Fans used to making a day of it the experience wont be the say you look forward to the game for weeks and you go there meet him and her and drink a beer. And now nothing without fans is like having sex on your own 6 alone. Im so gail welcome to the day the Economic Cost of the Coronavirus Crisis is becoming clearer and the news of course is not good places figures show the German Economy has taken its hardest hit since the 2008 financial crisis is shrinking by 2. 2 percent in the 1st quarter of the Year Coronavirus measures clothes shops and restaurants wiped out tourism and sent manufacturing into a tailspin the government says things will get worse before they get better. Germanys g. D. P. Data is due me even if slowly but surely the lights of the economy are being turned on again. Folks like the countrys biggest carmaker opened its man vosburgh plant a few weeks ago and despite distancing measures is edging towards full capacity. As well as manufacturing the Services Sector is returning to normal hairdressers opened last week while its even possible now to meet friends for beer again some cafes and bars open their outdoors areas. While that suggests some hope a lot of damage has been done the german g. D. P. 1st quarter fall of 2. 2 percent is a dramatic drop after years of relative stability it also means germany has now officially entered recession with 2 successive quarterly falls and the 3rd quarter will be much worse. Although the drop is sharp its not as bad as analysts feared and its better than most eurozone countries where lock downs have been longer and deeper although that is not necessarily a consolation for the German Government given the state of the european economy as a whole. I believe that it will be very very important for the revival of the German Economy that the european economy is recovering to its full capacity. Because we are all dependent on suppliers all over europe were dependent on exports from all over europe its in our best interests that we do that with this. With berlins tourist hot spots still eerily quiet due to travel restrictions its a reminder that things wont fully get better anywhere in europe until they get better everywhere. Well lets take a closer look at this particularly bleak picture we Stephen Beardsley from d. To do business so welcome stephen. Germany traditionally one of Budget Surplus has always been plenty of cash in the bank so if these figures do get worse as weve been told to expect what will a recession hit germany in the time of coronavirus look like well it will look like a recession for many other nations for every other nation and many of the same way as germany will fear for unemployment it will fear that consumers will stop spending and that businesses will stop investing including in labor forces and that will include that will then precipitate more unemployment and thats a cycle that happens during recessions of course germany to this point has cushions unemployment a bit with this program which is the wage subsidies but that cant last forever so it does have many of the same fears as other nations but it also lacks some of the same fears as you mentioned its financial position is very strong its in a good position to borrow people like german debt and that means that it can fund to help businesses that are in dire straits and they can also make investments that could pay off in the future the key question is really going to be consumer demands and even if the economys doing well here people look around and they look and they see the e. U. And they may see whats going on in the community that germany is linked to so its not just about germany spreading these wider then were talking about a 2 percent contraction for the German Economy how does that compare to what other countries are going through because the whole got it pretty bad you know i mean its better than what germanys neighbors are doing for example france italy both believe around 5 percent for france from 4. 7 percent 1st quarter minus both cases for italy. In many ways germany has had a better it has done better in the sense that its kept factories running it has. It has been able to cushion more of its employees it has been able to spend more out coming out of construction. Actually increased in the month of march and so it has seen a number of things go much better than in other countries its also not as the general tourism as countries like italy and france and spain for example has other sectors that come through so in many ways it has been cautions it has done a bit better but i didnt get worse because the course just took in the 1st bit of the lockdown with the next set of figures though those are going to be even worse presumably well yes but thats also what were living through right now so its not necessarily going to be a surprise we are seeing around us whats happening it just gives us a way of putting what were going through in perspective really ok its a sort of its the show with a slightly tongue in cheek question germanys economy is bad but the rest of europe and lots of places around the world even are even wood so relatively speaking it does not mean the kind of doing ok. I mean i suppose so but really you know thats thats really cold comfort for someone whos lost their job in germany writes about economy is still about economy even if its less bad than perhaps its neighboring countries its relative to each economy what they go through perhaps one country can withstand less unemployment in another country also and whats really important here is that germany is very interlinked with the countries around it as i believe was one of those sound bites we had how the Single Market works here in europe that is going to dictate the German Economy in the future especially the fate of the euro that in the long term is very important to germanys future prospects and thats why whats going to happen in the stages ahead as we look at the debt loads that countries like italy and spain countries that are traditionally a lot weaker that cant borrow as well as we look at them being buried potentially under the money that they need to borrow to get things going again then that threatens the euro itself and then that is a long term threat to germany which which is a is a job not for National Governments but for a Super National body like the European Central bank what is its track record. Board in terms of handling financial crises well if you look at the 2012 the debt crisis thats really well where the e. C. B. Has stopped and before that was where former president mario draghi made the famous comment whatever it takes within the mandate is what we will do to secure the position of the euro to preserve the euro and that works markets rallied and they sort of they were able to Member States they couldnt borrow as well were able to borrow well again and so it eased the flow of money and this is coming to another point where people are saying is there going to be another whatever it takes moment for the e. C. B. Now the e. C. B. Under current president Christine Legarde is actually seen as doing a pretty good job right now its increased its debt borrowing its expected to increase its debt borrowing even more that helps by the way that does help countries borrow a little bit more it takes a bit off their plate and it makes it easier for investors to give that money but there is this question of whether thats palatable to conservatives in germany for example as weve seen just what was not a bright is there are there any bright spots on this gloomy economic horizon no. I mean look of course we can always say yeah i mean theres going to be theres great ingenuity we see firms that are turning around that are making medical devices things like that but look i mean we talk about a lot of livelihoods here were talking about a lot of economic disruption we saw what happened during the recession in terms of the political earthquake that it unleashed well this economy is now worse than the recession so it doesnt take much imagination to see that there could be earthquakes that come from this is well. I tried Stephen Beardsley from date of the Business Bank here. Around the world off facing on a new challenges linked to the coronavirus pandemic parents have to juggle keeping kids fed entertained educated and safe often while working from home and their families on the pressure of not getting the support they need. Reporters around the world a report now on how covered and in family life. In south africa. Its true that even the house in the morning for 3 hours to exercise or to take the kids out to play everybody has to wear a smile you have to be home with their kids school preschools remain clueless and the feet of the day is expected to be major life. Here in germany we didnt have nearly as tough restrictions as other countries around the world i would take our 2 small children to the park whenever i wanted for example or you could even buy ice cream over the counter because cafe stayed open but the pandemic showed german families that the country is not nearly as advanced as it thought it was the sudden closure of schools and Daycare Centers forced parents to juggle homeschooling and working from home and that meant that inequalities group because most schools lack the technology and training to provide digital classrooms and not every family could fill the learning gap the lockdown has affected how many families function especially in metropolitan cities since most of the households are seeing all call in their households Family Members have been trying to divide the sponsibility of the chills amongst themselves for example and some families i know off men have taken up the responsibility of cooking one holmy for the entire family every day at the same time working mothers are trying hard to divide their time between work their children and other responsibilities since all the schools and the daycares continue to remain shut the locked on has hit people in france as poor a suburbs particularly hard 8 associations have been telling me that the number of families in the suburbs asking them for help has increased 10 fold and that might be only the beginning if he beats you he loves you so the saying goes in russia Domestic Violence was already a huge issue in the country its considered an administrative rather than a criminal offense but like in many countries things have gotten worse and lock down one well known n. G. O. S reporting that the telephones of its Domestic Abuse hotline are ringing off the hook and many people just have nowhere to go because shelters have gone into quarantine as well in this region ventured a young baby with the captain of the family u. G. G. To take a stand house just like the ones you see behind me but after the Libyan Government it was a total number down due to the rising numbers of karuna vice he says the union. Have become virtually live in these have nothing to do you call it even to be connected to that they are but now they are using this Technology Just to be able to speak in concord coming in and be residing in. The outbreak of the corona virus has profoundly affected Many American families with millions of low wage workers income getting sick and struggling to put food on the table putting on display all this crisis is exacerbated long existing inequalities in american society. For zilch Health Minister has resigned after just 4 weeks in the job Health Ministry spokesman said nelson was incompatible but present gyre both an arms approach to dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis as the taj was sworn in less than a month ago after his predecessor also quit in protest at the president s coronavirus promises brazil is one of the countries hardest hit by the pandemic with more than 14000. 00 deaths of those and both are strongly resisted issuing stay at home. Or some calories are british journalists are based in brazil he joins us from south palmer well welcome to the president has lost 2 Health Ministers in less than 2 months what is the problem there. Well sure of lost is quite the correct. To Health Ministers have essentially left bad position in you know little more than a month a century because of disagreements with president bowles and all rove who from the start of this pandemic has always sought to downplay aids and put the economy and you know described it as a little flu and then offered saying that they only have faith people and that give quantities you know its important to keep the economy going at the same time the latency is disagreement its understood this hasnt yet been admitted by the minister himself the its understood that the foreign minister left due to disagreements with the president over the use of the drug or a key in. Which its very studies approved doesnt necessary doesnt have doesnt it isnt a cure all isnt it positive i have a positive effect for people who are infected with corona virus and secondly disagreements we knocked down wages and social isolation across the country specifically. One of the most poignant examples of this was on monday when the president decided by decree that he would have now opened bucy paulos ball and james across brazil even though this is the responsibility of state governors he started to decrease thats effect and in the middle of a press conference the Health Minister all full. Well. It was also about peace and he didnt know about it basically so that your step was probably the most poignant example all of the disagreement between the foreign minister and the president. Yet lets see lets hear from a form a brazilian president on giant balls and autos handling of this crisis. I mean. Dog as a catholic and as a man who believes in god. I keep praying for the brazilian people. If that they were a skate this genocide the responsibility that has been caused by boston r. O. Some cabbie no surprise i suppose alluded to silva is not a fan of president but also not about how popular is this president s determination to keep the economy open. Well its understood that mr both noro on saturday will make an announcement all the national t. V. And radio that the economy should go back to well basically the people should go back to me should open again and that has 14 and the school team 1000 deaths more than 14000 deaths now in fact had been reported a cross brazil. You know this the pulse on all right he had a meeting with several big business tycoons just the other week in the capital brasilia and then they marched across to the Supreme Court for a spoiler of the moment meeting with the president over the coals basically to pressure paid to reopen the economy and to resist look down measures excess drug so again like i say its the folks at all rove has consistently soules from the beginning to downplay the pandemic and say that it only affects old people and thats basically the quote in the is just as in pool since you know many of these critics basically say that without people the economy is not going to work with this huge looming recession across the globe its going to let you know america specifically very hard whats the point in opening. The shop was the point in opening restaurants and i and opening up the economy nobodys going to consume its expected in brazil that is going to be at least a 5 percent contraction of g. D. P. And possibly 20 percent unemployment by the end of the year so you know most critics would say thats not really the ideal conditions for people to go back to consuming and you know consumption is the most of the brazilian economy so brazil we facing. A triple crisis here a crisis all the pandemic kids bruce who recession and a crisis of leadership here quite frankly to thank you for the. Insight power. Thank you. This lady kicks off again this weekend the 1st major European Football League to resume play since covered 19 restrictions cause a suspension of the season in mid march but matches will be played in front of empty stands one of the weekends games is between 2 of the fiercest rivals in german football dortmund and shelter. Asked fans how they felt about being kept out of the stadium. This time everything is different the dormant stadium and the empty cell section no faith in the emotions the prestigious darby between has turned into a ghost game not a phone or did you feel i want i know hundreds of people there in the south section and you miss them you look forward to the game for weeks and you go there meet him and her and drink a beer. And now nothing without fans is like having sex on your own. In his life time brutal records has only missed 4 home games of his beloved dog he experienced his 1st dog minshull kadar b. 51 years ago so missy now now especially hurts. One comes on from here number one you just cant change it im sad and i dont know what ill do on saturday if the weather is good ill probably go for a walk this season is over for mange with domains of tone and show everything is also different the shelter fan club distiller has only a few guests and to prevent fans from cheering too closely to one another at a shelter a goal the pubs owner might not show the darby on t. V. But there is still a bit of anticipation. Tsunami obvious always highly emotional i dont sleep leading up to it and then what happens on saturday at 330 i dont know so well freak out anyway but we have to keep our distance its very important thoughts and speech to. The fans are looking forward to the 1st ghost darby in football history with mixed feelings but they all agree on one thing a darby without fans has no real value. What is going to be a big weekend whichever way that goes from they dont use for what you say welcome thank you how would a football boss is that able to persuade authorities to allow the league to restart when so many other sports have been stopped while there had a very methodical approach in since day one when the pause you know happened they were working closely with doctors as well as politicians and then they when they presented their plan to the state the authorities gave in the green light you know but i must add that you know fans were told should the been is that there was a lot of fans are against it but the authorities gave it the green light and now the entire world is watching i believe the bundesliga will be the benchmark but we cant deny theres a sense of trepidation out there because one team better braman just reported that not a player but a Family Member tested positive for cocaine 1000 this player is quarantined for 14 days so this player will miss out on the upcoming match but you know in terms of the church the. Other leagues around europe theyre all going to be watching to make sure and see you know if this blueprint will prove successful and not only in europe but also across the pond in the in the United States as well a lot of sports leagues the major leagues baseball that and others are all watching the but as they go estimations are billions will be tuned in because its the biggest show in in town right now ok well obviously complying with quarantine policy is its going to be difficult and this is already proving difficult for hausberg coach Wright Heiko Hale if she hadnt made his debut yet and part of the arrest. This agreement is that teams will be quarantined about a week before they play well this particular coach decided to leave his hotel to buy toothpaste in skin cream now you know i think when you look at the time this happened this was after a player had already acted up you know and disobeyed you know the social distancing rules for a club in berlin now you fast forward you see this coach doing it he admitted it really wasnt the best movie shot himself in the foot he really wasnt being the role model not only for his players but also you know for the league itself so he accepts all responsibility and he will not be present not the way you want to start off a campaign a coach so these much is that going to be played behind closed doors but when the lockdown stops are there were there were there were 5 pounds who gathered still outside some stadium seating is going to happen again yeah i think one fixture if particular there will be some warning xeno and potential gatherings this is dormant and shaka you know this was a match that we saw you know featured in the report typically this draws 80000 spectators you know and the police union in that particular state theyre opposed to having matches behind closed doors for the particular reason because its such an emotional game and fans cannot stay away we have some sound from the active the acting chief of the police union lets take a listen. We as the police are strongly against the plain of these ghost games from our point of view there is a large potential for trouble and we assume not all fans will stay at home and we assume that there will be places where there is a possibility that there will be violence and then my colleagues will have to intervene there is a Significant Health risk in these corona times and these are situations that we dont want anyone. So in this state in particular i think you can expect a Police Presence at least to deter you know fans from gathering ok and there were reports of some players expressing their reservations about such an early return has not changed yet you know initially the comments were you know there are more important things in football you had some players expressing concern because their Family Members have preexisting Health Conditions and that would expose and obviously to a greater danger if they were to acquire you know the virus you know but i think the players have backpedaled a bit and i think they just all fall in Company Alive you know right now i believe the coaches got those warnings and they counseled their players and gave players an opportunity to not play without any consequences but the players you know for all accounts that ive gathered so far are will suit up and play because its important to think about this whole role model idea that they do obey all the rules and then get on with their skin just a quick word about the sort of game to expect that its a come talk sport in a world where we dont do contact so what are we expecting you know i think that thats the 1000000. 00 question phil i think the intensity will not be at the level we are accustomed to seeing because the players have not had the opportunity to fully train and then you know they have a new policy where they have 5 substitutes now to give the players a little more time to rest obviously but this might not even you know prove affective and then one thing i did find out that theres some teams are really working closely with their sports psychologists because they have to figure out how to really perform and play at a high level with no fans because its such an electric environment the players feed off you know the intensity of the fans and all of these things that wont be there so well have to wait and see i mean im a popcorn ready im really disappointing you know what ok out of action plan you and the rest of the world for the. Fact here ok. That was a day as ever become a station continues online youll find us on twitter ive. Got to use i had a verdict against. Its name spells adventure. The granddaddy of all utility vehicles. From a symbol of liberation. To be bold symmetry call her fans. G. M it simply unstoppable. Read. Ok i want to race. You know water is never far away. Water and will and what the people of all the book made of it thats going to be the coming beam for my tour of the city today and its always have a lot on my list no tour would be complete without a trip to oak spokes treeless marionette theater chain again. In 60 minutes all that w. We know. Well that this is a scary time for us the coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives so please take care of yourself keep your distance and wash your hands if you can stay at how we do w. Me here for you we are working tirelessly to keep you informed on all of our platforms and were all in this together and to give up and will make it through to. Stay safe everyone in the Stacey Stacey newman stay safe israel is facing. Up. To. 4 decades one would a brand name was synonymous with off road vehicles of any and all kinds she

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