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Business after enduring one of the Worlds Toughest lockdown but after months of government imposed restrictions millions are having trouble just putting food on the table will visit one struggling family. And hong kong Authorities Say terrorism is growing in that city that after police break up mass protests against plans new security law activists say it will silence beatings trips. Ive brought thomas great to have you with us the white house is imposing travel restrictions on brazil starting may the 28th foreign nationals will be banned from entering the u. S. If theyve been in brazil in the last 2 weeks brazils number of corona virus cases while it is now the worlds 2nd highest after the u. S. President higher paulson r. O. Has been opposing guidelines like social distancing that have been imposed elsewhere to contain the crowbars. Hes rarely seen in a mosque. And supports his like it that way. Compared with most World Leaders also narrow has not been taking the coronavirus pandemic as seriously as he takes the economy. And figures published by the countrys Health Ministry show the results brazil has the 2nd highest number of infections in the world. 19 has killed nearly 23000 people here yet despite the mass graves and the funerals both scenarios still interest supporters still dont believe the numbers. Will proceed as if you dont have to study politics very much to know what this is about i saw the news about brazil today i think is the country with the 2nd highest number of positive cases thats certainly a lie because it makes they want to overthrow our president by dividing us they want to divide us. The people the. Whole scenario has enjoyed huge political backing from his u. S. Counterpart on the trunk they last met in march if you look fantastic great job. Who still loves the usa who are. We but it we can go even trump was clear theres a problem i dont want people coming in here and affecting our people i dont want people over there sick either way helping brazil with ventilators were sending their ventilators ok they they lead ventilators im sending them ventilators we have so many thousands of them were sending them. Were sending a lot of people know brazil is having some trouble no question about it or are a little sonoran himself has not responded to the travel ban hes happily in tune with this suppose his defying attempts to contain the fire ants. All spain has started the next phase of relaxing its coronavirus lockdown with people being allowed to meet in groups in madrid and barcelona the countrys 1st beaches are also reopening the pandemic has already cost millions of spaniards their jobs and that number is so high that welfare programs cant even keep up with the soaring demand for food aid did abuse john Philip Schultz visited one spanish family now dependent on Charity Food Aid 2 months ago a man who had it on the it as wouldnt have believed it if you told him he would be in this position in mid march the father of 3 was still a substitute teacher then his life went into freefall 1st he lost his job then his wife lost hers then the family had to use the last of their savings now he has to get food from the red cross without this charity his family wouldnt be able to get by. All of a sudden i stood there and went through a range of emotions 1st fear then helplessness then desperation then. When it started i tried to fight my emotions but then i had to let go and accept what i was going through. The finn the small child office to poland in Southern Spain there are about 980 families who depend on food handouts the fact that you see no lights here is because the local charity has a telephone appointment system says social worker. They do this to reduce the danger of infection but also so those in need dont have to suffer the embarrassment of being seen there. Kind of us. Middle class families sent in hit for 2 months theyve had no income. But they still have the head costs rent mortgage and of course daily expenses on top of that. If i miss one of us. At least not to have mirrors doesnt have to worry about paying rent right now his family is staying at his parents and last apartment but they have already used up their entire savings around 800. 00 new roads when the crisis began he and his wife joined a Community Called to have been needed they bought 2000 masks and gloves to give to charity now they still have hundreds of in hindsight he things this might have been a mistake but back then they thought they could count on receiving emergency help from the government they are in type shows to a few months of Disaster Relief funds but up until now they have not seen one cent. From in the attic because you know youre ruining entire families dont want to wear it not for the charities and the incredible helpfulness of our normal people and then at some point we didnt know anything to eat but an awful lot of money and yes how do you want to embody the true of the. I have been keeping track of how often they have called the social Welfare Office small then 350 times sometimes the lines are busy sometimes they get a recording and when somebody actually answers the phone the social worker explains the didnt they in payment has been caused by that increased workload gabbing that when. They say theyll contact me either by telephone or email if i havent heard from them after a week then i should try again. Its always the same story when. They feel lucky they can give their children a hot meal every day using the ingredients given to them by the red cross their kids have long except that the fact that right now they cant get any new toys or even have deserved all the money went and in as one has to work again or at least get back in the Agency Relief money. Heres a look now some other coronavirus developments today japan is set to lift on a virus state of emergency in tokyo and 4 other remaining profits the move will allow businesses to gradually resume activity new zealand plans to further loosen its drone virus vixens by increasing the maximum size of gatherings from 10 to 100 people south korea has reported 16 new cases already trying to stem transmissions with 2000000 more children returned to school this week and china is reporting 11 new infections all brought from out side the countries us were back now with the situation in spain and our correspondent philip shows joining us from sylvia who put together that report for us today as well good day to you young philip how bad is the problem where you are this morning in severe was families not having enough food and depending on charity. Its really becoming a huge problem all of us spain also year and in 7 spain a city that is highly dependent on im sure is and you see charity or organizations all of the city and the knowledge of the needy however thats a big difference between the government and some experts when it comes to the numbers of people affected meaning the numbers of people that havent received any Financial Support yet the ministry of labor says were talking about iran and so its 50060000 cases see here some Research Indicates the number could be as high as 1000000 people its probably impossible at the moment to give a precise number but what is for sure is. Every single case thats a personal tragedy behind its like the one we saw in the report from 50600021 1000000 that is a huge difference in assessment there but with jobless numbers rising that we can agree on that People Experts do in spain no doubt one of the governments plans to help families help individuals who dont even have money for food right now. Well this bendish social welfare system generally weak. Welfare systems in a lot of the European Countries and it was actually a big project of the new left wing government to strengthen social welfare system but they were barely 2 months in office when the crisis hit the country so theres a lot of talk at the moment about some sort of basic income scheme for the needy but there are still a lot off uncertainties around it especially when it comes to the question of the scope oh it will be signed and and also when it can actually go into its effect when it can start ok well today spains government is relaxing the lockdown in a number of major urban areas how much might dis ease the plight of some of the millions of people now out of work. Exactly at the moment the government is relaxing the measures where and so this socalled chase to now this means the reopening of some restaurants and Shopping Mall its a cinema so its possible but the Prime Minister has also said that International Tourists wont be allowed until the july july would be that early so this came as a shock to a lot of people because the country is so dependent on tourism as income young phil thanks so much for coming in on this is morning and for your report today its. Lets take a look at some other headlines in the news today Prime Minister Boris Johnson of britain has said he will not fire his top aide for allegedly violating or dont rule stomach cowlings in a crosscountry trip to his parents home in march after the measures were imposed johnson said cummings acted responsibly and legally when he traveled. South africas president Cyril Ramaphosa has warned that the countrys outbreak is set to get worse one 3rd of the countrys roughly 22000 cases have been recorded in the past week despite this you know its a number of lockdown measures would be relaxed allowing most exercise of the economy to return to activity find predicted. Children have been returning to school in australias most populous state New South Wales which sydney schools have reopened in queensland as well the city of toria plans to send students back in stages to early june australia has recorded 7000 covert infections in 102 deaths. Then human and yahoo is become the 1st sitting israeli Prime Minister to go on trial iran is at the courthouse and gruesome to face charges of fraud breach of cross and bribery this comes just days after he began his sister in office. And for the 1st time in months catholics gathered in sing Peters Square at the vatican for a traditional papal blessing francis has been delivering his message from inside the Apostolic Library during that he took the chance to wave to the well spaced crowds in the square after sundays plus its. Pretty. Long kong security chief has said that terrorism is on the rise in the city and that a new National Security laws needed to safeguard on kongs prosperity and stability thousands took to the streets to protest beijings plans. To impose the new National Security law on the former british colony would bypass on consulate just later and this expected to ban what china calls treason subversion subversion and sedition prodemocracy campaigners say it is a threat to hong kongs freedoms and some you talk. Or earlier we talked to bernard bard shes a Senior Expert in china and Asia Pacific Affairs at the battles Money Institute we asked him what this new law might mean frog this law is really a devastating blow to the freedoms and autonomy of hong kong it is a big blow to the hong kong people who are now off the field now that they did all right. She could be just the other right that it will be next for example will we get to some extent and the internet this type of taken away and of course a lot of the konami freedoms also at stake no so this is a very dire for. Ballard barge of the bertelsmann city there lets get your mind of our top stories this hour the u. S. Is restricting travel from brazil to keep out additional drivers factions south American Country now has the worlds number 2 number of covert 19 factions after the u. S. And then a minute yahoos become the 1st israeli Prime Minister to go on trial was 1st to face charges of fraud breach of trust and bribery at age groups work just days after he began his sister. This is news live from berlin im brian thomas with the entire team facts so much for being here were back at the top. Up today dont miss our highlights. Program. W dot com highlights. When the water rises cities will sink into the sea. In time stretches of land will be abandoned

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