Comforts of your home. And we need to man in washington d. C. Who wants to keep kids from repeating his mistakes. Violent crime has been a serious problem in the u. S. For some time in the 1st 5 months of this year around 6000 people fell victim to gun violence poor inner city neighborhoods are often hotspots young men with few prospects are easily recruited into criminal gangs of which there are believed to be more than 30000. 00 in the u. S. Even the current pandemic has done little to ease the situation past. Joe houston who wants to stay fit in the strangest of times so hes just working out on his own without all those that he normally helps. With out the kids he regularly trains. Without the girls he instructs in selfdefense moves without the teenagers that he trains with and teaches that sport an unhealthy diet are important elements of life joe is a credible antiviolence ambassador for the 26 year old former delinquent has reformed and wants to guide others away from crime. We are supposed to be trying to come again over and trying to help each other due to our finances just been a big brother big sister trying to help each other out i just say my decision you know feel their values more sounder stand is cold it is a serious matter i wanted a bigger varistor been in our community has been. Black on black crime or you know we just kill each other for help with just disgusting crimes to the southeast of the us capital washington d. C. Has a majority black population some areas in the district have a high murder rate joe tells how hard it was to grow up in an area where for many violence is a way of life i was 12 years old when i got my 1st. And you know just like the power it was i feel like people ference and me fear into it with this power to. Kill what i got all you but there were just a lot of people for me. When i had a guy. Joes mother died of aids when he was only 13 his life increasingly went off the rails he was involved in theft and shootouts at 16 he was jailed for 5 years for wounding 3 people with his gun that time in jail changed his life. After his release he decided to try intervening where his own misery began he knows how much these kids suffer hes also seen his friends being shot a couple of weeks ago yet another was killed here one wrong word is all it takes the coronavirus hasnt put a lockdown on the shooting. Its exactly 6 years since he was released from jail and began a new life today he comes across a couple of youngsters and hangs out with them for a while hes not happy that theyre enjoying the corona into school closes. Lets look at me now youre man youll meet a young man really educated so thats the best thing you can do try to be definite you know that because everybody else is much more happy thank you q you go to jail so we dont tell you you know i will connect with you maggie to it so were going out. Instagram is joes hotline to young people right now he set up his own Aid Organization and supports other projects as well he advises city authorities and is a popular speaker who stands up for the concerns of young black men during war zone joe also works as a vehicle inspector and hes a fitness trainer he stays close to 5 youngsters in particular during several video calls a week he talks to them about their daily life and the ever present violence and now about the coronavirus as well and. His project a chick was wounded recently joe wants to keep him off the streets and help him train for a job. So what do you talk really goes to what are you taught to go and all with social distancing so no one gets sick these days he has a family of his own too with 3 children to take care of. Is just to protect our family and just be and that be selfish theres a lot of people in our community we we try to be selfish in you know with all these lansana despair she is fake and a lot of people of us dad especially the black you know the black black community so we need to just practice social distortion joe things its important for him to set an example just like sharon power to rome as a veteran of the battle against violence in d. C. s poor quarters for 29 years he and his organization the alliance of concerned men have been trying to mediate between gangs hes happy for every helping hand simoni job is to bad yours is to put it into action in the spirit of who love words with a corona virus spreading fast in poor areas smartphones are especially important for staying in contact the Technology Even unable to your own organization to negotiate a truce between rival gangs they get people. Interested by saying that anyone who doesnt own a tablet will get one for free provided they take part in regular online chats it seems to work especially with the younger ones if you call this contact you were going to create a number of their business is if you read a book you write just go back to like you say a point you look at a movie were going to put it down then send a value to each one you dont subject matters there to decide to talk to us about. The one thing they do they stay in one place they go on days. Recently a. J. Houston and other volunteers have begun distributing face masks and groceries many here are struggling to survive for now at least hardship hasnt fueled more violence but memorials like this one remain as evidence to the ongoing gang warfare. Joe hopes the corona virus will pass in time but hes certain the violence will outlive the crisis something he wants to change. With borders see old flights cancelled hotels closed and beaches barricaded 2020 has not been a good year for travelers so far millions of people have had to settle for spending their holidays on their own balconies hard times for the Tourism Sector its 2020 profits are set to be a 3rd less than projected some 100000000 people worldwide working in the sector could lose their jobs to stay in touch with valued guests travel agencies are now offering Virtual Tours on the internet. Leader travel has become impossible since the world began grappling with a novel coronavirus. Countries throughout the world have closed their borders and also impose Domestic Travel restrictions to curb the spread of the deadly microorganism. Over 2000000000 people around the world occurring clevelander marked down. And not only people the travel bans have also seen refuge to sort stuff the worlds passenger jets left idle on the ground the tourism and Education Industries are struggling with an unprecedented collapse in demand. Tourism boards across the world i was funding by offering Virtual Tours of the countries for free. From the comfort of your living room you can now score along the great wall of china. Or explore a national peach. Take in the one last text. Or check up hollands to ellipse. Blossoming in all take away right now. You can enjoy it virtual visits to National Parks across the planet from california all the way to austria. You can take in the treasures of over 2500 museums around the globe. And you can take a walk on mars without even getting off your couch. Now gleasons Tourism Sector has launched its own check. Locals invite you to meet them through the screens welcome to greece from the bad for work week well have your portrait if you dont actually want another. My home heres my living. Room i barley like. He was thrilled. Hes got it would be visitors can watch videos of classes on line like singing or painting. As he beat out of. Beer practically searing our love for these sowing. Things that we know about our friends our own we were lucky as well like food like music like wine just people you know how we having the feeling that having greece its not like you know like i say hes complaining i call him fort wayne oh no extraordinary period not that we were old or going through. The air b. N. B. Has gone one step further in early april it introduced personalized on. An experience its. A kind of i street project. And people everywhere offering online workshops to everyone. You can learn magic to. Attend to clean makeup tauriel. Or learn a secret of cooking a traditional moroccan meal. Oh all right the classes and experiences i held by a video link and cost between 152. 00 s dollars. Some analysts say the trend towards digital travel and connecting could continue even after corona restrictions have been eased or lift it. We are going to speak to our. Thought that tourism might well become more local engine to tell in the future that would further hammer the every action industry but it would also lower Carbon Dioxide emissions and ease the pressure on the climate. According to the United Nations 1600000000 people around the world make do with inadequate housing 150000000 a homeless they sleep on the streets in doorways or on punk benches squat in empty houses or live in tents and now during the corona knockdowns they face another challenge where to go when no ones allowed out on the street. In the belgian town of bruges socially minded citizens are trying to solve a predicament. Just bench a 2nd night in the to put your Hotel Manager tina vines chops and channels good vibes a she runs things coronavirus spacing is mandatory in the breakfast room the guest seated wide apart it looks like any normal hotel but there is a difference these guests are homeless. Them to be were supposed to stay at home but these tests are living on the streets and they dont have a home to go to thats crazy we have to do something for them this demands and there must not passing food on the bottom. To put you as the only hotel still open in the old town of bruges in belgium tina vines normally caters to business travelers and weekend holiday makers in a quiet 3 star hotel but those markets collapse fast as the corona virus spreads now that to put your serves as a hostel for the homeless funded by the local authorities. After breakfast rummy has to take charge of the dishwasher himself the hotels regular stuff weve all been put on leave. Weve got a t. V. Here in the homeless shelter theres just a bed and a table here you can even take a hot bath thats brilliant there arent many people who do Something Like this for us. 25. 00 of the hotels 37. 00 rooms now house guests who normally huddle under bridges and theyre happy to pitch in with the various chores. They take up at all i told my colleagues we have to adapt we may be in the Hotel Business but now we have to be social work its its heaven on earth for the guests luxury theyre not used to theyre incredibly grateful they help me clean the tables and wash up our food said and off was patricks been on the streets for 10 months the Coronavirus Crisis has given him the chance to get a hot shower and enjoy breakfast in peace normally i sleep in the Emergency Shelter because i have a small dog which is not allowed in here. Ok i can understand that. When i sleep here someone else looks after him. And i think its wonderful that were welcome to come here. After breakfast the rules say its time to move out onto the street again yet its almost impossible for belgiums homeless to stick to the countrys coronavirus laws theres a general ban for instance on stopping to sit on benches or steps in public places. So most Homeless People end up at the state run shelter nearby. Here theres a garden they can retreat to without the police constantly moving the mom. Was even the use of even. The library the pont that passes all the places they normally hang out and now closed that constantly looking for somewhere they can state it and thats extremely hard because the streets no longer an option. To charity she works for provides counseling and fresh clothes for the needy but the number of places to sleep has been halved under social distancing regulations. Patrick and his dog have to spend the day outdoors a fate many under lockdown might envy pleasant stroll through magic bruce though are a burden for the towns homeless. I have to keep moving all day long. All sometimes ill quietly sit down on a bench keeping an eye out to make sure the police dont catch me. An estimated 150 people live on the streets of bruges sidelined by society but in full view of everyone. The lockdown means the town is empty and quiet. In the hotel to put this evenings menu features veal cutlets with peas carrots and potato mash. Tina vines project is getting plenty of support from other restaurants and bakers through food donations shes as thrilled by the wave of local cooperation and solidarity as she has by her guests. And the man when the 1st group of homeless came downstairs after their 1st night theyd been transformed their eyes faces the gratitude the joy was amazing you never get that response from tourists here thats why tina vines is keeping her hotel open for those who really appreciate the hospitality. Strong women changing the world as we know it on our Facebook Channel d. W. Women youll find stories about those taking a stand and inspiring others. D. W. Women gives a voice to women everywhere. This week in global ideas we look at Wildlife Protection during the pandemic many conservation projects around the world are carrying on despite the lock downs but its not been easy our reporter cant here do now went to believe in Central America to find out how one such project is coping with. Animal keeper roxy limits looks after what are known as problem jaguars at the billies through the search ad wars that have had too much contact with humans and theyve become hunted Domestic Animals like dogs and chickens come. Home or. This it takes in the big cats to save them from being shot they know roxy well but today there are actually unusual ishai. Like the mass harmer. The mask is there to prevent the jaguars from being infected with the coronavirus several tigers in the u. S. Who tested positive for cope with 19. At 1st they dont recognize you what the mosque on so its something that we both had to get up there so we wearing the mask on them getting used to seeing us what must. The coronavirus has believes on lockdown which has also meant shattering this is. And it has to remain closed until restrictions are lifted. The billies to a Tropical Education Center is a Nonprofit Organization it only keeps indigenous animals most or rescues were unable to survive in the wild for any number of reasons. With 19 and the virus it did not only affect their income for it is also the keepers that work here because. We we had to make that decision off you know cutting down on the days for stuff this bright red mccall called ranger can no longer fly hes the latest addition to this is and probably the only one who thinks humans Wearing Masks look normal. To think trying to go are. Who is that Sharon Matola founded zoo almost 40 years ago its never been so deserted the animals have no idea whats going on which is fine but were affected because one of the greatest challenges is keeping everyone fed and healthy. So. Last of all the sions man theyve been giving us pick carrots what you think you know that i was lucky to. Meet distributors from around the region have donated their scraps something the boiled cats find delicious. Weve been able to garner Food Supplies enough to keep us going until we can get or our footing again. For a new donation has just arrived sugarcane and a big pile of leaves this topic here can eat up to 30 kilos of vegetation a day. So far believes has come through the corona virus crisis relatively unscathed its now mid may and there have not been any known new infections for weeks the countrys economy though is suffering badly without tourists from abroad the sector generates half the Gross Domestic Product here so the virus knocked out 50 percent of the countrys economy overnight many nongovernmental organizations depend on tourism nikki buxton heads billies bird rescue originally from the u. K. Shes worked every day for 16 years to protect the countrys native bird species she finances her projects with her small hospitality business. A small bed and breakfast with like line units so we would take tourists in turns. People like that who would be obviously feet paying which at any profit whatsoever would go into the baths. At her rescue and Rehabilitation Center nikki buxton looks after almost 200 birds the ultimate goal is to release them back into the wild that applies to the baby owls as well as a large waterfowl oh yes. Here thats a stressed birds are nursed back to health reared and then if possible set free. Weve had everything from the biggest jabbers down to 18. Since the pandemic began nicky has been working with a smaller team the usual her husband jerry and coworker oscar are both here to lend a helping hand and theres also jujubee the yellow headed amazon parrot shes actually a 1st apartment complex case and she was in a cage with my poaching i had the arena for part. Yellow headed amazons are highly endangered jerry tells us this is probably one of the uses most threatened to have the balls to run now on through these letters and once those times. The bird will be extinct. By people. But actually if i dont make sure that nephew has chicks and already post here nikki buxton collects the chicks from the nests threatened by poaching to raise them in safety. Experts. The freshly hatched yellow headed amazon parents need to be fed every 4 hours. Each being a surrogate mother is a long term task. The parents will be looked after for a total of 12 months which then theyll be big enough to be released. Over the past 16 years billys bird rescue has released 750 parrots into the wild but how will the group find thats itself in the coronavirus era i honestly dont know i cant say that the Tourism Industry is going to bounce back anytime soon so it might be that we need to shift our focus and concentrate on fund raising. And find ways to cut costs as best as we can we just have to keep going. Its unclear how bellews will fare once the covert 1000 pandemic has passed but should the economy and the situation for people in the country get worse its fear that poaching will become an even bigger problem and that will make it all the more difficult for environmental and Animal Protection organisations to do their work. That is very vital. Thats all from us at global 3000 they strake but dont forget we have hearing from you so write to us at global 3000 and d w dot com and do visit our Facebook Page to d. W. Women see you next time. Weeks living beings ensure the wellbeing of their progeny communicate with others of their can. Feel pain and are neither schuman nor animal. Trainers. Join scientists on an exciting expedition into the world of trees. To spawn d. W. To ignore it in what do they dream of at night. As cleaners they see the face of horror. Their job censoring for the social media industry. In the uk there are thousands of socalled cars. 10 monitors day for day they screw up terrifying images from Online Platform or some horrific job for starvation wage the strain is enormous. The cleaners or sworn to secrecy they are not allowed to talk about their work. And no one asks hopefully before during. And week. I need to stop or something while hoping. The cleaners social medias shadow industry starts junaid on g. W. My 1st vice was a sewing machine. Icon for all women are balanced by this oceans or even something as simple as learning how to write them by psychos isnt. Since i was a little girl i wanted to have a bicycle of my own and it took me as the bandits might. Finally the game bob invented by me and i say this but 3 times because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more appropriate for goes than writing im biased as knowledge i want to meet those woman back home who are bones by vincent and social norms and inform them about that basic rights my name is the about of the hook and i work adds see them. To assume. You treat them beethovens Pastoral Symphony is the foundation of an International Art project. To mark the 50th anniversary of the composers 1st beethoven world wide. Street project starts june 4th on g. W. This is from. The company. Ruling from the countrys federal court of justice means for consumers. Also on the program. In hong kong

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