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Of thousands of people have lost their jobs and there are no signs of things getting back to normal. The situation is a particularly grim for spain one in 10 people is employed in the countrys Tourism Industry victor offit and one of them he runs a hospital in rural than a lawn in Northern Spain and usually he welcomes a lot of hikers at this time of the year but right now everything has come to a standstill the Global Pandemic has destroyed hopes and dreams and has forests and many to face an uncertain future. Its really described in a story on spains Atlantic Coast tuesday in size not even in the waves and usually bustling with thousands of pilgrims making their way to santiago. Its a tough life a victim who moved from valencia 2 years ago ferrando an electrician wanted to make a dream of his country and so he bought this house and turned it into a hole still for pilgrims following the waves and james now its a marine. And i think i would use email but this will really set me back im losing a lot of income that ive already budgeted for. After all my cost still stay the same. I still have to pay for electricity water and insurance even if my door stay closed. 36 year old fernando knows hes not the only one with these problems its not just the pilgrims it is staying home to islam in general its grinding to a halt. As a bit weve already missed one of the most important months of the year and this summer will be the same. Tourism is so important for spain but this year tourism is dead to. Spain cities should be bustling with life this time of year now they look more like ghost towns normally tourists from all over europe would be celebrating this spring holiday on spain sunny beaches and spanish cuisine and sangria and spring isnt even the peak season. One who is fun and as far as the worst is yet to come if tourists from germany britain and france stay away this year they might not be any Summer Holiday business at all. National can also work wonderfully not only do we not know when we can reopen our restaurants again we also dont know how we would do so do we need to reduce the amount of tables to ensure enough distance between guests weve hardly got any room to begin with. This is going to cost us more jobs than your body was going to put it off for but if it is. To reason is because rising focus for spains economy this is what it looked like a year ago more than 18000000 jews this close to one in 10 jobs a part of the Hospitality Industry after years of record breaking numbers of tourists florentino felger also economist at the university of all now believes spain is facing a serious crisis. If it does this by next year but the virus hit spain especially hard with what about stomach the countrys image so tourists might be wary of coming to visit the muslim friends base private workers but we can only hope to get it under control. Soon so that people will want to come visit spain again in the long as my. Best to reason has gone back significantly juta the compound pandemic even the way of some chains which in past years was like a pew guzman therof it is empty today. On of the theatre for me so ca should have friends of the camino to santiago sees an opportunity in the crisis he wants to renew the way of some jams and turn it into a route for sustainable tourism. Is the moment we can use this opportunity now about what kind of way of st james we want. You know we want to maintain the original pilgrimage route or let it become what some are taken to calling any museum harsh. Or get them out. For now most innkeepers are simply struggling to survive a stellar interview to fernando relies on the pilgrims that come from over the world he actually wanted to expand his business and i just bought a 2nd house he was planning to turn into a hostile. I wanted to use by savings to renovate. It instead of im using it just to make ends meet. I recently took out a loan. Now only to pay it back. You know they can forget about renovation works any time soon whatever the course says but ive looked after. And so has had to put his dreams but. Hes even considering moving back to pregnancy or to resume with a psychiatrist he doesnt see much teaching in tombs. While all the people in spain are hoping for a visit from abroad romanians are trying to keep them at bay some fear that their fellow citizens with seasonal jobs in other e. U. Countries could import the new coronavirus some politicians are taking strict measures to prevent people from gathering in public spaces all in efforts to contain the spread of the virus but this move is making life for villagers and farmers like all gulf war cash very heart like many others the romanian village of arcata has been on lockdown since mid march its residents are only allowed out of their houses with official permission small farmer oh go for akash has received official permission but she still cant sell her produce. Have the family was it that it was money or some harvest each even spring i would make good money from that thought this year infesting i mustnt all these heads of cabbage and was so lovely with the whole thing will. All go for cost usually sells for cabbage in the little town of me or korea neeraj really where many residents belong to remain as hungry and minority but the Farmers Market has been shuttered since mid march for fear of the coronavirus in spite of remaining government pleas to keep the markets open they wanted to ensure the availability of affordable produce as well as an income for Small Farmers but mair shandor tot have the market closed down anyway. With Migrant Workers returning from western europe unable to find work in the crisis mehr top was worried they could bring back the virus and spread it. Will be a little every wednesday people from our region got through this Farmers Markets because this fire spreads easily through crowds so we closed it immediately without any specific directive from the government that they should look the result will be also to be just like you but no if we hadnt im sure the people returning from abroad would have thrown around their money and partied with their friends there we wanted to shut them down which is just a stomach look at only. About one 5th of the 1000. 00 knowing romanians including many roma work in other e. U. Countries so far about 1000000. 00 of them have returned home with no work subjecting an already weak economy to additional strain. Several 100 Migrant Workers have returned to me a korea neeraj of the 2. The mayor wants to show that hes taking action and demonstrate that hes got everything under control. Youre headed there to be able to we already ordered a ventilator in the 16th of march so dots in an emergency nobody would have to go to the city they could receive treatment right here in town. And we bought a disinfection gate which the nursing home and Health Care Employees of the local hospital have to pass through the book. The coronavirus has completely derailed before cautious life shes only allowed to sell or produce in a complex of tenement blocks but business is slow to say the least i met him and have them better here than cattle and people hard a lot out of their houses and im just wasting my time here and its tough for everyone at the moment an e a few people in the surrounding apartment block spy things anyone living further away doesnt even know im here them to get what you like and diprivan is with this little square plot to sum up products but the real market is closed. Only thing you can use a larger quantities and that time they have a machine and i dont know what to do so. Well here weve got no money will starve even so we need to keep working at work where most of the factories are closed on the fields there the wind blows the virus away. So far the region has lost 40 inhabitants to the coronavirus but the hospital in me a career in iraq surely has not seen one khurana patient so far dr cardio shanteau supports the mayors measures. Be i thought. He made the right decision. And mass gathering like the weekly market would have spread the virus very quickly. This way the possibility of infection has been minimized. I think people have understood and accepted that you can get over it with me. After weathering 2 months of the run a lockdown measures in our hometown all those reaching the end of her rope todays earnings are barely enough for a few bottles of water and shes not alone most people in the region are farmers they all face the same problems now. Up until now all grown her family were able to get by with their vegetables and chickens. The family has no other source of income. Hope she might be able to sell her freshly planted a plants at the market the summer done with ash the recession and demand completely gone from reacted why will markets not to open everywhere else but not here and there to i need to be able to send my fish to. Groceries are essential people need to eat when all the only ones who people are turning home for me want to get rid of them. Compared to other european states romania has reported quite a few corona related deaths but many here are struggling with the economic backlash of the pandemic 75 years ago the 2nd world war came to an end and this marked the end of years of tara and persecution for millions of jews some were only able to escape death at a concentration camp because none jewish neighbors or friends sheltered them how to live even survived the holocaust by hiding at the home of one family in berlin after the war she turned her back on germany and moved to paris but to this day her family and that of her rescuers remain friends. I honeybee was full of life a practicing jew she was a trooper then or heart. She passed away in 2019 aged 95 it was close to a miracle the honey survived the nazi period as a young girl she had underground in the german capital berlin she was supported by a network of non jewish friends today her son rene recalls her tales after surviving the war she raised him in paris. But one day the gestapo knocked at her door itself my mother didnt open through us she ran for her life. You know she went through the neighbors flats and even bumped into one of the gestapo men sent to arrest her as she fled downstairs. Outside some non jewish friends came to her aid this is north of the 5. d years later honey levy published an autobiography honoring the Unsung Heroes who protected her. In one chapter she recounts the day she fled her home. Just 1000 years old with nothing but the clothes on her back. In my now no desperate i turned to one of my new acquaintances called. I had met her at a small cinema where she worked and had visited her several times before. Of course mrs called there was shocked when i told her about my situation she told her husband and was quick to promise she would protect me i felt sure she would never turn me in. Harm you spent the next 18 months of her life hiding here in this courtyard and burning and showing her back. She had a fake id and dyed her hair blond to appear airy and. The cultures were honey levys main lifeline but they werent the only ones to help. Them they have been in several other families also took her in. Some found hiding places for her others brought her groceries and leave them. A memorial plaque outside the culture home and burn the notion of birth now honors the couple for their deeds and he was happy to return the berlin when it was unveiled several years ago. Im struggling to find the right words. Above all i want to thank this incredible household community. There werent many of these silent helpers among the mass of nazi followers but they proved that resistance was in fact possible. More than 6000 jews hit underground in berlin. Only one in 4 survived. Berlins German Resistance Memorial Center has dedicated an entire exhibition floor to those who were prosecuted and those who helped them. It shines a light on ordinary people not the well known resistance fighters individuals who risked their lives to save their friends and neighbors historians have documented hundreds of stories like that of honey levy. And the most Important Message for me. Which we can give to young people in future is to show that people have a troy is that they can decide on which side they want to act and they have this joy is also under dictatorship. They headed. Nazi rule but a truth they had tricky side what they want to adore and what they want to be. People have a choice after the war even moved to paris her son rene tells us that although the nazis murdered several of his family members he feels no hatred towards germans that he says is the next to his mother she in the culture family remained close through the years. My math course you are supposed cause when i was just 6 months old my mother took me to perlin to introduce me to the concerts pool my plays on. The way through this concert was like a mother to her needs and met them kids over the course she even called her booty or movie and a play that you know. My mom moody call and if anyone knew someone they got my me to 1975 all the cults or family members who were still alive who came to a wedding some of the new and the money or. Nay says the actions of the cults or family made clear that amid the unspeakable nazi horror and bloodshed at the time some in germany managed to keep their compassion and humanity. Many of us have collective stuff in our base mans and our addicts that we know we will no longer use it but dont want to throw away just yet a company in sweden had a great idea of how to give such items a 2nd life they opened of the worlds 1st recycling Shopping Center and a vast not all across wheaton people can visit special auctions to buy or sell stuff these auctions have a long tradition and a short to make a comeback after the corona crisis is over. In the Community Hall at the village of tuna northeast of groups one of swedens most cherished traditions comes to like old news knick knacks are sold at an Auction Block of you know like in sweden nobody likes wasting anything that is still in perfectly good shape. Move it to the beautiful auctioneer Christiane Berger has plenty of odd wares on offer and all of them are useful somehow he sees to that himself. Whenever a household is dissolved christiane buys up the items that would otherwise have gone into the trash and fixes them up to sell you feel here you can buy things fairly cheaply theyre good things that last bit off the living room suite back there for instance from it cost about 80. 00 euros and. That with the people in the swedes objects with a story to tell our treasures theres hardly anything that someone else would like to give a new home. What anybody would want with an opiate delight surveyors instrument only the buyer knows its as much in demand as a box full of toys. Is one of the betters today is her lucky day it sold a box full of old dolls for about 20 or. 40. If you think. I simply had to have it so i just kept on bidding. The auction is a fun way to hunt for useful trinkets for small prices have a little bit can go a long way the guiding principle reduce reuse recycle more and more people in sweden are coming round to the bitters way of thinking sustainability is becoming a way of life and a smashing new business model. A few years ago one of the worlds 1st recycling malls opened in as close to now 2 floors jam packed with furniture clothes books and most anything else imaginable. And its all 2nd hand donated by its previous owner. John. Is in charge of electronics. Everyone who comes here they have no objective they come here to save the environment and help others to make some money that the rich want to hand out through the retail it wont work with all this would all be just on the old like responsibility. These old t. V. Sets computers and telephones are headed not for the junky but the repair shop and they come out almost as good as new its a win win operation with the environment as the biggest winner. The recycling Department Store pays off financially as well all the participating retailers together say they had over 1000000 euros in revenues in 2019. And customer figures are on the rise too. Theres something for almost everyone. Both from. For the sound i love to. Look at this is an old record player a big. Whiskey. And after the shops closing the recycling Department Store in the events and courses begin. Workshops teach how to refurbish old things and make paper are objects from old books or jewelry from bottle caps. Were definitely a part in challenging the. Concept of what is. Also challenging the concept of that even if we do our part even if were apart in a consumer culture or. What we consume also makes a huge difference and what impact it has on the environment. In the meantime the auction in tuna is winding down. Thats one of the final locks on the block. And old tea service like this is almost certain to find a buyer. While the buyers rush home with their treasures the auctioneer tallies up the sales of the day. The auction today turned a handsome profit of going to sweden wed like secondhand things to say to us theres something very special. Of all European Countries im sure here is where this movement a strong just. But maybe the swedes love for 2nd hand the spread to the rest of europe as well after all just because something is old doesnt mean its not still handy and sustainable shopping is becoming an ever stronger imperative not just in the far north. The covidien 1000 outbreak has forced many people into isolation while some are fighting boredom at home others like catherine. Deneuve are discovering their creative side she and thousands of other russians have taken to facebook to show off their self created versions of popular works of art and to create them some of the artists use the toilet paper food and even pets. Fly into a march to gulp painting from your bed. Or sink into the tragedy of malays ophelia with ink radiance from your kitchen. From edvard to michelangelo social media users are giving our classics the quarantine make over the russian facebook group. Or arent isolation started as a challenge between friends in moscow just a few weeks later it has nearly half a 1000000 members from all over the world. Where no one expected such a huge reaction thats for sure the group grew so quickly right away people are really taking time for this going through our books looking at the websites of International Museums to find the right pictures for themselves and their families. The rules of the group are simple use a classic like this Leonardo Da Vinci painting take the photo at home and use props that you happen to have lying around in quarantine. Is off limits. And i decided to take part in the art isolation project because im sick of my cat and shes sick of me. Which we did i took part in this project because it is uniquely wildly joyful and it gives everyone positive emotions it gives you a break from the difficult situation where i. Really suggest users say many of the recreate sions are a spontaneous thing but some people have been so in costumes and getting the whole family involved including their paths. Now there are around 2000 new posts every day according to the page administrators each one is a glimpse into how self isolation can sometimes open up new doors or drawer to creativity. Love the creativity and that brings us to the end of the days show remember you can always get in touch with us now by writing us an email thanks for watching about. The. Move. Into the conflict zone with Tim Sebastian its not as if songs use honeymooning for a long time about a post i make but the politicians didnt seem to take much notice of their lack of preparation is now becoming my guest this week from brussels or the European Commission oklahoma for those young handsome boys you. Get it so wrong conflict zone. In 30 min. It spondee w. What secrets lie behind these walls. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. T. W. World heritage 360 getting apps now. Its a deadly sin. And the whim of nature. It motivates us. And threatens to ruin us. Greed. And sexual desire. That drives our bench puts it in danger its been one big knock ive come to oppose comes out of them all because i see the harm is done to the world was out of a chunk of a football. Why are we greedy. Go in search of answers documentary show. Greed starts may 21st. You. Frank food. International gateway to the best connection self road and rail. Located in the heart of europe you are connected to the whole world. Experience outstanding shopping and dining offers triallists services. Bialik asked. Managed by from. This is news live from berlin germany. Gets back to business within limits fish rules clear the way for restaurants shops of all sizes and schools to reopen bus chances. That a spike in new corona virus infections could lead to lockdown. Also coming up a gas leak at a Chemical Plant on indias east coast kills at least 8 people struggling to breathe collapsed in the streets and hundreds have been hospital. Plus

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