so yes im here you can hear me you will you see the picture is my cameraman next for it is a given you know from my own original Vantage Point the bridge where i stood where we just had parked our car when we heard a trailer truck a tanker truck honking his horn and not letting up honking his horn he kept doing it came under this bridge on this highway which you see there and in the back and not slowing down continuously honking and aiming at the protest group which was right there way and now you have a lot of Law Enforcement this was packed with protesters there was a protest march organized for today sunday during the day theres no curfew here in minneapolis peaceful march by i would say 20000 people maybe. All chanting the name of mr george floyd. The battle cries i cant breathe and they were all over there where you have no Law Enforcement packing the highway and securing the scene where the truck then. Ran into the crowd now from my Vantage Point you would you actually share with me right now this looked like that this truck did this deliberately be sped up before it hit the people the kraut and see i was absolutely sure that this must be resulted in or had been. For sure a mass casualty event. Now it in the meantime we have learned so we rush to go ahead as thats the the 2 takeaways here and im sorry to interrupt that just incredible is that you describe the amount of people that were talking about he 1010000 maybe more on a bridge a truck that is speeding up according to what you saw and and according to a witness statement that that you took an interview there was one Person Injured i mean thats yet to be confirmed but that is just something absolutely incredible and furthermore d what then happened to the driver. Yeah i couldnt agree more this is. Absolutely by surprise in the 15 minutes ago we spoke to actually the organizer of this march who had branded take a knee march for george floyd and he told me it was right there and. Absolutely in my mind an absolute miracle he said only one person one female was injured by the truck and then what happened was that the crowd immediately react that this person of course in the hall and but still some reacted and tried to pull the driver out of the cab and the drivers car in the truck cab and. Apparently there were at least successful to stop him from reversing and rolling over people in and making an effort to roll over people again so absolutely mind boggling for me too to hear and if thats true i cant confirm this re still have no official numbers here that theres only one person this is bad enough of course but only one female injured in this incident and absolutely right 2nd surprising narrative has he had that. And that is stunning for me we had the chance to talk to a. Police officer while we were fairly routinely forced and encouraged to go off the off the highway as we had rushed to the scene before and reported from there. That we had the chance to ask him if they if Law Enforcement had the chance to apprehend the driver and the answer was apprehended no no we rescued him at the time i couldnt even make sense of this and after we and our viewers witnessed this and you too heard from the march organizer protest organizer. I think this policeman probably thought he had to rescue the driver from an angry mob and maybe that was the. Pace theres no doubt that people were angry people were in shock we ran down the ramp where you see those cars now lined apia to whats the highway this is the ramp where my cameraman and i ran down as fast as we could to get to the scene and there were hundreds of people in shock and all coming towards us. I talk breakdowns shaking. Crying and sobbing and just being absolutely traumatized by what they had just experienced on top off. On top of what this Community Experience is for the last week lets not forget this important thing context this protest happened for another reason which was for many many people here especially for the Africanamerican Community very very traumatizing. And of course im referring to the killing of mr george floyd and and these a lot of rates here there was a lot of rights here all this week and. This of course. Found a climax here when and i have to describe the scene because of all this unbelievable when police finally arrived police were not there before because police and i have to say that is actually it was a good shot by police strategically or technically they say if they stayed behind. And let let the crowd march and that was ok then it took about 5 minutes to arrive and and in the mind of many protesters thats maybe even too long and why the police 1st and not the emulates i still havent seen an ambulance and now this is explained if theres only one Person Injured and the protesters say actually managed to put this injured. Female into a con rushed to the hospital then theres no need for ambulances anyway Police Arrived and we saw it with our own eyes. Putting the window down thank you for your opinion of putting the. And rolling the window down and while they were speeding on the highway to the scene trying to make a and keep your gas people were still on the highway on the side and of course this wasnt taken too well the police cars took a few hits with posters and waterfalls and whatever approaches to grab so my point is that on top of this horrible incident there is a lot of rage still in this community between police force on one hand Africanamerican Community on the other hand predominantly but of course having said that note there is plenty of white people theres plenty of Asian Americans theres plenty of. Latino community. Represented here who go through similar experiences. Of discrimination off of racism and. There they are together in this and theyre also together traumatized. Stiffened just to paint the picture you doing an incredible job describing what youve seen speaking to the protest organizer who was incredibly calm and i think you said at the time you commended him on how calm he was and also how calm the crowd was with the truck driver but if we can just go back to the moment when we joined you and police entering the same. Because i think it speaks to. The tension in the airway you must be that when they were trying to clear the road the 1st thing they did is not to ask questions but i was spying and we could see it sprang pepper spray out of the window of a moving police cars to clear the road and to way you were standing on the medium strip between the 2 lines of traffic can you can you talk a little to that tension and in the 3 minutes that weve got lift talk to that tension of police when a lot of missing it. Yeah its basically i have to say and thats maybe an analytical statement and of course subjective because it is me making the statement but. They didnt spend any time since yesterday since enforcing the curfew with their chair gas with. Tear gas being bag rob a bullets is that they spend they wasted no time to actually do not even the slightest work of trying to make anything better with a battered Africanamerican Community. With their. With the other pots with the other party in this case it takes 2 to tango apparently this Police Department are those cops as far as i am concerned and as far as i have experienced and i dont want to generalize i cannot say this for all policemen and i would never dare to do this but what i have experienced so far and after what we as a team hear my cameraman and i have gone through last night to. The threat of arrest for no reason and trying to make it impossible for us to work and were excited from a curfew because were all media thats a constitutional guarantee that we can actually do this and theres a law here in minnesota that we can work and then we actually get shot at with rubber bullets too and other journalists yesterday had it worse where we got off the easy way there where no where the focus off and shouldnt be out there so but the point is here that police is almost on the war footing it seems like i understand everybody understands who has reported about scenarios like this or or has been in the situations thats police and Law Enforcement has to come in force to establish a perimeter to establish a so to speak and a triangle of what is possible and not possible and it blocks the rudeness and she absolutely disregard for or understanding for the other side this is mind boggling mind boggling and that was an example theyre rushing with police cars theyre in high speed and they should because there was a problem their truck moved into the crowd and people were freaking out traumatized horrible scenes. And wonder they do so

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