March 16th 2020. The world holds its breath. The cove a 19 corona virus has turned peoples lives upside do. Matter where they live. What images will be remembered from this time. All over the world people are keeping a record using their mobile phone cameras to create a collective diary of the demick. Own on. Am and my name is now. Im announcing. Im working a new i. C. U. Today for many and we were warned that it would be like being a nurse in a room we dont even have the essentials behind me is the intensive care unit it was set up at the last minute because we get a lot of emergency cases that need ventilators but i thought it. Was you know it was a good order way using ventilators that are really only used in the operating room they cant do everything is seriously ill patient needs but at the moment we dont have anything else that. Has a mark or stroke of ours you have to wear to mosques one on top of the other because we have to wear the if if peace 3 protective mask 3 shifts in a row. When not entirely convinced its doing its job. A fantasy a 1000000. People keep dying on us they die in what seems to me to be incredibly cruel conditions in my book i became a nurse to heal not to let them die but at. The heart of money. I think thats what sometimes boils down to we just dont have the means to save everyone. Just yet after 10 hours we can finally take this off. For the whole. War my name is jean you tom. Im 30 years old and have lived in germany for 5 years. Im now at the frankfurt airport. There are a lot of people here. For safety reasons im dressed very weirdly. Im flying out at 7 oclock tonight from frankfurt to beijing will hold little baby or anything there or you dont even though italy has closed its borders planes are still allowed to take off from here. Before they know what they know. That means there could be people from italy on the plane. But. Im going back to beijing because the number of cases in germany is rising. In china the situation is under control. I think things in germany will definitely escalate. Your my wife and my inlaws are mohan. In germany nobody has taken the crisis all that seriously. But i know how dangerous the whole situation is. New nurse. My name is march d. In the im 38 years old and i live in tehran. Because ive had chemotherapy my immune system is weak. So now people keep away from me. Theyre afraid they might infect me with the virus. And of course thats true. Rather. Cool since the corona outbreak began nobody has visited me. Now the government has closed the shops and asked people not to go out thats not possible im getting a. Taxi here they should have done that earlier. For me this quarantine should have begun much earlier. To let you know no more here you know last november the government shut down the internet in iran. To me for about 12 days i had no internet. Doubles or it was blocked everywhere in tehran. Useful distance and that was a kind of virtual distancing distance and now theres social distancing. To me and i think iranians must be the only people in the world to have experienced both virtual distancing and social distancing within a few months. Hoping it was ok to use these times are really stirring michael unary creativity. Im very happy about that. Its a male thing tommy my name is andrea im 30 years old and im from milan i like hiking playing rugby and hanging out with friends that are sort of im a paramedic i have a pretty normal life if im really so used to i mean the simple fact i. Was. You know for the 1st call was probably the 1st krona patient. Was. And im going to do they mean that the relationship we had with patients just changed completely were in this protective gear with visor and mask we cant really communicate with people anymore. Which floor is it the 3rd floor. In the people see you know were not close to them anymore but i used to be able to cheer patients up but now when i smile an older frightened person they cant see it. From the ready lobby. Every hour brings fresh news reports on the coronavirus and updated case numbers. The world is gripped by fear home. Governments impose distancing regulations and lockdowns whole europe the size to give billions in financial aid. Thats where people in left to themselves. And im not here im not sure i come from calcutta and i work on construction sites in mumbai maybe i have a wife and children and im 30 years old. I sat around and makes me completely crazy corona what a name corona what the hell is it. An appeal in me that i had that i was working here but now were in lockdown so. What can i do theres no work again im really worried heineken what are we going to eat now. I can only think about food what am i going to do. I worked with this great elevator. Got down to him and also with this mixer. I saw stuff coming out and i was doing all kinds of work. To make a film that my uncle my aunt and my brother we all live here. What to do and i cant get back to my village. How would i get to calcutta. And id have to pay 300. 00 rupees to get from there to my village for. Can we do this later. Because i gather from them getting nothing theres no money no work no food the rich have no problems they have money. The government says corona will kill us but in reality were going to starve he said not just us many people what can we do. If the turmeric and the cumin are nearly gone. And were out of soft. Money so these. We only have a tiny bit of oil left we need oil to cook. Give it no more vegetables and only these few onions. Or in case of days my 6th day back in china theyre based on a saudi i mean my apartment in beijing. As soon as i landed i felt safe and i got tested for the virus straight away or shut down the year. The test came back negative but i still have to stay home for 14 days and monitor myself. And the data to a girl or her sometimes i read about how corona spurning in germany in europe. And its very worrying. And im glad i made the decision to come back. Its a big relief. Well those are. Her. Own and you know heres my balcony. Beautiful plants. Its pulling us. Through from the ground these are chilies i strung up and dried. Now i have to grind them to make paper. For those. Who. Enjoy music. You know long in iran people are saying that the americans developed this virus to kill iranians because of your time. And even. And because he wayans are genetically similar to a talian they say the virus is accidentally killing the italians. What a wild fantasy. Setting there are lots of stories going around. There are 2 problems with this virus i must remember that one theres no cure yet and to you its very contagious. Tollers can get infected tom thanks anybody. But the number who apparently now people all over the world are staying at home but i was under lockdown before this all happened. The virus was already there. You know lets see what ive made. There are white beans pinto beans and pumpkin. It has green and red peppers and quite a lot of garlic and onion be it a man did you see the appeal was on the amount of i think im expanding the boundaries a vegan cooking and i enjoy it. When this is all over i should write a book about it and which are companies ill share my experiences in the kitchen during lockdown for sure. All of you there. And he. Said its a garden its a covert 1000. 00 call. The dispatch warned us that it was an older woman. She has fever and reading difficulties. This is that youre in these moments its always a bit of fear and anxiety because we dont know what to expect. The m. R. I. Was similar 100 percent of it it seems like its getting worse every day which was hopefully it will get better soon. It really couldnt get that much worse the fact that im doing things that 20 days ago i never thought id have to do or you could go for a couple of days even. Though you had. Someone get them in differ on davis and were just not prepared. And the world wasnt prepared for Something Like this. Its a kind of war. Were fighting an enemy thats hard to defeat. One but once you get your mash up. Which. You both seem to enjoy when youre over there its really hard for the patients. So we take them away and their loved ones cant come to the hospital. Theyre completely isolated should. Get. There from time to time i got it done that he sort of interest the bus and then sometimes we get called out to older people with extreme breathing difficulties in them and you know what they dont want to come with us because they want to die at home its really hard to bear and were pretty tough splodge ive worked through earthquakes floods and done rescue operations in the snow your image and im used to seeing suffering sort of its you can be but im not used to seeing this little foot inside of so this is Something Else i know because he was on the to the bit older. Isnt visible. And predictable. And everywhere. Its own door knobs on peoples hands and peoples breath. How can we protect ourselves. Those who can watch the hounds 50 times a day. But this time. I was glad. That weve got the cat morea on the greek island of lesbos that just really hasnt interest my mother my brother and me because they cant just. Let. The cat was built to house 3200 people right now 25000 people live here. People say the coronavirus is already here. I dont know how i was supposed to protect ourselves from it here people are waiting for their own tree. What. If you spend all day in queues. Through the food. To the toilet. In the queue people dont keep their distance not even half a meter. Hummelstown the change and now there are groups of richie cheese who are trying to help. Just to put out these posters showing ways to stop the virus from spreading. Through somehow we supposed to wash our hands and face here. If. Theres no water in the taps dont work. Here the shallowest completely basic. Measure and i have no choice. I have to try and stay occupied so i dont have to think about how hard it is all the time. If the shipping to that pain the bottle over there and try it out one has so many and theres a hole in the lid i joke about the subway love on how you give your hands a good wash thoroughly use more you use as much as you like ok all the best buy. So when the humid sort you still do know im an artist really id like to be capturing these times but i cant make pictures right now. In washington right now there are more important things to do with my time who people my suit. Just. Like they were posing the idea is that people make emergency kits for this one so that those who live on the street get a little help and this event peach Emergency Shelter just tossed single just 2 bottles which everyone has at home was a half ass people so you fill them both with water again you books open one us press was the share of most water but just simple so from home come across this they think. Someone can think causes. Take care of yourselves wear gloves and masks and use soapy water. Closer to you zoom in to the phone with a sort of video of you can you show tasha make this bottles with walter and son ive got some icons. Of the geog my bottle of water and so. They will think pretty good you make these yourself easy. Lets keep it up and get through this and. My name is roman dont charge over it goes over the livery guy and just pull deliveries surround the earth during the pandemic. It gives me a strange feeling to ride the bike on the street where enough long time ago used to be a future highway traffic and the extremes. That are the things in the city makes me realize how serious the situation is. So i just completed the food delivery and through the pandemic like i place the food on the floor and then i stand back and people pick it up some people do not understand then they get frustrated when i do not give them the food right that they had sold but you know its just luck and always show you all say. The sound of new york those days the sound of the ambulance passing by. There was so many emblems cars in the streets. Through the whole day. Just. As you can see no one does really keep their. Distance even though some people do not even them are in the mess which is insane at this time. Although i have no. Doubt there is a lot of crazy people in the street so they can easily approach you without keeping the. Safe distance without having a mast. And even worse when the guy just coming close to you and he starts coughing you right in your face and thinking that everything is fine and hes not doing anything wrong. I honestly wish that the whole world will react as early as possible when they got to know about the girl in the wires back in sharon or. A mask is the decider spread so fast that we cant get all the patients on to ventilator has been. When running out of i. C. U. In the summer initially we took in patients under 80 years of age now who are unrelated patients sent to 73 maybe next week we learned taking patients under 65 in them may know this isnt taken quite. Come as they will there arent enough beds in the i. C. U. As. There arent enough ventilators to everyone. But there just arent enough machines to hook the patients up to to keep them alive so im lucky enough not enough. Where they dont even relatives who are allowed to visit the patients. So this part of the hospital is completely isolated that you only the Health Workers are allowed in here. When a patient dies their relatives just get their few belongings and the ashes thats better than any yes yes to. Every day the deaths are counted. Just a few weeks ago each one was worth reporting. And italys daily toll climbs into the hundreds which is almost 1000. 00 deaths in a single day. Which country is next. Coffins an underground carriages. And an army transporters. The world in shock. Yes. Yes. Can you hear the noises up there. Thats the sound of ships harkins alarm sirens go off. Today everyone is remembering the crime that. While it makes me incredibly sad. To see so many comrades are dead so many people. Are not just numbers. They were living people. So. Now their god. Is up. For. The most everyone silent now no matter where they are. Theyre mourning. The 3 minutes of commemoration are now finished were not just expressing our grief we also want to strengthen our courage and our belief because this war isnt over yet we still have to look after those whose lives are in danger we have to stick together to overcome these challenges. You know. In lawn there are statistics on corona they say that about 4300 people died. But theres another statistic thats very interesting the number of people who have died from acute respiratory conditions. Well that counts approximately 20000 in the same period. That means that what were being told is only one 5th of the truth. Today im going to bake bread for the 1st time im excited. Corona has turned me into a baker. I like baking its nice i like the dough too you know. You need to move. Here and bali also square that giant billboard. Its normally where they put political propaganda. Is now it says stay home this spring or here and there. It goes im not going to have to move your bed so you can see it to. Corona sunrise. You didnt use it but i had hoped for one of my patients when. You went to see him on the. I looked after her only lots of hours i listened to her and of you know it was really upset and i was with her. And more or he and today. Oh yeah. I think of it at 7 30 in the morning. When my shift was ending. And they were going there i had to give her a sedative. So she could die with some dignity. Because. We couldnt save her. And other things under different circumstances we would have taken her to the i. C. U. She would have been integrated there. And she could have had many more years of life. She was 72 years old. Instead i had to give her a palliative sedative. A strong drug for the moment of death. So she could go without suffering. With a bit of dignity. In me that. If im afraid ill go mad really afraid. I now see that there are people who get through it so. I know who save a lot of people has this in. Many cases like this but on my world we dont see that. We just see people getting worse and worse its been like that for months as. We remember this time. What will be think of. The ambulances the deaths. The social distancing. The eerie quiet of lockdown. Cities at a standstill. Or maybe the spirit of togetherness. And whos got the good matjes a lot of waste collectors have always had a difficult life. Is the fear and just enough to eat. The one who saw what for no one so hollow and recycling is prohibited. Sure health comes 1st but these people now have no income the youth of their situation is catastrophic every little bit of hope house. Washers and stock today were handing out 500 lunch boxes to 500 meals every day on the streets. We Work Together with restaurants and we get their employees to prepare this food. This is food for this group. In the winter theyve got a problem with me but then when im delivering meals on the streets i think its all i can do both. In the spirit of the moment and then the feeling of powerlessness comes back the fact that i cant do more but the man doesnt stop its endless. Level my bubble. You watch Live Audience but maybe now is the time for brazil to finally realize that their social inequality here by being dangerous the people dont you see all. Nice enough here. Im going to put this picture on my instagram page. I think its great too bad current season is coming to an end its. A move which. Im on im sitting here to edit these pictures and then post them to instagram. And crawling. Through the horse for her care. Im happy to know. Who knows if after this quarantine people in different parts of the world decided to become began. It would be a success for me. And for my recipes in a better human for you to show. You. Some of those to see if it also were at our control center and between jobs so many can relax for a bit of each of those but we just got back from treating a suspected covert 19 care system what im so now were in the Ambulance Center waiting to be called to go just in but were always a little anxious and tense because suddenly the phone will ring because we love to live on the. First and were going to know. What happens are. Going to hold remember you know a child had a fall usually those are the worst cases but today its good its not a damn corona case. Theyre applauding the health care workers. To give us encourage meant. Its really moving to hear but it also remand to science is what we do. It gives us this hero status that has nothing to do with reality. Amanda sizes precarious working conditions that were never any good. I just. Cant. Always get what i want most of all to go to the beach to walk on a sand. To feel the sand on my feet to those swimming in the sea. Thats what ill do 1st when all the it is bizarre. Close up in 30 minutes on d w. Time the koran a pandemic. Just like everyone else and shes looking for answers thankfully with the help of. Thank you is not life as we know it. Our. Cities will sink into the sea. Time stretches of land will be abandoned. And the water. Massive flood waters are supposed to prevent flooding but they only delay the inevitable. 66 meters rising sea levels starts june 5th on t. W. Illegal surveillance by germanys fine agency germanys Top Court Rules that the Intelligence Service violated the constitution by tapping the internet traffic abroad its a victory for overseas journalists who brought the case but does it come with a cost. To. Improve the pullout

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