Coronavirus looms the situation is looking bleak for many. Im sumi so misconducts good to have you with us its been called the cautious 1st step germany has started to ease its lockdown restrictions some shops are being allowed to reopen although the rules vary from state to state now it comes after Public Health experts said the virus was under control the latest figures from the robert costa institute for Infectious Diseases show that germanys confirmed the coronavirus cases have risen by 1775 to nearly 142000 its the 2nd consecutive day that the number of new infections has fallen the reported death toll is now 4642. And correspondent nina has the latest for us hi nina good to see you so as we said germanys now allowing a few businesses to reopen starting today what is the rationale behind that. Shops that are no bigger than 800 square meters can reopen today as can Car Dealerships and bike shops and bookshops regardless of the size whats important is that they have hygiene and social distancing measures in place that. By the German Government as far as the rationale is concerned of course germany is europes economic powerhouse so the government here has come under a lot of pressure to ease at least some of the restrictions and they said last week that the virus is now manageable and that its now safe to ease some of the restrictions and so of course some of the restrictions are taking a big toll on for example the Hospitality Industry as we show in this report that comes from what is normally a popular tourist destination. But images beaches are usually only this empty in winter but this spring the coronavirus lockdown has prevented germans from other states from vacationing here on the baltic coast cafe owners francisco and mathias charts show are longing to reopen damned its as if we had nothing but we dont know when to stop us we can only earn money when we open. Its the same story across the country the pandemic has crippled the Hospitality Industry a 3rd of businesses face bankruptcy according to the hotels and Restaurants Association its calling for Government Support thats a good tip its here to me that would include reducing sales tax for restaurants and providing direct financial help to hotel and its with turn of it down by 10000000000. 00 euros with the worst off sector and unlike other sectors theres no chance of catching up on that night not horrific to the various state premier marker asserter is pushing for the reduction of the sales tax and the German Economy Ministry Says it will consider the idea the finance ministry is considering help for the restaurant sector on the baltic sea theyre keeping their fingers crossed 300 beach chairs are waiting for tourists. On called the beach chairs protected zone like a little cornered center you sit in the chair and you have absolutely no contact with your neighbors its screened off for now all the baltic businesses can do is wait theres still no word on when the beach bars cafes here in germany about easing restrictions but chats americal has been criticizing that debate and what did you have to say. According to report this was a telephone conference that of course happened behind closed doors but according to reports she told leading members of her own party this morning that she was very unhappy about what she reportedly called opening discussion orgies in some federal states and of course its a very mixed picture when you look at how the federal states have been dealing with those measures some are stepping them up others are talking about letting visitors back into zoos its a trend im going machall apparently according to this report warned that not enough people will it here to social distancing rules if the focus in the debate shifts and shes extremely concerned that that could ultimately reverse the progress that has been made in terms of how the virus is spreading she will give a press conference later this afternoon will probably reiterate those words of caution. At this point on the whole how do germans feel about how their government has handled this pandemic the government is currently extremely popular as is chancellor Angela Merkel and Health Minister jean name just a few and they have been very transparent in their Decision Making and going medical as a scientist herself she listens to experts she can actually explain the rationale behind the Decision Making then of course there is also the fact that germany is a federal state so people get the feeling that some of the measures taken according to what is required in a certain region in Certain Community it cetera and last but not least germans are experiencing the benefits of what is largely a functioning welfare state and for example selfemployed people and Small Companies receive cash in hand very early on in this crisis our Political Correspondent reporting for us thank you so much. Now spain has the 2nd highest number of coronavirus fatalities in europe with more than 21000 deaths but there are some encouraging signs the number of new infections and deaths have been declining allowing of the country to ease restrictions last week some construction and factory workers were allowed to return to their jobs with conditions our correspondent has. Slowly but surely construction is starting again in spades these workers are renovating the stadium used by soccer club c. V. The industry has been at a standstill since the end of march now its being fired up again but i just tricked conditions. Dont go to work if you have any symptoms always use a face mask in fact your hands wash your clothes in a temperature of at least 60 degrees governmental guidelines for employees returning to work as long as do many critics say its not sufficient for the most part the measures are only recommendations and many spaniards themselves with a really be implemented in the daily routine at work. We tried to contact a number of companies in seville but made little progress off the wreckage they explained why many said they were unable to comply with the protective measures required by the government and therefore did not want anyone filming in their company. Eventually we managed to speak to a Small Business owner another 8. Days he sent us this video he said the situation was tricky employees were trying to keep their distance only 2 people were allowed in the firms cars meaning that they had to make more journeys he said the health of his work was paramount but he said there were also serious challenges. And even though we had tried to buy protective gear they never had items in stock not at pharmacies orange wholesale dealers no way its especially difficult when it comes to simple face masks and protective shields weve been waiting for months for a shipment of those. Fortunately for the cargo and hes already getting his 1st argus implementing protective measures is expensive some of the products cost 9 times as much as they did before. And now we have the virus but as an anti printer you on your own even though the authorities want us to implement all the measures we just dont have the means to do it. We asked the government for comment on the difficulties Companies Face about the Health Ministry said it wasnt responsible and the Labor Ministry fails to respond to our request businesses with direct contacts to customers remain closed in spain a decision on their future is expected in the coming days thats when its thought there would be a broader discussion on the question of protective measures. Now another country moving to ease its restrictions is india after imposing the worlds biggest a lock down covering 1300000000 people the government has now given the go ahead for states with no new cases to relax there was frictions agriculture and some industries able to meet social distancing and hygiene norms will be allowed to reopen but for much of the country the lockdown will continue for weeks to come Prime Minister not and from over he has urged indians to be patient warning that the virus does not respect race religion color caste creed language or borders. Well despite that message theres been a recent surge of attacks on Indias Muslim minority and some say critics some critics say most of these own government is part of the problem because some members of his j. P. Party have blamed muslims for the spread of the coronavirus on friday author and activists i dont doubt the roy told you the situation for muslims in india was quote approaching genocidal while today interviewed b j p spokesman alan kohler he and i asked him whether muslims in india can feel safe under an random of these government heres a clip of what he said this is the government every year and every indian. Interests. Their religion region. They cheated and thats why it is not a game or a policy or an at all not in the movies dummy as it will be stimulate. Well you can watch the full interview on our Youtube Channel thats youtube dot com slash news now to some of the other coronavirus stories making news around the world brazilian president jarboe sonora joined crowds at a public rally in brasilia on sunday and criticized coronavirus lockdown measures imposed by state governors brazil is the most infections in latin america but also narrow has downplayed the threat and is pushing to reopen the economy. In the u. S. State of washington on the west coast some 2 and a half 1000 protested against the stay at home order put in place by democratic governor jay inslee the rally in the state capital olympia defied a ban on gatherings of 50 or more people. Inventors in italy have come up with a special face mask to help deaf people and those who are hard of hearing it can warn during the pandemic that traditional masks make it difficult for those who rely on lip reading the new masks feature a transparent window so they can read lips and facial expressions. Us oil prices have seen their biggest drop in more than 2 decades during trading on asian markets they fell by as much as 20 percent now just last week the Worlds Biggest Oil producers came to an agreement on slashing oil output but that has not solved the industrys problems its exactly a decade since the Deepwater Horizon Oil spill brought catastrophe to seize off the United States now a very different challenge has washed up on u. S. Shores creating a struggle for americas oil producers. The coronavirus pandemic has brought economies around the world to a halt dramatically reducing demand for crude by monday u. S. Oil prices plunged to new lows. Having started this year more than 60. 00 a barrel americas benchmark west texas intermediate crude dropped as low as 15. 00 a barrel on monday the 20 percent fall during asia trading was the biggest since 1999 we find agreement last week between leading Oil Producing nations to cut out to put by 10000000 Barrels Per Day hasnt been enough to east concerns about a backlog of crude has locked down remains in place its mainly Storage Facilities that are filling up. For more of the story we can speak to Claudia Kemper shes an expert in Energy Economics and sustainability with the German Institute for Economic Research claudia thanks for joining us here in d. W. This pandemic as we know has really devastated the Global Economy what is the impact been on the global oil prices. Well the ore price hass collapsed not only because of the pandemic crisis we already saw on january steep cuts also because of a dispute between saudi arabia and russia and all this drives your price down. This is all driving the price down we know the supply is rising there is a huge oversupply of crude oil on the market right now what can producers do to tackle this problem i mean will Cutting Supply further actually help. While it depends on whether the opec countries are really able to cut the demand because 10000000. 00 barrels a day is a large amount if they are able to do so the oversupply will be 0 because the i assume its because of the economic crisis demand cut down 2000000. 00 barrels a day if there would be a 10000000000. 00 barrels supply cut then we would have a lot of supply oversupply anymore and the price would increase but everything is uncertain at the moment from the pure market situation we would expect a steep increase right now but because of the uncertainty we still dont know whether the price will increase again but we know there is uncertainty across the Global Economy right now claudia that being said what do you think needs to happen to stabilize oil markets right now. While the 1st thing is that the oil or the opec countries said Production Cut needs to happen because then the oversupply will be over but we will also see that because of the oil fracking industry in the us its not profitable anymore that there will be also a cut again and this all might drive the price up from the pure market situation we did sense from elation about this there would need to be an increase alfio price but because of uncertainty we will see whats happening we would expect in oil pricing please all right comfort from the German Institute for Economic Research thank you for your insights. Thank you. Now most countries except that the corona virus originated in china but how was it transmitted to people some news organizations in the u. S. Are suggesting it could have started in a research lab in the city of hahn and fox news closely watched by President Trump is 1st among them china however says the virus spread in a food market and scientists agree. Chinese Authorities Say this is the source of a new coronavirus the food markets in wu have been unable to track down the 1st person to half a virus meaning is all regions are still unclear. Some American Media outlets and even for u. S. President himself have come up with their own theories they claim the virus escaped from a laboratory in will one by mistake. What is it in dresden mistake that got out of control or was done deliberately its a big difference between those 2 in either event they should have let us go and you know we asked to go in very early and they didnt want to send i think there were embarrassed yes no evidence to support such claims but to lead cables show u. S. Officials had to raise concerns about safety issues in 2 years ago is director says his stuff take every precaution to be what your group theres no way that the virus came from was that we have strict safety regulations in place concerning our research our lab is safe. China has been accused of downplaying of ya brake and of underreporting deaths 2 days ago. And raised the official death toll in the city by 50 percent beijing though has hit the back of fear is coming out of washington. Been. Trying to focus attention on the possible source of the virus and every attentive knows that they are trying to cause confusion to distract and to shift responsibility. Thank you very much that is a clear dig at u. S. President donald trump who is being criticized at home for his handling of the crisis relations between the u. S. And china was strained before he operates now vote very even worse. Lets get a quick round up of coronavirus developments around the world now the global death toll has now exceeded 165000 according to Johns Hopkins university in the u. S. New zealand says its extending its Strict Lockdown conditions for another week china says it has had 0 deaths for the 3rd day in a row and the u. N. Refugee agency says coronavirus lockdowns are having a huge negative impact on the lives of displaced women and girls and lets talk more about that aspect now we have Gillian Triggs with us shes the assistant high commissioner for protection at the u. N. H c r gillian good to have you with us here in d w we know the women and girls are always especially vulnerable as refugees but your organization is seeing saying that this pandemic has exacerbated the situation why is that. Well we believe that theres been a very significant risk. For women and girls in refugee like situations those internally displaced 41000000 displaced in their own country. And we we believe this is to be true partly because we have a global phenomenon of of gender based violence which is going up significantly as reported by a number of states particularly france recently that reported a 30 percent increase in Sexual Violence amongst the general population the difficulty and the very special element that is important to us. Is that refugees displaced people live very often in very cramped and crowded circumstances many of them in camps and by no means all but nonetheless in very cramped circumstances where its very difficult to socially distance to wash hands and to take the precautions that one can make in other contexts so we think that women and girls are at a very high level of risk of increased violence what were seeing also in the general population does this mean that women and girls are essentially stuck because of lockdown measures in the same spaces as their abusers. Exactly and in other words were all at home where were stuck as you say and its especially difficult for for women and girls i should also point out of course that the most vulnerable people. Refugees to losing their jobs they are at the bottom of the pyramid theyre informal workers so that husbands and women are losing their jobs and so in that extremely vulnerable situation tensions in the household are increased and we see a much greater risk for women and girls in those situations also the risk and what were particularly concerned that women will go to other mechanisms sex prostitution too to in some cases forced marriages were very worried that those are going to be consequences for the refugee population and also for those internally displaced within their own countries so julie what do you suggest should be done to help women and girls who are displaced are we talking about specific shelters during those 10 demick. Well yes in other words its always been a problem in general populations to ensure that shelters are available but the situation is now considerably worse shelters are being closed down access to information it becomes limited so what you and h. C. R. Is doing is using as many of course are in the Community Using all the technology we can lay our hands on to communicate to manage case cases that come to us and there are many many thousands so that we can do it through telephones through Internet Connections through hotlines we also were very much through Community Groups in the field and one interesting example for it is the volunteer work as a giving their phones to women who can then use those phones to make the connections and get the information that they want and also to get referrals to agencies legal advice Legal Support services so message to to National Governments is please include and ensure that Protection Services for women and girls are maintained as essential services but also that they listen to the voices of women particularly in making decisions about how to deal with the current virus because of course its women again who are the carers they are the ones that any of they at home looking after children who cant go to school but they are carers for those within the community so we are asking for governments to give special. Consideration thank you Gillian Triggs from the u. N. Thank you so much for joining us and. Now at the beginning of march a number of e. U. Countries promised to take in at least 1600. 00 Migrant Children from camps on greek islands including moria and less of a threat posed by the corona virus the late implementation of that program but now germany and luxembourg have flown out the 1st group of 70 on a Company Miners frier far from enough say childrens Rights Groups thousands of other youngsters many of whom desperately need help are being left behind. For many children in the morea camp less bus this is their bathroom and their playground the camp currently houses 7000. 00 children because of coronavirus restrictions none of them are going to school desperately overcrowded moreas no largely sealed off and Many International aid workers have left their posts but i wonder whats a miracle or even alive but if the virus takes hold then a stand hes been living here for 7 months together with his wife and 2 children they share 4 square meters in a container winter was bad he says but corona has made things much worse hossein and his wife especially worried about 5 year old mom or 2 the boy who was born prematurely and suffers from epilepsy and fainting fits the. Virus comes here even healthy humans cant find it and thousands have died around the world. So how can a frail little boy like mohamad possibly survive. They dont let more much out of their sight even for a moment the lack of space the noise the dirt its a terrible combination what the boy really needs a medicine and specialist treatments and a good hospital but nothing like that exists in the camp. That was why 2 months ago the family got a special permit to leave us but then the authorities cancer the permit because of the corona crisis. We want them to process things fast so that we can get out of here a soon as possible to go somewhere we are standing at proper treatment and is looked after really in all our thoughts and our only concern is with muhammad. The International Medical Organization Doctors Without Borders runs a provisional clinic next to the camp but are unable to treat chronic illnesses like moments. Its good they say that some children are being flown out by the ad its far from being good enough but we 1st used it its a positive development finally. But something is moving and the children are being taken out but these numbers are so small that the question for me is not a question of capacity but its all an issue of political will. As the pandemic spreads relief organizations are now calling for the full evacuation of the camp but greece government took a different approach it has tightened the asylum law and later suspended the law governing the right to asylum for a month. They say the laws changed why is it changed can anybody see this child needs treatment they see that this is not a good place to keep him so they can stay. This long not considering all these things that all those on d the meter was saying he was saying he said. Fair trade coffee well. 3 german entrepreneurs. I want to show how it can all be done even better. Their coffee is produced by an african womens completive. Roasted on the spot. Transported with wind power. Surge 100 percent environmentally friendly. And guilt free proof. We know that this is a scary time for the coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives so please take care of yourself good distance wash your hands if you can stay at how we do w. For here for you we are working tirelessly to keep you informed on all over platforms we are all in this together and together in one make an effort. To save everybody. Stay safe stay safe please stay safe. Out not. Just go over your concept discover with box and a school. Teacher after 100 years as the ideals of the bombs are more relevant today than they were a. 100 years ago be sure there is reshaped things to come because people understood design is a way of shaping society. About half and does cross over her. With ideas that are part of our future example a part of our way. Our house my 3 part documentary. Storage and. Coffee is a staple for many a habit is even a ritual and its getting cheaper all the time. So european roasters are making bigger and bigger profits arning more and more money from coffee and the Small Farmers in africa who produce the coffee are getting less and less. Shipping rule coffee being

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