Organ and that it not only access a protective barrier there that says a lot about our well being how to care for our skin and whats good for the skin and whats not this is what im going to talk about today with the pain of humility. When youre speaking off skin care less is more. Of course we all want to look good and make up can help many women dont leave the house without any makeup on but this can be stressful for was good and sometimes our skin reacts with information. Complection. Luscious classy lips. Some people will go to Great Lengths for their appearance. But overdoing it can have serious consequences 56 year old mollys ohio is wary about using cosmetics on her face now she used to wear so much makeup that it gave her severe skin problems theyre still slowly improving. As our month ends in the morning id have these dark red itchy blisters and they were painful for a long time i didnt know whether it was contagious or not i didnt know what it was not really for the most given to staff and if you wear make up every day and then suddenly youre not allowed to and it makes you feel like youre naked. And. Monies are is not an isolated case dermatologist county about hurley has seen lots of patients with the same problem its known as parry oral dermatitis or stewardess disease because it often affects women who wear a lot of makeup and appear of alabama to singe per year old emma titus as a result of using lots of different products the skin gets overtreated and reacts with small pus jewels and inflammation thats where the redness comes from. The other derma swirls because of the constant supply of moisture from cosmetics it creates the perfect environment for microorganisms to thrive they cause inflammation and the skin can no longer regenerate but its not only using too much that causes the problem some of the ingredients can also be harmful. Thus the amount is the problem then you have lots of different substances mixed together and youre also getting too much of something that might be bad for you stuff thats when the problem arises. Because medics and history uses more than 10000. Different substances many of them havent been extensively researched lots of products contain what are known as paragons which cosmetic companies are allowed to use as a preservative even though they can interfere with the hormone system. Then there are other alarming substances that arent added to the product but that form through chemical reactions during storage. So what should the consumer do. Natural cosmetics can be a Good Alternative they dont contain paragons but they do sometimes contain fragrances that can cause an allergic reaction. And. No cosmetic product is guaranteed to be harmless people who like to wear makeup and want to keep their skin healthy should always read the ingredients list or they can follow mollies as an example. I think fundamentally fluffy im more careful now i dont put it on every day as a matter of course just for special occasions but not every day. Even with makeup less is more. Im he was to take a half hour she said of the toilet just and shes an expert for healthy skin and looking for healthy skin but for Beautiful Skin as well so its just Something Like overprotecting skin all over caring to use too much creams interest this is correct many patients that i see every day have problems due to too much of skin care the skin is able to protect itself that means it creates its own lip its like a body lotion created by the superficial layer of the skin the epidermis and we have an acidic protective mantle p h 5 and this prevents viruses or. Problematic bacteria or fungus to threads and make as little effort sure we have the microbiome up which means that you have a population of lovely bacteria these are the dormant bacteria and they keep everything outside which we dont want to have in our skin and in our immune system in trains our immune systems on this way we stay healthy and if we use too much of product preserving colorants a massive part fumes we destroy this sensitive balance of the skin so im doing everything right its just using water thats perfect our skin believes it lives in the stone age so you are the perfect cavemen using too much of soap and alcohol and all kinds of substances youre just have the purer treatment and thats the perfect way to do it ok and were going to view a question from calories from mexico and she asks you would like to know hoffman should try to face into body with most to his increasing 1st of all she should stop using sauce and into. She should just use water to wash her face and the body and after 4 weeks she will get used to it and she will be back into into the Natural Balance producing her own limits and then she. See whether she at all needs a cream or body lotion and she should only treat these areas which are still dry after 4 weeks but if i would talk to the industry which producers of the Skin Care Products they would have a totally different to have an opinion on this i would say well you can buy use with using our products well for sure they want to earn money and they want to promise you will never die if you want to buy this product which helps you to stay on forever but in reality your skin barriers very strong you have horns so they are which keeps out all of these products can i get all those anti aging substances into my skin with. Them to smooth skin through nutrition indeed the secret is the whole lifestyle a part of this is what you eat so stay with Natural Foods and if you are healthy insight into the part you snipped well you tell thing you dont smoke you dont go to this time without protection you avoid sundance avoid alcohol would become answer all this age accelerators you avoid so you will in the end have a healthier and younger skin and this is much more effective than using an antiaging cream why dont you take a look at my skin and say what you can see yes i would love to. Ok well Beautiful Skin healthy skin. Here i see a sunspot but not too many so you to be here during your life and also the way you course are distributed. Wrinkles age i think quite true so im happy yes because i dont smoke yeah and im a vegetarian so this is good for my skin so stay on this the cosmetic industry wants to sell us creams and lotions for the scheme and not only for the game even for scalp and many people have problems with this too. Around the scalp can cause a lot of different problems can be flaky itchy sticky to dry too greasy or even infected with fungus. This patient has come along for a check up because her scalp is it the dermatologist decides to take a close up look. And see to see and you can see that theres inflammation here the scalp is about red and i can see some dandruff. She has a dry scalp which is prone to flaking and this is why. This is a big just glands produce too little fat and nutrients skin cells form which then die and flake off the dandruff tends to be small and white and it often has. Escaped find a cure and heinie cracks in the skin and this causes inflammation which feels. Its a vicious circle the more you scratch the more you damage the skin so the more it itches and the more you scratch. And. Wearing a hat can make the vicious circle even more vicious. Vicious whether you can make the situation worse because the sweat itself in cause it change. Whats of people do actually react to their own sweat. Then if you have dry skin with these micro injuries the sweat can make you rich when it comes in contact with them. But an oily scalp can often cause problems as well. Here the glans produce excessive fat and nutrients which creates bigger often yellow flakes that stick to the scalp. Different causes need to be treated in different ways. So which who is the right one we ask here dresser dont you know of a cello and beautician judea shambat apparently using an anti dandruff shampoo on dry skin can do more harm than good as it really is i wouldnt advise someone with a dry skull just to use anti dandruff shampoo because it could irritate the skin even more. Many anti dandruff shampoos are far too aggressive anyone with a dry scalp should read the ingredients list on Care Products extra carefully. When they are divisions and we should use a really mild champ who with no fragrances or preservatives and make sure there are lipitor in it to keep the skin moisturized right that is up. Here are there 3 tips for washing and blow drying only used lukewarm water rinse the hair thoroughly to get rid of all the product and blow dry on the medium setting with an attachment like this if possible. Another potential problem with an oily scalp is fungus oily deposits provide food for various types of yeast that convert it into harmful fatty acids. Anti dandruff shampoos can help here. Fresh lemon juice can also be applied to an oily scalp for 10 minutes to regulate the ph value. Black tea and tea tree oil work in a similar way clean betting can also help. Its a good idea to wash your pillow at regular intervals at 60 degrees celsius and without the cover the hope and of me around can help prevent a build up of funding bacteria and other germs 30 for you not to. Top tips for a healthy scalp to keep inching and various kinds of dandruff at bay. When i go to shop and buy some shampoo. I really have problems to read of the fine print here and those are the ingredients and i can just use it ok does it not ok whats in here well 1st of all they are written in really small that are so here it magnifying glass for the very young to be able to see it that you wouldnt understand the work because its all chemical words its vocabulary that we dont have present even as doctors so you need to be a specialist and cosmetic industry to understand what is written there which is a problem because you cant decide whether its a good product or if there are some dangerous substances and this is necessary so it would be useful and helpful for example to use an app and there isnt exactly there are several apps and you may use your mobile phone just scan the barcode oh yeah ok and here you go so this product is recommended but i see there are some parfum substances ok and we just arent ologist we dont like perfume fragments but all the other languages since its not even a euro mustnt let your players scan it. Good well no not so good looks would be easy if they had there is a warning and they say that there are some substances inside washing substances 10 sites that are very aggressive and weaken your skin area so you can have my allergies again irritations itching dryness and i dont like this being a dermatologist and also try oh intensive your reverence not good for the skin whats the connection between a healthy scalp and healthy the course on your scar produce tello and this tell all spreads all over the scar skin like an ammonia and takes care that its healthy and strong and this oil field also spreads over the air and makes it shiny because its comparable to a cold where you have these dry scales in a dry status and if you have this oil its like you know puts them together and so you have a nice skin on your hair too you know in the home school them to use for shiny healthy here when i had a friend to a ball was putting beer and packs into were good and again because you avoid chemicals like parfum emulsifiers preserve and i recommend. Vinegar water you take one bitter of water and one soup spoon of pork vinegar you blend it and you use it like a conditioner so it comes down irritated skin on your scalp it removes too much of fungus that many people have suffering from sobriety dermatitis it gives you a strong ph value it improves the smell of your hair and also again it helps to make your hair shaft shiny because the scales of the cone are put together and it looks. And its completely natural and it sounds not expensive i mean its just beneath the water exactly and if you have something left over and use it in your full of your body falls to make them strong and prevent fungus or infections theyre great tip thanks so much and if youve got any questions you like me to ask our expert. On an upcoming show well be watching out for. These tiny on the most can transmit serious infections such as lyme disease whats the best way to protect yourself if you have a question about this send it to in good shape or d. W. Dot com please write chicks in the subject line we look forward to hearing from you many people wash their hands with soap i mean literally with a bar of soap and i always ask myself whos going to clean the soap and the soap gets dirty so i myself prefer liquid soap but is it always better. You see liquid soap everywhere these days. This on the other hand you hardly see it all. Yet so it does have real advantages lets take a closer look. Is liquid so its popularity down to the fact that it washes better 1st we need to explain why dirt is removed more easily with soap than without it the reason behind it is a fact compounds that reduce the surface tension of water its this action that causes dirt particles to separate from the skin but this one so do it any better than the other. Its the same as asking whether warm water is better than cold how effectively it cleans is mainly due to the mechanics of how i wash my hands. And this means careful love the ring as a rule of thumb for 30 seconds only then will your hands clean. I mean regardless of whether soap is used. Still basso does have a bit of a tarnished image hasnt encountered its messy leftovers but can so patchy transmit germs soap may loosen bacteria and viruses but it doesnt kill them germs can be passed on from our hands and live on in soaps line. In there are germs that love a more moist environment so you can assume that theyll stay there maybe for a few days or weeks but dont forget youre using this too and you always runs a little bit of it off and that of course washes away the virus and germs too. For those who still have concerns with magnetic holders such as these soap can dry out then germs dont have a chance preservatives are added to liquid soap to keep germs in check its still a good idea to thoroughly clean a liquid soap dispenser before we filling it. You know do the ingredients of the to defer industrial made bars of soap usually contain fairly unproblematic substances like the fat caustic soda Vegetable Oil and water. But its dice fragrances and other additives like moisturisers which can cause problems. Liquid soap consists mainly of water and lots of chemicals synthetically produce a fact preservatives and thickening agents as well as agents that produce the desired ph value and the most if i had to hold it all together. Dyes and fragrances are also found in liquid soaps around 500. 00 different ones are used by the cosmetics industry 26. 00 of these fragrances and then by dermatologist course skin irritation an x. Mark including some made from natural oils. Dr hans michels confers often sees patients who are allergic to soap. That i legit use a treated not only by fragrances and dye use but also by preservatives. Just how high is the risk of an allergic reaction. Generally speaking there are only a few contact allergies when it comes to the allergens dont have any time to really have an effect on the skin because the circuit self is washed off from an hour ago logical perspective bar so it makes more sense because it releases fewer substances and the short time while liquid soap is a product where all manner of things can be added. And cut it sounds like basso morgan has the edge especially when you consider it last about twice as long as liquid soap. And needs less packaging a big plus for the environment. Methane to date hydrochloride is a drug which is used to treat an attention Deficit Disorder in children its not affection cocaine the problem is that intention Deficit Disorder is very hard to diagnose so a lot of children i get infrastructure necessarily. Armando is 18 his sister alessia is 16. They live in a village near coeur in switzerland today they both look happy and well balanced but 10 years ago it was a very different picture and their mother remembers it well. They were very lively. Armando always had a hard time at school he couldnt sit still feel that shtick the teacher said he used to put his hand up and say you needed to go for a run around school was a big problem for him i went to the pediatrician for advice what are tall and. The pediatrician diagnosed both the siblings with a. D. H. D. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. To help them concentrate better he prescribed ritalin a drug with the active ingredient methylphenidate which they would have to take every day from then on. The number of ritalin prescriptions to treat a. D. H. He has risen sharply around the world in recent years. Its a trend that we should be concerned about says psychotherapist and. Its not that easy to diagnose a. D. H. So there are a lot of missed. If you think about 40 to 50 percent of cases are misdiagnosed that patients are prescribed ritalin and there are a lot of side effects feel a need. For example related to growth or appetite armando didnt have any serious side effects at 1st but the drug didnt start to adversely affect him when he hit puberty. Im serious miller is working to reduce the number of people who are falsely prescribed ritalin. At the end of the 1990 s. He started researching a new diagnostic procedure for a d h d using in e. G. Test to measure brain waves. We measure the patients brain activity while theyre solving tasks so we can see to the middle east 2nd whats happening in the different regions of the brain in this case. To gather more Accurate Information he carried out a study between 20132017 that examine the brain waves of 580 h. T. Patients and compared them with those of healthy people. And the huge quantity of data has enabled us to detect 88. Deep biomarkers for children and adults. Weve also discovered subtypes. And we know know that certain subtypes respond better to read aloud and son to other drugs patients. Ritalin only works for about 60 percent of a. D. H. The patients. Tests showed that armando belongs to a subtype that ritalin isnt suitable for instead of feeling fidgety like he did in Elementary School he started feeling listless he got lost in his own world and was unable to structure his day to day life. Child psychiatrist better get cough has prescribed him another drug that works for his a. D. H. The subtype. Sometimes psychotherapy isnt enough and the patient needs medication and now because of the data we have on brain physiology we know which drug is the right one and we can justify giving medication to children and other lessons as we know that the psychological strain would constantly increase without it. Armando cant do without drugs but at least hes now taking something that really helps me to nonmedical and been if i can use it so im really happy with a new medication that i can concentrate better and i can complete tasks better and im more patient when someone asks me something. Topical made a good dog. In the past he wouldnt have been able to play this kind of concentration game. Now he even does it for fun. Thats it for today see when its rick and until then lets all try to stay in good shape. How do you want to. Discover the bauhaus code what happens when design becomes the universal term for what we called life the visionaries of modernism developed a formula for time was design. 100 years of my house our documentary our house world cards one of the code. 15 minutes long t. W. Im going crazy thing in all the time. How to handle our new allies in times of the corona and then d w reporter keep your job or is it just like everyone else and shes looking for answers and thankfully with the help of too many expat. Thank you this is not life as we know it up. In this together our new web series. Hey listen up. Thats what a video game music sounded like 30 years ago. Todays tracks take the experience to another level a sense to him talk composer nobuo uematsu. Featured in many well known his music is bound to give you clues dumps sounds good. Video game music on d w. What do they dream of at night. As cleaners they see the face of horror. Their job since room for the social media industry. In the duma there are thousands of socalled content monitors. Before today they scrub terrifying images from a long line platforms. Horrific job for starvation wage. The strain is enormous. And could. I need to stop for something while hopping. The cleaners social media shadow industry starts tonight on d w. This is deja vu news live from berlin across europe nations grappling with how best to ease their coronavirus misfortunes in france for example commuters are one train station in the capital receiving mass as they head to work for the 1st time in about 8 weeks. The businesses are reopening but many restrictions for made in place

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