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A proposal to rescue you economies from the pandemic the European Commission wants to raise a 750000000000 euro were covering 5 but 1st they have to get all 27 new members to agree. And the jury is still out on whether it really works but the south african farmers say warm would help against the spanish flu and that it can help to beat the coronavirus. Im sorry so much going its good to have you with us china has taken another step to increase its control over hong kong and to subdue public protests beijings National Peoples Congress Overwhelmingly passed a plan giving the Chinese Government the power to begin imposing new restrictions on hong kong a Controversial National security law will bypass the territories only ruling legislature prodemocracy advocates say the law. Violates the freedoms promised under home can specialize one country 2 systems and status. And Chinese Government said the implementation of the security law was for the Long Term Benefit of hong kongs prosperity and stability. One country 2 systems is chinas basic state policy. The Central Government has all along fully and faithfully implemented one country 2 systems under which the people of hong kong govern hong kong with a high degree of autonomy. The Central Government has also acted in strict accordance with the constitution and the basic law. And supported the chief executive and the Hong Kong Government in line with the law. All right lets bring in correspondent who is standing by in beijing hi fabienne we had the chinese Prime Minister speaking there what did he have to say in terms of regarding this law and what it means. Well i mean from the chinese point of view its basically restoring law and order they want to ban any session this activities and thats exactly the scary part for the protest Movement Protocol democracy activists in hong kong because they are labeled as success in this and some force of by the Central Government they fear that basically them movement will be equal and some activists have told me that actually the new law will be the death or accelerating the death of an autonomous hong kong why also because china can implemented or enforce the law with their Security Forces and maybe many people are not aware that actually the Chinese Military has one garrison in hong kong namely the Peoples Liberation army and also the Major General has talked to said in interviews before that they stand firm to defend the National Security of the Central Government in beijing having we do know that the International Backlash to this National Security legislation has been going particularly coming from washington could that have any effect on high china decides to actually implement this law no i dont think it will i mean the National Peoples congress here was finished just several hours ago and basically the whole message of the Peoples Congress here was i that china will increasingly defend its own interests more confidently and it will not tolerate any interference by foreign governments and especially not by the u. S. I mean as youre well aware the relation between the u. S. And china they are really really at an all time low and probably will escalate further and yes i dont think that the implementation will i mean that in. All right it appears that weve lost our connection there to correspondent 5 in question here speaking to us there from beijing well lets get some perspective from hong kong doua journalist florence that is standing by for us there hi florence the wheels as we heard are now turning on this National Security law where does this all leave the protest movement in hong kong. Oh well you know cool now hes the 1st answer i can think of votes we should not forget that the protesters at been incredibly are dry and crude and creative in the past in the week they had requested industry to sue the crude to reinvent themselves but now the decreases very much lifted its game since the break of protest you could 19 it looks like a defeat this movement may have indeed to rethink its strategy if we take yesterday and today as an example he thinks like a different taste is that that he learned the lesson from yesterday when that was a massive display of police everywhere the deer and the retreat 160 people arrested including few chords of what returning to school for the 1st time after out a full month of School Closure and there was a lot of violent confrontation so this may have discourage people from coming out in numbers to the to do today was even more important now i think they have 2 options field of movement in the coming months one would be to concentrate on the legislative elections that are coming up at septembers it means that you try and reach a majority in parliament 30000. 00 seats which would be incredible and actually a major legal blow to b. G. But the reason much more extreme and i would say dangerous trend that is also a gathering strength at the moment and they you can start to the street it is the key off in the canyons for many young protesters you hear and will then will slogan saying things like independence is the only way out already to die for independence and thats a very concerning trend because whove beaching at the local authorities all the more once the new national law were in place we will not tolerate this i dont. And florence if those 2 avenues dont work because as you said china will not tolerate that do you think that this National Security legislation really spends the spells the end of autonomy for hong kong yeah yeah. Well you know for sure weve been mentioning the end of hong kong autonomy for a long time. But its true that we. Looks like looks like the greatest attack on the principle of one country to see and i think its important yet to see the National Security to once you actually drafted which wont be the end of june at your earliest and. Takes them a 2nd reading. But these also sends a very cute message to taiwan. The average student now that one country to see stem doesnt know of any. Time i want want want to shorten to write your list of florence the shiny speaking to us from hong kong thank you very much. Now the covert 1000 it death toll in the us have topped 100000 thats more deaths in just 3 months than the number of u. S. Military men and women who were killed during 44 years of Armed Conflict the coronavirus fatality rate in the u. S. Accounts for nearly a 3rd of all global deaths the trumpet ministration has been criticized for responding too slowly to the pandemic experts say many of the deaths could have been prevented. Taking the new normal to a new level. Churches are closed in the new york borough of queens but that didnt stop these catholic priests from tending to their flock outside. Many are in need of solace kovac 19 has exacted a devastating toll in new york. Nearly a quarter of all deaths in the u. S. So far have been recorded in the state thats nearly 25000 people more than 8 times the number killed on 911 it didnt need to be this way says veterans call a noam chomsky he blames donald trump for the catastrophe theres no leadership its chaotic. Presidency the word her is in the hands of the sociopathic most of them are. Interested in nothing but his own or not surprisingly child seen here playing golf on sunday has a different take on the situation he insists the countrys out of the woods and says its time to move on and open up. All 50 states have begun lifting the lockdowns the relief of many especially during the holiday weekend. Each state is easing restrictions at its own pace the concerns are growing that some governors a pushing to open up too quickly because of the need to rescue the economy this is fueling fears of a 2nd wave of infections. You know im pretty sure because you know or rather you dont know hes going to be greek and cheap away so many people he can afford it thing are usually the people should nice where the regular normal car and you can hear me now so people you dont want that. Many in the u. S. May be happy to be getting back to normal but the virus has not gone away and experts fear this could translate into more infections and more deaths. Earlier we spoke to dr eric seigel doing his an epidemiologist and Health Economists from the harvard Chance School of Public Health in washington d. C. We asked him to reflect on the u. S. Death toll surpassing the 100000 mark. When i hear that number its 100000 in 100 days the worst in 100 years and 100 percent of it could have been preventable or at least 99 percent how do we acted sooner because it is the most proof fence of goal a number of deaths ive ever seen because a barging in response and delays notifying were in b. P. s testing is just so overloaded its not just the number of testing the us has a large system but its how early do it and also how gross it you are with small he says career supers running but at the nightclub recently they tested 83000. 00 people because of one super spreading of threats and that is the kind of aggressiveness we need to tackle but us is just its an ostrich in the in the sand and its denying science so im just to my mind because so many other countries a concret the us is just refusing to. Do the necessary things to prevent further deaths heres a look at some of the latest developments in the penn m. F. Now the World Health Organization is reporting nearly 5 and a half 1000000 confirmed cases of the crown of virus worldwide south korea is reinstating social distancing restrictions after reporting the highest single day increase in nearly 2 months and a spike comes as millions of Korean Children returned to school on wednesday a new tracing system launched in the u. K. And the government says anyone with symptoms will be able to receive a test starting today close contacts of those who test positive will be told to self isolate isolate while General Lafayette lockdown measures are east and turkey has proclaimed that the penick there has been contained a sighting mortality rate of just 2. 8 percent officials claim the success is thanks to Robust Health infrastructure and a young population. Now lets look at some other stories making news around the world with just 16 minutes to launch the 1st mission from u. S. Soil since 2011 to carry american aust astronauts the space was called off bad weather caused a delay at the Cape Canaveral launch pad in florida the rocket is now slated to lift off on saturday. Hundreds of people have taken part in demonstrations in bridge by wednesdays Police Killing of a black man in minnesota protests took place in los angeles and for a 2nd day in minneapolis where demonstrators clashed with police the citys mayor has called for criminal charges to be filed against the arresting officer. Sliding in bangladesh in the aftermath of cycling and has devastated tens of thousands of homes estimates report at least 100000 people marooned near their homes with nowhere to go and a lack of food or clean water. Here paying Commission President was last on the line has proposed a 750000000000 euro relief package to help the block bounce back from the coronavirus and make most of the money would be in the form of grants the rest would be loans the funds would be raised as common debt borrowed by the commission on behalf of e. U. Members that is a controversial idea and it may not be easy getting the unanimous agreement required to make a plan a reality. The European Unions massive recovery from is aimed at helping Member States hardest hit by the pandemic its really in spain will get the lions share. The Commission President and brussels keen to play on europes united approach the a must be to invest together in our common good we will be bold by raising unprecedented amounts of funding at european level. We will be focused by channeling the funding to the new priorities that will shape the future. In practice its germany and france which are driving the plan and will provide most of the money german chancellor Angela Merkel for the 1st time accepting joint e. U. Debt as part of a mutual recovery strategy. Is of course not and this proposal contains elements of both what was discussed between germany and france as well as elements of the guarantees and loans that were mentioned by 4 other countries. And now we start negotiating with 400. 00 a group of northern e. U. Countries known as the frugal for the netherlands led by Prime Minister mark ritter plus austria denmark and sweden are less keen to hand out money to their southern counterparts with no Strings Attached to them which an emergency we need an emergency recovery fine and to stimulate the economy. We believe this should consist of loans without any mutualization of debts for my shop in for them its hot looking for for school with. Some tough talking lies ahead for the Recovery Plan to come into force agreement must be reached before the autumn. The race to find a cure for the corona virus has revived interest in herbal medicines although none yet has been proven to be affective but in south africa a group of farmers are cashing in on the word spreading about african wormwood being a miracle cure. In south africas eastern Cape Province farmer john abbott sally and his family are picking the herb african the war would. Be. Given what he did. In a moment also the. Something he didnt even though he reported believe what they did very very. Like. The family can pick as many as 10 backs at day. You can find the plant all over the place it has been growing here for a long time and the local farmers have been using it as a Traditional Medicine but now the demand is going up which is good for business here. Back in the village they sell the plant for 4 year as a back prices have increased along with demand for the herb theres a period as you know with many believe warmer which can protect them from the koran or virus although theres no scientific proof. I give the fed some of these because this is a good look around and. Say oh you. Should have been going on chinese knife lands for new. Parents or comes. Pretty you feel way lucy. Come clear you. Dont really know who or what the villagers also believe in warm woods Medicinal Properties theyve been using it for generations even though the village has no electricity no one here has been to the doctor for years one which is prized as one of the most powerful medicinal herb people here say it clears up a stomach ache and half an hour at a fever in 3 days all those letters in the. Well you can get over to get a. Bottle is a good medicine if you put your faith. You know. Theres also a growing demand in big cities such as Port Elizabeth an hours drive from the village the corona virus is spreading rapidly and urban areas despite the lockdown normal user has been growing warm wood for the last year her grandmother has been taking in for flu now business is brisk glance he has sold 20 bunches today for one euro each but she doesnt believe it can protect people against corona and i was in the analysis that didnt take them to the gun to their. Very near a group of gay. Men here theres the case to investigate you know about it if you dont have an idea. I dont know about that one. Right here to show you but if the customer has been asking you as well what are you customers that im gerri to get me through never you know what it could bring them here but farmer john i. Feel safe from the virus is the daily cup of warm which tea has a bitter taste but he reckons its worth it why would he says helped his grandmother to the wife spanish. Because its like in the early lets talk about the story now with pitt hes the director of the Max Planck Institute of colleagues and interfaces and possibly is working on a study into the efficacy of wormwood and artemisinin thats a substance derived from it thank you for joining us here on 1st of all is there any evidence that this remedy is actually effective against a coronavirus. There is no official reports yet that can confirm that the began of working on that study in the early march the effect on the studies in cells that such as there are some interesting effects but its too early to make a final judgement right now what are those affects how does this work in the body. Of the exact mechanism is not known believed for days that its not actually inhibiting replication of the growth of the virus its more of a sense often it will have much of a tory drug meaning about it changes the activity of your own system such that it reduces fevers or inflammation of the virus may cause your body and that makes some sense because in many. Countries these types of threats have been used to treat fevers and people diseases such as well the area was already from china but also go to south america. So these studies are still in the beginning phase we have seen some African Leaders now praise wormwood as a potential therapy do you worry about that is that dangerous to make that kind of promise at this point i think its difficult to make that promise however i cannot speak to what was said by the president but i got scart because we have not yet had our hands off of the product of a using would be wonderful of us to seed more studies. Before we have that its really possible make any statements were rules however ours also interesting enough so we are getting ready right now for al studies and were also talking to 4 d Clinical Centers to consider trials in humans in order to really assess where potential use of these orbs in humans and if it proves to be effective what do you think that would mean for countries like south africa. I think we want to fall because it would really mean that it would have homegrown medicine to treat certain ailments it should be said that a plant is a basis for important or most important and some of their drug and that extracts them through substances have shown also quite a bit of promise in the treatment and positive of prevention of cancer so called it i choose not the only thing this plan supposed to do so its extremely well researched it was areas of the concern of course is that if its very broadly used that maybe it would get ill effect on an area of the hope we would not lose the defectives mess against malaria and just quickly said youre moving towards Animal Studies and you have any idea what the timeline would be until we have some sort of solid evidence behind this research we have filed a request to be able to both of you hope that things are very fast right now that we can get approved in the next one of the 2 weeks if that happens theyll take a vote i will read it before we can make a judgment to solve it a month we hope that these results will source also be really telling will be a good starting point to then decide to go into a human Clinical Trials patent same book from the Max Planck Institute of colleagues and interfaces in possum thank you so much for joining us thank you. To sports now in the bundesliga rb like steak house it had to berlin on wednesday night and a heated battle that had big implications for both clubs took another step toward survival wildlife inst closer to qualifying for the champions league. Heads were knocking early in this one. Life 6 tyler adams and he had his mob in platen hot collided going for the ball as platen hot looked to get the worst of it. But the defender stayed in the game long enough to curl a fantastic quarter that found marco grew each. Shot. Through its time to his run perfectly to give hansen early lead less than 20 minutes later life seek return the favor christen kuku the bulls assist leader found lucas costa maya whos headed home for the home side to level the score 11. 00. After the break just after the hour mark marcel holliston burkes aggressiveness hurt the home side the life that defender picked up his 2nd yellow and was sent off. Down a man didnt stop live seek to move vanna to patrick chick who fired towards a goal he had to keep or jaros time look to have stopped did good somehow the ball slipped from his grasp ruled an own goal take it to one we can say were given a lifeline thanks to leipsic physicality in the 81st mini. Here newcomer christophe biotic who served in minutes earlier converted from the spot to level the school to 2. Thought. I should go to i say to the coach before the match i should with i mean good for you but i did for the team and this is the most important to go leipzig remain unbeaten since the restart and so does head to berlin behind new head coach bruno la but the. Well known berlin welcomed minds to the german capital knowing they could not afford to slip up against a team also desperate to avoid relegation the visitors played well in the box and got their warrant thanks to be left back after 13 minutes the 22 year old strike but the home club under pressure before invites and got the chance a level of 20 minutes later somehow the seas parted for this shot to go in and the game finished that way when all. In the Czech Republic fans of the Football Club sparta prague got to cheer on their team at a drive in cinema supporters blew their horns to express their joy over a goal and they didnt shy away from showing their displeasure over a refs decision either the league resumed last weekend after it was put on hold to stop the spread of the coronavirus games are being played behind closed doors the result however left much to be desired sparta lost 21 to victoria. Or mine are not our top story here on t w. Chinas National Peoples congress has given its approval to the dropping of a new and controversial security law for hong kong the law would bypass the Territories Legislature and critics fear it will lead to direct your question of any antiestablishment activity in hong kong. Thank you for watching that you have your website d w dot com for all the latest news and information around the clock or follow us on twitter our handle there is about to give you news thanks for watching. Accommodation. Number of applicants for a flat often enough on. The ranch up to 100. 00 euros per square meter. The last one of a chemise 100 years ago. Secure and Affordable Housing is becoming a scarce commodity was. Made in germany. T. W. Going to enter the European Union indeed thats what the turkish government told the refugees before the coronavirus on them. Assuming family from afghanistan and many others took it at its was. The start of a painful journey that is still not over. On the world. In 60 minutes on t. W. Loom the sun dont entice the entire scheme to jurors or dealing with anyone at all they killed many civilians i mean the irish coming including my father was something i was a student i wanted to build a life for myself lactase totally but suddenly life became alice a kind of sob. Providing insights global news that matters d. W. Made for mines. In the nets and that its obvious that the private Housing Market isnt helping berlin that thats why we see expropriation as the solution. That socialist housing policy and has nothing to do with Market Forces out of any support but the but they dont have a right to an unlimited return at the expense of the city social fabric

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